After being split in two, Gyoku was full of astonishment. He had never thought of intervening in the battlefield between a man and a demon. He just wanted to pretend to do so. Why did he die anyway?

The remaining consciousness allowed Gyoku to react quickly. It was Luochuan!

With Luochuan in front of him just now, it was impossible for the Upper Rank One to hit him.

The reason why he could be hit was because Luochuan was suddenly repelled by Kokushibo.

Was Luochuan really repelled? Gyoku didn't believe it.

Before he joined the battlefield, Luochuan was obviously evenly matched with the Upper Rank One, and even had a certain advantage.

But why did Luochuan fall into a disadvantage as soon as he joined?

Gyoku turned his body slightly to the side, trying to find an answer from Luochuan's face.

But as soon as his body moved, he fell to the ground without Gyoku's control.

His expression was always frozen in the alternation between astonishment and suspicion.

Seeing that Gyoku was killed by the aftermath of the battlefield just after using a move, the three members of the Demon Slayer Corps who were watching the battle were stunned.


This was not the case when Xiao Yue killed the evil ghost before. Although he didn't kill the evil ghost with one strike, the flash of lightning during the fight still left a deep impression on them.

But now.........But even the upper string is casual...No...It can't be said that he did it casually, but it was an unintentional moon blade that solved it?

Is the difference in strength so big? Is this the Upper String One?

Lord Luochuan was able to suppress such a terrifying ghost, so how strong is Lord Luochuan?.....

The three of them were panicked. Xiyue was already a high and mighty existence to them, but now he was killed in an instant. Can they survive tonight?

The rescued team member had a look of panic and surprise on his face. Did Xiyue's death seem familiar?

He looked at Luochuan with an inexplicable expression, and then looked at Xiyue's body.

If Lord Luochuan had not appeared, he might have been punched in the head by the evil ghost in front.

Did Lord Luochuan do it on purpose?

Lord Luochuan had been hiding behind him and knew what Xiyue had done before. He was treating him the way he had treated him?

The rescued team members did not dare to guess randomly. Even if Lord Luochuan did it on purpose, he would never say it if others asked.

Others don't know what this Xiyue is like, but doesn't he know it when he was persecuted?

Lord Luochuan did the right thing! Xiyue deserves to die!

People who persecute teammates don't deserve to stay in the Demon Slayer Corps!

Luochuan walked out of the ruins slowly, looking at the corpse of Gyoyue with his eyes slightly widened, as if he couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

Then, Luochuan rushed towards Kokushibo with a look of resentment, holding up the Nichirin Sword, shouting

"Kokushibo, you've gone too far."


Facing Luochuan's violent attack, Kokushibo was a little confused. Why did Luochuan suddenly go crazy?

Was it because of the person who was killed by his moon blade?

But wasn't that person's death caused by Luochuan's sudden withdrawal of strength? What did it have to do with him?

He had never looked at that person straight in the eye, okay?


There was another crisp metal collision sound. Kokushibo no longer thought about who caused the man's death.

It didn't matter to him. Not only that person, but everyone else would die tonight!

Kokushibo stood sideways, and the eyeball on the Nichirin Sword seemed to flash an ominous light.

But then, his movements became extremely slow.

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became heavy, as if the whole world was shrouded in a layer of darkness.

""Moon Breathing Form Five: Moon Soul Disaster!"

Kokushibo's voice was low, and with his voice, crescent-shaped sharp blades appeared out of thin air in the sky, flying up as if controlled by ghosts in the dark.

Under the moonlight, these sharp blades were like hungry beasts, flashing cold light.

Their edges were extremely sharp, as if they were going to tear all life into pieces.

Seeing this, Luochuan's face changed slightly, and he did not dare to neglect it at all.

He took a deep breath, and the Thunder Flame Breathing Technique burst out in his body, forming a thunder and fire storm that surrounded him.

The lightning was dazzling, the moon shadow was gloomy, and the two powerful forces collided violently on the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, there was another round of fierce collision.

The three people behind him felt their scalps numb when they heard the dense collision sounds on the battlefield.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to imagine that the scene in front of them could really happen in reality.

The surging collision of power made their moods fluctuate back and forth

"I admit that you are the strongest pillar I have ever met, but this is the end of it."

Kokushibo said calmly after swinging his sword again to force Luochuan away.

He didn't know how many years it had been since he met a pillar as strong as Luochuan. Decades? A hundred years? Or the Warring States period?

Luochuan was not only strong in strength, but also had a terrifying talent.

One of the reasons was that he had such strength at such a young age. The most important thing was that in the fight just now, Luochuan was actually imitating his breathing method, and it was very effective.

Judging from the progress of Luochuan's imitation, Kokushibo had no doubt that as long as Luochuan was given a little more time, Luochuan could really learn the breathing of the moon just by fighting.

Such a terrifying comprehension made Kokushibo's throat feel like it had swallowed sand, and it was difficult to choke.

He didn't know whether Luochuan's comprehension could be compared with Yunyi, because the comprehension of the two was very different. The degree of exaggeration was beyond his comprehension.

He couldn't judge who was stronger or weaker.

After hearing what Kokushibo said, Luochuan looked at the sky that would take some time to turn pale, and his heart tightened.

He knew very well that the current Kokushibo was not the complete Kokushibo.

Kokushibo's markings and the second form of the Hollow God had not been used yet.

No matter which one Kokushibo used, it would instantly overturn the current situation where he had a slight advantage.

Can he still hold on? Luochuan was not sure.

He didn't use all his strength now. The violent attack just now was a show for the Demon Slayer Corps members behind him.

But this does not mean that Luochuan feels that the hidden part of his strength can be comparable to Kokushibo who opens the markings or releases the second form.

It can only be said that he can barely resist when Kokushibo only opens one of them.

"This pattern...."What are the conditions for awakening?"

Luo Chuan muttered. In the previous battle, he tried to awaken the pattern many times, and even opened his own defense to let Kokushibo attack.

But there was still no sign of awakening the pattern. If he didn't awaken the pattern today, he might really die here.

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