"I’m different from you"

"What's the difference? Aren't you a pillar? You said the same thing before, didn't you? Tomioka? Are you looking down on us?"

"Don't....Don't quarrel...Speak properly."

Ganlu Temple panicked and tried to stop him.

Seeing that Yiyong was still going out, Fuzukawa walked up and tried to grab Yiyong's shoulders.


Beimingyu Xingming suddenly clasped his hands together.

As Beimingyu Xingming moved, a powerful and extremely terrifying pressure suddenly enveloped the room.

This pressure was like a huge mountain pressing down on one's head, making it difficult to breathe and making the limbs feel extremely heavy.

The air seemed to become thicker, and every breath seemed to require a huge amount of strength.

The hand that Busei Kawai stretched out seemed to be bound by an invisible chain, and then his arm gradually became heavy, as if it was bearing a weight several times heavier than usual.

Tomioka Giyuu, who was about to leave, froze in place under this sudden pressure. He seemed to be held tightly by an invisible big hand and could not move forward.

The other pillars were also startled and their expressions were solemn. They were all pillars, and naturally they could feel the power that suddenly erupted from Beimingyu Xingming. How terrifying.

It was as if the gravity of this space suddenly increased several times.

If their physical fitness was not far superior to that of ordinary people, they would have already fallen to the ground by now.

Luochuan still maintained an attitude of watching the fun, observing the momentum erupting from Gyomei of Sad Noriyuu.

As expected of the strongest pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, the momentum he casually displayed was much stronger than that of the gorgeous-mouthed Uzui Tengen.

But this was of no use to him. Before awakening the markings, Luochuan's strength was slightly higher than that of the Rock Pillar. Not to mention him after awakening the markings. As soon as Gyomei's momentum fell on him, he was easily removed by him, and it had no effect on Luochuan from beginning to end.

The Snake Pillar sitting next to Luochuan was relieving the pressure brought by Gyomei's momentum. Suddenly, he glanced at Luochuan's ease and his expression froze.

? Why does this guy look so relaxed? Didn't the aura that the Rock Pillar just erupted cover him?

How is that possible? The whole room should be filled with the aura of the Rock Pillar.

He didn't know much else about the Rock Pillar, but treating everyone equally was his consistent style, otherwise the other pillars wouldn't be convinced by him.

But why was that guy fine?

Could it be that his strength was already able to ignore the aura that the Rock Pillar erupted?

How long has it been? Even if he adapts, it will take a while, right?

Obana looked at Luochuan in surprise. Although it would only take him a while to get used to the aura of the Rock Pillar, he couldn't do it like Luochuan had no effect at all.

Seeing Obana's eyes, Luochuan stretched out his hand and greeted him.

Oh, there's one more thing. I almost forgot. Apart from Giyu, Obana hasn't made any friends yet..

Obanai is in trouble, maybe we should beat him up? It's been a long time since I made friends with force.

Kabiramaru spit out his snake tongue at Luochuan, trying to get the breath of Luochuan.

The snake tongue just stretched out and shook, and Kabiramaru's vertical pupil suddenly shrank, looking at Luochuan as if he was looking at a monster.

Kabiramaru retracted the snake tongue stiffly, and then retracted his body to the side of Obanai's cheek.

After a moment, Obanai's eyes also shrank.

Stronger than the Rock Pillar? How is it possible? ? Did Kabiramaru sense it wrong?

Obanai confirmed with Kabiramaru again. Kabiramaru nodded without hesitation. If the breath of Luochuan and the Rock Pillar were on par, it might hesitate.

But what it felt from the two was not on par, but there was a big gap.

Luochuan is not only stronger than the Rock Pillar, but also stronger by more than a little.

It regretted it the moment it spit out its snake tongue. In its vision, Luochuan's aura was like the legendary Yamata no Orochi. Just a shallow exploration could make it feel his unfathomable depth.

Hearing Kabutomaru's firm response, Xiao Banai's eyes became a little dazed. Is this guy really stronger than the Rock Pillar? Didn't he even fail to deal with the Undying River when they met last time?

Is this strength improvement too exaggerated?

""Calm down, let's continue to explain the meeting."

Xingming also noticed Luochuan's peculiarity, but he didn't say anything, just continued to prepare to preside over the meeting.

Tomioka Giyuu turned around and half bowed to Beimingyu Xingming and said,"I'm sorry."

After that, he walked out of the room.

Busui did not stop him again, but his face was still a little angry.

The others continued the meeting of the pillars in the room.

Luochuan listened to the content of the meeting, which was similar to what he knew.

The pillars were responsible for training the team members and trying to awaken the marks.

After about half an hour

"That's about it for the Demon Slayer Corps training this time. If you have anything else to add, please tell me now."

Beimingyu Xingming looked around and saw that no one spoke. He was about to end this meeting when he suddenly saw Luochuan reaching out his hand.

"Uh, in addition to the markings, your lord has also asked me to help you open another skill."

Ubuyashiki Yoya had asked Luochuan to teach the other pillars the Transparency when he was in Kukui.

But Luochuan had not yet mastered the Transparency completely, and with the tight schedule, he turned it down until this meeting of the pillars.

"Your lord?"

Upon hearing the words in Luochuan's words, Busei turned to look at Luochuan.

The same was true for Obanai, but she didn't say anything when she remembered what Kabukimaru had detected just now.

Luochuan turned his head and looked at Busei and smiled:"Listen to me."

Four simple words, but the room was plunged into an oppression that was several times stronger than the aura released by Beimingyu Xingming just now.

The oppression generated this time brought not only physical oppression to the other pillars, but also complete mental suppression.

Busei, as the center of Luochuan's aura, felt this even more strongly.

He felt that if he dared to speak again, the consequences would be unbearable for him.

This kid....When did he become so terrifying?

Even more exaggerated than the Rock Pillar's aura just now, is this his current strength?

"Another skill that I will help you unlock is called the transparent world, also known as the transparent world."

"After entering the transparent world, your speed of predicting movements and dodging attacks will be greatly improved. In addition, the user's own muscle contraction can be felt faster and more clearly, and you can also clearly see the opponent's lungs and the flow and contraction of blood vessels, and thus see the opponent's movements and weaknesses clearly."

"I used it before when I was sparring with Fuzugawa, but I didn't use the complete transparent world at that time."

""Transparent world?"

Hearing Luochuan suddenly mention his name, Fuzukawa recalled the last battle with Luochuan.

At that time, Luochuan was obviously in a completely disadvantageous position, and it would not take long for him to win.

But just when he was about to win, Luochuan suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person, making it quite troublesome for him to deal with him.

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