The crow continued:"Miraizuka-sama fought Upper Rank Two and killed him with two moves, and then he killed Hantengu...."

The report from the eagle was like a bombshell dropped in the room.

Although it had no actual killing power, it really shocked Yaoya and Tianyin.

"Jade Pot by Muichiro...."The crow didn't notice the change in the two's mood and continued to report on his own.

But at this time, Yaoya and Tianyin couldn't listen to what the crow said?

Their minds were full of Luochuan using two moves to kill Douma, the upper string two.

That was an upper string demon, and it was upper string two!

Luochuan only used two moves? ? Was the demon he killed really the upper string two? Could it be a clone?

Yaoya's white eyes were a little dull, and his mood seemed to have experienced a baptism of huge waves, and now he seemed to be in an endless void.

Did the upper string demon die, or did three die at once? ?

Together with the previous upper string six, Jifu Taro, there are only two upper strings left in the twelve demon moons?

This is like an unbelievable dream.

The upper string demons, who have not changed in 113 years, have been killed one after another since Luochuan appeared.

The key to this change that has lasted for a hundred years is Luochuan!

Yaoya had some doubts about this before, but now he is very sure that Luochuan is the one who will change the situation between ghost hunters and ghosts!

Thinking of this, Yaoya pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled with difficulty. Did you see it, Muzan? The stain of you, Ubuyashiki, will definitely be eliminated in my lifetime!

Tianyin saw Yaoya's long-lost smile and tears welled up in her eyes.

Fortunately, the swordsmith village is fine, and Luochuan and the others are fine too.

The solemn atmosphere in the room dissipated, and Yaoya's breathing gradually returned to normal.

In addition to Ubuyashiki Yaoya, other pillars also received the news.

""Lord Sound Pillar Rakugawa, killed Upper Rank Two Douma and Upper Rank Four Hantengu in the Swordsmith Village!""

Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro was in high spirits:"My vision has always been good! I look forward to fighting alongside Rakugawa next time!""

Insect Pillar Kocho Shinobu:"Upper Rank Two Douma? Rakugawa killed him?""

Water Pillar Tomioka Giyu remained calm:"Yes""Rock Pillar Beimingyu Gyomei clasped his hands together:"Namo Amitabha, these evil spirits should be liberated...."

Wind Pillar Fuzugawa Shima curled his lips:"If I meet those two ghosts, I can also kill them in the Swordsmith Village."

Snake Pillar Iguro Obanai sat up from the tree in shock:"Swordsmith Village? Kanroji is also there, is she okay?"

Sound Pillar Uzui Tengen:"The Luochuan of the Swordsmith Village may be a little more gorgeous than me now....."

The reactions of the pillars were different, but when they heard the news from Crow, they were inevitably stunned for a moment.

After the brief fight between Suppression and Upper Rank, they might just be surprised, after all, fighting alone cannot explain the strength of both sides.

But now Luochuan is different, he really killed Upper Rank Two and Upper Rank Four.

This is much more valuable than fighting or suppression.

They didn't dare to say they could do it, not to mention that Luochuan killed Upper Rank Two with only two moves.

As long as the news from Crow is true, every pillar knows that Luochuan's strength has surpassed them............

Over in the Swordsmith Village, the villagers of the Swordsmith Village and the rescue team of the Demon Slayer Corps have roughly repaired the damage.

Looking at the swordsmith who was bowing to him to thank him, Luochuan smiled.

It is a subtle feeling to have your actions recognized and appreciated by others.

On the way back to the village, the swordsmiths who came to thank Luochuan kept coming.

Although they did not see Luochuan killing the evil spirits with their own eyes, they had already known through word of mouth who had saved them from disaster.

When Luochuan returned to the village, he saw Muichiro who was supported by Tiewei.

Muichiro's body was trembling, and it felt like he might fall down at any time.

But Muichiro did not seem to be worried about his body, but his eyes were eagerly looking for something.

Seeing Luochuan appear, Muichiro's eyes lit up, and he staggered towards Luochuan.

""I remember, I remember, thank you Luochuan."

Looking at Muichiro's eyes that were no longer empty and numb, Luochuan nodded. Muichiro should be able to make friends now, but Tanjiro is not here. Will he agree to make friends with Muichiro?

Luochuan hesitated. After Muichiro recalled his memories, his attitude towards other people improved, but it was not obvious.

His attitude towards Tanjiro was extremely earnest, but Tanjiro was not here now, and Luochuan was not sure how much Muichiro's attitude towards him would change.

It should be okay to agree to be friends verbally, right?

After hesitating for a while, Luochuan was about to speak when he heard Muichiro say,"At the last meeting of the Pillar Association, you said you wanted to be friends with me. Does it still count now?"

Luochuan was stunned:"Of course"

"I am willing to be your friend,"

Wuyilang said with a smile, and then, as if he had accomplished what he wanted to do, he fell headfirst towards Luochuan and fainted.

Luochuan hurriedly supported Wuyilang.....That’s it?


【Successfully added Kasumizu Tokito Muichiro as a friend!】

【When the Haze Pillar is detected, Toru Muichiro and the host's friend have a closeness of friends, and two rewards are obtained randomly.】

【Qualification: Super】

【Skills acquired: Kasumi's Breathing Type 7: Halo (Masterful)】

【Whether to choose fusion qualification: Super】


Luo Chuan, who had not reacted in the first place, was stunned again when he saw the reward on the system panel.

Not only did Wuyilang agree to become his friend, but the intimacy also skipped the first acquaintance, and they became friends?

Because of what he said before leaving?

He was afraid that Wuyilang would be killed by Yuhu before he could remember, so he randomly picked a sentence from the original book that impressed him the most. Did this sentence have such a big impact on Wuyilang?

Hey, wait, super talent? ? ?

Isn't this going to mess with his mentality?���

He finally gathered five superior qualifications and was promoted to super qualifications, and now he came?

Are there other qualifications above super qualifications? ?

It would be great if this super qualification was replaced by comprehension. Now all he lacks is superior comprehension. Sigh.

Luo Chuan sighed slightly. Although the super qualifications were of no use to him, fortunately he got more than one reward from Muichiro.

The seventh type of Kasumi Breathing, Oboro, is the skill that Muichiro used to kill Yu Hu.

The principle is to disturb the opponent through high-speed movement with a large difference in speed, and then instantly give the opponent a fatal blow.

This Oboro is perfect with his transparent world.

With the blessing of Oboro, his speed, attack, and interference are all maxed out in the transparent state, and every blow is considered a fatal blow.

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