Depressed Fairy

Chapter 114 Gouchen seeks two things

"You three, please wait for a moment. Mr. Chen is out on business and has not returned yet."

There were three visitors in Chen Yuan's house.

Several masters followed Chen Yuan out, leaving Mu Chen and a few other disciples behind. They did not dare to act recklessly based on the reputation of their elders. At this time, three innate warriors came, saying that they admired Chen Yuan's character and wanted to After handing over the Kung Fu book in the door, Mu Chen definitely wanted to wait for the person who could really make the decision to come back. He did not dare to make a random decision, so he arranged the three of them in the courtyard first.

The visitors were three women, one slender named "Xu Yuemei", one tall named "Pan Ling'er", and one short named "Pan Jing'er", who were three disciples of the White Crane Sect.

"We came at the wrong time." Pan Jing'er muttered, "Didn't you say that Chen Shiji has been in retreat? Why did he leave as soon as we came?"

Pan Ling'er said confidently: "Whether he is deliberately trying to show off or not, he is really serious. When he sees our skills, he will definitely be shocked. Then I will say a few witty words about the Qi Transformation Realm, and he will not be shocked." People? We don’t have to sit in the courtyard to enjoy the breeze, we can just be his guests!”

"Don't talk too much, be careful. Walls have ears." After Xu Yuemei warned, something suddenly trembled in her arms. She looked around, took out a piece of white jade, held it in her hand, and closed her eyes.

After waiting for a few breaths, Xu Yuemei opened her eyes again, her face changed suddenly, and she stood up suddenly.

"The situation has changed! We have to leave quickly!"

"What's wrong?" The other two women looked suspicious.

"It's not easy to destroy the tiger, let's..." Xu Yuemei lowered her voice, and when she was about to explain, footsteps came from beside her——

"How many of you are master disciples of the hidden sect? Are you here to give away the skills?" Chen Yuan, dressed in gray robes, walked in from outside the courtyard and looked at the three women, "Are you three leaving?"

As soon as the words fell, the three women felt their bodies sinking, enveloped by inexplicable pressure, and their steps that wanted to move seemed to be nailed to the ground.

With a drop of cold sweat on her forehead, Xu Yuemei forced a smile and said, "Jie Shanjun is joking. I'm just here for a visit. How could I leave so suddenly?"

the other side.

It's still the same courtyard.

On the water pool, four misty figures loomed. Seeing Ma Zhen reappearing, they all asked: "How? Have you warned the disciples in the sect? It is indeed dangerous to visit Chen Shiji at this time."

Ma Zhen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "When I contacted them, they were already at Chen Shiji's house. Calculating the time, it is very likely that we will meet them. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to leave."

There was an old woman nearby who comforted her: "Don't worry, it may not be that fast. Chen Shiji and the others also want to investigate the origins of Liu Qing and others, and they may not leave the scene. Besides, they will not be killed all at once." Connect both sides.”

"I hope so."

"This is not necessarily a bad thing." The silver-haired old man sitting next to the Tan said: "If a disciple follows Chen Shiji, he can control his movements."

Ma Zhenque said: "I'm afraid that he will think that those disciples of my family have ulterior motives and use evil tricks!"

"He is the best in the world and can condense the golden elixir in the lower world. How would he feel that he cannot control a few women?" The silver-haired old man said in a positive tone: "The question now is actually how much does he know? Whether Are you aware of the origin of my wait? If it is completely exposed, it is not a trivial matter."

The old woman said: "The royal family of Yanguo and Ningguo can work for us. As long as the benefits are enough, the best person in the world can also work for us. Besides, with his qualifications, the two worlds will be connected in the future. It can be said to be the mainstay of my eight sects!”

"How can the people of the lower world compare to us?" Another rich man's misty figure said: "Although Chen Shiji has high cultivation level, he is only a native of the lower world. Is he worthy of such treatment?"

The old woman sneered and said: "Elder Wen, your cultivation level is only comparable to that of this native, what? If you think Chen Shiji is easy to deal with, you can deal with it yourself, but I don't want to waste my disciple's life on fighting with him. He missed the real thing while fighting!"

Elder Wen said unhappily: "What Granny Ding said is untrue. Whether it is the emperor of Daning or the emperor of Yanguo, they are all in our hands. We are driving them to do things. But according to your wishes, we want to fight with that Chen Shiji negotiates equally! He had a conflict with the Scarlet Blood Sect this time..."

"Stop arguing." The silver-haired old man suddenly said, "First collect the life and information of Chen Shiji, and then decide how to deal with it after we understand the foundation and dependence. Before that, we must first deal with the divine way in this world, and how to deal with it. We have to search for the Void Flame Bell, it’s really not easy to cause trouble.”

Granny Ding still needs to talk about it later.

"Amitabha," the man who had been sitting cross-legged and silent, said at this time: "Our five sects all pay attention to rules, but you must not forget that there are also those three sects. They act harshly, and they probably can't stand it. If you are on an equal footing with people from the lower world, once you encounter someone, there will be trouble sooner or later. How will you deal with it? "

The silver-haired old man said: "Their energy is now focused on seizing the power of heaven, and they will not interact with Chen Shiji in the short term."

"Yes, it is indeed exquisite."

Looking through the two books in his hands, Chen Yuan couldn't help but nod.

The three women opposite had solemn expressions, and Xu Yuemei looked as if she were sitting on wax.

She kept recalling the news from her uncle, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

"The number one in the world in this lower realm is actually a top monk who has achieved Qi Refining Golden Pill! With this kind of cultivation, he is still the best even among the sect! How can these two introductory techniques catch his eyes? I'm afraid. If you are not careful, your identity will be exposed! This time it will be self-defeating!”

The more she thought about it, the more nervous Xu Yuemei became, and her heart rose to her throat following Chen Yuan's movements!


Chen Yuan closed the book and asked: "These two exercises have inspired me a lot and are of great reference value. They can help me start over again and lay a solid foundation. They are very good, very good."

When Xu Yuemei heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief after being stunned, and said secretly: "Yes, although he is extremely talented, he has not been exposed to many techniques. He is self-taught! To him, the techniques I have are equivalent to An opportunity to reshape one’s understanding of practice is still valuable!”

She had just put her mind at ease when Chen Yuan asked again: "However, the three of you are not related to Chen, so why do you want to offer such a precious technique?"

"I heard that your Excellency is going to compile a canon of humanity! I want to do my best!" Xu Yuemei regained some confidence and took out the prepared speech, "I didn't expect that I was a step late. While I was still on the way, I heard that there were five thousand people in humanity. The words are fulfilled.”

"Chenghua is the one who wants to compile the canon, not me. It's just a coincidence." Chen Yuan's words made Xu Yuemei's face change again. Fortunately, he continued: "But it's an unexpected blessing that I can get help from a few people. "Don't worry, I won't take the skills in vain, and there will be rewards. You may as well stay in the city first, and if there is anything I don't understand, you can ask me."

Hearing this, Xu Yuemei hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

After the three women left, Chen Yuan took the piece of white jade into his dream and began to think deeply.

"It was unexpected to expose my cultivation level with just one move. But if you think about it carefully, it is normal. There are many ways for practitioners to spy on you, making it hard to guard against. However, they only knew the first level, and they regarded me as someone with extraordinary talent and a different approach. , the monk who has bypassed the bloodline restriction and achieved the Qi Refining Golden Pill still has an opportunity to take advantage of..."

He left the three women behind with the intention of becoming intelligence sources, but now he actually has another choice, which is the two junior brothers of the Qingshan guest who were killed by him before. Those two are now being killed by several Watched by the Grandmaster.

"A total of eight sects came in this time, each with a leader and several elite disciples. According to them, they came to the Shenzang Realm for a trial, and the content of this trial..."

Chen Yuan rubbed his eyebrows.

"One is to find the treasure of Qishan Sect, and the other is to seize the power of heaven."

Judging from the information he currently has, the Shenzang Realm he is in originally belonged to the Qishan Sect, but this sect should have declined or even been destroyed. The so-called eight sects are an alliance of practicing sects, and together they became the Qishan Sect. The ruins and files, and knowing about this realm, led to these things now.

"The two people were hesitant and unclear. They said they were afraid of being investigated by the sect and could only reveal part of it. But it can be heard from their words that these eight sects claim to be people from the upper world, but the situation in the Gouchen world should be the same. It’s not very good to go to this realm so hard. What you want, in addition to the resources of this entire realm, is to find the treasure left behind by the Qishan Sect!”

Chen Yuan recalled the rumors he had heard since he came out of the mountain, and gradually came up with guesses and goals.

"To be valued so highly, and to be juxtaposed with the authority of Heaven, this treasure must be something special, and it should have traces in this world. In addition, the people from Gouchen Realm are here, and there is no movement in the corresponding Luohu Realm, or Take this opportunity to ask something more from those inner demons..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Mu Chen suddenly came in and reported: "Mr. Chen, Chenghua is here to visit."

"Chenghua?" Chen Yuan was a little surprised.

Mu Chen hesitated for a moment and then said: "During your retreat, Chenghua sold his property and distributed the money to the poor people in the city, while he guarded a dilapidated shop, transcribing letters and writing articles for others." After a pause, he added: "Chenghua will not take any money from anyone who asks him to write down his views and insights on human nature."

"That's it." Chen Yuan nodded, "Let him come in."

"I've met Mr. Chen."

Soon, Chenghua walked in.

Compared with three months ago, he no longer had that high-spirited spirit, but his whole person had a sense of lightness, especially his eyes, which contained a richer spirit than before!

When Chen Yuan saw it, he was secretly surprised, because all of Chenghua's cultivation skills were dissipated along with the demons in his body, but his realm seemed to be advancing instead of retreating.

"If this were in the Dongxu Realm, this person might have an epiphany at any time and reach the sky in one step, but it's hard to say in this world. After all, the laws of heaven and earth are different, and the aura is not as rich as the Dongxu Realm."

"Because Mr. Chen is in seclusion, he has never been able to repay his life-saving grace. We can only see him today." After saluting, Chenghua looked as usual and said with a smile: "I know Mr. Chen doesn't like to go around in circles, so I won't be polite. Cheng is now here." I don’t have much to offer, so I have nothing to repay. Fortunately, I still have this. I thought it might be useful to Mr. Chen, so I brought it here.”

He took out a fine iron square box from his arms.


The moment this object was taken out, Chen Yuan's dead heart jumped suddenly, and he vaguely seemed to see the shadow of an ancient palace!

"What is this?"

"This object is called the Void Flame Box."


Almost at the moment the iron box was glimpsed by Chen Yuan.

In a corner of Zhongyue City, a woman suddenly screamed!

A middle-aged woman with fair skin and a pretty face, her hair spread out, fell to the ground, waving her hands, struggling and roaring, her face was ferocious and twisted, with bulging veins!

"Mother! Mother!"

Li Bi burst into tears, rushed over and hugged the woman, whispering: "Don't panic, don't panic, the tiger-destroying king has come out of seclusion, my child, go and see him now!"

Alas, so late.

The second update can only be said before midnight...

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