Depressed Fairy

Chapter 136 Have you ever asked his teacher?

The shaking slowly subsided.

The rubble fell from the mountain, making the eyes of the three gods jump.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, how could you kill the guards on the Immortal Platform?" Emperor Dongyue was surprised, and said with a look of surprise, "These guards are dead people who have obtained immortality by relying on the ghost ways. In the past, I have never heard of anyone being defeated, how did you..."

"An immortal body does not mean eternal existence. Besides, I didn't really destroy him." Chen Yuan turned around and said, "Since this man has been deceived, it makes no sense. If you don't fight him, he will not die." Just like sweeping the floor, the dust will not escape by itself as usual. As for the precedent, isn’t this Shengsendai also called a ruins now?

Emperor Dongyue vaguely understood the potential words and was silent in thought.

"What kind of Taoist magic was that just now? Why did I seem to see a majestic and continuous mountain? And the turbulent underworld energy, like ocean waves!" Emperor Nanyue whispered softly.

"Perhaps it is some kind of Netherworld magic!" Emperor Beiyue said: "The Immortal Platform stands between Yin and Yang, so that it can connect the two worlds. It looks like a mountain, but it is actually an indescribable projection of the Yin realm, from extreme cold to Yin. It is formed by condensation of the Netherworld Qi. The Yangjian monk attacks with Qi and blood, and will be instantly dispelled by the cold Netherworld Qi. Not to mention shaking the mountain, not even a rock can be easily destroyed. The mountain collapsed! Sure enough, there is no nickname for it!”

While the two were talking, they saw Chen Yuan and Emperor Dongyue walking forward and immediately followed them.

After a few steps, they all arrived in front of Shiguan.

Looking at the closed door, Emperor Dongyue said: "This pass has a nickname, it is called Guimen Pass."

"Ghost Pass? Why is it called this?" Chen Yuan glanced at the towering wall, tried to support his body with the power of the netherworld, and wanted to fly into the air, but as soon as his feet left the ground, he fell down like a huge force. It was the mountain pressing down on him, forcing him back to the ground, so he frowned slightly.

Emperor Dongyue said: "One is because this Immortal Ascension Platform is between reality and reality, life and death. The higher you go, the closer you are to the land of the netherworld. The second is that within this level, it actually communicates with hundreds of millions of ghosts. There are endless thoughts of death, and those who pass the test will be tortured by thousands of thoughts. If the Taoist heart is not firm enough and the character is not stable enough, the Taoist heart may be confused and become possessed and die! "

"The Taoist who guarded the gate just now probably had a bad character and died here." Chen Yuan said, raising his hand to open and close the door.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you can take out the pass token!" Emperor Dongyue immediately reminded: "Anyone who passes through the gate rashly without the permission of the guard will face the impact of hundreds of millions of ghost thoughts, but with the pass token, the ghost thoughts can be Included in the token, cut the impact.”

"Billions of ghost thoughts? That sounds quite interesting." Chen Yuan nodded, without taking out the token, but pushed the door open!

As soon as the door opened, he paused slightly.


Ghost thoughts are coming like a tidal wave!

Mighty and mighty, like a boundless river!

But the next moment, the inner demon in the starry sky turned into a ghost face, used the method of swallowing the whale, opened its big mouth, and directly swallowed the seemingly endless ghost thoughts into it!


In an instant, the ghost thoughts disintegrated into chaotic thoughts and pure death energy!

The distracting thoughts were suppressed by the inner demons, and the death energy filled the emptiness in Chen Yuan's body!

In the next breath, he took another step and calmly passed through the gate of hell!


Emperor Nanyue's face was full of shock, but when he saw his two Shinto companions seizing the opportunity and following Chen Yuan closely, he also woke up from a dream and quickly followed up, taking advantage of the empty ghost thoughts to pass through this level!

"He actually came here like this!"

After passing through the stone pass, I looked back and saw the three divine monarchs as if they were in another world. When I looked at Chen Yuan again, I felt a bit of awe.

Emperor Beiyue hesitated for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Fellow Taoist, I have something to discuss with you."

Chen Yuan glanced at him and asked, "What's the matter?"

Emperor Beiyue smiled and said: "You have suppressed the lair of outsiders in Jiangzuo. Can you help me introduce some younger spiritual monks?"

"What are you doing with them?"

"In this vast world, only people with extraordinary talents like you can break through the shackles of blood and reach the top, or like us, who are divine and can bypass hidden dangers. Ordinary people will not be able to break the restriction of blood throughout their lives, son. My descendants are all subject to restrictions, so I thought that if I could attract outside blood and improve the blood of the human world..."

"You want to breed?" Chen Yuan looked surprised.

"I want to give it a try." Emperor Beiyue smiled slightly, "If I can survive this battle, I won't be able to keep my status as a Shinto. I should always find a goal for my future life."

Chen Yuan didn't know whether to admire him for a moment, or was speechless. In the end, he just said: "I have left Wushan Villa, and I have no control over them. If you are interested, you can go and contact me. As long as you give me a reward, you may be able to recruit one or two people."

As they talked, the group of people arrived at the fork in the road.

"There are so many intersections, which one should I take?" Emperor Nanyue was wondering to himself.

Chen Yuan had already taken out the fine iron box. Xu Yan jumped, looked in the right direction, and stepped forward.

After everyone left, a black lotus slowly flew over and arrived in front of the ghost gate.

The lotus petals unfolded, and several twisted black shadows appeared from them.

"The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Let Chen Shiji and the others fight with Brother Gouchen, and we can reap the benefits."

"Humph, it's really useless, it's just a demonic way!"

"Oh? Fairy Black Lotus, since you have different opinions, why don't you step forward and test the quality of those people? If you win, you will be the leader in reorganizing the original inner demon in the future, how about you?"

"That Chen Shiji is not even afraid of thousands of ghost thoughts. My infinite desire demonic path is probably beyond his reach. It was innately controlled by him, and I won't go away."

"Then why did you say those words?"

Several black figures were arguing.

at this time.

"Okay." A majestic voice came from the depths, "After this level, there is the dividing line between gods, demons, immortals, Buddhas and monks. Those who are uneasy or have weak demonic thoughts can return."

"Venerable Black Lotus, how can we retreat and give up the position of the True Demon?"

As he spoke, the black lotus closed up and entered the hell gate!

The next moment, the ghost thoughts fell, but in the blink of an eye they were demonized and turned into infinite demon thoughts, covering the black lotus and outlining a body...


On the rugged mountain road, Zhenxia Xia was shocked. Looking back, he vaguely saw a dissipating shadow.

"Weird phenomenon? Apart from the Shinto Emperor, it is Chen Shiji who can cause such a big commotion. The Shinto Emperor knows that the Shengxian Platform is false and will not act rashly. It is very likely that it is Chen Shiji! We need to speed up... "

After thinking about it, he flicked his long sleeves, rolled up a man and a woman, and walked quickly. After a few breaths, he finally reached the top of the mountain.

Looking from a distance, I saw a huge millstone in the center of the mountaintop, with black and white colors on it, in the shape of a yin and yang fish, surrounded by white mist and black clouds.

The surroundings are sometimes warm and sometimes cold.

"Master, what is this?" Xinwei looked strange.

Master Xian Xia said: "This is the core of the Immortal Ascension Platform, the platform for worshiping heaven. The god-transforming monks in the past came here and used sacrificial vessels to communicate with heaven and earth, so that they could ascend to heaven."

Another male monk asked: "Isn't the Palace of the King of Xu what we are looking for?"

"Xu Wang Palace, over there!"

Master Xian Xia pointed upward.

The two monks looked up and saw a palace that seemed both virtual and real. It was majestic and majestic, hanging in the air, like a mirage, which shocked people's hearts.

Master Feng Xia smiled and said: "The Palace of the Void King stands between the virtual and the real, and the Immortal Platform straddles the realms of life and death. Even if the two coincide, they cannot completely overlap. They must be divided into up, down, and front."

Xinwei wondered: "How to go up? Do you want to worship the sky like the Shenzang monks in the past?"

"In the gap between yin and yang of life and death, the method of resonance can be used to pave the way." Master Xian Xia said, raising his hand to grab it.

"Resonance?" Xinwei was about to ask again, but her face suddenly changed drastically, her whole body trembled suddenly, and she lost all her strength. She looked at Master Xianxia with a horrified face, "Master, what are you doing?"

The male monk next to him also looked horrified, covering his chest - there was a bloody hole in his chest!

"I brought you two burdens all the way for what purpose? Just because you dare to betray the Seven Star Sect and the Tuoying Sect? What a joke! If you can betray the sect today, you can betray me tomorrow! Although I like to control you, but I can't You have to wait for such a villain to live for too long!" Master Fianxia grabbed him hard!

Here it is!

Their clothes were torn to pieces, revealing their naked bodies. They were picked up in the air and thrown onto the Yin-Yang millstone!

"Ah!!!" The male monk screamed, bleeding from all his orifices, but his body was full of essence and blood, exuding a fiery aura.

Xinwei's face was flushed and her eyes were blurred.

"One yin and one yang, one life and one death. Composing the great perfection and great harmony of life here will naturally resonate with the Shengxian Platform and the Xuwang Palace! This mysterious realm of yin and yang life and death is what many people dream of! Today, I let you and others What a great kindness it is to understand this method! If you hear it in the morning, you will die! Remember to repay me in the next life!"


Amidst the screams, the flesh and blood of the male and female cultivators collapsed and turned into minced meat. They intertwined and gathered into blood light, rising into the sky!

For a moment, blood flowed from heaven to earth, penetrating the Immortal Void King!


The rich Nether Death Qi turned into ripples and spread in all directions.

The illusory and majestic palace became clear at this moment!

Layers of light gathered together, turned into stairs, extended from the front of the palace, and landed on the top of the mountain.

Master Xiang Xia suppressed his smile, raised his hand to take a small gourd from the puddle of minced meat, then straightened his clothes, raised his feet and was about to walk up, but suddenly stopped again.

"The great place is so holy and solemn. Except for me, a sincere Taoist cultivator, wouldn't it be a stain on the sacredness for ordinary people to set foot on it? This can't be done. I am a kind-hearted person, and I don't want to see ordinary people committing serious crimes. So, please leave immediately."

He shook his sleeves.

Countless screams rang out, and dozens of tiny people shook off their sleeves, turned into ordinary people halfway, fell from the cliff, and died in the dark mountains.

He ignored the shrill call, took out the pass token again, tapped it lightly, and looked surprised when he saw a ghost soul flashing on it.

"It's not broken yet? Your resilience is commendable, but it's painful for you to hold on like this. I'm a soft-hearted person and can't bear for you to continue to suffer, so I'll send you on your way."

He raised his finger and was about to click on it.

at this time.

A voice came coldly——

"Who allowed you to send other disciples away at will? Have you asked his master?"

I haven't gotten home yet, post it first, and then modify it when I get home...

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