"Let's go and have a look. It's not certain that we can get any benefit from Tanjiro's guidance."

Luochuan thought about it and decided to go and see Tomioka Giyuu.

Although he certainly couldn't make Giyuu come out of this situation with his own words, he couldn't rely on Tanjiro alone.

Who knows if Giyuu will only be good to Tanjiro after he comes out of this situation?

Perhaps Giyuu's reward may not improve his realm much, but a fly is still meat no matter how small it is. He asked other team members about Tomioka Giyuu's residence.

After walking through the winding path and a bamboo forest, Luochuan came to a quiet courtyard.

"It's really biased."

Luo Chuan muttered, and knocked on the wooden door.

"Are you there? Mr. Tomioka, I'm Luochuan."

Giyu Tomioka heard Luochuan's voice in the house and looked puzzled. Luochuan?

Why did he come to him? Was he just passing by?

No, his yard was surrounded by bamboo forests, so there was no possibility of him passing by. In other words, Luochuan came to see him specially? Why?

Giyu Tomioka wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it and let Luochuan leave by himself.

But thinking of the day when Luochuan became a pillar and the scene of other pillars welcoming Luochuan today, he stood up and walked out of the yard.

Unlike his own experience of becoming a pillar by chance, Luochuan became a pillar by relying on his real achievements. It would be impolite not to open the door, Giyu comforted himself.

But what he was thinking in his heart, only he knew.

Luochuan looked at the door that had been silent for a long time, and he had already expected it in his heart.

In the original work, it took Tanjiro several days to impress Giyu, so his situation was too normal.

Just when Luochuan was about to persuade Giyu at the door, his nose suddenly moved.

Huh? Giyu is here?


The door slowly opened, and Tomioka Giyuu looked at Luochuan and said calmly:"What's the matter? Mr. Luochuan"

"Demon Slayer Corps training......"

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

"You are also a pillar, Mr. Tomioka, you are the water pillar."

Hearing the firmness in Luochuan's words, a glimmer of light appeared in Tomioka Giyu's eyes, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Being affirmed by Luochuan, Tomioka Giyu felt for a moment that he was really the water pillar.

But, he was not, Santo was, and he was not a water pillar.

Seeing Giyu's silence, Luochuan shook his head and said,"I know why Mr. Tomioka always says 'I'm different from you'. You don't look down on us, but you think you are not worthy to stand with us, right?"

Tomioka Giyu heard Luochuan's words, raised his head with a little surprise, how did Luochuan know?

Except for the lord, no one should know his past, right?

"I looked up information about Mr. Tomioka's selection that year. One person died, but the rest of the team members all passed."

Luochuan covered up his God's perspective. The information about the selection was true. The Demon Slayer Corps really had a special archive room.

But whether Luochuan had been there or not was another matter.

"That person's name is Xuantu, and you are like this because of him."

"Do you think he is the one who should be the water pillar, not you?"

Tomioka held the door with a little force:"Do you have anything else to do? If not, please leave."

After that, Tomioka closed the gate without caring about Luochuan's reaction.

Since he guessed the reason why he didn't want to participate in the training, why did he come to him? Tomioka didn't understand.

Luochuan, who was turned away, did not change his expression. If he wanted to go in through this wooden door, he couldn't even stop it for a moment.

It's just that he didn't come to find Tomioka, he was laying the groundwork for making friends with Tomioka in the future.

""Tanto didn't save you to make you feel sorry for yourself. His request needs someone to continue. That's all. Mr. Tomioka, think about it carefully."

After saying that, Luochuan turned and left, with a calm face, but he was a little worried.

Is this what Tanjiro meant in the original work? He couldn't remember it clearly, so he could only copy it.

Tomioka Giyuu, who was only one door away, froze in place, as if he had been struck by lightning.

""A request?"

The memory of Santo came to Giyuu's mind.

The image of him being scolded when he said he would just die was so clear at this moment.

Giyuu's throat seemed to be stuck and he couldn't sob.

Why did he come to the Demon Slayer Corps? What was he doing now?

Giyuu stood there, dazed........

The content of the meeting was transmitted to the ears of each team member through the crow.

"Mr. Luochuan is training a pillar? Not participating in the team members' training?"

Hearing the news, Tanjiro looked envious. He knew that Luochuan was strong, but he didn't expect that he was strong enough to train other pillars.

When can he be like Mr. Luochuan?....

"Ah? Not participating in team training? Doesn't that mean I won't be able to see Luochuan for a long time again?"

Zenitsu pouted. It's only been two days, how come I can't see him again?

"Luochuan? Who is Luochuan?"

Inosuke tilted his pig-like head, such a familiar name, he should have heard it somewhere.

It doesn't matter, as long as he can train, it's a good thing.

After he finishes training, he will challenge Luo Yu to a duel!

The next day, the training began in full swing.

What is different from the original is that Kocho Shinobu and Kyojuro also participated in the training.

Kocho Shinobu is responsible for the rapid recovery and treatment of the team members' physical fitness.

Kyojuro is responsible for correcting the breathing problems of the team members.

The detailed training content allows the team members to quickly improve their strength, but also makes the team members miserable.

In a courtyard not far from the team members

"Breathe, breathe. How many times have I told you this?"

"You want to prove it to me? That's it?"

"Oh, I see. Mr. Busukawa actually learned it a long time ago. He was afraid that I would lose face, so he hid it, right?"

Luochuan said as he walked out of Busukawa's wind blades leisurely.

Hearing Luochuan's weird tone, Busukawa's face flushed red. He really wanted to sew this guy's mouth shut. How could he scream so loudly?

It's only been a short time. Doesn't learning take time?

He learned it a long time ago. If he had learned it, he would have cut Luochuan in half first!

However, despite his shame and anger, Busukawa still recognized Luochuan's strength.

The fight just now was different from their first fight.

Except for the initial test, he used all his strength in every move afterwards.

But even so, Luochuan still responded calmly, as if he was playing with him.

No matter what breathing type he used, the result was the same.

Not to mention causing harm to Luochuan, he could hardly touch the corner of Luochuan's clothes.

How long has it been since the last fight? Four months or five months?

Luochuan's strength has surpassed his?

"His breathing quickened. Is Mr. Busukawa anxious? You won't be able to see through the world this way."

Dodging Busukawa's attack, Luochuan leaned against Busukawa and whispered.

"Shut up!!"

Buzukawa cursed loudly, then adjusted his scattered breathing to a steady state, and tried the transparent world that Luochuan mentioned.

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