Demonic World: I Pay to Win in Cultivation

Chapter 12 Insects and Iron (for subscription)

"The news came from Huo Nan that this cultivator paid more than ten thousand taels of silver to buy the Ruyi Zijin Wheel."

The flame in the old smoking man's left eye was beating, and the flame in the right eye was also beating, sending a message that only they could perceive and understand.

"Looking very young, he probably isn't a local. The aura on his body doesn't look too strong. When you come to a place like Tuwei Lane, you have to bring a woman with you, and you can spend more than 10,000 taels to buy magic weapons. It should be a Just in the beginning of spring, I took a boat north with my family to Canglan City to meet the young master."

Saying that this is a foreigner, the fire in the right eye also danced excitedly, like smoldering firewood being rekindled by the wind.

"Jie, Jie, Jie... I like fat sheep like this the most. They have no background in Canglan City, so they can die a little cleaner."

"Even if he spends all his money on the magic weapon and can get back the Ruyi Zijinlun, this mid-level magic weapon will belong to us."

"When the time comes to resell it, it will be a lot of extra money, not as fast as earning money by working hard here."

"Boss steals things from the Sheng family and sells them. He is doing business without money. If he eats meat, he will let us drink some soup. Iron man, let's do it for this ticket."

"It's extremely, it's extremely, Taoist Chong's words are exactly what I want."

"Fire Man is responsible for guarding the store. I'm afraid we won't be able to call him this time. It's really pitiful to stay in the dark underground all day."

"It's a lot of work for those who are capable. He is the number one thug under the boss. We can only entrust him with such important things as looking at the store. As for such trivial things as killing people and seizing treasures, let us do it."

"Ha, ha, ha... Jie, Jie, Jie..."

The two voices began to chat with each other, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. The cheerful and morbid laughter echoed between them, and the two dark red flames danced happily in the old man's eye sockets.

The old man was just a mortal, how could this fragile body have endured such torture, and finally after he exhaled the last puff of tobacco, the tobacco pole in his hand fell to the ground, and he died.

"Hey, the old man is dead!"

"It's bad luck, it's really bad luck, just leave the body here, and we'll just bring a new body when we come back."

Two balls of fire flew out from the corpse's eyes, and one ball landed on the golden tobacco stick that the old man dropped to the ground. The golden liquid squirmed and turned into a palm-sized golden villain. The limbs and head looked weird.

It didn't leave after it had a body, but stopped in place and waited for its companion.

Another ball of fire fell into the depths of the passage, and with a rustling sound, mice, cockroaches, beetles, centipedes, toads... crawled out of the bottles and jars on both sides of the passage, and gathered into a pile , biting, scratching, wriggling and protruding, forming a body composed of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The firelight fell into it, and a colorful green glow flowed all over the body, and the snakes, insects, rats and ants all over the body immediately froze and died, and stopped their chirping and calling.

Daoist Chong patted his hands made of poisonous snakes and toads, smiled with satisfaction, picked up a cloak from the hanger next to him and wrapped it around his body, put on a black cloth hat, and walked out of the shop.

When passing by the railway man waiting at the door, it jumped into the arms of the Taoist insect, a layer of black-gray gas enveloped the whole body, and the two walked out of the shop swaggeringly.

Passers-by saw the strange-looking two people, but no one dodged them, as if no one could notice their strangeness, they just blended into the crowd and chased Du Kang.

Only the body of the old man who died in the crafts workshop gradually became cold and stiff, and the fire man deep in the ground let out a sneer of disdain at this time...

After Du Kang and Tanhua left Tuwei Lane, they walked east and west on the intricate roads of the market town. After making sure that no one was following them, they entered Canglan City directly from the nearest city gate according to the backup plan.

Today is the Spring Festival, the most important festival in Daliang every year, since it happens to be in time, Du Kang plans to join in the fun.

Although the plan to make a fortune failed to be successfully implemented, there was still a black market in the west of the city. In the past few days, when he was wandering around the two black markets, there would always be people who were not open-eyed and couldn't help but shoot at him.

Even if the order in Canglan City is so good that no one dares to kill people and seize treasures, it's just a waste of a few days. There are other ways to make quick money in Du Kang's plan.

The scale of the market town outside Canglan City is not small, and its prosperity can be compared to the core areas of Yangchun County and Tonggu County, but after entering the city, Du Kang knew what it means to have a population of one million. ancient city.

On the straight and wide stone road, crowds are constantly flowing, and the ears are full of chatting, laughing and hawking. There are shops on both sides of the street, teahouses, restaurants, restaurants, and butcher shops. The street is full of food, wine, meat, and fireworks.

There are also sporadic stalls on the street, and hawkers are selling along the street. Among them are those who sell colorful sugar figurines, bamboo and rattan wares, rouge and gouache, tofu sellers who carry burdens through the streets, and fishermen who sell live fish in crock pots...the list goes on and on.

Not far away, you can see the towering city walls of Canglan City, which clearly tells people that this urban area is only one of dozens of urban areas in Canglan City.

Since Du Kang crossed over to this world, he has never experienced such excitement, and Tanhua has never seen such a crowd of people crowding each other since he was born. Human fireworks.

But when Du Kang entered the city, they stumped the following duo.

The original intention of the duo was to find a suitable time to end Dukang and Dukang not far from Tuwei Lane.

Unexpectedly, the two of Du Kang traveled very fast. The duo just stayed in the shop for a while, followed the scent they left behind, and went around the market town all the way. They were only at the last moment. The figures of the two watched helplessly as they walked into the gate of Canglan City.

"How to do this, the boss said that we had better not enter the city. Every gate in the city is hung with demon mirrors and demon-eliminating mirrors. Although we have demonic energy shields, it is reasonable to say that the demon-eliminating mirrors should not be able to see our true faces. , but don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.”

"Besides, today is the Spring Festival. There are too many masters in the city. At some point, we may meet a pair of eyes that can see through our disguise."

"You can't leave the store for too long, the boss will lose his temper if he finds out."

Speaking of the boss losing his temper, the two looked at each other and shivered subconsciously.

"It's all here, just wait here overnight. The demonic energy they are in the store will not dissipate for a few days, and I don't know if they live in the city or outside the city. If they can come out before tomorrow morning, it means that our luck has arrived ; If they can’t get out, it means their luck has arrived, and they can’t force anything.”


Time flies so fast in the joy, the sun that is already westward has already sunk into the distant plain, and a bright moon rises into the sky.

Lanterns were spontaneously hung on the doors of shops and houses on the street, and the city was filled with brilliant lights. The warm orange candlelight made Canglan City as bright as day.

If you look down from a high altitude, the criss-crossing main streets of Canglan City are illuminated by lights into rivers of light, and the dots of lanterns in the houses are like stars.

In the dark night, Canglan City is like a bright pearl located on the south bank of the blue sea, releasing its own brilliance all night long.

Although it is a festival, the bustle in the city is still dominated by mortals, and most of the people in the market are mortals. Du Kang occasionally sees a few monks among them, and there is no pretense to let mortals make way, and they are all immersed in the festival In a lively atmosphere.

It was the first time Tan Hua saw such a lively scene, and he was soon addicted to it. He bought hairpins here, a box of rouge there, and a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake stuffed in his mouth. The smile on his face never let go.

Only when he is alone with Du Kang can he show the temper that an eighteen-year-old girl should have when talking about painting.

"Young Master, can we find a small island closer to Canglan City in the future? We will build a big house on the island. If we have free time, we can come to Canglan City to have fun."

"The prosperity here belongs to others after all. Has Tanhua ever thought about dominating this city by himself, or building a big city that is more prosperous than it?"

Humans are very strange creatures. The so-called hook stealers will be punished, and those who steal hooks will be lords.

When Du Kang was short of money, he didn't want to rob people's money for no reason. But when he saw this beautiful city, he wanted to take it as his own. He only felt heroic in his heart, and he didn't feel anything wrong in his heart.

Just like Du Kang forcibly seized the Zhendi Ding of Taoyuan Fudi and refused to return it, and forced the Tao family to place the Zhendi Ding where he wanted to go. This may be the ambition of that damned man, who will plunder and dominate everything. Romanticization, finally let the man raise the knife in his hand in the desire and self-moving.

At this time, Tan Hua still couldn't understand these things, she was full of this man now, after hearing this sentence, she dropped the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand and hugged the man's arm.

"Whatever you want to do, you will be able to do it."

The street is like a heavenly street, and the two people standing on the street are like heavenly beings.

A peddler pushing a cart passed by the two of them. The wooden masks hanging on the cart were exquisitely crafted. Tanhua took off a mask and it turned out to be a ghost face.

This face is carved from a whole piece of black wood, and the black-faced fang-toothed evil spirit carves a ferocious smile along the natural wood texture. The fly in the ointment is that there are only two reserved holes for the eyes of the mask. Makes the mask appear godless.

Tan Hua puts the mask on Du Kang's face, just like the finishing touch, Du Kang's eyes make the whole mask come alive. From Tan Hua's perspective, this evil spirit is suddenly about to choose someone to devour.

"I used to think that the young master is handsome, but today I realized that the young master's eyes are so fierce."

The peddler pushing the cart also stopped, took off another cyan ghost mask from the cart, handed it to Du Kang, and said with a smile.

"It's good to be fierce, the more fierce the better, in this world, kind people can't survive, son, this is a good face."

The demon power surged on the face, making the mask stick to the face even if it was not tied with a rope. Du Kang looked at the blue ghost mask in his hand.

It was found that this mask was not dyed with paint, but was carved from a kind of cyan wood as a whole. The lines on the face of the mask and the texture of the wood complement each other perfectly, making this mask extremely indifferent.

"Good workmanship, good insight."

Du Kang put the mask in his hand on Tan Hua, that pretty face was covered by a blue grimace, the two of them looked at the vendor together, and Tan Hua's voice rang out.

"You said that my young master's viciousness is an auspicious sign, so do you think I'm fierce enough? Can I be worthy of my young master."

"It's a perfect match, a pair made in heaven, a pair made in earth."

Behind the cyan ghost face came Tan Hua's usual chuckle, she put ten taels of silver on the car, and went away with Du Kang into the crowd.

"You are not only good at craftsmanship, but also have excellent eyesight. We bought these two ghost masks."

The vendor put away the money, looked at the words "five taels a piece" written on the front of the cart, and pushed the cart in the other direction. The five taels a mask can only be bought by those who can tell at a glance that they are not short of money. By the way, he is going to look for the next guest.

No matter how exciting the excitement is, there are times when it stops.

In the middle of the night, there were a lot of things stuffed in their stomach pouches. The two people who walked to the gate of the city after visiting a city could clearly feel that the crowd had thinned out, and many vendors on the street also started to pack up their stalls.

"My lord, let's go back. If we continue shopping, we will close the stall together with others. I can't see that kind of people taking tea to cool down."

"Okay, I will listen to you today."

Walking out of the long corridor of the city gate, Du Kang's footsteps paused insignificantly, and then he walked towards the row of carriages parked at the gate of the city with a trace of talk.

"I'm going to Pier 16. I have a batch of goods that I need to deal with urgently. Which one of you has the fastest car?"

The grooms who were dozing on the carriages just glanced at him and ignored him. There were few pedestrians outside the city tonight, so it was easier for the so-called less people to be demons. They were unwilling to take on such unsafe jobs.

"I'll go, five taels of silver."

An old groom with white hair stood up. Du Kang took a deep look, gave him ten taels, and jumped into his carriage.

Amidst the slap of the whip and the ticking of the horse's hooves, the wheels were rolling, the carriage was getting farther and farther away from Canglan City, and the buildings on the roadside were becoming more and more sparse.

The trade in Canglan City is prosperous. In addition to the canal waterways where ships can sail directly, there are also a large number of wharves built along the Canglan River outside the city. Some small boats that cannot enter the city will directly unload at the wharf outside the city, and then transfer to the city by land.

Today is the Spring Festival, and the terminal, which used to operate around the clock, is rarely free today. After all, the unloading workers also want to join in the excitement that only occurs once a year.

When the carriage completely left the market town outside the city, there was an unlit area between Canglan City and the pier, and only the dim moonlight could barely illuminate the road ahead.

The carriage hired by Du Kang drove like this for half a day on the main road before meeting a carriage driving in the opposite direction, until it was blocked by a tall figure standing in the middle of the road.

"Stay out of the way."

The old horseman, who was already extremely nervous when he was driving at night, cursed in his heart that he was unlucky, and shouted loudly without even thinking about it from a distance.

The old horseman has rich experience. If he is just an ordinary pedestrian and a drunk, he will most likely get out of the way when he hears the sound. Even if he encounters a monster, the carriage is still far away at this time, and there is still a chance to escape.

He was answered with a loud bang.

I saw the figure raised the iron rod in his hand high and swung it towards the ground in front of him.


Along with the sound came the wailing of the earth, and the poor horse pulling the cart was startled by the vibration and sound of the ground and stood up.


The old groom tightened the reins in his hand, jumped out of the cart, and ran to the river. The old man has experienced and heard all kinds of weird and cruel stories in his driving career for many years.

In this case, the chance of escaping directly and surviving is the greatest. With the two people in the carriage buying him time, he might jump into the Canglan River in time.

As for my horse and cart, I didn't even have my life. What do I need them for? I shouldn't take this business tonight.

Under the moonlight, the normal-sized railway man with a golden glow ignored the groom who ran away, but watched the horse pacing in place, said two auras of different colors in the carriage.

"Boy, you suddenly walked out of the city in the middle of the night, you must have spotted me, Grandpa. You dare to take the initiative to choose the battlefield with your strength, I am afraid that you will be spoiled by the stories in the novels."

After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party did not answer, the impatient railway man simply stepped forward with a stick. Thinking that no matter what conspiracy or tricks the other party has, he will hit him first and then talk.

Right now! Whoosh!

In the woods by the roadside, a black shadow rushed towards the railway man, he immediately put his feet on the ground, and swept towards the shadow with a stick.


There was an ear-splitting sound of metal impacts, and the black shadow was knocked into the air. The railway man stood still, but his golden stick and body rippled like water waves.

The black shadow that was knocked into the air changed direction smoothly in mid-air, and after smashing a big tree, it flew back to the carriage slowly, and was caught by a big hand that stretched out from the door curtain.

At this time, there was a muffled muffled sound from the side of the broken tree, and a figure in a black robe and bamboo hat covering his shoulders appeared.

"Boy, you can actually see through our demonic energy shield, and refine the Ruyi Zijin Wheel in such a short period of time. We underestimated you."

At this time, Du Kang was checking the opponent's information obtained by the panel through weapon contact.

[Name]: Demon Insect Daoist (Huo Nu)

[Insect Nest Method]: Created by an unknown person, it records the way of raising insects with one's body, keeping the insects in one's body, and turning the body into a nest of insects. (Note 1)

Grade: D

Skills: Yiqi Yinshen·Fire (quadruple)

Insect Body (Quadruple)

Command Ten Thousand Insects (Quadruple)

Demon Qi Cover (Quadruple)

Advancement condition: After being trained to a higher level by the monk who practiced the book of fire spirit transformation, he can continue to build the road to the worm's nest.

Remarks: The cultivator who practiced the Huolingjing Bianshu was transformed into a fire slave, and the yin god was transformed into one qi, and the yin spirit was immortal.

【Name】: Devil Railway Man (Huo Nu)

[Golden Body Technique]: Created in the army of the previous dynasty, using iron-eating ant demon as nourishment, engraving talismans on the skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs, and engraving talismans on copper, iron, silver, golden bodies...etc The ranks progressed step by step, and finally cultivated into an indestructible golden body. (Note 2)

Grade: D

Skills: Yiqi Yinshen·Fire (quadruple)

Golden Body (Quadruple)

Manipulate Wanjin (Quadruple)

Demon Qi Cover (Quadruple)

Requirements for advancement: To be trained to a higher level by a monk who has practiced the Book of Essence of Fire, and then he can continue to practice the Indestructible Golden Body.

Remarks: The cultivator who practiced the Huolingjing Bianshu was transformed into a fire slave, and the yin god was transformed into one qi, and the yin spirit was immortal.

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