Depressed Fairy

Chapter 127 Patriarch Chen who is not good at speaking


On Wushan Villa, countless invisible thoughts fell from the sky, like spring breeze and drizzle, falling on everyone, penetrating into people's hearts and planting evil thoughts!

The warriors and monks with firm Taoist hearts and concentrated fists noticed something was wrong, and felt that there was something more in their thoughts, and certain thoughts were born.

But the mind is jumping and the mind is galloping. How quickly can you change your mind? When they concentrated on recalling and searching, they could still find no trace!

Soon, deep in the hearts of everyone, the most secret and intense thoughts quickly grew and expanded, controlling their minds, emotions, and physical actions!

"I am the leader of a country! I am frustrated at every turn! No one takes me seriously! This is simply unreasonable!"

Emperor Shengtai was full of anger and glared at Chen Yuan, Ma Zhen, Ding Po and others.

"I am a father, and I have to compromise when it comes to my own children! I only mean to flatter you! It's simply a shame!"

Marquis Jingyang, on the other hand, was as powerful as a rainbow, striding over to save Chen Shishuang from Chen Yuan's palm!

"Although Chen Shiji was not always obedient to me at the beginning, he always paid attention to me, but today he ignores me, as if he is a stranger! If I had known this, I shouldn't have been like that..."

Even Zhao Xier's expression also changed, regrets, memories, and unwillingness swarmed out of her heart, and she looked at Chen Yuan with a sad and resentful look.

Many Gou Chen disciples suddenly wanted to rebel and wanted to escape from Chen Yuan's control!

The gangsters started making noises, drawing swords and swords, trying to compete. Some even shouted to Chen Yuan that they wanted to challenge him, who was the best in the world!

The dignitaries saw that the civilian warriors and peasant warriors were not far away from them, and seemed to want to eat and breathe with them. They couldn't help but said angrily: "If there are not the teachings of moderation, dynasty laws, moral ethics and other constraints, how can these mud-legged people be allowed to live together?" Are you on the same level as me?"

Many extreme thoughts rose up, intertwining to outline twisted black shadows in mid-air!


The ghostly face on Chen Shishuang's face seemed to be nourished, and it swelled rapidly!

"The human heart is like a ghost, and some have ghostly thoughts! This world is our paradise, and it should be controlled by us! No matter how powerful you Chen Shiji is, can you suppress a broken inner demon, and kill all the people in this garden? In their hearts It’s boiling and swollen, but it’s all their true intentions! Once released, they must take action immediately!”

Just behind this person, Marquis Jingyang had gathered all his strength, burst out with the seventh level of Qi and Blood cultivation, and rushed towards Chen Yuan!

And the supreme emperor even called the royal guards and asked them to seize Wushan Villa and suppress the people in heaven!

"Master, these are the demons from the world of demons!" Monk Sheep came to Chen Yuan's side, pretending to be a guard, but actually announced: "Possession by demons can bring out the darkest thoughts in people's hearts, which is the most dangerous! It is also the world's most dangerous thing. The source of filth! If we don’t kill these people, these evil thoughts will spread like a plague and eventually shape the world of demons!”

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Yuan waved his sleeves, his breath trembled, and swept Marquis Jingyang and the emperor's guards away. With a squeeze of the seal, he sacrificed the Holy Word of Humanity!

The crystallization of the Holy Word is in the sky, like the sun hanging in the sky, blooming with brilliance!

"wake up!"

A scolding, like a yellow bell, shocked everyone in the chaos and froze on the spot, and the thoughts in their hearts were frozen on the spot!

"How can I let you get what you want!"

The ghostly expression on Chen Shishuang's face changed, and it reattached itself to his body. He smiled slyly and raised his hand to point his finger!


A bloody arrow pierced the void!

In the void, there seemed to be a figure, blurry and erratic, stabbed in the left hand by this arrow!

"I didn't expect that, Chen Shiji, I already had a trump card against you! I have made you so arrogant now just to taste the bitter fruit of failure when you are most proud! It will break your heart!"

Chen Yuan's left hand holding the sword trembled slightly, the flesh and blood cracked a bit, and Yin blood seeped out.

"The art of being tired of winning?" He narrowed his eyes, "Using this method to deal with the body of a magic weapon? Using blood during life to calculate the origin of the mysterious corpse?"

Chen Shishuang was surprised!

"How could it be? It's just broken flesh and blood? Even if you temper your body to a level comparable to gold and iron, this nightmare method directly acts on..."

Before he could finish his thoughts, Chen Yuan had already grabbed him!

But the next moment, layers of dark shadows gathered from all directions!

Although the people in the villa are locked in place, their bodies and minds are like a hotbed, multiplying their inner demons, like arsenals, constantly producing soldiers and sending them to the battlefield!

But facing the layers of darkness, Chen Yuan's forward momentum did not slow down at all, but his tactics changed.


The light of the Holy Word of Humanity that shrouded the disciples of the eight sects evolved the general trend of humanity, and crashed down, defeating the rebellion and luck in their hearts with the majestic force!

"Don't dare to rebel! Don't dare anymore!"


Amidst the shattering and screams, wisps of black smoke rose from their bodies and disappeared under the light!

Tearing the black mist blocking the road, Chen Yuan's hand techniques changed again.

The fragmentary projection of the five thousand words of human nature in the holy words fell down and penetrated into the hearts of warriors and monks. It guided the skills deep in their memories and derived changes, making everyone instantly addicted and forgetting their hatred and fame!

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

There were screams again, and ghostly black shadows hurriedly escaped from these people's bodies, but before they could get away, they were entangled and strangled by countless voices of humanity!

The dark shadow blocking the road unfolded, Chen Yuan showed his hand skills, and the radiance of the holy word enveloped the dignitaries, officials and nobles.

But the demonic thoughts of this group of people seem to be particularly strong. Even if they are suppressed by the Holy Word of Humanity, the endless greed and arrogance in their hearts still burst out uncontrollably!

"We don't want restrictions! We want to do whatever we want!"

"If there is no more morality, royal laws and restraints in the world, we can enslave the people and enjoy glory and wealth forever!"

"Moderateness, modesty, tranquility, universal love, morality... All these are shackles, restraining our hands and feet. Otherwise, there are tens of millions of tenants and endless slaves, and all the wealth and land in the world will be in our pockets!"

The strong obsession, fueled by inner demon thoughts, almost condensed into substance. Together, they brewed a huge figure...

"The inner demon curse!"

Seeing such a scene, Chen Shishuang, who ran away quickly, was surprised!

"This group of the richest and most elite people in Daning are really insatiable. They can actually breed the devil among devils! Chen Shiji, how can you resist such a scene?"

"It's so stupid!"

Amid the roar, Chen Yuan waved his hand and summoned the Holy Word of Humanity back!

"He's at his wits' end!"

Chen Shishuang became more and more delighted, and actually stopped, his mind aligned with the brewing behemoth, wanting to draw power!

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly turned dark, and stars flickered deep in his eyes, like a bottomless abyss!

Chen Shishuang's heart "thumped" and his eyes widened, reflecting the starry sky!

The moment his eyes touched it, he felt an indescribable and huge desire!

Explore it all!

Understand everything!

Evolve everything!

"What a terrible desire! This desire, this aura...the inner demon's curse! Chen Shiji is the inner demon's curse!?"

Infinite terror appeared in his heart, and then a little aura of destruction came out.

"You are so arrogant, you actually think that morality, law, and character are constraints, but you don't know that this is actually a protection for you! If you use the holy words of humanity to persuade you, it will really be easier for you. In that case..." Indifferent words came from Chen Yuan's mouth, and he pressed the "release" seal with his hand.


In the Niwan Palace, a starry sky rises!

expand! expand! expand!

In the blink of an eye, the shadow of the starry sky covered the sky and the earth, covering the entire Wushan Villa!

"I'm really not good at words. Instead of prescribing the right medicine and guiding people, it's better to be more direct."

As soon as the words fell, the stars fell, swallowing up the powerful and wealthy people who were obsessed with it!

The next moment, they all screamed!

In illusion.

Seeing this common man, he was so angry that the whole family was wiped out!

Seeing him escaping alone, seeking revenge and destroying the country!

Seeing the posthumous son, punish the nine clans!

It turns out that once we raise an army, we will fight to the death!

See the uprising and blood flowing like a river!

revenge! revenge! revenge!

kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill!

In an instant, the behemoth brewing in the dreams of the rich and powerful suddenly shattered. They all woke up from their dreams, and they were all extremely frightened. Some became incontinent on the spot, some fainted and collapsed, and some were trembling unspeakably.

Chen Yuan waved his hand, and all the evil thoughts in the starry sky returned to him.

"Only the most virtuous ethnic groups and their sages and ancestors will reconcile with the doctrine of moderation. Otherwise, if the extreme thoughts come together, the fighting will be endless. I don't know how many people are hanging on branches and how many heads are hanging on the rafters. . Unexpectedly, the moths who benefited from the etiquette thought that these doctrines were shackles. Little did they know that without them, the world would be in chaos. In the wasteland, the name of a nobleman may not be more useful than a piece of steamed buns. "

He walked up to Chen Shishuang.

After the inner demon carrier stopped and stared at the starry sky, there was no movement. When Chen Yuan walked up to it, he suddenly discovered that the inner demon attached to his body had actually had his thoughts eliminated and his self no longer existed. What remains is a deep-seated fear!

"Oh? It was backlashed? This inner demon must have tried to connect with the prototype of the inner demon's curse, and eventually it was backlashed and disintegrated."

He shook his head.

"It's a pity. This inner demon must have some origins, so it can summon many inner demons to corrode the people in the mountain. I didn't expect to attack so hard that it collapsed on the spot." Chen Yuan pointed at Chen Shishuang's forehead, letting this spirit The exhausted young man fell asleep.

"The devil is scared to death!"

Monk Sheep followed Chen Yuan and misunderstood him at first glance.

He had already seen that Chen Shishuang was possessed by an inner demon, and that Chen Yuan had a way to get rid of it, but no matter how he imagined it, he never expected that it would end like this!

Recalling the starry sky scene just now, he shuddered and had speculations.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but look at the other person captured by Chen Yuan.

"This one is his blood relative. He was possessed by an evil spirit and caused a lot of trouble. What about the other one? What is his identity?"

Vaguely, the sheep monk caught the thin breath of death from the second person.

the other side.

Carrying Chen Shishuang, Chen Yuan walked all the way. When the dignitaries along the way saw him, they were like a mouse seeing a cat. They were extremely frightened and fled away one after another.

Chen Yuan came to Marquis Jingyang, put him down, and said: "The trivial matters are gone, it's time to talk about the business. I'm not good at words, so I won't go around in circles. I will use this body to seek enlightenment, and this body will have nothing to do with the Chen family in the future. , but although the Jingyang Marquis Mansion’s favor for my body is thin, it is better than nothing. For the sake of cause and effect, I will give you three choices..."

It’s almost the end of the line again…

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