Compared with the fusion process of the Blood Prison Bowl, this power gave Luochuan a different feeling.

This was not the flow of water, nor the boiling of blood, but a mysterious breath of life, as if it was the root of all things.

Luochuan felt as if he was in a dense forest, surrounded by a deep wood fragrance.

The wood fragrance did not come from the forest, but from the wooden stone dragon hovering in the sky.

As the power poured in, Luochuan's body heated up slightly.

A layer of light green lines seeped out of Luochuan's body.

The dragon roar of the wooden stone dragon sounded in Luochuan's ears.

Luochuan closed his eyes, like an ancient tree, and remained motionless no matter how the wooden stone dragon invaded.

In the fusion artistic conception, Luochuan reached out his hand, condensed a force, and formed a dense forest.

These trees were tall and straight, and the treetops spread out like a giant dragon, surrounding him.

As the artistic conception slowly faded, a warm energy emerged from Luochuan's body.

It was not the energy of the fusion of blood ghost art, but the energy generated by himself.

The Wujian Ye Tree brought a boost, closing the last bit of distance between Luochuan and the upper pillar.

Taking a deep breath, Luochuan focused his mind on the newly emerged energy.

The energy began to surge in his body.

A faint tremor gradually spread through his muscles, as if a breeze blew across the lake, bringing ripples.

However, this faint tremor did not stop, but gradually became stronger.

Like a slight tremor of the earth, it began to guide his soul to merge into it.

After a moment, Luochuan slowly opened his eyes and spread his hands in front of his eyes.

"Is this the upper pillar?..."

Luo Chuan felt the energy and new changes in his body, and his mouth curled up.

Now, even without using the Transparency, he could probably deal with Douma.

But he couldn't deal with Douma quickly, and it would take a long time.

But if it was Yuhu and Hantengu, he could easily deal with them without using the Transparency.

Then there was Kasumi Breathing


After Luo Chuan confirmed the fusion with the system, he opened his eyes with some doubts after a while.

Was the fusion of the Mist Breathing too easy? He did not feel any abnormal movement in his body during the whole process.

If the specific method of using this breathing type had not appeared in his mind, Luo Chuan would have doubted whether he had fused the Mist Breathing.

Is it because there are too many fused breathing methods, and the body's adaptation to the Mist Breathing has been strengthened?

Then will he not feel particularly strong changes when he fuses other breathing methods in the future?

Luo Chuan had some guesses in his mind.

If it is really as he guessed.

In the future, unless he fuses the Sun Breathing or the Moon Breathing, there will be no obvious changes and feelings in his body.

After thinking for a while, Luo Chuan put this strange change aside.

There are more important fusions waiting for him.

Super comprehension!

An existence comparable to super aptitude should not bring him a small improvement in strength, right?

【Do you choose to integrate super-intelligence now?】


As Luochuan confirmed, he gradually felt as if he was in a huge vortex.

Everything around him was spinning rapidly, forming a blurry scene.

And his soul was gradually rising in this vortex.

He could feel that every muscle and bone in his body, every drop of blood, seemed to be pulled by this vortex, immersed in a mysterious and indescribable state.

In this state, his consciousness gradually blurred, leaving only the cognition of himself and an irresistible impulse to break through all the shackles and break free.

When the consciousness was completely blurred, the irresistible impulse also completely broke through the shackles.

At this moment, Luochuan only felt that his mind was clear, and all the thoughts in his heart suddenly became clear.

Such a feeling made Luochuan have no time to take care of the improvement in strength brought to him by the superior comprehension.

His mind was full of the steps of integrating the breath of thunder and the breath of fire.

Type 1: Thunder Prison!

Type 2: Thunder and Flame Rage!

Type 3: Split the Sky!

Type 4: Burning the Origin!......

Originally, Luochuan's fusion of Thunder and Fire was still at the initial stage. Apart from the First Form, Luochuan had no idea about the other forms.

But at the moment when the super-comprehension fusion was about to be completed, the subsequent breathing forms automatically appeared in Luochuan's mind.

Not only that, Luochuan could also feel that his proficiency in these breathing forms was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he had not used these forms, he felt that the impression of these movements in his mind was constantly deepening.

It was as if there was a little person in his mind who was constantly mastering these breathing forms.


Luochuan let out a long breath. If there is any word that can best describe his current state, it is undoubtedly refreshed.

Super comprehension and super talent, one is a qualitative change in spirit, and the other is a qualitative change in body.

The two are combined into one, complementing each other. Luochuan only feels that his current state is terrible.

It may still be a bit uncertain to deal with Muzan, but if it is Kokushibo, Luochuan is not afraid at all.

If the time interval between Muzan and the decisive battle is longer, Luochuan is also confident that he can deal with Muzan.

The improvement in strength brought by super comprehension is far greater than that of blood demon art and Kasumi Breathing.

If the progress in strength between the upper pillar and the super pillar is expressed in percentage, then Luochuan’s current state is about 20%.

It seems that there is no leapfrog improvement after the fusion of super talent, but Luochuan is now a pillar, and Luochuan is already very satisfied with the one-fifth improvement.

As long as he is given enough time to develop, he can also crush Muzan!

Wait, Luochuan thought of a question, why should he consider when Muzan will take action?

The hope of defeating Muzan all depends on when the other party will attack. Why can't he take the initiative to attack?

Now the only upper rank under Muzan are Akaza and Kokushibo.

Later, Naruto and Gion will fill the vacancies of the upper rank.

Luochuan doesn't know the movements of Akaza and Naruto, but he can know Gion's movements through his identity as a pillar.

This period of time is when Gion met Kokushibo and became a demon.

If he can solve Kokushibo before the Infinite City, there will be more people to deal with Muzan in the Infinite City, and the casualties will be reduced.

And even if he didn't kill Kokushibo, it would be worth it to kill Gion.

Gion became a demon and forced the old man to commit suicide.

It would be fine if Luochuan didn't know about this, but if he knew, Gion would definitely die.

His relationship with the old man can't be said to be very strong, but he can barely be regarded as a relative.

Whether it was for this reason or for Zenitsu's consideration, Luochuan would not let the old man commit suicide because of Inoue.

Thinking of this, Luochuan's next plan became clearer.

Summoning his own crow, Luochuan told the crow that he wanted to know about Inoue's movements and asked it to convey it to Ubuyashiki Yoya.

For Luochuan's insignificant request.

Not to mention Luochuan's achievements in killing Upper Rank Two and Upper Rank Four, just based on his status as a pillar, Yoya would provide him with the news about Inoue without hesitation.

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