Depressed Fairy

Chapter 109 The inner demon is sex, the corpse is life

Lifted by the mighty force, the people present were unable to move forward or backward for a moment.

Chen Yuan added: "I may have shared some human experience, but the experience of one person, even if it is thousands of years, will eventually be biased and limited. This five thousand words, it is because of your life experience, martial arts foundation, and Taoist attainments that it can be so mysterious. Therefore, it is not Chen who allows you to be promoted, but you yourself, it is the combination of wisdom that makes it happen! In the end, it is still my help that counts."

At this point, he shook his head and changed the subject: "I am actually not good at speaking, and I often like to solve problems directly. If there is no help, it is estimated that such a book cannot be written."

He was not being sarcastic, but speaking from his heart. Without the crystal clear ideas of everyone, how could it be so easy to write a book? To compile a great book, accumulation is secondary. The key is that it is time-consuming and involves energy. Moreover, even if he wrote these five thousand words, Chen Yuan had his own purpose, not just casually. It would be extremely difficult to make him write a book for no reason.

However, many people bowed their heads after hearing what Chen Yuan said, and they felt indescribable in their hearts.

Most of them were those who had previously believed that "the best in the world" was only good at fighting, not teaching, including Lin Buping.

These people were both terrified and uneasy, and they also felt self-blame and regret. Their awe of Chen Yuan increased, and they immediately became silent.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Chen Yuan shook his head and realized that this was not a good place to complete the three talents, so he turned the seal on his hand.

A strong wind blew, and the red clouds above fell and gathered around Chen Yuan. Under his feet, the shadow of a dragon appeared again, carrying him up, and was about to leave in the air.

"Where is Mr. Chen going?" Taoist Master Zhaixing saw it and stepped out of the crowd and asked anxiously.

"The matter here is over, so I'll go back." Chen Yuan took off on the dragon, and without stopping, he flew far away, but he didn't run far, and landed in the yard he bought.

Sun Zhengyao, King Ping and others in the yard looked up and saw a glowing dragon shadow wrapped in red clouds, carrying Chen Yuan down.

This scene fell into Muchen's eyes, and his heart was moved, and his painting spirit was aroused. It was a pity that the master was beside him, so he couldn't leave without permission.

"Master Chen!"

The others hurried over to pay their respects.

Chen Yuan glanced at them and saw through their situation. He nodded and said, "Yes, you have worked hard all the way. You deserve it for seizing the opportunity and laying the foundation for further progress. I have also talked to you about the method of Xuandao. In the future, you can combine what you feel today, comprehend, think and verify it from time to time. Within five years, you will have the opportunity to bypass the constraints and reach a higher level..."

"Master Chen, when you say this, are you thinking..." Sun Zhengyao's heart "clicked" and he felt something was wrong.

"All good things must come to an end," Chen Yuan said bluntly, "Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die. You have different skills, different situations, and different martial arts concepts. Since you have gained insights and have a glimpse of the door, you should take this opportunity to further deepen and digest it. Whether it is fighting with others, traveling thousands of miles, or thinking in seclusion, it can be considered your own thing after you have mastered it."

Mu Chen's eyelids jumped.

Good guy, is what you said a human language?

This is a grandmaster of the courtyard, a top figure in the world of martial arts, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of the world of martial arts.

Is this just the beginning?

What surprised Mu Chen even more was the look of the grandmasters who were taught.

"I will remember Mr. Chen's kindness in my heart." The first to speak was Nan Tian Yi Dao, who came last. "I learned these nine swords of the final death in battle, and I can only go further in battle! But this opportunity to perfect the swordsmanship did not fall from the sky! It is all thanks to Mr. Chen! I, Song Zhong, am not a person who does not repay a favor! Mr. Chen, you want to retreat, right? How can retreat be left unprotected? Song will do it! Even if I miss the opportunity to go further, it doesn't matter."

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Yuan's reply, he stuck the long sword into the ground.

"Even those who have changed their ways understand this principle, how can I, the eldest disciple, not understand it?" Prince Ping laughed and bowed to Chen Yuan, "Most of my skills are based on my inner understanding. When I protect Master Chen, I can also improve!" "Big Brother?" Sun Zhengyao snorted coldly, "I was the first to follow Master Chen, don't forget it." After that, he also bowed to Chen Yuan and said, "Master Chen, it doesn't cost you this much time to pursue your own martial arts." Xu Zhengyuan was even more straightforward and ordered Muchen, "I heard a noisy noise outside again. I'm afraid someone knows that Master Chen has returned and followed. This is another trouble. You take people out and stop everyone. Don't disturb Master Chen's retreat." Muchen nodded and left in a hurry. Seeing this, Chen Yuan didn't say much. He floated into the quiet room. Outside the courtyard, there was indeed a huge flow of people, shoulder to shoulder, all wanting to see Chen Yuan. However, before Muchen came out, Prince Hong sent soldiers to block the crowd. "Everyone, step back! Don't disrupt the order! If you anger the old man Chen Shangxian, you will suffer!"

Mu Chen and others just pushed the door open and walked out.

"Everyone, please disperse. My... Patriarch Chen is about to go into seclusion and cannot be disturbed!"

"Did you hear me? Don't disturb him!"

After a few words, the crowd who were bent on pilgrimage were barely appeased.

But even so, most people still refused to retreat, or they retreated more than ten feet and sat on the spot, or simply found a place to live nearby.

Not only that, in the next few days, more and more people came to visit.

"Missed it again."

After hearing about the situation in the past few days from the crowd, Qianjin Sanren felt helpless and regretful.

"If I had known earlier, I would not have visited my friends on the way, and even missed a great opportunity! There are five thousand words in humanity, and everyone can gain something. What an opportunity! Alas! Regret! Regret!"

There are many people like him who feel that they have missed a great opportunity by not seeing the original form of Wu Qian Yan.

"The Five Thousand Words of Humanity is extremely mysterious. It is the real treasure of humanity and a grand canon of humanity. It seems that there are words in the whole text, but there are actually no words. Everyone who sees it has different interpretations. Alas, if I were there in person, I could say anything. Learned a unique method!”

Looking through several copies of "Humanity Insights" that he bought at a high price, Qianjin Sanren shook his head with emotion. At the end, he did not forget to say to Li Bida, who was silently reading next to him: "If you were there on the spot, you might be able to understand your method of saving your daughter."

In contrast, Li Bi was unusually calm. After hearing this, he just said: "This is a definite number, there must be a reason."

Taoist Qianjin was a little envious when he saw it.

"You kid, you are just waiting for Master Chu to come out of seclusion."

Chen Yuan has been in seclusion for several days.

Since he entered the quiet room, he has been contemplating the perfection of the three talents.

However, since he has changed from the martial arts hall to the quiet room, he has also lost some radical thoughts. Instead of acting in a hurry, he has sorted himself out again. After all, since he refined the Starry Sky Heart Demon, he has not yet carefully considered it. Explored body changes.

At this time, through the spiritual thoughts derived from the inner demon, he looked inside and noticed many changes throughout his body. Therefore, he consolidated and became familiar with them for several days. It was only on the seventh day that he opened his eyes again.

"The flesh and bones are transparent and crystal clear, and there are thoughts of inner demons, radiance of stars, and traces of Yin spirit breath everywhere. In fact, the nature has changed. Although it still has the characteristics of the body of a magic weapon, it is essentially the same as the magic formula of protecting the Tao." It’s different.”

At this moment, Chen Yuan's cultivation system has undergone earth-shaking changes. The foundation is no longer the Nine-Turn Mysterious Body, but the Starry Sky Heart Demon.

This inner demon is like a dream, residing in the Niwan Palace. It divides into thoughts, touches every part of the body, and penetrates deep into the skin of muscles and bones.

There were stars twinkling within that thought, like star acupoints, which was a sign of the Starry Method. The acupoints contained cold air and a breath of Yin spirit, which was naturally obtained by practicing the Nine Notes of Yin Fu Sutra.

"The inner demon is the nature, and the corpse is the life! At this point, no matter how many transformations of the mysterious body, super divine power, innateness or the name of the great master, they are just means, similar to martial arts and magical powers. We can no longer summarize the cultivation. I He is on the verge of touching the true meaning of life again, and he is a refined inner demon corpse cultivator."

After thinking about it, he felt something was wrong, and added: "He is a Youdao Quanzhen who has practiced the inner demon corpse cultivation method! A very traditional and upright person!"

As soon as the thought fell, he took a deep breath!

In an instant, the red luck that filled the surroundings, the golden dragon energy entrenched in the corner, and the wonderful sound of humanity lingering around him were all swallowed up!

The next moment, Chen Yuan's whole body trembled, and three cyclone prototypes rotated rapidly!

All kinds of chaotic death energy and blood began to scatter in all directions, but as the outer elixir turned, they were all suppressed and forced into the cyclone!

The three cyclones slowly bloomed with gleaming brilliance, and each of them released a breath of true energy——

There is a clean air, a dirty air, and a dusty air.

As soon as the three qi appear, they will wander through the meridians, eventually entangled in one place, and sweep through the body like a hurricane, crushing all kinds of stiffness, trivialities, and poisonous insects, making the flesh and bones transparent, and sweeping away the chronic diseases.

But soon, in the Niwan Palace, the starry sky shook, and many starlights fell on all parts of the body, and a little inspiration came from his heart.

Inner demon thoughts, starlight, and Yin spirits surge in, pouring into flesh and blood, and penetrating into bones.

Then, those three qi turned around again to eliminate the inner demons!

The two sides pulled back and forth, breaking and reorganizing the flesh and blood corpse, and the cycle continued endlessly.

Chen Yuan then had some enlightenment.

"The three talents are reunited, their bloodline is perfected, and their mysterious bodies have transformed three times. However, due to the transformation of the body by the inner demon tribulation, the essence has been changed. Instead, it has to be pulled back and forth, broken and reshaped bit by bit. I'm afraid it won't be completed in a short time! This reshaping requires a lot of spiritual energy, but fortunately there are also external elixirs and Shinto incarnations..."

Thinking like this, his mind slowly sank into it, feeling the changes in his body without asking about the outside world.

Time flies.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

However, the influence of Five Thousand Words on Humanity did not disappear just because Chen Yuan was in seclusion for three months. Instead, it spread wider and wider, attracting more and more forces and figures to gather here.

Even Linyue City, a city of Yanguo that is separated by a river from Zhongyue City, has many admirers from Yanguo. They either try their best to sneak into Zhongyue City, or send people to Zhongyue City to collect different versions. "Views of Humanity".

"This is "Humanity Insights"? It's quite interesting."

On this day, a group of three people arrived at Linyue City, but there were three women, one was tall and strong, one was slender, and the other was a short girl.

They also collected several books of "Humanistic Insights". After flipping through them, the tall woman shook her head.

The slender woman said: "Don't underestimate this book. Humanity has five thousand words, thousands of people, and thousands of faces. Everyone's understanding is different. The book you are holding in your hand is just one of them."

The short girl flipped through another book, and then exclaimed: "This method of using strength is really exquisite! No wonder Junior Brother Wang made rapid progress! If I learn a little, my combat power can also be improved."

"Combat power is not as good as realm!" The tall woman snorted coldly.

The slender woman said: "Your mentality is not good. This time, we have the least number of people from the White Crane Sect. If we don't use the power of this world, I'm afraid we can't pass the trial at all! That Chuishan Gong is known as the best in the world. If we can contact him, Chen Yi will help him, or we can seize the opportunity!"

Buzz buzz buzz——

The tall woman was about to say something, and the three of them suddenly felt a jade card vibrating in their arms.

"It's Senior Brother Yun! Why did he contact us?"

Thanks to Yu Chen for the reward of 10,000 yuan, I owe it to you first)

Going home late!

The second one will probably be 9:30 (roughly), exactly before 10 o'clock!

In addition, I will make up for the one I owe to Brother Zebra.

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