When Akaza heard this, his mind went blank. Was it really Luochuan?!

Luochuan killed Douma?! When did he become so powerful?

When he was on the Infinite Train, he had to rely on Kyojuro to buy time for him to barely fight him.

Now even Douma died in his hands? ?

Akaza's eyes were full of disbelief, but these were the words spoken by Lord Muzan himself, so he couldn't help but believe it.

"He should have died at your hands, but because of your laxity he is still alive."

"Douma, Hantengu, and Jifutaro are all dead, but Akaza you are still alive. I really can't understand this." Muzan clenched his fists, and the glaring blood flowed through the gaps between his fingers.

Akaza half-knelt, lowered his head, and dense cracks appeared on his body.

While Muzan scolded angrily, invisible pressure enveloped Akaza's body.

At this time, Akaza didn't want to answer Muzan, but he couldn't answer.

"And you! Kokushibo! Why did you make the same mistake as Akaza?!"

"I placed the greatest hope on you. I thought that after this morning, Luochuan would disappear from this world forever."

"Why? Why didn't you use all your strength at the beginning?!"

As Muzan spoke, murderous intent filled the entire Infinite City. He created the upper ranks to help him solve his problems, not to be a burden to him.

The failure of the upper ranks one after another has touched his bottom line. Is that Luochuan really that difficult to kill?

It's okay for Akaza to fail, but Kokushibo also failed?

"It was my subordinates' negligence."

I don't know whether it was because Muzan didn't exert invisible pressure on Kokushibo, or because Kokushibo was stronger than Akaza, Kokushibo's expression and voice did not change.

"Negligence? I don't need you to use this word to evade me, I want to see the result!"

"I don't want my emotions to fluctuate because of Luochuan and the Demon Slayer Corps. When Mingnu finds the location of the Ubuyashiki Mansion, I will personally take action to eliminate the Demon Slayer Corps and Luochuan in one fell swoop."

"At that time, I hope you won't let me down again, and let me see the meaning of your existence!"

Half of Muzan's face was covered by the patterned curtain, but the blue veins around his mouth could still be seen.

After learning that Kokushibo had failed, he no longer had much patience to play with the ghost hunters.

Luochuan, as the biggest hidden danger, must be eliminated immediately.

""Yes," said Kokushibo and Akaza, who survived the pressure.

Akaza lowered his head, and in his eyes, besides the burning anger, there was also visible shock.

What did he hear just now?

Kokushibo also failed? Luochuan survived in his hands?

As an upper moon, Akaza knew the horror of Kokushibo, which can be seen from the fact that the position of the one of the upper moons has never been replaced since the establishment of the Twelve Demon Moons.

If the gap between him and Douma is a crack, then the gap with Kokushibo is a chasm.

The bloody battle with Kokushibo is still vivid.

The opponent defeated him with just one move. With such strength, did he still fail when facing Luochuan?

What has Luochuan experienced during this period of time? Did they really meet the same person?

First Douma died at his hands, and then Kokushibo also failed. Akaza couldn't imagine how terrifying Luochuan's strength was.

"In addition, the waxing moon is now seriously incomplete, so Akaza will take the place of the Upper String Two, and Naruto will be promoted to the Upper String Three. As Muzan finished speaking, the entire Infinite Castle seemed to fall into a depressing silence.

Kokushibo and Akaza were both silent. It was not their turn to interrupt Muzan's decision.


A slight sound was heard, but it reverberated in the Infinite Castle like a bolt of thunder.

Two bloodstains appeared in the eyes of Akaza and Naruto at the same time, and bright red blood flowed down, dyeing their vision hazy.

The bloodstains messed up the numbers in the eyes of the two, and Akaza's original number"three" was completely reversed.

New numbers slowly appeared in Naruto's eyes.

Akaza raised his head abruptly, with astonishment flashing in his eyes. He was not astonished by the change in the numbers in his eyes.

But by his strength. Lord Muzan seemed to have divided more blood into his body.

The violent influx of energy automatically unfolded Akaza's compass technique.

Akaza stretched out his hands. Now the power in his body is equal to that of Douma.

Once this power is completely digested, Douma will no longer be his opponent.

"I don't want to see the same thing happen a second time, do you understand what I mean, Akaza?"

Muzan glanced at Akaza and said with a gloomy look in his eyes

""I understand. I will not let you down."

Akaza lowered his head and vowed that there is no free lunch in the world. Akaza knew in his heart why Muzan-sama gave him more blood.

"As for the remaining upper strings,

Muzan paused and looked at Mingnu.

Mingnu gradually adapted to her new power. She noticed Muzan's gaze and slowly picked up the pipa beside her. She lightly swept the plectrum.


All kinds of ghosts poured out from the door beside Mingnu as if dumping garbage.

Among them were ghosts with mouths all over their faces and sacks in their hands, ghosts with sharp horns on their heads, and ghosts lying on the ground with twisted limbs.

Muzan's eyes swept over these ghosts of different shapes, and he did not hide the disgust and disdain in his eyes.

If it weren't for the serious defect of the upper ranks, he really didn't want to have any contact with these inferior garbage.

The eyes of the evil ghosts were completely opposite, and they looked at Muzan with fanaticism.

They knew very well where their power came from and who could make them stronger!

Among the evil ghosts, a ghost who looked no different from a human and had a puzzled expression stood on the edge and looked at Muzan.

Muzan soon realized the difference between this ghost and other evil ghosts.

"You, your name."

As Muzan pointed, the ghost immediately found that his position had changed, and the evil ghosts around him disappeared, leaving only him on the platform.


"Still quite powerful."

A giant arm stretched out from behind Muzan and pressed on Yue's head. The arm swelled slightly as if something was flowing inside.

Yue's head continued to swell to a strange degree that was seriously inconsistent with his body.

Dense bloodstains appeared on Yue's head, like a balloon that could explode at any time.

When it was about to explode, Muzan retracted his giant arm, and Yue's head began to tremble wildly.

After a while, the signs of swelling began to converge and even shrink.

"From today on, you are the top"

"As for the other demons,

Muzan turned around, and the giant arm behind him opened its mouth and swallowed the other demons watching along with the platform under his feet.

Muzan originally wanted to fill in other positions for the upper ranks, but after seeing these demons, this thought instantly disappeared.

Letting them become upper ranks would only waste his blood. These inferior trash were not worthy of being with him.

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