Demon Royal Family

Chapter 507 Two Thousand Ghosts

Todd searched for information in his mind and found that he had never heard of this name. The Shark Sea was too far away from the Misty Sea. Ivo's reputation in the Shark Sea was not particularly outstanding, so it naturally did not spread here.

Todd said fiercely: "I've never heard of a person like you! No matter who you are, you are only one person and it is impossible to escape in a boat. Just wait for me and our large army to come and beat you to pieces with endless artillery fire!" Your legendary battleship is destined to belong to our Thunder Hammer!"

"Is it impossible to escape by boat?" Ivo paused.

"You alone can't pilot such a huge ship!"

Ivo sheathed the sword and said slowly: "Who said that I am only one person."

As he finished speaking, hundreds of semi-illusory ghost sailors suddenly appeared behind Ivo.

After his delay, the Capital of the Dead has summoned more than a hundred ghosts!


The ghost sailors floated, untied the cables and opened the sails at a speed beyond human beings. A group of ghosts pushed the sails, and the light spirits transformed into wind power, slowly pushing the City of the Dead forward.

"This is a real ghost ship!" The pirates were stunned and in chaos.

"Impossible! Hurry up and retreat!" Todd roared in disbelief, and jumped off the ship first. The pirates jumped into the sea like dumplings, not daring to stay in the Capital of the Dead. Ivo was strong enough to massacre them, and Ivo did not stop them. leave.

Todd and others returned to the pirate ship wet and in a state of embarrassment. As they watched the City of the Dead gradually move away, every pirate looked surprised and uncertain. The name "Black Crow" was deeply ingrained in their hearts.

Who is that guy?

"Notify the captain immediately!" Todd said angrily: "Anyone who dares to kill us, even if he owns a legendary battleship, will be chased to death!"

Due to its huge size, the City of the Dead sails very slowly. Ivo estimated that only if the number of ghost sailors reaches five hundred can it reach the speed of an ordinary sailing ship. The more ghost sailors there are, the faster the City of the Dead becomes.

The ghost sailors are the driving force of the Capital of the Dead. Mr. Ship Spirit Jim said that among the five legendary battleships, the Storm Lantern is the fastest, and the only one that can rival the Storm Lantern in speed is the Capital of the Dead.

The ghost sea is full of wandering souls, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to summon ghost sailors. Ivo has always turned on the [summoning] ability. His monitoring of the City of the Dead shows that the number of ghost sailors is constantly increasing.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but in the area where the City of the Dead passes, the dense fog will become thinner, and the weird atmosphere of the Ghost Sea will be lost.

In order to summon ghosts, Ivo plans to stay in the Ghost Sea for a while.

He leisurely summoned ghosts, but he didn't know that the mist sea next to the ghost sea had exploded.

Todd sent the information back. Under the prying of other forces, many forces occupying the Sea of ​​Mist got the information about the birth of the legendary battleship, and the Sea of ​​Mist suddenly boiled! The Odin Empire, the Southern Continent Federation, and the pirates from the Sea of ​​Mist were all tempted, and rushed to the Ghost Sea with the intention of snatching the legendary battleship.

The birth of a legendary battleship has affected an entire sea area!

Thousands of ships flocked to the ghost sea, which was rarely visited by people.

A few days later, the Capital of the Dead made a small circle around the Ghost Sea. The number of ghost sailors on the ship had reached 2,000, and the dense fog in the Ghost Sea became thinner and thinner. In Ivo's sight, there were busy ghost sailors everywhere on the deck and mast, but only he, the captain, could see this scene. To outsiders, the Capital of the Dead was just an empty ship.

The material of the City of the Dead is very strange. It will always remain white and clean, and it can be automatically repaired if it is damaged. It only requires the number of ghost sailors, which is very small. The ship is missing a lot of accessories, including ramming horns, bow images, naval warfare weapons, etc. These need to be configured by Ivo himself.

Two thousand ghost sailors have increased the speed of the City of the Dead to a very good level. It is faster than most ordinary sailing ships and has entered the speed standard of special ships.

Among the ghost sailors recruited, one ghost mutated and became wise. According to the description of the ship spirit, summoning ownerless ghosts has a small chance of mutating.

This intelligent ghost retains fragments of memories from his lifetime. He is a sailor and calls himself Taylor. Seeing that he has sailing experience, Ivo appoints Taylor as first mate to share his management of the ghost sailors.

He also took out a bottle of Chaos and let Taylor touch it. Chaos quickly enveloped Taylor's spirit body. After a few minutes, it formed a dark green solid body and became an existence with the same nature as the special undead in the place of return. Hard to annihilate.

Ivo is so willing because the mutated ghosts born in the Capital of the Dead can increase their strength by absorbing other ghost sailors, and he plans to train Taylor. There are not many ghost sailors at this time. When the number is enough, Taylor will be strengthened. Anyway, with the body reshaped by Chaos, it will be difficult for Taylor to die.

Ivo enthusiastically strengthened the City of the Dead, and Reed's ghost ship came up. Compared with the City of the Dead, it was like the difference between a kitten and a tiger.

"We meet again, Lord Ivo." Reed took off his hat.

"It is you."

Ivo jumped onto the deck of the ghost ship, and the pale-faced Orton immediately rushed forward and hugged Ivo's thigh, as if seeing a relative, wailing, "Take me away from this ship quickly, the undead are so scary." !”

"Why is this guy still here?" Ivo was stunned.

Reed shrugged: "He couldn't leave the ghost sea, so I took him in for a month or two."

Let a person who is afraid of ghosts stay in a ghost ship for a month or two. No wonder Orton cried as if his parents were dead.

Ivo remembered something, "Reed, I met your master."

Reed's face was calm, "I know."

The parrot on the Ghost Captain's shoulder screamed, "Gu Gu~ The Saint is safe now. You took away the Capital of the Dead and aroused the wrath of Thanatos. His wrath spread throughout the Land of Return."

The parrot is the saint's mouthpiece and the medium to supervise Reed. Ivo is not surprised that it can say these words.

"Gugu~ Since you own the Capital of the Dead, Reed doesn't have to abide by his duties. He can help you."

Ivo looked over in surprise, and Reed spread his hands, "You heard me, my new duty is to follow you. Of course, if you are willing to use wine and cigarettes as payment, I will be very happy."

Reed has a difficult ability, and the ghost ship is also a good help. Ivo nodded, "Okay, I need your help, thank the saint for me."

The parrot chirped: "Gu Gu~ I will tell you."

The addition of Reed adds some fun to Ivo's monotonous life of collecting ghosts. Reed's collection of good wine over hundreds of years gives Ivo a feast for his taste. It is worth mentioning that Orton, this guy who is afraid of ghosts came to the City of the Dead and thought he was out of the devil's cave. Ivo's bad taste took over and made two thousand ghosts appear. As expected, Orton was frightened and fainted. .

Although Orton was very scared, he still followed Ivo shamelessly and did not want to return to the Thunderhammer Pirates. Ivo had nothing to do with him and ignored him. During this period, Ivo witnessed Orton going crazy. He was quite strong, but he was able to suppress it easily.

A few days later, the commotion in the Sea of ​​Mist finally reached Ivo.

He met the first group of teams that came to rob the Capital of the Dead, carrying the Braton flag and twenty warships. This was a fleet of the Southern Continent Federation stationed in the Sea of ​​Mist.

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