Luochuan took the reagent from Tamayo and looked at it in front of his eyes.

In the middle of the reagent floated a red liquid that looked like blood but was not blood.

When Luochuan was thinking of an excuse to take the bottle of reagent, the crow on Luochuan's shoulder suddenly spoke.

When he heard Tamayo say that he had developed a reagent that could turn ghosts into humans, Luochuan found that the crow's claws were slightly tense.

"Ms. Tamayo, are you willing to cooperate with the Demon Slayer Corps?"


Tamayo glanced at the crow, then turned her gaze back to Luochuan.

Compared to the Demon Slayer Corps, whose mission is to kill demons, she is more willing to trust Luochuan, who has a connection with her.

"Well...The purpose of my visit this time is to invite Miss Tamayo to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters."

"Miss Kocho Shinobu from the Demon Slayer Corps is very good at the physiology and pharmacology of demons. The lord hopes that you can cooperate with her."

Upon hearing this, Tamayo's body stiffened, and her eyes slightly widened as she looked at Luochuan.

"Invite me, a demon, to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps?"

Sniffing Tamayo's nervousness, Luochuan continued��"Don't be nervous, Ms. Tamayo. It's entirely up to you whether to go to the Ubuyashiki Mansion or not. No one will force you, including me."

"If you choose to go, I will guarantee your safety in the Ubuyashiki mansion. I will not favor the Demon Slayer Corps because of my status."

"If you don't go, I hope you can give me this tube of medicine."

Luochuan tried to keep his tone honest. His purpose of coming here was to persuade Tamayo to cooperate with the Demon Slayer Corps.

But now that Tamayo has developed a reagent to deal with Muzan, Luochuan's purpose has naturally changed.

Tamayo looked at Luochuan without saying anything. She believed that Luochuan had the ability to do what he said, but this did not mean that she could completely entrust herself to Luochuan.

What's more, since she chose to go to the Ubuyashiki Mansion, Yushiro would definitely follow.

Her decision meant the lives of both of them.

""Ms. Tamayo, you can't go! Let's go to another place."

Seeing that Tamayo was really considering Luochuan's words, Yushiro beside him became anxious. He had never heard of the cooperation between demons and humans.

If they went to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, what would be the difference between them and fish at the mercy of others?

Luochuan did not interrupt Yushiro. In fact, just from Tamayo's increasingly determined expression, it can be seen that she has made a decision. No matter how much Yushiro persuaded, there was no way for Tamayo to decide to go to the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Lord Tamayo....."

"Yushiro, we really need to move to another place. Mr. Luochuan has killed many upper rank demons one after another, which has made Muzan Kibutsuji unable to sit still."

"If we want to get rid of Muzan in one fell swoop, this is the best opportunity."

As she spoke, a flame of hatred ignited in Tamayo's eyes. Killing Muzan with her own hands was the only support for her to survive and hide. Now the opportunity is right in front of her. Even if it is very risky, Tamayo is not willing to give up easily.


Yushiro saw that Tamayo was determined to leave, so he stopped trying to dissuade her and glared at Luochuan angrily.

Luochuan glanced at Yushiro and said he didn't care, what a lickspittle!

"Mr. Luochuan, we can set off after we finish collecting the materials here."

Zhu Shi saluted Luochuan and turned to walk towards the research table.

"Wait for good news."

The crow on Luochuan's shoulder said, and then spread its wings and flew out of the window.

"Are you in such a hurry to bring the news back? It seems that Yaoya is seriously ill."

Luochuan muttered as he looked at the dark shadow under the moonlight.

Seeing that the figure of the crow disappeared, Tamayo stopped packing the materials.

"What are Mr. Luochuan's chances of winning against Muzan Kibutsuji?"

"Thirty percent?"

Luo Chuan said a more conservative number. In fact, Luo Chuan felt that his chances of winning were 60 percent. He was about to break through the super pillar.

As long as he broke through the super pillar, even if there would be a gap between his strength and Muzan's, the other pillars were not there to eat for nothing.

Why would he challenge himself 1v1 when he could fight with more people?

"Thirty percent?"Tamayo was silent. This chance of winning was definitely not low. After all, the opponent was a ghost king who had lived for hundreds of years.

But Tamayo didn't want her forbearance over the years to go to waste. She wanted to increase her chances of winning.

Tamayo slowly opened the drawer and pulled out another tube of reagent with a crystal clear appearance and a dark purple-red liquid.

In this purple-red liquid, it seemed as if endless power was flowing, and every drop was flashing an eye-catching light.

The words"burning blood" were engraved in thin handwriting on the reagent bottle, and a mysterious breath flowed faintly between the words, as if reminding the user that this was not something to be taken lightly.

The reagent in Tamayo's hand exuded a faint medicinal fragrance with a hint of pungent spicy taste.

This was not the fresh fragrance of ordinary potions, but a strong breath, full of demonic power.

"Burning Blood……" Zhu Shi whispered the name of the reagent, her eyes flashing with determination and firmness.

This is a very extreme method, to provide the last support of strength at the moment of life and death.

Zhu Shi slowly handed the reagent to Luochuan, her fingers trembling slightly, she knew that once this reagent was used, while gaining powerful power, it would inevitably bear the risks it brought.

Seeing Zhu Shi's serious face, Luochuan was surprised, what is this? Is it a new reagent developed by Zhu Shi?

Zhu Shi saw Luochuan took the burning blood and began to explain the effect of the potion to Luochuan.

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