Demon Royal Family

Chapter 546 A tragic victory

The City of the Dead tilted nearly 30 degrees, as if something had lifted it up from under the sea. The Asher and the sailor on the deck were unable to stand still, and rolled over and fell into the sea, saving the sailor's life in disguise.

The moment the Ashers left the Capital of the Dead, they shattered into ashes. More than two hundred Ashers were lost at once. The remaining Ashers hurriedly hid in the cabin and survived.

Ivo hurriedly thrust his swords into the deck to stabilize his body. Suddenly there was a roar in his ears, which made his heart beat violently. The deck exploded not far away, and a black shadow stretched out. It turned out that the capital of the dead was pierced.

A huge long black shadow stretched out from under the sea, piercing the bottom of the Capital of the Dead ship, piercing the deck and extending out. It happened to be not far from Ivo. When he stared, the black shadow turned out to be a black and yellow section. of giant horns.

The hull of the ship made a squeaking sound and continued to tilt, as if it was about to be overturned.

Ivo temporarily ignored Maleton who slipped and hurriedly climbed to the side of the ship to look at the sea, and was suddenly surprised.

During the heavy rain, a giant fish-shaped beast with a single horn emerged from the sea. It was dozens of meters in size. Its single horn pierced into the Capital of the Dead and kept arching upwards, lifting the Capital of the Dead. At this time, a bolt of lightning illuminated the night, and Ivo clearly saw the appearance of the giant beast, which resembled a narwhal, but was covered with ferocious bone armor, with a black-purple skin, insect-like compound eyes, and a round mouth. The head is covered with spiral teeth like a worm, and it is a type that is so ugly that it can give people nightmares.

"What the hell?"

Ivo quickly searched the knowledge in his memory and confirmed that he had not seen this creature in any monster manual.

"We call him the Ghost Whale, a monster from the secondary space. It has extraordinary strength and defense. As long as you destroy your legendary battleship, you will no longer be able to compete with us." Maleton spoke proactively, trying to distract Yi Fertile attention.


A few years ago, when the Patriarch and the Pope rebuilt the barrier, a large number of secondary space monsters fell into the main world, posing a threat to all races. Nanlu could actually control monsters? By what means?

Ivo is very concerned about this issue. It seems that Maleton knows the details and must be left alive.

The City of the Dead was about to be overthrown, and he had no time to worry about anything else. Ivo gritted his teeth, switched to Motos, raised his hand and threw a spear through Maleton's thigh, nailed him to the deck, and then immediately turned around and expanded into blue gold. The giant was holding the narwhal's head with one hand, trying to push it away, and holding on to the side of the Capital of the Dead ship with the other hand.

After a struggle, the giant was stronger, and it took a lot of effort to straighten the tilted City of the Dead.

The danger in the City of the Dead was over. The giant struck the horn with a backhand punch, but it felt like it was struck on indestructible metal. The palm of his hand was numb from the shock. The narwhal flicked its head and hit Ivo hard on the chest. The sharp bone armor immediately cut his chest into bloody pieces. The two huge creatures fought, and the waves stirred up caused disaster to the City of the Dead, which shook continuously. The Ember Legion hugged the mast and trembled on the side of the ship, fearing that they would be shaken off the ship.

"You can't fight next to the City of the Dead." Ivo had a thought and shouted angrily in a deep voice. He wrapped his hands around the writhing body of the Ghost Whaler. His upper body muscles swelled a lot, and his face turned red due to the exertion. He suddenly suddenly He lifted up the Ghost Whaler and threw it dozens of meters, hitting it in the formation of the Southern Cross Fleet, immediately destroying several warships.

Ivo opened his mouth and roared, his long flaming hair and beard fluttering, turning into a golden giant in the blink of an eye. His fists were like heavy cannons, constantly bombarding the narwhal with the impact field, and the aftermath completely disrupted the formation of the Southern Cross. It played a spoiler role in the entire battle.

After hundreds of punches in a row, the narwhal only had cracks in its bone armor. Its defensive power was impressive, but its horn caused many wounds to Ivo.

No one but himself could withstand the giant beast, so Ivo had no choice but to endure his injuries and struggle wildly with the narwhal.

I don't know how long the fight lasted, and the two giant beasts were covered with bruises. Finally, the narwhal became afraid of the "crazy" giant in front of him. He twisted his body, dived into the deep sea, and escaped directly.

Heavy rains and fierce battles continued. After this series of blows, the Southern Cross fleet was defeated.

Ivo turned back into a human body to avoid becoming a target, stepped onto the decks of warships, and started crazy killings with his double swords. All the powerful officers of Southern Cross were held back, and no one could control Ivo.

I don't know when the heavy rain gradually stopped.

Ivo was already covered in blood, both his own blood and the enemy's blood. He cut down countless sailors with his two swords and destroyed no less than twenty ships. The endless killing made his nerves numb and exhausted. There was a sense of exhaustion in his bones.

The sound of fighting gradually became sparse and eventually became dead silence.

The sea water is blood red, and floating corpses fill the empty sea. There are sailors and pirates, and the sharks that smell the fish are feasting on it.

The entire Southern Cross fleet was wiped out!

In addition to the sunken ships, there are at least fifty unmanned warships drifting with the waves.

Ivo dragged his tired body back to the Capital of the Dead. The number of ghost sailors jumped to about 20,000 in one fell swoop. Thousands of people lost their lives in this war.

The surviving victors had a blank look on their faces, but they could still stand up and move the enemy's corpses and throw them off the boat. Not wanting to move, he ignored the thick blood on the deck and lay on his back, letting the drizzle of rain hit his numb face.

There was no cheering.

No celebration.

Fatigue eats away at every nerve.

The tearing sensation penetrated every muscle.

After the blood and cruelty dominated by instinct.

Emptiness arises spontaneously, leaving only death and silence.

Like a noisy carnival, followed by no one paying attention.

"we won?"


"Get some sleep, I'm too tired."

Looking around, Ivo sighed, "Let's take a rest."

Letting the City of the Dead drift, Ivo leaned against the mast, closed his eyes, and fell into a light sleep.

When I woke up again, the rain had stopped.

At the boundary between the sea and the sky, a touch of fish belly white reveals the sky.

The pirates who had had enough rest were already cleaning up the battlefield and cleaning up the mess.

Reed carried the unconscious Gaim to Ivo, threw Gaim on the deck, and said casually: "This guy used up all the spell slots, was overdrawn in mana, and fainted."

Ivo, who had regained some energy, opened his eyes and twitched the corner of his mouth, "The guy who can't be killed is indeed invincible."

Reed took a puff of smoke and said, "Gavin wants to see you for something."

"It's probably a victory report." Ivo rubbed his tired face, controlled the City of the Dead, and approached the main fleet.

Gavin stepped onto the boat.

"Ivo, we lost more than 3,000 people and 24 warships. We wiped out all the enemy's forces. Most of the people who fell into the water became shark food. We captured a thousand sailors alive, including Maleton and Morley. Seventeen naval officers, including Don and Qayim, captured fifty-two of the latest warships in the South China Sea, each with varying degrees of damage..."

Ivo had difficulty concentrating at first, but the next sentence shocked him.

"Among the senior cadres, Barlow, Ender, Sting, and Orton were seriously injured, and Sessos... died in the battle."

Ivo opened his mouth, "Where?"

"Deputy command ship." Gavin said in a serious tone.

Ivo immediately set off and came to the deputy command ship. Barlow, bandaged all over, sat on the bow, with Sessos' body lying in front of him. Seeing Ivo's arrival, Barlow raised his eyelids and said hoarsely: "He died in the battle."

There was a huge wound on Sessos' chest and abdomen, which was the cause of death. There was a smile without regret on his face.

"Who did this?!" Ivo's tone was solemn, with a hint of suppressed rage.

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