Depressed Fairy

Chapter 121: One finger fell, the situation reversed!

A flash of light merged with the starlight Mahamudra!

The big hand of starlight suddenly swelled up and grabbed it!

Starlight gathers to outline the formation diagram, spiritual energy gathers, and a large formation is formed out of thin air!

Fragments of light shrouded the eight elders, making them unable to move or escape!

"not good!"

Ding Po and Ma Zhen's expressions changed drastically.

The sheep monk looked calm, put his hands together, and used all his strength to use the method of gazing at life!

Shui Jinggong roared angrily, and the red spiritual light burst out, but he could only compete with the brilliance of the stars, but his whole body was enveloped by the divine spiritual light!

In a daze, he seemed to see a god living above the nine heavens, looking at him with indifferent eyes.

"I thought we were rounding up a master from the lower world, but in the blink of an eye, the identities of prey and hunter were reversed, and we were actually in a desperate situation! We are worthy of being the best in the world! A person who can stand at the top of the world, even if he is one level lower, It’s not something we migrants can measure!”


Cracks appeared on the dark arms, and blood dripped from every scale!

"Wake it up for me!"

With a loud roar, Shui Jinggong's whole body burst with blood, and his energy and blood exploded!

The golden elixir in the chest bursts out with layers of powerful true energy!

A little spiritual thought is like a needle, stabbing upward!

At this moment, he squeezed out all his life's cultivation!

Live to die!

Facing a desperate situation, only by not fearing death can we find a way out!

Even the monks of the same level who want to deal with the desperate attack of the cultivator of the God Transformation have to avoid the edge temporarily!

But Chen Yuan seemed to be used to it. When he turned his left hand, the starlight handprint also turned, turning into a halo of light. He moved a thousand pounds in four or two, circled the whistling blood light, guided it, and rushed towards the remaining people!

The light of the divine way hit Shui Jinggong, who had exhausted his spiritual light and true energy, without any hindrance.


On the road not far from Wushan Villa, a group of carriages were driving.

The Zhu family brother and sister were sitting in the car, and there were two people beside them. One was Guitianzang, and the other was a thin man with a hunched body, slender eyes and a hooked nose, looking gloomy.

"The family we are waiting for has a close relationship with a hidden sect. All the members of the clan are disciples of the sect, and this sect..." Zhu Yun gave up slightly, "I will never let you two down. The merits you can think of Dharma and unimaginable Taoism can all be found in the door!”

Guitian Zangqi said: "What a big statement! According to you, is your sect the best in the world? Is it more powerful than the Mountain Destroyer King?"

"We brothers and sisters cannot compare to the best person in the world, but if he can compare to my sect, then..."


Before Zhu Yun finished speaking, the ground shook. The horses were frightened and screamed to run away, setting off the carriage!

Several people in the car were all very skilled, and they turned over and got out of the car. But before they had time to speak after landing, they were shocked by a ray of light falling from the depths of the sky in the distance!

The beam of light is bright and clean, with a sense of tranquility and beauty. If you look at it, it will make people instinctively tremble and fear!

The light falls on the mountain villages in the distance.

In the roar that resounded throughout the world, ripples of light rippled, and thick smoke and dust rose!

The ground was shaking, and strong winds were blowing against our faces!

Zhu Yun and Zhu Junshu, brother and sister, looked at each other with fear and confusion in their eyes, but they came to their senses immediately!

"Quick! Go back! Turn around, you can't go any further, go back! Go back!"

Without waiting for Guitianzang and Guitianzang to ask, Zhu Yun hurriedly shouted to the coachman that Zhu Junshu had already taken the initiative to pull the frightened horse!

In Wushan Villa, the houses are down and the trees are crooked, and there is fear and panic everywhere.

A deep pit has been made in the ruins of the courtyard, and fine sand rolls down in the pit, like the ebbing tide of a wave.

On the edge of the pit, Ma Zhen and Ding Po were covering their wounds, breathing heavily, with panic in their eyes.

On the edge of the watch, half of Yan Mu's body was damaged and he was silent.

Only the sheep monk was sitting cross-legged in the sand. Although he was in a mess and his face was covered with blood, his roots were intact.

In contrast, Elder Wen's body was completely charred, his eyes were closed tightly, and he relied on a little Xuan Dan Qi to stay alive.


In the center of the pit, a thin, dry, silver-haired old man coughed twice, and life flowed out of his body bit by bit.

A figure slowly landed and walked up to him.

The old man looked up and looked at that face.

The Supreme Being is indifferent, without joy or sorrow.

When he looked at himself, there was no derogation, no admiration, and no compassion in his eyes. It was no different from looking at the stones on the roadside, the bait in the water, or the clouds in the sky.

Everything is the same.

"So that's it. It turns out that you, a peerless genius born in the lower world, are arrogant to the core!" The old man suddenly laughed wildly, laughing so much that tears came out. "There is no difference at all in your eyes, whether it is a spirit from the lower world or a monk from the upper world. ! What a will! What a belief! It is not an injustice to die at the hands of such a person!"

Chen Yuan said with an unchanging expression: "Elders who have experienced many hardships and have seen through the world know the truth best. No wonder they are trapped in the golden elixir, but you have become a god."

The old man gradually stopped laughing, coughed, and asked: "Liu Qing's body, oh, that's the monk in the green shirt. Where is his body?"

"An enemy who has been buried and died is no longer an enemy." When Chen Yuan said this, he suddenly changed the subject, "However, except for two magical weapons refined with his own essence and blood, there is nothing on him. There are no treasures to store, so are you restricted in this aspect when you set foot in this world? "

"I can't hide anything from you," the old man said with a smile on his lips, "So don't think that you can feed yourself with war."

"Whether you can support war through war is not up to you, but up to me." Chen Yuan waved his hand, and Elder Wen, who was covered in charred black, trembled. A ball of starlight rose from the Niwan Palace, fell into his hand, and turned into a ball. A ghost face.

This is the second golden elixir monk whose mental defense line has been broken by him.

Half of the four-image-shaped raw materials needed for the fourth transformation of the mysterious body were collected in one go.

The old man was stunned and said with a wry smile: "I see, I am still limited by my own ability and vision. At this time, if I still dare to look down on you, no wonder I will die."

Chen Yuan said: "Although you are going to die, you can still join forces with me. After all, there are still some people who are not dead, and the Eight Sects will not stop the invasion."

The old man said weakly: "It's time to join forces. You hold the key to the Void Flame. If the eight sects want to grow stronger, they cannot do without you."

"Then it's settled." Chen Yuan nodded, "Any unfulfilled wishes?"

The old man was silent for a moment and said, "I don't want to be buried in a foreign country."

"This matter is out of my hands. I can only promise not to leave your body alone, but not your soul."

He pointed out.


It was as if a soap bubble had burst.

A generation of monks who transformed themselves into gods died in a foreign land.

Gurgling gurgling——

Suddenly, the old man's body trembled violently, and holes appeared one after another in his body. Many poisonous insects crawled out of them, each one containing mysteries, and scattered in all directions.

Chen Yuan did not stop him, but said with emotion: "When a whale falls, all things are born, and there are many opportunities."

After saying this, he turned around and glanced at Ma Zhen and Granny Ding.

Granny Ding's heart tightened, but then she snorted coldly and said: "The number one in the world is indeed amazing! She is a legend in any field, but although I lose to you, I will not surrender. It is useless for you to keep me." , it’s better to kill him!”

Ma Zhen hesitated for a moment and said: "To cultivate the aura of one's own life in the form of the lower world, this kind of talent is rare in this world, even if it is seducing..."

"Humph!" Po Ding suddenly snorted coldly.

Ma Zhenru woke up from the dream and changed the subject: "No matter how talented you are, you are still unable to step onto the level of the gods due to the limitations of the universe. If you want to go further, you will eventually leave here and go to the spiritual world, but you have killed so many people. Especially killing Shui Jinggong and the Red Blood Sect..."

"I don't listen to nonsense." Chen Yuan interrupted, "You all heard clearly what I just said, now..."

He raised his left hand and made a seal!

Half of the restrictions and back-up tactics he set before entering the village were activated!

Boom boom boom!

On the edge of Wushan Villa, the trees roared, rocks shifted, streams changed course, and the ground veins changed, surrounding the Villa, the formation was reconstructed!

The eight disciples and martial arts practitioners who fled to the edge of the villa in the chaos were all stopped and could no longer move forward. They were all extremely frightened!

"...I'm in charge here!"

Chen Yuan looked at the two Eighth Sect elders indifferently.

"Let me put it in words you can understand. You can choose to live and be my... let's call it Chen Clan and be my Chen Clan's outer disciple, or you can choose to be the companion of that person just now."

The faces of Ma Zhen and Po Ding were extremely ugly. The latter's eyes were filled with anger and he was about to speak out.


The sheep monk dodged, stood in front of the two of them, clasped his hands and bowed, and said in a respectful tone: "Master, please tell me, what should we do next?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said: "Very good, I have something for you to do. Aren't you on good terms with Jingyang Hou's Mansion? I have a cause and effect with the Hou Mansion that needs to be settled. Let's arrange it and let them spend a few days together. Come to the village."

The sheep monk was startled, hesitated, and asked, "Can you explain the changes in the villa?"

"No need." Chen Yuan glanced at him appreciatively and said, "After I said it, some people lost their awe and it was difficult to arrange."

"The poor monk understands."

Chen Yuan looked around, looking at the mess on the ground, and frowned: "I have to stay here for a while, and I still need to clean up."

He flicked his long sleeves, the bronze mirror in his chest trembled, and the moonlight poured out.

In the distance, many disciples of the Eight Sects who had not been able to escape were approaching.

Xu Yuemei and others saw the young Taoist figure from a distance, and their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

‘He, he, he… Chen Shiji! ? ’


When the eight disciples nearby heard this name and connected it with today's matter, they immediately figured it out!

"The number one in the world in the lower realm came directly to kill him? Not only that, he also suppressed the elders of the five sects!? Is this... are we dreaming?"

Just as everyone was marveling, they saw Chen Yuan flick his sleeves and his body flashed with light!


In an instant, the parts of the courtyard wall that were destroyed by Chen Yuan's own hands were reassembled as if they had gone back in time, forming the framework of the courtyard. However, there were cracks everywhere and it seemed that they would collapse at any time.

"Find some people to repair it." Chen Yuan ordered the horrified Sheep Monk, then turned and walked into the courtyard house, "I will be in seclusion for a few days. Don't let anyone disturb me if I have nothing to do."

"As you command!"

After Chen Yuan could no longer be seen, Monk Sheep breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to look at Ma Zhen and Po Ding, smiled bitterly, and pointed at the disciples in the distance.

When Ma Zhen and Granny Ding saw each other, they swallowed their words and suppressed their thoughts.

inside the house.

Chen Yuan didn't try to figure out the people's hearts at all, and he didn't care about the methods of controlling his subordinates. He sat cross-legged on the spot, his heart sinking.

In this battle, there were several changes between lightning and flint. First, he transformed himself into the Starry Sky Heart Demon, and tested out the methods and character of Shui Jinggong and others. Then he used their hands to destroy the defensive formation, and then his true body came. As soon as he made a move, it was his trump card, and the two spiritual lights blasted together to suppress him forcefully!

"Currently, there is only one soul crystal left that can be used. We need to contact the old general. In addition, we have almost mastered the control method of the virtual flame. In addition, the divine aura that originated from the way of heaven , different from the authority of Shinto, with Jiutian as its base, it can display spiritual light outside the divine domain it belongs to, but..."

Thinking of this, his attention shifted to the incarnation of Shinto.

This incarnation sits in the nine heavens, surrounded by boiling light, which is the spiritual light of Shinto that has not yet dissipated.

Deep in the spiritual light, wisps of thin black energy reveal an aura of strangeness, change and chaos, constantly penetrating into the body of the incarnation of the Shinto, trying to merge into the crystallization of incense and wishes!

"The display of this divine spiritual light is not without cost. Once or twice is fine, but if it happens too many times, there will be problems. In the final analysis, the divine way in this world is probably..."

As he was thinking about it, his mind suddenly moved and he sensed a huge threat, so he took the initiative to cut off his thoughts.

At this moment, a thought of divine power suddenly came from the north——

"Fellow Taoist Xiyue, we noticed that you used the Emperor's Glory! But have you encountered a strong enemy? The ones who can make you hesitate to use the Glory are those villains from outside the world. These people have weird methods, so be careful, and they will not do anything wrong. "Why, please stay away from the enemy for now, and then go and support us after we calm down the chaos in the territory!"

It's too late again, damn it...

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