Demon Royal Family

Chapter 523 Seed Germination

"Compared to my injury, Lao De, what's your gain?" Ivo asked in his mind.

Lao De was silent for a while, then slowly spoke, "A trace of the dark origin contains pure demonic power, which at least allowed me to recover ten percent."

"Very good." Ivo smiled. The high-ranking being had 10% power, which was more than he had accumulated over the years.

The Dark Eye cultist looked at Ivo blankly and suddenly screamed.

"The Archbishop is dead!"

"Oh my god, our faith contract...has disappeared!"

Countless believers looked ecstatic, and many loyal believers had expressions of collapse. They couldn't believe that God and their faith in their eyes could fail here!

Ivo closed his left eye, and his remaining right eye glanced at these dark cultists, flashing with murderous aura.

These believers reacted immediately with horrified expressions on their faces.

The darkness was repulsed, the archbishop was killed, and the strongest force of the cult was defeated by Ivo alone. These believers, who had the guts to stay here, screamed and fled in all directions.

Without bothering to discipline the disciples, Ivo exhaled, crumbling, and the injuries suffered during the giant transformation appeared in his human state. The injuries were very serious and there was not much physical strength left. He gasped: "Black Queen, find a place to rest. Call all my people over."

Normally, Luna would have ignored Ivo's request, but now she obediently helped Ivo up, used her own abilities to fly him to the nearest island, and took out the communication badge to summon Ivo's subordinates. Centaur.

The high-level battle that caused the terrifying vision was over, and the sea returned to calm. Some of the Black Eye cultists who were fleeing were intercepted by two bystanders.

Constantine stepped on a cultist and said harshly: "Boy, what happened in the battle just now?"

"Who are you?" The cultist looked horrified. He was caught by Constantine without the ability to fight back. He didn't have the dark eyes to back him up, and he was filled with fear.

"Answer me!" Constantine was not a patient person, so he crushed one of the believer's arms with his foot.

The cultist screamed in pain and told the whole story in horror.

"Ivo Harricon? The demon who destroyed the Holy Land of the Holy Church?" Constantine's eyes lit up and he murmured to himself, "He must know where the two demons he fought just now are, hahaha, that kind of charming power, I We must find out, where did Ivo Harrican go?"

The cultist pointed tremblingly in the direction where Ivo and the Black Queen left. Constantine remembered that there was an uninhabited island dozens of miles away. He nodded with satisfaction and crushed the cultist's throat with his foot. The believer stared at Constantine with wide eyes, unwillingly, as if asking why he had to kill him after he had told him everything.

However, Constantine didn't even look at him, and just threw the believer into the sea, as if it didn't matter that he just killed a chicken.

"What, the boss is injured!"

"Where...Okay, I know."

"We'll be there right away."

A huge fleet of ships quietly sailed out of Black Crow Harbor, Black Bat Island, and several uninhabited islands in the outer Shark Sea.

Egg Island is located at the edge of the Shark Sea, just a few dozen miles away from the battlefield. It is an uninhabited desert island with rugged rocks and deep forests. It looks more like a mountain forest on the mainland.

In a cave inside the island, Ivo's upper body was naked, with thick bandages wrapped around his solid muscles. The wound was still bleeding slightly, making the bandage red. There was also a bandage on his left eye, although it was no longer bleeding. , but more serious than the wounds on the body.

With only his right eye left, Ivo was a little uncomfortable. He shook his head, looked at the man in black in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Paro, are you still loyal to me?"

The man in black in front of him is the seed planted by Ivo in the Eye of Darkness, Deacon Paro. In the battle just now, Ivo discovered that many believers were unable to do their job and avoided his attack. Paro It was one of them, which inevitably made him think of the "new religious order" that he had casually mentioned before.

Although Ivo was seriously injured and his tone was weak, in Paro's eyes, Ivo was like a wounded ferocious beast at this time. Although his sitting posture was lazy, he still had an entrenched power, and his eyes always radiated an intimidating pressure. Compared with the last time they met during the Hokuriku War, Ivo has changed completely. Now he can easily crush him to death. Paro does not dare to show any disrespect or even take a deep breath. His posture is even more humble than before. He whispered: "Lord Ivo, I followed your instructions and tried my best to spread the new religious order in the Eye of Darkness. I have already attracted many believers. Now that the Darkness and the Archbishop are gone, the Eye of Darkness is leaderless. This is a good opportunity for us. "

Seeing Ivo repelling the darkness and killing the archbishop, Paro felt lucky that he had sworn allegiance to Ivo. In the past ten years, he had developed the new order under the eyes of the archbishop. He was trembling with fear. Sometimes he was doubtful, worried, afraid, and unable to persist. Now that he has finally seen the light of day, his persistence in loyalty has finally brought him rewards. He feels the excitement of finding an organization, which strengthens his determination to serve Ivo.

"Tell me about it." Ivo raised his right eyelid.

"The Eye of Darkness has several strongholds in Abraham. As you know, Abraham is full of dangers. A safe stronghold is a hundred times more important than money, and the resources accumulated by the Eye of Darkness are also huge. The Eye of Darkness is leaderless, with only a few left. The wealth of an ordinary bishop will inevitably trigger a separatist civil war, and we can take the opportunity to take away the foundation of the Dark Eye."

Ivo's eyes lit up. He was really dozing off. Someone sent him a pillow. After two years of development, the forces under his command have begun to take shape. He is about to launch the plan to expedition to Abraham. Someone will send him the required information. If he can win, The foundation of the Eye of Darkness can save a lot of trouble, how could he not be tempted.

"Paro, I am very satisfied with you." Ivo said slowly: "How many people do you have and what help do you need?"

"I have won over 700 fighting cultists and 2,000 low-level believers. I need the help of some strong people. I hope you can agree to my request." Paro said humbly.

Ivo thought for a while and said, "Okay, you wait next to me for a few days, and I will allocate some manpower to you."

After ending the conversation, Paro left the cave very consciously and patrolled nearby. Ivo smiled slightly.

The seeds that were planted back then are finally about to sprout.

In just a few hours, the strange phenomenon caused by the high-level battle quickly spread throughout the outer shark sea. All kinds of speculations were rampant, and some even speculated that a treasure was born. This kind of ridiculous rumor turned out to be the most recognized. A large number of ships went to sea to go to otherworldly places. Search for unexpected treasures in the sea area where the elephant occurred.

And before anyone else, Constantine arrived on Egg Island.

Constantine sniffed and smiled evilly, "Yes, it smells of blood..."

After walking around, Constantine walked towards the inside of the island, taking the route that Ivo took to get to the island.

On the other side of the island, the patrol ship of the Evil King Pirate Group came to Egg Island for the second time.

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