Yuhu, who was distracted by Luochuan, couldn't concentrate on dealing with Muichiro at all, and several pots were chopped down one after another.

Douma was dead, and he was the only ghost left here.

What should he do?

Douma was so vulnerable in front of him, let alone him.

Yuhu's brain was working fast, and more and more flaws were caught by Muichiro.

But Yuhu had no time to pay attention to the wounds cut by Muichiro, and there was only one thought in his mind.

What should he do if Luochuan killed him?

Luochuan watched Douma's head and body turn into ashes and disappear, and then looked at the surrounding environment.

The tip of his nose twitched slightly, and after confirming that Douma was really dead, his body relaxed.

Douma is the third ghost that did not appear in the swordsmith village in the original work. Killing him has both advantages and disadvantages for Luochuan.

The advantage is that Luochuan's strength is just stronger than Douma, and he can minimize the losses of the swordsmith village.

The disadvantage is that Douma's death means that Luochuan will completely expose his strength under the nose of Muzan.

The next battle will only be against Kokushibo or Muzan himself.

Luochuan is currently unable to deal with these two.

Especially Muzan. Before he has the strength of the top pillar and the three-piece set of the spotted red sword, Luochuan is not sure that he can survive in his hands.

But fortunately, the next time he meets Muzan is probably in the Infinite Castle.

This period of time has given Luochuan some breathing space to improve his strength.

""I have to speed up the improvement of my strength this time when I go back,"

Luochuan muttered to himself, then turned his head slightly, and glanced at Yuhu who was still fighting with his red-gold eyes.

Yuhu clearly had his back to Luochuan, but when Luochuan looked over, Yuhu was frozen in place as if he had been hit by a spell.

Then, he decisively abandoned the current pot and changed his position.

Is Luochuan coming over? How will he kill himself?

Yuhu hid behind the treetops and completely retracted his body into the pot.

Two small hands clung to the edge of the pot, poking out their eyes to observe Luochuan's movements.

Luochuan glanced at Yuhu, then turned around and said to Wuyilang,"I'll leave this to you, Wuyilang, remember, Wuyilang's nothing is infinite 'nothing'"

After that, Luochuan headed towards the village at the foot of the mountain without looking back. Rush over.

In his current state, dealing with Yu Hu can be said to be a matter of one sword.

But Luochuan did not do so, Yu Hu's value has not yet been maximized.

In order to make friends with Wuyilang, his memory must be restored, and the key to recovery is Yu Hu.

In the original work, Yu Hu faced Wuyilang and controlled Wuyilang, who had not yet recovered his memory, with three moves. From this point of view, Yu Hu still has some strength.

The reason why he can't take down Wuyilang now is because he is still by his side.

When he leaves, Yu Hu, who has no pressure, will show his strength and force Wuyilang to recall his memories.

Even if Wuyilang does not recall his memories and falls into crisis, Luochuan has prepared two imperial sons to deal with unexpected situations.

When Wuyilang heard what Luochuan said, his face was slightly startled. He....I seem to have heard this somewhere....

When have I heard of this? Who is that? Why does he look like me?

But his name is not Muichiro......Ichiro....

Looking at Luochuan's figure being obscured by the shadows of the trees, Muichiro remained in a daze, his eyes no longer indifferent but thoughtful.

However, Yuhu, who was leaning on the tree to watch, was in a completely different state.

Gone? ? Luochuan actually left? Didn't he notice that he was hiding here?

Impossible, he could even detect Douma-sama's ice crystal clone, how could he not notice his little trick.

In other words, the other party didn't take him seriously?

For a moment, Yuhu didn't know whether to be angry or relieved.

He was angry because as an upper-rank demon, he was actually despised by humans and felt that he posed no threat.

He was relieved because his life was saved. Although the process was a bit strange, he did survive.

Since Luochuan left, he had to leave quickly and report what happened here to Lord Muzan.

But just as he started to shake Yuhu, memories suddenly emerged in Yuhu's mind.

"If you fail again this time, you don't have to come back."

Muzan's voice sounded in Yuhu's ears, and Yuhu's action of preparing to escape also paused slightly.

This mission must have failed, there is no doubt about it, as long as Luochuan is there, the mission has no possibility of success.

Going back will face the wrath of Lord Muzan, although he enjoys the feeling of being touched by Lord Muzan's hand.

But the premise of this enjoyment is that Lord Muzan does not really want to kill him.

What to do? Going back is death, and staying here is also death.

Relying on him and Hantengou to deal with Luochuan?

If he hadn't seen Luochuan killing Douma, Yuhu might have disdained it.

But after seeing Luochuan's strength, this idea had long disappeared.

Yuhu pondered, and his eyes slowly fell on Wuichiro.

This kid seems to be a pillar too?

Killing a pillar cannot completely extinguish Lord Muzan's anger, but it can be regarded as showing his own value.

This is the only way to do it. You can't go to Luochuan to prove the truth to Lord Muzan, right?

""It was you, the stinky monkey, who was annoying me just now, wasn't it? Now, it's my turn."

Without Luochuan, Yuhu gradually regained his original arrogance and said to Wuyilang with a smile.

If he hadn't been worried that Luochuan would chop him, how could he have been chopped so many times by this kid so easily?

Now it's his turn, and he would feel it would be unreasonable if he didn't teach this kid a lesson.

Wuyilang ignored Yuhu and was still thinking about the last words left by Luochuan.

Wuyilang didn't know why he was obsessed with this sentence, but he just felt that it was very important.

On the other side, Luochuan returned to the village from the mountain in just a few breaths.

The village was in a mess, and the buildings with classical charm became pieces of ruins emitting black smoke.��

Luochuan walked into the village, and along the way he saw corpses of fish monsters of all sizes, with the smell of blood and fish intertwined.

"This jade pot is really troublesome."

Luo Chuan wrinkled his nose. The strong fishy smell made it difficult for Luo Chuan's gap line to work.

Fortunately, he had more than just this one perception ability.

Luo Chuan closed his eyes, put his right index finger and middle finger together, and placed them in front of his forehead.

""Breath of the Beast - Seven Fangs - Spatial Perception"

Invisible ripples spread out from Luochuan's body, and the three-dimensional scene of the swordsmith village appeared in Luochuan's mind. The

Love Pillar Kanroji Mitsuri was fighting with the Apotheosis.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Fushigawa Xuanya were holding back the five children.

With the death of Douma, the power supporting the children was gradually disappearing.

But disappearance is not a matter of a moment. The children are still fighting, but their bodies are melting rapidly.

Even so, judging from the injuries of Tanjiro and the other two, it is still not optimistic.

Zenitsu's arm holding the sword was bent beyond human form, and Tanjiro was almost out of strength to use the breathing type.

After determining the position and situation of the three people, Luochuan moved his body and disappeared.

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