Demon Royal Family

Chapter 540 Defeat and back-up

Bennett's command ship was busy. The sailors were hurriedly loading cannonballs and manipulating ropes and sails. Everyone looked panicked.

A dark shadow floated into the cabin of the command ship without anyone noticing, passed by a group of hurried sailors, and floated all the way to the bottom. Soon, the dark shadow came to the bottom of the command ship. There was only a lonely prison here, where Constantine was imprisoned. Even though the command ship was fighting the enemy, there were still ten sailors and one officer stationed here. It was obvious that Benny Special emphasis on Constantine.

Constantine's ears suddenly twitched, he raised his head and glanced around. The officer guarding him was always paying attention to Constantine's movements and immediately shouted: "What are you looking at?"

Constantine turned to look at the officer and said with a ferocious smile: "A few dying people."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dark shadow turned into reality behind the officer, revealing the figure of Hades. He expressionlessly slashed the officer's throat with a dagger. The officer was defenseless and fell to the ground with blood spurting out and died.

Hades' dagger stabbed out a series of afterimages, killing the remaining ten marines in the blink of an eye.

Constantine looked at Hades coldly, "Who are you?" He had never seen Hades.

Hades ducked into the prison cell and stabbed Constantine's chains with his dagger. The chain floated with more than ten layers of light blocking the dagger, and was broken layer by layer under the push of Hades. These were the seal enchantments attached to the chain, which were violently broken by Hades.

Constantine's eyes lit up. Although the effect of the weakness spell would last for about a day, he could feel that the previously indestructible chain had become very fragile. He was about to break away when his neck suddenly felt cold. Hades's dagger was placed across his neck, cutting a thin bloody opening.

"What do you want to do?" Constantine frowned and helped him break the chain seal, but showed hostility, which made him unsure of Hades's intention.

Hades said indifferently: "You are very weak, now is not the time to escape."

Constantine asked: "Who sent you?"

Hades didn't mean to answer, turned around and disappeared.

After an hour of fierce fighting.

A large number of warship wreckage floated on the water.

The Saint-Malo fleet suffered heavy losses. Bennett shouted until his voice became hoarse before he managed to escape the battlefield with the remaining warships, losing one-third of his strength.

In this ambush battle, Bennett was beaten to the point of shock. If all eleven rounds of Kontilaya's Flame hadn't been directed at Ivo, the fleet's losses would have been further magnified. Bennett's scalp went numb when he talked about this. Ivo's giant form withstood eleven attacks from human weapons and was still vigorous and vigorous, turning the entire fleet of sailors into frost-beaten eggplants and completely losing their fighting spirit.

The storm continued, and the atmosphere in the Saint-Malo fleet was also miserable.

Bennett was so angry that he smashed everything in the captain's cabin. He had been cautious for so long, but he didn't expect to fall into the trap in the end. He even suspected Constantine and deliberately fabricated the news that Ivo was not in the City of the Dead in order to create chaos and escape. Thinking of this, Bennett broke out in a cold sweat and immediately asked someone to go to the bottom cabin to check. Fortunately, Constantine was still there.

The fleet suffered serious losses, and only Constantine could make up for it. Bennett had completely given up on fighting Ivo, and it was still reliable to escort Constantine. He made up his mind that no matter what Ivo did, he would never do it again!

Watching the Saint-Malo fleet leave, the pirates of the Capital of the Dead fleet celebrated this rare victory with shouts and cheers. The heavy rain sprinkled on their faces, but every pirate and sailor felt extremely cordial.

The pain in his chest was unbearable. Ivo leaned against the side of the ship, exhausted. He had to bear eleven super-large-caliber alchemy cannon shots, which almost killed him. Fortunately, the eternal iceberg was strong enough.

Constantine is a key part of the trap. When designing, Ivo thought of the consequences of Constantine leaking information. There is more than 60% certainty that Bennett will believe that he is not in the City of the Dead. It is enough to achieve more than 50%. tried.

Ivo hid in this sea area that was normal on the sea map in advance to lower Bennett's alertness. In fact, the seabed of this sea area is a volcano group, and magma flows quietly in the veins. Ivo used ghost fire to stimulate The volcano makes it boil and erupt, which is how the sky-high fountain comes about. Because this volcano was once deemed not to erupt again, it was omitted from the danger zone on the chart. However, the legal port owners who provided Bennett with information did not know that Ivo had a way to make it erupt again. As said before, "It is easier to be fooled by a little knowledge than by ignorance."

The final result was very good. The loss ratio to the enemy was about one to five. After all, it was a regular navy, so the strength under his command was still slightly damaged.

The result of this battle was that Bennett's confidence was completely shattered.

Hades appeared beside him and said calmly: "I have finished what you told me."

"Very good." Ivo curled his lips, and Hades untied Constantine, it was his intention. Only Hades can sneak into the warships in the melee silently.

Hades never asked for reasons for doing things and kept an expression of "no matter what you do, it will never affect my facial paralysis". Reed next to him was different. The undead captain asked doubtfully: "Why did you frame Constantine? Are you still looking for a chance to let him out?"

Ivo smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't have any affection for that guy. Letting him out is just revenge against Saint-Malo. The duck they got flew away, and they will definitely regret it to death."

"I don't understand. In fact, handing Constantine to Saint-Malo will make the other side retreat. Why do we have to fight them?" Reed shook his head and looked around at the sailors who were excited but could not hide their fatigue. "This battle can be avoided and we will not suffer unnecessary damage."

Ivo's face was solemn, and he stood up slowly, his black cloak fluttering in the storm. He faced the sea, his upright figure carried an angry and domineering temperament, and his tone was deep and angry.

"If you want to attack me, then attack me. If you want to retreat, then retreat. How can there be such a good thing in the world! At least here, it is impossible! I am not without the power to resist. In this case, why should I compromise!?"

"Since you are my enemy, don't even think about leaving easily without biting off a few pieces of his flesh. Do you think I am easy to bully?!"

Reed raised his brows, holding a pipe that was wet with rain, and said sincerely: "Although I don't advocate violence, I have to say... you are really domineering."

The pirates organized the battlefield and seized several usable Saint-Malo warships and a large amount of supplies that had fallen into the water. They gained a lot.

"Next, no matter what I do, Bennett won't fall for it, he's no longer a threat."

In the captain's cabin, Ivo said to the officers: "It's time to deal with the navy in Nanlu."

Gavin said: "The commander-in-chief of the Southern Army and Navy should have received the news of Bennett's withdrawal, and he will definitely be more careful."

Ivo's eyes flashed, "It doesn't matter, this time we won't engage in any nonsense, just fight head-on! Isn't there a half-finished legendary battleship in the southern continent, just to see if it can stop my Capital of the Dead!"

With a thought in his mind, dense ghost figures appeared on the deck of the City of the Dead, shouting silently towards the sky.

The master of alchemy, Geng Lei, is using special alchemical powder to draw a large alchemical circuit on the deck of the City of the Dead. In the center of the unfinished alchemical circuit, dozens of alchemical glass bottles are piled up.

The bottle contains all the chaos that Ivo collected from the place of return!

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