This sudden scene made Ling Feng break out in a cold sweat, and the moment he was stared at by the abyss, it was as if he had been branded with the mark of death by the god of death.

Who is that boss under the abyss?

In the dark night where the sound of gunfire and roars were mixed, Ling Feng was standing in the sky at this moment.

The towering roar made Ling Feng instantly return to reality and fixed his eyes.

Ling Feng found that at the edge of the demon cave that had not been cleaned like a flower, the three-eyed

demon wolf had crawled out with a high frequency! It had always been a low-level demon seed such as a sawtooth wolf and a malaria rat before, but now it had frequently crawled out of a high-level demon seed.

I saw that not far away, dozens of three-eyed demon wolves were like walking mountains of meat, rampage through the sawtooth wolves in front.

At the same time, there are also many three-eyed demon wolves condensing rays, spraying everywhere in an orderly manner.

It's not going to go on like this, and if you let these big guys rush into the city center, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although there was a garrison team guarding outside, it was not that Ling Feng didn't believe them, but that Ling Feng had seen the strength of this three-eyed demon wolf.

A garrison squad may not be able to defeat a single three-eyed demon wolf, let alone so many three-eyed demon wolves.

At this time, the headset that had not moved for a long time finally sounded:

"Attention personnel! Attention personnel!" "

We have detected that this magic cave is completely different from the previous magic cave. "

This time the Demon Cave is not like the previous Demon Cave, its appearance has no warning, it is not accompanied by the Demon Source, and it does not even detect the living beings at all!" These

proper nouns Ling Feng all knows, the Demon Source is like a wormhole, and the Demon Seed will crawl out of it in a steady stream.

But hearing the last sentence, Ling Feng was suddenly startled.

"No creatures detected?" What

does this mean? Aren't the demon seeds just creatures?

Since they are detected by the army, it must be true, they often spread out a detection network from the entire periphery of the city affected by the demon cave, and detect the demon cave in all directions.

How could it be said that the demon seeds that could crawl out of the ground in a steady stream had not detected any living beings?

He hurriedly opened the system panel, and was surprised to find that the casting point had not changed at all

! No wonder so many demon seeds had been killed along the way, but there was no system prompting an increase in the casting point

! The headset continued: "In terms of the degree of ground collapse, this magic cave is more like a pure geological collapse! And the entire demon cave is simply an artificial demon cave!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Feng suddenly realized

, since the demon seeds that poured out of the ground were not living beings, that is, they were all infected zombie demon species

! In connection with the last scene of the live broadcast just now, the huge black shadow must be the corpse of the disappearing Jairian pseudo-dragon!

In this way, everything makes sense.

The one underground, it must be the Pseudo-Dragon.

Could it be that this is the real conspiracy of the Longyin cult?

Using the beast tide as the demon source, resurrecting those dead corpses, and then transferring them to the ground, it has achieved exactly the same function as the demon source.

As for how to transfer, that's none of your business.

This may be the first man-made cave event in history, and their technology is not yet mature.

If such a terrifying technology is mastered by an organization like the Dragon Yin Cult, then they are the real Grim Reaper in the world.

Look at who is unhappy to put an artificial demon cave in his country, Zhulian Nine Clans, which is quite terrifying!

Then again, since you know about the demon cave, then the army will soon rush over, which is also to prevent the unknown demon cave from hiding fierce demon seeds and causing unnecessary losses.

It's just that a three-eyed demon wolf has become so fierce after being transformed into a zombie, what about the zombie-transformed jabby pseudo-dragon underground?

However, these 100 spiritual submachine guns are not vegetarian.

After listening to the detailed analysis of the man-made demon cave in the headset, the stone hanging in Ling Feng's heart finally fell, even if it was a zombie-like pseudo-dragon, it was also a defeated general!

Looking at Ruhua, who was still struggling to kill the enemy, Ling Feng suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

He flew quickly to the other side of the cave with his carving knife, finding the best spot as fast as he could.

A rooftop that can sweep one side

!Since you can build a submachine gun, a machine gun can still work!The

idea popped out of Ling Feng's head, and the spiritual power in his hand had already begun to intertwine.

What he wanted to build this time was a floor-mounted

heavy machine gun! A heavy machine gun mounted on the roof of a building would have several times more firepower than a submachine gun, and a single heavy machine gun would be comparable to dozens of submachine guns!

Since the essence of a floor-mounted heavy machine gun was much more complex than that of a submachine gun, the spiritual power in Ling Feng's hand had also formed an incomparably huge blue intertwined web, which had formed the prototype of a machine gun.

The more the 'magic machine' is used, the more skilled it becomes, even if it is so complicated, it only takes a few minutes for a floor-mounted heavy machine gun to be born!

The equipment is 1.5 meters high, the muzzle height is just enough to pass through the fence, and the position of the handle is a roulette type reload with a thick bowl mouth, which can store a large number of spiritual bullets.

Ling Feng equipped the machine gun with a separate spiritual power rune device inside, which was used as a source of spiritual power bullets, otherwise with his small body, a few rounds would be sucked dry.

Below, endless demon seeds were still pouring out, and the roars continued one after another.

Ling Feng looked at it, immediately grasped the handle of the gun, and aimed the muzzle of the gun at the group of demon seeds directly below.

The trigger was pulled, and the roulette magazine began to turn slowly, and the barrel of the gun began to vibrate slightly.

After a few seconds, the speed of the roulette wheel reached its highest value, and the spiritual power was quickly transformed into a bullet shape into the chamber of the gun.



da" The light blue bullets erupted from the muzzle like a flood, and the distance between the front and rear bullets was no more than two centimeters

! It was almost like forming a straight line

! Ling Feng turned the angle slightly, and saw that the blue bullets were like sharp blades, directly cutting off several demon seeds!

This is what he wanted.

If it was an ordinary floor-mounted heavy machine gun, it would not have such an effect, but it was transformed into a spiritual thermal weapon, and its performance changed dramatically.

Ling Feng set up a machine gun, condescending, like a blue fire Hades, and his gaze was all corpses all over the field! In

less than a minute, the entire area downstairs was swept clean, except for corpses or corpses!

Then, Ling Feng pointed the muzzle of the gun into the distance, and kept sweeping within the effective range, but at this time, Ling Feng found that the lethality of the bullets had decreased significantly in those places that were too far away, and the demon seed that was hit could barely survive for a while before falling down.

This may also be a disadvantage of heavy machine guns.

However, Ling Feng had no intention of building just a floor-mounted heavy machine gun.

It gave Ruhua a new order recently: to take control of the heavy machine gun in his own hands.

And the target remains the same, 'Shoot all the demon seeds indiscriminately.' ’

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