Depressed Fairy

Chapter 104

Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar bamboo roof.

Startled for a moment, he turned his head and saw several people lying on the bunk in a huddle.

"If I hadn't experienced it several times, I would have thought that I missed a few chapters or read the wrong book."


The door of the dilapidated room was pushed open, and the young man in blue walked in. He glanced at it and said, "What time is it? I can't afford to pay..."

Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly because Chen Yuan got up with a grunt.

"Senior Brother, am I the best among this group of people?"

"Stop talking so much! Get up and work!" The young man in blue laughed and cursed.

An hour later, Chen Yuan was carrying water and walking slowly on the mountain road. The green trees on both sides were swaying. When the mountain breeze blew, he even hummed a little tune.

"Senior brother, why are you so happy?" Followed by a dark-faced man, a head taller than Chen Yuan, also carrying water.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Isn't it a happy event to carry water in the mountains with my junior brother by your side?"

The black-faced man shook his head and said: "What kind of happy event is this? I went up the mountain to learn my skills. Once I have the skills, I can go out to slay demons, make a name for myself, and then repay the master. That will be a happy event!"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "If you kill too many demons, that's all."

"That's what I said. Those who don't know may think that you have killed many demons and haven't even entered the door." The black-faced man chuckled, rushed forward and passed Chen Yuan, "Senior brother, I am here first today! "

"Okay, okay, you come first." Chen Yuan walked slowly and slowly. When he arrived in front of the water tank, the brothers were already standing in their places, practicing boxing.

"Xiao Chen'er, why are you so slow today?" The cardamom girl in rough clothes was standing next to the tank, pinching her waist and asking.

"The scenery in the mountains is beautiful. I looked at it a few more times, but I'm afraid I won't see it again in the future." Chen Yuan shook his shoulders and poured water into the jar.

The girl wondered: "Huh? What's the power of this hand? Why haven't I seen Aye use it before?"

Chen Yuan put down the bucket and said, "I created this by myself as a sudden idea. Well, let's call it Chen's Shuishui Jin. If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

"What a boast! You can't even catch my two punches, and you still want to teach me." The girl gave a sweet smile and ran away.

Chen Yuan watched with a smile, then walked between his brothers and started practicing basic boxing and kicks.

He practiced this all day and stopped only in the evening.

Just then, a burly man came over carrying a big insect. When he saw everyone, he smiled and said: "I hunted a good thing for my master. It's a treasure all over my body! You need to replenish your body while practicing. You must eat some at night. Xuan'er, remember Cut the tiger penis and keep it, I want to make wine!"

"Master!" The young man in blue frowned and walked over, "Didn't you go to the rich family's house in the city to recruit disciples? Why did you bring back a big insect?"

"Master, isn't this..." The burly man smiled bitterly, "I really can't bear to look like this. We set up a gate in the mountains just to be free, but we also have to receive gifts and favors. It's so boring."

The young man in blue had a sullen look on his face and said: "With no money to support us and only a few acres of thin farmland, how can we support our junior brothers? Besides, in order to save us and others, Master has made great ambitions, saying that he wants to establish a sect and make a name for himself. Disciple Qiancai, how do you keep your promise? What can you do if your vow breaks?"

"Isn't this meat?" The burly man patted the big bug on his body, "As for establishing a sect, I have been thinking about it these days. I think I may not be the one, but aren't you there? When one of you has the ability, If you call me your ancestor and your teacher, don’t you fulfill your promise?”

The young man in blue was a little annoyed.

When the burly man saw him, he said seriously: "Yuxuan, don't frown all day long. You can't put the cart before the horse when seeking immortality. I'm the one who seeks Taoism, and I'm not asking for Taoism to lose myself. Even if you become a Taoist ancestor in the future, don't take it too seriously. Keep your innocent heart, lest you turn into a stone and lose your original intention of seeking Taoism. You guys, don’t think that you are so great and look down on ordinary people just because you have learned some powerful Taoism. There are many things that you don’t know how to do. When it comes to farming, maybe. Not as good as an old farmer!”

Chen Yuan put his palms together and smiled: "Master is right!"

"You kid!" The burly man glanced at him and said, "Don't make your senior brother angry here, go and light the fire."


The fire danced.

Beside, a dark-faced man added firewood and muttered: "Senior brother, you laughed a lot today, even though you had a bitter look on your face a few days ago, saying that your hometown is a long way away."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "You can laugh or not, but you may not be able to laugh when you want to."

"Weird! By the way," the black-faced man glanced outside, then took out a wine bottle from his arms, "I went to clean the master's room again today, would you like some?"

"It should have been taken out a long time ago. How can I leave willingly if there is no wine in my throat?" Chen Yuan grabbed the bottle, opened the cork and took a sip. Then he exhaled with satisfaction and chanted: "My home is in the clouds and mist in the mountains. , people live in front of the wine glass. The flowers bloom and the leaves fall in spring and autumn, and the sun rises and the moon sets again."

"What kind of poem is this? Senior brother, when did you have such literary talent? I couldn't even write a word a few days ago." The black-faced man looked curious, "This poem sounds strange to my ears, what is its name?"

"Let's call it the Demon Tribulation in the Wine Center." Chen Yuan lowered his head, and when he raised his head again, his master, senior sister, senior brother, and junior brother were all gone, and there was only a sea of ​​fire in front of him!


He clenched his fists.

"If you want to be free, you have to be free."

With a thought, the moonlight flickers, the Taoist heart returns to its original position, and the flames return to darkness.

Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the distorted and changing faces of the evil spirits in the furnace, and a sense of murderous intent burst out in his heart!

Outside the quiet room.

Sun Zhengyao and others just stopped and stood up, chatting first.

"Master Chen has been in seclusion for seven days, and he won't be able to come out anytime soon."

"If you don't come out, your reputation will be stolen." Prince Ping shook his head, "Although Chenghua has been immersed in the Thousand People's Martial Arts for a long time, it is obvious that Master Chen is more proficient. Master Chen taught him. It was only then that he perfected the spirit of martial arts. It was good for him, but he dared to come out and preach it when Master Chen was in retreat..."

"That's reasonable." Sun Zhengyao nodded, "You can also speak fair words occasionally."

King Ping frowned and was about to speak when he suddenly trembled and felt chills all over his body!

Sun Zhengyao, Xu Zhengyuan and others also have the same appearance.

A person with such weak cultivation as Muchen suddenly let out a muffled groan and slumped down in the corner, clutching his chest.

A heavy, intense sense of murder suddenly descended, bringing a biting chill and a heavy pressure of terror!

This pressure is so powerful that even after the Grand Master was enveloped, his energy and blood were stagnant, his true energy was solidified, and it was almost difficult to move!

Then, they looked towards the quiet room with horrified expressions.

Indifferent! Strong! Destroyed!

The murderous aura spread outside the hospital.


Frost formed on the courtyard walls, flowers, plants, and roads, and they were covered with a thin layer of frost in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, the tea shop next to the martial arts hall was already overcrowded.

In the past seven days, many people heard the rumors about the No. 1 man in the world and gathered together. Many people who Chenghua could not invite came to the city. Unfortunately, they never saw Chen Yuan, so they were disappointed.

As a result, three days ago, Chenghua completed the basic spirit of martial arts and once again preached his methods in the martial arts hall. Many people came to listen, and things soon started to improve, so he regained his momentum and gradually gained momentum.

At this moment, everyone gathered here and were talking about this matter.

"I wanted to see the most powerful person in the world. I heard that he slashed the Divine Court with his sword, shattered the Phoenix Tower with his fists, and extinguished thirteen peak innate and grand masters with one strike! It's a pity that I couldn't see these in person!"

"Oh, I came here for this reason, but I didn't expect that the prince would go into seclusion. It's really a pity."

"Actually, I have been thinking in the past few days that the best player in the world may be a good fighter, but he may not be a good teacher. He is in retreat, so he may not be hiding his clumsiness. I think Mr. Chenghua's lectures are really wonderful. , after listening to it yesterday, many doubts were solved. "

"It's a worthwhile trip! It's not in vain if I can listen to Cheng Huajun's martial arts teachings! His martial art of thousands of people is complete and perfect. My master said that I can't say what he said without decades of experience! So, I’m here again today, ready to listen again.”


Slapping his palm on the table, the young master in yellow stood up to leave, and said lightly: "If you have never heard Mr. Chen teach, don't make rash comments."

"Who are you?"

The young man in yellow said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you and others have clearly heard Chen Jun's martial arts methods, but you don't know it. Instead, you praise the person who secretly taught it. It's really ridiculous."

"Why did Young Hero say this?" A middle-aged man in green shirt walked out of the crowd. He was dressed simply, with his sleeves rolled up, and his skin was dark. "I am Lin Buping in Minyang. Yesterday I heard Young Hero Cheng talking about the myriad ways of human nature. The old farmer who cultivated the land was very emotional. I also came from a poor background and knew the hardships of tenant farmers. I have been practicing martial arts for many years, but I have never seen anyone praise and affirm me like Cheng Shaoxia! How can this be Zhang Guanli Dai?

"Yes, Mr. Cheng also mentioned us escorts."

"There are also merchants like me, who have been engaged in agriculture, industry and commerce since ancient times..."

"Forget it, you buy low and sell high, you have a bad character! You break your bones and suck your marrow, you are greedy!"

"How to speak?"

Lin Buping's words opened up the chatterbox of others, and everyone echoed them one after another, with a fierce momentum.

"It's ridiculous!" The young master in yellow sneered, "You praise Chenghua, but you don't know that he doesn't really have any farmers or businessmen in his heart. He only thinks of princes, generals, and masters! Chenghua's martial arts spirit has nothing to do with you and others, but is superior to others. , only looking at the trend of the upper class and not caring about the suffering of the bottom class, it is Chen Jun who can’t stand it. He wakes him up in public and makes him unable to come down, so he will make additions, deletions and changes!”

As he spoke, he showed a bit of disgust: "Getting Chen Jun's guidance, checking for omissions, and improving one's own theory is not a big deal, but Chenghua took advantage of Chen Jun's seclusion to come out and promote it. It is too utilitarian and scheming!"

Lin Buping frowned and said: "The spirit of martial arts involves the foundation of martial arts, and it takes several years to summarize it. I heard that Cheng Shaoxia has been thinking about Thousand People's Martial Arts since a few years ago. He goes deeper than anyone else, so why does anyone need to mention it? Point? Prince Jingyang is very powerful, but if he can teach you any martial arts at his fingertips, it’s too exaggerated.”

The young man in yellow frowned, his chest was angry, and he was waiting for a rebuttal, but he didn't know who shouted -

"Today's martial arts lecture is about to begin!"

"here we go?"

Hearing this, everyone no longer bothered to argue with the young man in yellow, and rushed out in a huff. Lin Buping still remembered to say goodbye, but he also moved in a hurry, for fear of falling behind others.

“You can’t distinguish between good and bad, true or false.”

Looking at the backs of everyone, the young man in yellow looked ugly.

"Brother Chen Hu, why are you so angry?"

A clear voice came from behind.

Chen Hu, the young man in yellow, turned around and saw a handsome man holding a folding fan.

"Master Tianji? You're actually here too?"

The man smiled and said: "Of course I am coming. Zhongyue City is related to the changes in Tianji. I am the next headmaster of Tianji Pavilion, how can I miss it?"

Then, he changed the subject: "Don't be angry. For these people, seeing is believing. They haven't seen Chen Jun's martial arts performance that day, so how can they believe you? On the contrary, they saw Cheng Hua with their own eyes and heard Cheng Hua's words with their own ears, and they also gained something. They must be biased towards Cheng Hua." Chen Hu snorted coldly: "In the past few days, many people who came here for Chen Jun's name were deceived by Cheng Hua!" "Every bite and every drink are destined by heaven. Didn't you come here for Cheng Hua's name, but were conquered by Cui Shan Jun?" Tianji Gongzi smiled, "Since you are here, why not join me? After listening together, maybe there will be different gains and dispel the evil in the chest. " The machine of the machine shook his head, "However, the natural disaster's weather was very wide, and the number of people who were influenced by the monarch could be calculated." Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped and felt the coldness of the ice around him, his face changed slightly. The leader of 53 "" I want to take a break to adjust the outline these days and restore two more. I have to thank you more than thanks. But I am filling the detailed outline in the past few days. The code speed is limited. It can only be added in two days.

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