Demon Royal Family

Chapter 7 What about the most basic trust between people?

Obtaining the bloodline of the Ural White Bear, Ivo's physical fitness has increased tremendously, and he is infinitely close to a first-level awakened warrior. However, he is still an elite warrior. What has improved is his physical talent.

The interval between Mimics' fusion of new races is ten years, and this is Ivo's first fusion bloodline.

Back in the village, the two met Uncle Ying, who was covered in black robes at the entrance of the village. Anthony twitched his lips and took the initiative to retreat and leave, leaving a person who could only be feared by a stronger person.

Uncle Ying stepped forward, crossed over to Ivo, and said softly: "Follow me."

His body was thin and his voice was hoarse, like a grinding wheel rubbing in his throat. Ivo's excitement about getting rid of Anthony was suddenly extinguished, and he had a wry smile on his face. Uncle Ying wouldn't let him rest at all, so Ivo could only quickly adjust his mentality and follow Ying into the mountains again.

Walking from early morning to dusk, the two came to a half-moon-shaped valley. Ivo's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief. There were more than ten tents under the valley, and the steaming smoke was cut into pieces by the wind and snow. Fog, Ivo came to this valley half a year ago. At that time, it was still empty, without any living things.

Uncle Ying spoke slowly: "Some time ago, an adventure team entered the mountains to explore. It was a team of fourteen people, two formal warriors, one elite warrior, two swordsman apprentices, and three people who believed in the fire god He The priest of Erleus, a shadow magic apprentice, a water magic apprentice, and four crescent-level AKS werewolves."

Ivo blinked, "So?"

Uncle Ying said calmly: "Kill them all, the tribe does not welcome outsiders."

Ivo was startled, "That's so unreasonable!"

Uncle Ying said calmly, "This world never talks to us Mimics."

Ivo was helpless: "Uncle Ying, your thoughts are too gloomy. What exactly do you want to teach me?"

"The Assassin's Way."

Ivo was speechless and pointed at Harricon's hammer, "Have you ever seen an assassin using a hammer?"

"I've seen it."

Ivo was even more speechless.

"You have three days. After three days, I don't want to see anyone alive here except you. Only when you face a strong enemy can you understand the true meaning of assassination." Ying said indifferently.

Ivo shook his head repeatedly, "I refuse!"

Shadow said nothing.

"These people have no hatred against me. I can't kill them." As a good young man who grew up under the red flag, it's okay to kill some wild animals, but kill people indiscriminately? Just beg.

"The Frost Wolf has no grudge against you either."

"How is this the same..." Ivo said helplessly: "You are trying to change your concept. I don't eat people."

Uncle Ying turned around and looked directly into Ivo's eyes, "Okay."

Ivo looked puzzled, is Uncle Ying so easy to talk to?

Uncle Ying let out an unpleasant laugh and said hoarsely: "You chose another training. If you don't kill people, you will be killed. Within three days, you have to protect them from my assassination. If there is someone else after three days... Only a living person other than yourself is qualified to receive my training."

Ivo's eyes blurred, and the shadow had disappeared, and he murmured: "So willful?"

Ivo suddenly thought of something. Rather than protecting them, it was more important to gain trust. Don't be fooled as soon as you jumped out.

In his mind, Demacia said calmly: "The Cold Night Mountains are recognized as a restricted area of ​​life. It is impossible for such a low-end adventure team to enter. These people were captured and used as training tools for you."

Ivo was stunned, good guy, so bloody.

There were two soldiers keeping vigil in front of the tent. Ivo calmed down and walked directly up. Marcia said speechlessly in his mind: "Go directly, they will treat you as an enemy. Can you be smarter?"

Ivo smiled and said, "Just walk over openly and don't be afraid." If you want to win people's trust, how can you hide in the dark. Besides, we are also urinary people. Believe it or not, it was not me who died.

The two soldiers discovered Ivo and became nervous instantly. They woke up their companions and looked at the lonely Ivo warily, "Who are you?"

More than a dozen people slowly approached Ivo in a fan shape, ready to make a move. As soon as Ivo showed any suspicious signs, they would swarm him.

This group of people spoke a common language. Ivo had learned the language and writing from the village chief when he was a child. Now he could understand and answer: "I am a hunter. I have run out of supplies. This mountain range is too dangerous. I want to talk to you." Go together, if I guess correctly, your goal should be the same as mine, to get out of this damn place."

The group of people looked at each other, and the captain in silver-gray chainmail came out, looked Ivo up and down, and suddenly drew out his sword, "There can't be a hunter in this damn place, take him down!"

A warrior swept his tomahawk with both hands. Ivo clicked his tongue and pulled out his spear to press the axe. The warrior swung it a few times but was unable to move. He looked at Ivo with a look of horror on his face. His strength was completely different.

From the resistance coming from the spear, Ivo clearly sensed that this man was of the level of a formal warrior, with average physical fitness and many flaws in his combat skills. He could see through them at a glance, and the results of four years of training were reflected at this time. .

"Could they be awakened warriors?" This thought flashed through the captain's mind. If they were accompanied by awakened warriors, the possibility of getting out of this ghost place would be much greater.

Ivo rolled his eyes and shouted: "Since you don't trust me, then I will leave!"

"Is it that easy to leave?"

A witchcraft apprentice covered in a mage's robe spoke in a cold voice, raised his hand and sprinkled a piece of gray bone powder, chanted a spell quickly, raised his hand and pointed, Ivo's feet suddenly tightened, and when he looked down, his feet were covered by two slashes. The small purple shadow hand stretched out from the ground grabbed it.

"Shadow Loroan's Grip."

"Catch him, maybe he knows the way out!" the wizard apprentice shouted.

The two swordsman apprentices swung their swords, and two translucent crescent-shaped sword energy flew towards them. Ivo took out his war hammer, twisted his wrist, and a shock wave buzzed out, colliding with the sword energy in mid-air. The bangs disappeared, and the strong wind rustled everyone's clothes.

This is a swordsman, he can make long-range slashes at will, Ivo thought in his heart.

Demacia: "Swordsmen are the most lethal outside of mages. A powerful swordsman can even cut off a golden dragon."

"I see. By the way, aren't you also a swordsman?"

Demacia was confused, "I am a demon, how can I be a swordsman?"

"Don't lie to me. I still remember that your R skill is to drop a big sword from the air. How domineering."

"what are you talking about?."

Ivo's heart was full of sadness. It was just a joke to complain in this other world and no one could answer him.

Both feet were hit by witchcraft and could not move. Ivo glanced at the captain's troubled expression and knew that the current attack was probably a test. Ivo deliberately pretended to be angry: "Why don't you let me go?"

The four werewolf hunters raised their hand crossbows at the same time, and four crossbow arrows were fired at rapid speed. Ivo hammered his hammer, and the iron hill fortress protected his whole body. They were barely unscathed, and everyone was surprised.

Ivo looked at the witchcraft apprentice, raised his hand and threw the spear with a loud roar. The diligent practice of troll spear throwing skills strengthened Ivo's accuracy and wrist strength. The group of adventurers were shocked, and the captain shouted in horror: " Stop, this is a misunderstanding, stop it!"

The three priests raised their hands at the same time, and three blazing red fire shields were stacked in front of the witchcraft apprentice. However, they were pierced by spears, which could only slow down their speed slightly. The water magic apprentice quickly cast a spell, and a stream of water appeared out of thin air and swept the witchcraft apprentice away. He rushed away and was out of danger. The spear pierced the tree deeply and penetrated the trunk.

The captain wiped his cold sweat and said, "My friend, it was all a misunderstanding just now." There is finally a living person in this ghost place, he is very strong, and everyone's goal is to leave here, they should not be enemies. In this case, then Ivo The combat power is a very useful help to them.

Ivo rolled his eyes: "If I want to deal with you, I'll hide in the dark and make a sneak attack, and I'm guaranteed to kill one with one spear, so I don't need to step out."

"Well, we were reckless. I'm really sorry. I'm the captain of the team, Morian, you..." the captain said.

"My name is Ivo." That's my real name. You'd be damned if you knew me.

"Brother Ivo, please go into the tent and warm yourself by the fire to get rid of the cold."

Ivo breathed a sigh of relief and finally gained initial trust. It is impossible to stop Uncle Ying on his own, so taking them away quickly is the only way.

It's not that there are no other ways, but with the current level of trust, other ways will not be accepted. For example, if Ivo wants them to disperse and escape, these people will definitely not follow the advice.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind the water magic apprentice. With a slight swipe of the dagger, he quietly took away the life of the magic apprentice and then disappeared.

"Who is it!" The witchcraft apprentice on the side shouted in fright.

Others followed the sound and looked over. They saw that the magic apprentice had lost his life, and there was not even a scream. Death came silently, and there was a chill in everyone's heart. They didn't know who the murderer was.

Ivo was stunned. It must be Uncle Shadow. It took less than a second from appearance to disappearance. He assassinated a person instantly, and Ivo was not aware of it the whole time.

Just as he was thinking about it, everyone suddenly surrounded Ivo and shouted: "It must be you, catch him!"

Ivo suppressed the discomfort of seeing the dead person and said angrily: "What does it have to do with me?"

Morian also doubted: "It was fine before. As soon as you appeared, we had casualties. It is definitely related to you. Everyone, catch him!"

Ivo secretly cursed that Uncle Ying's well-timed assassination had nullified the trust he had gained. Sure enough, Uncle Ying would not let him pass the training so easily.

While the witchcraft apprentice chanted, Harricon's war hammer smashed and chiseled, Ivo forced everyone away, broke through the siege, and rushed into the dark forest. At this time, the witchcraft apprentice finished casting the spell, and it was still Luo Luoan's grasp. He said confidently: "It's useless to break through. He's been hit by my witchcraft and he can't move. Hurry up and catch up with him."

Everyone hurriedly chased after him, but Ivo disappeared. The witchcraft apprentice couldn't believe it: "How could he break free from my witchcraft? Even if he is at the awakening stage, he will be blocked for a while!"

Morian gritted his teeth and said, "Stop chasing. I don't know what dangers lie ahead."

At the moment of being enchanted, Ivo directly transformed into the Ural White Bear. His tyrannical power broke the shadow-binding hand without any accident, and he quickly fled the scene.

After running far away, Ivo released the transformation, changed his clothes casually, frowned and thought: "Since I can't sneak into the team, I can only use other methods. Tsk, I have to think about how to protect them when they are being chased. Where is the promised trust?”

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