Depressed Fairy

Chapter 116 The true fire is still unknown, and all demons rely on it

"Someone is looking for the Xuwang Palace."

In the dark corner, several figures suddenly gather and disperse, with uncertain shapes.

One of them was extraordinarily huge, but the whole body was twisted. Hearing this, he said: "They must be the people from the Gouchen Realm. These days, they have become more and more unscrupulous in their actions. I guess they think they have figured out the reality of this world and feel that they can control the human world. No more restrictions on behavior.”

"People from the Gouchen Realm are different from people from the Shenzang Realm. Maybe they can really find traces of the Void King Palace. The Young Demon Lord has not yet succeeded. If he is disturbed by them..."

"The entrance to the Void King's Palace has been secured, and the seventh demon general is guarding it. It will not be easily found!" The huge black shadow twisted and changed, and spoke confidently, "What's more, the fifth demon general eroded before his death. Although the Son of Destiny was short-lived, he also managed to seize some seeds of heaven. Now they have been refined by the Young Demon Lord, and the day of success is not far away! By then, even if the Void King Palace is found for them, it will only be for them. Young Demon Lord makes a wedding dress!”

When the other black shadows heard this, they exuded thoughts of joy.

"Is it going to be successful? Great! Once the young demon master completes his demonic skills, he will have the opportunity to open the seal. By then, we will not only regain our magical powers, but also control this divine realm!"

"How is it enough to only control the Shenzang Realm? It should be to control the Three Realms!"


In the quiet room, a biting cold breath suddenly appeared.

Dark flames seeped out from the vertical and horizontal textures on the surface of the fine iron box, eventually gathering into a ball of flame.

The flame danced on Chen Yuan's left hand, without hurting his body at all, but the bursts of coldness it emitted made the hairs on his arms rise slightly.

At the same time, the death energy and yin blood all over Chen Yuan's body suddenly trembled, and the inner demon in the starry sky in the Niwan Palace was jumping out of the sky, growing an urge to merge into the flames!


Chen Yuan frowned, calmed down Xingkong's inner demon, restrained his thoughts, and thought one by one in his heart.

"Gouchen Realm, Qishan Sect's Treasure, Luohu Realm, Xuyan, Xuwang Palace, Shenzang Realm..."

He squinted his eyes, vaguely grasping some clues, and finally focused his gaze on the flame again.

"My spiritual thoughts are derived from the inner demon of the starry sky. This thing is so evil that it is difficult to use the inner demon and divine thoughts to detect it. Fortunately, there is an alternative..."

Chen Yuan stretched out his right index finger, and a light golden glow of divine power extended from his fingertip and seeped into the flames...


The black flame suddenly jumped!

Deep in the divine power, a bit of black appeared, and then burned violently!

At the same time, the soul residing in the bronze mirror in Chen Yuan's chest also trembled suddenly!

He was startled, and then he looked at the fiercely burning divine power, which was completely burned in the blink of an eye. All the thoughts and thoughts in it were gone, and there was not even any smoke left!

As the divine power was completely annihilated, the black virtual flame also disappeared.

However, although it burned out in just a short moment, Chen Yuan was already concentrating on understanding it, so he grasped some of the characteristics of the flame in an instant!

"The thought of divine power and the thought of incense were completely burned away, and there was no trace left! At the moment when the black flame exploded, even my soul was throbbing, and I felt a fatal threat!"

There was a look of surprise and solemnity on his face.

"When I listened to Chenghua's words, I felt vaguely familiar. What 'burns everything, is difficult to extinguish, burns flesh and blood and spiritual thoughts, as long as it is contaminated, even the peak innate can't resist'. How can this be innately unable to resist, even a Qi Transformation monk, Golden elixir monks, and even god-transformation monks, will lose a layer of skin if they touch this fire! This is because this fire burns on its own, and it will be even worse if it is controlled by someone!"

Chen Yuan looked at the flame carefully, the dancing flames reflected in his pupils.

"This is close to the true fire of Yangshen!"

Although Chen Yuan has the external elixir, the incarnation of Shinto, and the inner demon in the starry sky, the third transformation of his true body is only equivalent to the state of refining Qi. However, the accumulation of the Dongxu Realm allows him to know the subsequent state very well.

The practice of monks can be divided into five realms.

The first realm is "refining oneself and building a foundation", the second realm is "refining essence and transforming qi", and once one reaches the third realm "refining qi and transforming spirit", one will have a real foundation for immortality and will be able to Derived all kinds of incredible power.

The third level of "Refining Qi and Transforming into God" has two stages:

Refining qi, collecting the five qi and replenishing the destiny, and when the true elixir without leakage is cast, it will be complete;

Transform into a spirit, combine the three souls to form a clay pill, wait until the consciousness of the spirit derives the natal aura, and it will be complete.

The fourth realm, "Refining the God and Returning to the Void", also has two stages:

To refine the spirit, you can refine the Yin spirit, which can condense the magic power. Once the magic has its original spirit and turns into magical power, it will be perfect;

Return to emptiness, return to the original Yang God, and wait until the Yang God breeds true fire, then you will be complete!

Once the true fire is established, nothing will not be burned and nothing will not be destroyed!

Not to mention tangible objects such as magic weapons, magic weapons, and flying swords, even intangible objects such as thoughts, magic power, and supernatural powers will burn!

"However, although true fire is powerful, it is connected to the monk's roots. It is equivalent to an extension of life. It is the crystallization of a body's Taoism. It is not used to fight with others. Once it is used, if it is slightly damaged, it will damage the foundation and shorten the life span. , although the virtual flames in the virtual flame box have some meaning of real fire, they have no source. If the source had not collapsed and only these flames remained, it would have been deliberately carried by someone else. In short, it should not be used against the enemy..."

Chen Yuan was just thinking to himself when he suddenly stopped thinking.

"Has mother gone to bed?"

Outside the door, Li Bi asked his old servant in a low voice.

The old servant also whispered back: "I fell asleep. I screamed at the top of my lungs and exhausted all my strength. Young Master, please go and see the land god..."

Li Bi said with a smile: "The Master has already extended a helping hand." Without any hesitation, he opened the door and came to the bedside.

Looking at his mother who looked haggard and frowned, he sighed, put the dream pen gently on the pillow, clasped his hands together, prayed, and then found a corner to sit down and wait for the results.

After a few breaths, the room was filled with mist, and Li Bi's eyelids became darker and heavier, half asleep and half awake.


Suddenly, a gentle touch woke him up.

Li Bi opened his eyes and saw Mother Li with tears in his eyes.


Li Bi's face was full of surprise when he saw that his mother's brows had lost the previous madness and had become a bit more sad.

"It's hard for my son..."

"Mother, what... happened to you before?" Li Bi said, his heart skipped a beat when he saw another figure appear behind his mother - a weak and haggard woman with a sad face.

This man also stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Bi!

"It's hard for my son..."

This woman looks exactly like Mother Li!

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, countless haggard Mother Lis with sad faces swarmed in from behind, all looking sad to touch Li Bi's face!

"It's hard for my son..."

"It's hard for my son..."

"It's hard for my son..."

Li Bi looked horrified and retreated hastily.


With a scream, he opened his eyes, stood up suddenly, and knocked down the chair under him.

Li Bi was in a daze, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. His clothes were soaked with sweat. He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the house was still empty.

"A dream? Or a sign?"

He looked at his mother who was still sleeping soundly, and then glanced at the dream pen beside her pillow, with complicated thoughts.

In the quiet room, Chen Yuan sensed from a distance that the fine iron box in his hand was trembling, and he also discovered a strange sensation, which was similar to the inner demon smoke.

"What happened to Li Bizhi's mother was also caused by inner demons?"

After looking down at the square box in his hand and then at the sky outside, Chen Yuan put the virtual flame box into his bag and closed his eyes to rest.

When the sun went down, Chen Yuan suddenly opened his eyes. Between his eyebrows, bits of light flew out from the Niwan Palace, like a streak of starlight, flying through the sky. Following a few connections, he arrived at Li's Palace in the blink of an eye. Must stay.

Mistily, following a bit of cloud and mist, the inner demon in the starry sky fell into the dreamland compiled by Mengbi.

next moment.

The inner demon twisted and transformed into the figure of a young Taoist. He looked around and saw a sunny forest with a gentle breeze and the chirping of insects and birds. In the distance was a vast lake with a few ripples on the lake. But that is about to subside.

"There is an intrusion of spiritual thoughts again. Which monk who overestimates his abilities dares to drive away evil spirits? Li Bi is really a filial son. He keeps sending gifts to me. If he gets the thoughts of a few people, this 'Thousands of Demons and Thousands of Thoughts' The first level of the Parasitism Technique is complete. At that time, I will be able to return to my true body and no longer be trapped in a small body."

In the depths of the jungle in the dream, a beautiful middle-aged woman sat cross-legged on a rock. She slowly opened her eyes, and immediately countless shadows emerged from her body, clearly dividing her thoughts!

A wailing sound came out from every thought, and a twisted face emerged, which finally swelled up and took on the appearance of a woman, with a face full of sorrow and tears falling down.

A dense, seemingly endless crowd of women walked forward together and saw the young Taoist priest from a distance.

"He is another Taoist priest who can sneak into dreams. He seemed to have cast a spell just now with the appearance of Li Bizhi, which touched the mind of this cauldron and left a little ripple. It must be some Taoist practice. When this person's thoughts and memories are taken away, it is again A good meal may speed up entry..."

"Taoist Master, save me!"

"Taoist Master, save me!"

"Taoist Master, save me!"

In the blink of an eye, the women moved forward quickly, saying the same words, surrounding Chen Yuan, and all stretched out their hands, wanting to touch his body.

"This scene is really spectacular."

Chen Yuan turned around, turned into a rainbow light, flew into the air and appeared again. He looked down at the densely packed heads, and narrowed his eyes while listening to the overlapping and chaotic whispers.

"Every thought of this woman seems to be endowed with spirituality and cognition. This amount is more severe than the most extreme split personality. How can she not be crazy!"

"Taoist Master, save me! Why did you leave? Didn't you come here to save me?"

Many ladies wept and grieved, emitting emotions of sadness and disappointment, which were about to infect Chen Yuan's thoughts.

"Do you still retain some self-awareness? This must be some kind of evil thought parasitism method!" Chen Yuan was not moved at all. He waved his long sleeves, and his Taoist heart was like iron, turning into a copper wall and an iron wall, whizzing down, "Boom" One blast killed a group of women, and then pushed the rest far away.

The many women were panicked for a moment and all cried.

"What's going on with this guy? How can anyone save people like this? Who is this guy?"

In the crowd, a woman looked full of doubts, but then pretended to be sad.

"You haven't revealed your true identity yet? Are you addicted to pretending?"

Chen Yuan's eyes swept across the crowd, a starlight flickered in his eyes, and he immediately found a bit of the aura of his fellow sect. Then he moved his body, falling like a gust of wind, and grabbed the crowd!


When the strong wind blew, many sad ladies were blown away and scattered into thoughts, falling like snowflakes.

During the blowing snow, Chen Yuan passed by, making his robes fly, but he could not waver at all——

Chen Yuanzheng pinched a woman's neck and lifted her up!

The woman struggled in panic at first, but after a few breaths, she stopped moving, and the corners of her mouth were cracked to the base of her ears, showing a pleasant smile.

"It's useless! This is an illusory dream. Even if you, a monk, are better at catching me, this is not your body, but your spiritual thoughts! As long as your spiritual thoughts touch me, you are a sheep. Enter the tiger's mouth! Be assimilated for me!"

Amidst the wild laughter, her face suddenly turned dark, and her whole body became twisted, as if it was made of black mud!

The black mud surged and flowed, spreading along Chen Yuan's hand and towards his body.

"You can't run away, you can only...ah!!!"

Suddenly, the woman let out a shrill scream, and her eyes suddenly widened, full of fear and confusion!

Opposite, Chen Yuan's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by a rotating starry sky!

Damn it, it’s so late again!

Post the first update first to avoid being too late, and try to update the second update before ten o'clock!

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