Demon Royal Family

Chapter 64 The lair is set on fire (first update)

All the soldiers wore studded armor with iron armor sewn on brown leather. Forty of them carried crossbows on their backs, with small arm shields tied to their left hands, crossbow quivers tied to their right waists, and their swords hung diagonally on their backs. Although these people were security forces, they were well-disciplined and not like the worst rabble Ivo expected, giving him a little surprise.

After asking, I found out that the security team in Liema Town often dealt with the wolves and bandits that harassed the town, and they were all experienced veterans.

Madi's loyal knight Deken wears iron-gray round steel armor and a parrot-bill knight's helmet. The raised breastplate is engraved with a fierce horse with hoofs raised. He is riding a northern mountain horse. The hook of the war horse armor is Hanging lance. This kind of horse is usually gray in color, tall and strong, and is famous for its endurance. It is produced in the high stone plains of the Kingdom of Lases. It is the most common horse breed in Frigga. It is also a relatively common war horse with a low training cost.

There are four major human kingdoms in Frigga, Lases, Barea, Renault, and Kuishang, the first two of which have famous war horses. Of course, the orc tribes, Amazon warriors, mountain people, and dwarves all domesticate more powerful mounts, such as wargs, clouded leopards, subdragon-type winged beasts, and giant horned sheep, but their popularity is not as high as that of the northern mountain horses and barria. horse.

After spending a day camping at the meeting point, night fell, and the three moons were shining brightly. The clear light shone on the branches and leaves of the Blade Forest, as if they were coated with silver. It was now a midsummer night, and there was a light rain in the morning. There were flowers in the woods. Dots of fireflies fly, leaving dim and glowing reflections on the stagnant water.

The security team was fiddling with the bonfire, and Ender was rubbing his hands in front of the bonfire to relieve the tension of the upcoming battle. David was sitting in front of the tent, leaning on his cane and closing his eyes to rest. He would be the main force against Calilban, Barona. The handkerchief wiped the sword carefully, not missing any corner.

Ivo was arguing with Demacia in his mind about "the feasibility of turning talk into combat skills". Suddenly his ears twitched. Hades walked out from the depths of the woods and threw the map to Ivo without saying anything. I found a tent to catch up on my sleep.

Opening the map with dense markings on it, Ivo smiled with satisfaction.

"We are divided into two teams, one team of twenty people, Sir David and Hades who know the terrain well, and myself, Barlow, and Deken. Our mission is to harass the Blood Scorpion's nest and remove the outlying sentries. Use long-range attacks, run away after fighting, don't be reluctant to fight, and gradually eat away at the enemy..."

Ivo explained guerrilla tactics, took out a dozen magic scrolls, threw them to Ander, and said: "Ander will lead the rest of the people and start digging tunnels from here to the inside of the Blood Scorpion's Lair. It doesn't take much speed. But be sure to keep it secret, these are 'Fossils to Mud' scrolls, use them sparingly, it's all money."

Ender, who was most afraid of fighting, was very satisfied with this arrangement and smiled brightly.

"The woods are a natural cover for us to fight guerrillas. When the bandits are overwhelmed, their first reaction will definitely be to send a large number of people to search the Blade Forest. I want them to walk into the trap step by step..." Ivo smashed the table.

Deken didn't trust Ivo. In his opinion, letting a brat lead the team was just nonsense. He snorted: "How can you be sure that your strategy will work..."

Ivo shrugged, "Take it one step at a time."

There are eight sentry watchtowers around the Blood Scorpion's Nest. The watchtowers are made of wood and are eight meters high. At the top is a platform with guardrails. Three leather-armored thieves lean on the guardrails to watch the wind. There are simple wooden houses under the watchtowers. There are ten thieves.

The location of the Blood Scorpion's Nest is hidden, and there has been no trace of people for a long time. The thieves were not vigilant and took care of things.

The twenty-man team led by Ivo, under the cover of woods and grass, approached within fifty meters of the arrow tower, and the team lurked in the grass.

Ivo pointed to the watchtower: "The vigilant thieves have signal arrows, and we can attack them with long-range attacks."

Twenty crossbows were cocked, and a shadow of arrows was shot out, nailing into the bodies of the three thieves on the watchtower, and the three figures fell from the tower.


With Ivo's shield hammer in hand, he led his men towards the ten unresponsive thieves outside the wooden house.

These thieves are the lowest-level members. There is no suspense in this battle. The sentry post was uprooted by Ivo's team. The soldiers slashed at the bottom of the watchtower with big swords. Wood chips flew and the watchtower soon collapsed.

Cannibalize the enemy, wander away when you don't have the advantage, and don't eat hard when you have the advantage.

After five outposts were removed, the thieves group finally reacted and sent a large number of members from their lair to guard the last three outposts. They guarded the base camp in a Zigzag pattern and sent a large number of thieves to search for enemies in the jungle.

Calilban received a message from the base camp while searching for Beris's whereabouts, and he cursed angrily: "What force is attacking the Blood Scorpion's Nest? Is it the Inquisition, or the king's two elite guards?" He immediately denied his suspicion.

In fact, after attacking the royal capital, he had been on guard against the kingdom's pursuit.

In addition to being the leader of the thieves group, Kalilban also has another secret identity. He is a Barian. The Blood Scorpion Thieves Group is the nail in the Barian Kingdom's Lasces. Their duty is to create chaos and plunder. Wealth and the Alchemy Cannon are also weapons sponsored by Barea, with the purpose of destroying the peace of Lasces.

"Captain, we don't know the identity of the other party. The enemy is lurking in the dark. From time to time, they attack our last three sentries with crossbows. After one round of shooting, they immediately flee and disappear into the woods. They are very few in number and we cannot catch up."

"Trash, I'll go back immediately." Kalilban cursed: "Send all the people out and find these rats!"


Ivo picked up the warhammer that had just killed a investigating thief and wiped away the blood splashed on his cheek. At this time, the jungle was filled with search teams of thieves. Most of them were teams of fifteen people. They were scattered to search the woods. There were more than thirty people. A reconnaissance team is distributed throughout the jungle.

Ivo and David met up and lurked in the woods. The thieves' response did not surprise him. After several brief encounters, he carefully observed the manpower configuration and strength of the thieves search team, and decided to attack and eat away at some of the thieves' manpower, forcing The thieves responded as he wanted.

A team of forty people appeared and began to attack these scattered reconnaissance teams. After killing the third team, the thieves reacted and adjusted their formation. The team advanced in a fan shape. The distance between the teams was only 500 meters. Once attacked, they could Quick support.

This situation basically eliminated sneak attacks. Deken looked like "I knew it would be like this", but Ivo just smiled slightly and said shockingly, "Let's go directly to their base camp."

Although the fan formation of the Rogue Investigation Team could defend against sneak attacks, it also sacrificed the scope and flexibility of investigation. Seeing that the investigation team was getting further and further away from the Blood Scorpion's Nest and the base camp was relatively empty, Ivo also adjusted his tactics to avoid the real and attack the weak. I definitely wouldn’t have thought that I would dare to go to the base camp and cause trouble.

Ivo laughed loudly: "Let's set a fire in their lair to end this wonderful day."

The Blood Scorpion's Nest is built deep in the Blade Forest, backed by a small valley. There is only one road to enter. The entrance is a huge gate made of hard rock and pig iron wood. To open it, you must use the gear slings on both sides of the door. .

Even if there were only a hundred thieves left in the stronghold, Ivo and others would not be able to break in, and of course he didn't want to break in either.

The group of people swaggered to the gate and were spotted by the watchtowers on both sides of the village gate. The thieves fired their arrows angrily. Ivo asked half of the soldiers to raise their swords to block in front, and the arrows bounced on the ground with a clanging sound.

The other half of the soldiers wrapped the crossbow arrows in linen and wetted them in the oil barrels that Ivo had prepared long ago. These oil barrels were collected by Ivo in the space ring so that they could be used now. The arrows were ignited with torches, and the soldiers kept shooting out large showers of rockets, which fell on the continuous wooden houses behind the village gate. The fire increased greatly and instantly lit up the night sky.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

"Kill them first!"

There was chaos and noise in the Blood Scorpion's Nest. Ivo was very thief and fired five waves of rockets. When he saw the huge village door trembling slightly as if it was being opened, he knew that the thieves who were left behind were about to come out. Without saying a word, he immediately ran away.

After running for a few miles, looking back, the Blood Scorpion's Nest was ablaze, and the night sky turned into a bright red.

Ivo laughed: "They are busy tonight."

At midnight, the fire in the Blood Scorpion's Nest was put out, and the thieves who were investigating outside were also urgently recalled. Kalilban became furious and vowed to hunt out these enemies and hack them to death.

The first day passed. Ivo and others lost six soldiers in exchange for more than ten times the victory.

After last night's surprise attack, more thieves stayed behind in the Blood Scorpion's Nest and patrolled near the base camp. Fewer thieves went out to conduct reconnaissance, but the formation remained the same and there was no chance of a sneak attack. Ivo led his team to shoot from a distance and then ran away. He could only occasionally shoot and injure a few people, but the thieves were annoyed by Ivo's constant harassment.

However, the thieves also found that Ivo's team was not large in number, so they came up with a way to deal with it. The stay-behind thieves rested during the day and did the investigation for the out-going thieves at night. They worked in two shifts and conducted uninterrupted investigation 24 hours a day. They wanted to let Ivo and others No place to hide.

But Ivo had foresight. Every night, everyone hid in the tunnel that Ander had dug in advance to rest. The entrance to the tunnel was very secret and was covered with a magic scroll. There was no worry about being discovered. Ivo had been there several times. In his sleep, he heard the footsteps of the scout thief passing on the ground above him.

Such days lasted for three days. The thieves who investigated at night found nothing. During the day, Ivo and others were constantly guerrillas in the woods. Even though the losses each time were not large, after three days of accumulation, Kalilban was shocked to find that the injured The number of thieves has exceeded a hundred, all of them were covered with arrow wounds, and most of them had tired faces.

"A bunch of little rats hiding from XZ!" Kalilban pounded the table hard, thought for a while with a sullen face, and ordered: "There is no need to investigate. Form a team of more than fifty people to ambush at fixed points in the woods. Don't be too far apart from each other. Support each other when necessary. Send people to set traps at night. No matter how good the rabbit is, it will always run into the hunter's arrow."

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