Depressed Fairy

Chapter 102 Rahu has a demon


After Chen Yuan finished speaking, thunder suddenly exploded in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, surging energy of merit surged out of the void, bypassed Chenghua, and landed on Chen Yuan!

Next to him, Cheng Hua seemed to be unaware. He watched the changes in the scene in the black mist. As he listened to Chen Yuan's words, he trembled all over. There were beads of sweat all over his body. His clothes were soaked, showing a look of shock and confusion.

"Yes, my view is too one-sided and has too many shortcomings. All living beings are human beings. This majestic force composed of thousands of people forms a rolling wave, like the long river of humanity, which precipitates past history. The top figures are Introduction, leading the direction of the long river..."

In a moment, he caught the spark of his thoughts, and his confusion gradually disappeared.

"A blessing in disguise, the more frustrated you are, the braver you become. It is indeed a bit like a destiny protagonist..."

When Chen Yuan saw this scene, he was not surprised. Instead, he opened up a dreamland in his consciousness, pulling in the mighty Xuanhuang Gongdeqi. According to the Great Dream Technique, he outlined several figures, each deducing different techniques.

"Educating the protagonist of Destiny has indeed brought huge benefits. Such a huge amount of Xuanhuang Qi is enough to lay the foundation for various deduction techniques. After educating the protagonist two or three more times, he will finally understand the mystery of the dark matter. , connect several exercises together and it will be a matter of course.”

Not only that, as the thoughts of sustenance of everyone in the hall gathered, another light appeared in Chen Yuan's eyebrows, as if something was about to condense.

"The prototype of the Treasure of Humanity has also appeared. Perhaps it can be formed without waiting for the completion of the Book of Humanity. By then, the three talents will be combined into one, eliminating the hidden dangers of bloodline and condensing the three-turn mysterious body. If everything goes well, even the true solution to life will be revealed. Can we practice together..."

With this thought, he waved his hand to disperse the black fog in the palace.

The other people in the hall suddenly woke up and their memories had just changed, and they were all surprised.

"Being able to complete Chenghua's martial arts spirit and complete the evolution of humanity means that Destroy the Tiger already has a mature human philosophy based on this Tao! There was no comparison at first, but listening to Chenghua preaching his own martial arts, I still feel that they are similar and worth learning. , but compared with the perfect humanity proposed by Bijushanjun, Chenghua’s preaching seems shallow and only scratches the surface!”

"This martial arts spirit that Cheng Hua has worked so hard to create is not as transparent as Chen Jun. This is outrageous!"

"Chenghua wants to use the martial arts to carry forward the past and open up the future, and turn it into the main axis and theme of the Humane Ceremony. But even if his theme is still used now, who should be chosen as the leader? In terms of understanding of this Tao, I always feel that Destroying the Tiger is better. Yi Chi, you can’t just let Cheng Hua mention it early and not ask for advice, right?”

Taoist Master Zhaixing, Sanxuan Zhenren, Longtou Old Woman and others looked at each other in fear, and then glanced at the dark strange stone, and they all thought of something!

"Just now Lord Destruction Mountain pointed at the strange stone, and it caused the stone to tremble, and many strange phenomena came out. It is in sharp contrast to the situation that others have struggled to touch! Could it be said that this strange thing is also a piece of cake? ? Or is there another reason inside?"

Several people looked at each other again, they really couldn't understand, and they felt more and more that the tiger-destroying king was unfathomable.

In contrast, although Sun Zhengyao and others were also surprised, they quickly calmed down and showed their superb mental cultivation. In their view, anything that goes beyond common sense does not appear to be extraordinary when it happens to Tiger Destroyer. Instead, it conforms to a certain pattern and is not worth making a fuss about.

However, those who can notice and think about these are the top figures in the world of martial arts and spiritual practice. After the black fog dissipated and they woke up for a few moments, the rest of the people hurriedly sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and reflected on what they had just seen. I hope I can understand something from what I heard, for fear of forgetting any mistakes.

Therefore, they did not notice that there was a person moving quietly in the corner, and they retreated carefully. When they reached the edge of the hall, they turned around and ran away!

"Want to run?"

Chen Yuan raised his hand to take a photo, and layers of spiritual energy enveloped him, entangling him and dragging him back!

"Let me go! Chen Shiji, you're not satisfied with killing my best friend, you actually come to kill me to silence me! And you said you're not a Shinto traitor!"

Luo Zhigong struggled to activate the energy and blood to explode, sending out waves of heat, but it was of no avail. Instead, they were all pressed into the body. When he fell in front of Chen Yuan, the energy and blood were already swollen, and blood flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. .

The silence in the hall was broken, some of the people looked puzzled, and some thought of the sword-washing man who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and their expressions were uncertain.

Cheng Hua stopped thinking, seeing this scene, he recalled the current situation, sighed, and stepped forward: "Chen Jun, Cheng thank you for your advice, but you hurt my servant before, and now you capture him for no reason..."

"Capture for no reason?" Chen Yuan grabbed Luo Zhigong and spat out his strength. The old man screamed, his eyes suddenly turned black, his face was covered with strange black lines, and a strong demonic aura emanated!


The crowd exploded.

Taoist Sanxuan's whole body was shaken, and he almost took action again.

"I've never heard that this person is a demon!"

"This aura is a bit richer than that of the great demon..."

"This man is Lord Chenghua's servant. Does Lord Chenghua know that?"

Everyone in the discussion soon noticed the shocked look on Chenghua's face, and they were convinced, but there were also some who were skeptical.

Chen Yuan threw Luo Zhigong to the ground. In a short time, he had all the joints removed from the man's body and he fainted.

"You just said that I have the Shinto aura and labeled me as a Shinto spy. But it turns out that these two people are hidden monsters. Do you think there is anything worth writing about behind this?"

Everyone whispered, Chenghua was dumbfounded.

"There are many doubts about this person, involving all aspects, especially the Humane Ceremony. I hope Mr. Chen can hand him over to our custody to interrogate the secrets and see if there is anyone behind this."

Master Sanxuan and Taoist Taoist Zhaixing came to Chen Yuan, discussed in low voices, and kept their posture to the lowest level.

Chen Yuan thought for a moment and made a decision. He has sealed a black smoke remnant soul, and whatever he wants to know, he can learn it from that person's mouth. Letting Luo Zhi Bus deal with this group of people will clear the suspicion and avoid further trouble and cliché dramas. .


"It's fine to leave it to you, but let's talk about it later." He pointed at Luo Zhigong, "If this person is in my hands, he will never be able to escape. I will leave it to you to guard. If there is any accident, you will have to take care of me." Take responsibility for yourself.”

Upon hearing this, the two old Taoist priests looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Sanxuan Taoist said: "Our Taoist practice may be shallow in Chen Jun's eyes, but it has a foundation in this world. Since we are guarding it together, there will definitely be no problems."

"Okay, since I have such confidence, I'll leave it to you." Chen Yuan didn't explain much. Chenghua's two servants were involved in the outside world, but it was complicated once he said it, and others might not believe it. He also wanted to It's a waste of time, so I won't mention it.


Chenghua opened his mouth to speak, his face looked ugly and his steps staggered.

The servant who had been with him for more than ten years actually hid such a big secret, and many of his decisions were related to these two people. It was such a huge blow to him that his mind was completely messed up.

Seeing this, Taoist Master Zhaixing couldn't bear it, so he said: "Cheng Xiaozi, you'd better avoid this matter, so as not to explain it clearly. We will explain it to you after we interrogate him."

Cheng Hua hesitated for a moment, nodded, and then reluctantly said to everyone: "What happened to our family is really unfortunate for our family. I don't have the face to intervene, so I leave it to the elders and Destroy the Mountain Lord to decide, Cheng... Say goodbye first."

After saying this, he turned around and walked away, but he tripped and staggered.

Everyone wanted to stop him and ask him how to deal with the Humanity Ceremony, but seeing his appearance, they knew it was not the right time. In addition, there was a problem with Chenghua's servant, so there was no guarantee that there was nothing wrong with him, so in the end they did not speak. .

"Chen Jun," Master Sanxuan came to Chen Yuan and whispered: "Just now, we have gained a lot of insights into Chen Jun's martial arts spirit and humanistic insights. We know that it is the great road in the world! In this situation, we need a person of high moral character and respect. Come out and take charge of the situation, otherwise if the people's hearts are scattered, the situation will be difficult to predict, and I am afraid that even the compilation of the humane canon will have changes..."

Chen Yuan shook his head and interrupted simply: "I have no intention of getting involved in this matter. Many people regard me with more fear than respect. Besides, I am not good at coordinating and coordinating such troublesome things as the Humane Ceremony, and I am not a suitable candidate. "

Although this discussion was completed in a hurry, his gains were not small. He was about to go back and strike while the iron was hot to lay the foundation for the unity of the three talents and the true understanding of life. How could he be distracted from other things?

Taoist Priest Sanxuan looked troubled when he heard this.

Taoist Master Zhaixing said in time: "We can ask everyone present not to tell anyone about today's events in advance, and we can discuss other matters after the matter comes to light."

"You can wait for yourself." Chen Yuan waved his hand, not caring, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Taoist Master Zhaixing hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Chen, I have something to tell you. According to what Cheng Xiaozi said, in three to four months, no more than a year at most, there will be a catastrophe in the world!" From Shinto! Therefore, this humanistic canon still needs to be compiled, otherwise if there is an accident, the humanistic inheritance may be destroyed! Therefore, we may need to ask Chen Jun for help later."

"Three to four months, no more than a year at most? A catastrophe caused by Shinto? Something is wrong."

When Chen Yuan heard this, he felt familiar. After thinking for a moment, he realized that this was similar to what his cheap apprentice said. However, Wang Fuyin was talking about the time when people from the outside invaded again, not some catastrophe caused by Shinto!

"So it seems that you guys are substituting the time of the invasion of the spiritual world and putting it on the head of Shinto, just to deceive the world and compile the humane ceremony before the invasion of the spiritual world?"

When he returned to his residence, Chen Yuan released the black smoke in the quiet room and asked directly.

The black smoke twisted in the sky and turned into a twisted face, sending out waves of thoughts: "You actually know about the invasion from outside the world, no! You also condensed the golden elixir. Who are you? Are you not from this world?"

"Now I'm asking you!" Chen Yuan flicked his long sleeves and dropped the furnace on the ground. "If you don't answer honestly, I can only refine you, and then slowly peel off your cocoons and explore your secrets. In this way, I am It’s a lot of trouble, but your soul is gone and there is no trace left in the world.”

The black smoke trembled visibly.

Chen Yuan stopped talking, and with a flick of his finger, the fire rose, the hot breath drifted away, and the black smoke entangled it, and he was about to drag it in!

"Don't do it! I said! I said!"

Black Smoke struggled to send out a thought: "We are the inner demons of the Luohu Realm. Because we were sealed and lost our origins, we laid out our plans in this Shenzang Realm..."

"What's the plan between you and the Sword Washer and the others?"

at the same time.

Chenghua, who left the martial arts hall and returned to his residence, sat in front of the chessboard and suddenly asked.

Immediately, his expression suddenly changed, revealing a bit of femininity.

"You actually doubt me?" Cheng Hua's voice suddenly changed, a little low, "I have assisted you since you were unknown. You have become the world-famous Cheng Hua Jun from a despised bastard in just a few years. What did you rely on? You had nothing at the beginning, what could I have planned?"

First one, the second one will probably be at 9:30...

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