Demon Royal Family

Chapter 486 Nafi’s concerns

Fifty-eight trialists were waiting at the entrance of Gondila Snow Mountain, waiting for the examiner to announce the start of the assessment. The trialists were all rising star disciples of the Nine Pagodas, and their teachers were all famous wizards. Among them, four trialists were the most powerful. Excellent, Lavia from the Tower of Soul, Seni from the Tower of Amplification, Gallia from the Tower of Shadows, and Gaudin from the Tower of the Dead, gathered together to talk,

"Mr. Ravia, the theory of psychic explosion you recently proposed has solved several of my research problems." Godin complimented.

Lavia is the disciple of the examiner Simea, and is the head of the group. Hearing this, he smiled gently and said, "It's my honor to be able to help you." Lavia seemed kind, but in fact, she was extremely arrogant. He would only show his gentle side when facing geniuses at the same level as him. He would not even look at other ordinary wizards.

Compared to the lively business exchanges among this group of people, Nafei, who was far away from the crowd, seemed out of place. Not only because of her identity, but also because she was the only member of the Mysterious Tower in this trial. Learning the mystical witchcraft is much more difficult than the other eight witchcrafts. The Mysterious Tower has the fewest people and is also very powerful.

Galiya was a witch. She glanced at the isolated Nafi coldly and said with jealousy: "I really don't know what she is capable of. She has never published any magic theory, but Lord Michelle would actually take a fancy to her." Gallia originally had a spot in the Terra Emperor Trial, but was snatched away by Nafi. She was full of hostility towards Nafi.

"Hmph, maybe she has not made any achievements in magic research at all. She participated in this trial just to gain honor and make others think highly of her." Seni sneered.

Everyone agreed.

Lavia's lips curled up, "When the trial starts, don't you know what she is capable of? If she is too weak, don't blame us for eliminating her first."

This group of people did not deliberately suppress their voices. Nafei moved her ears slightly and heard clearly, feeling slightly helpless.

This Gondola Snow Mountain Trial was completely forced by her teacher Michelle to participate. She had no intention of competing for victory. She just wanted to follow Ivo's instructions, learn witchcraft in a low-key manner in the Nine Towers, and wait quietly for Ivo. came to pick her up, but Michelle insisted on Nafi participating because the winning reward this time was very good and let Nafi get it back.

Nafei doesn't want to be in the limelight at all. Her personality is gentle and calm, and she doesn't like publicity. Even though most wizards of her generation were hostile to her and spread various rumors, she did not want to defend herself and lived quietly in her own corner, reading witchcraft books every day and immersed in learning.

Only by immersing herself in learning could she forget about missing Ivo.

In the high-altitude floating room, Simea glanced at Nafi through the crystal ball, and then spoke. The sound was added with the effect of amplification, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the tester.

"You all know the rules. There are no restrictions on the use of witchcraft and magic props. Once you encounter a fatal crisis, you can tear up the teleportation scroll that was given to you before and end the trial early. The person who stays until the end is the winner. The winner You can learn any three kinds of witchcraft except forbidden spells at will, and obtain a quasi-epic-level spell-casting equipment."

The trialist's breathing suddenly became heavy, and it was the same for Lavia. To learn witchcraft above level 5, you need the special currency "Wizard Gold Coin" from the Nine Towers. It is expensive, and it also has quasi-epic-level spell-casting equipment, which is of incomparable value. It is estimated that it can greatly enhance the casting speed and spell power.

Nafei remained calm, her beautiful face as cold as ever.

"The trial begins." Simea said.

The entrance to Gondila Snow Mountain opened, and the tester's body lit up with a teleportation light, disappeared in an instant, and was teleported to a random corner of the snow mountain.

An examiner smiled and asked: "Mr. Simea, who do you think will win in the end?"

Ximaia didn't even raise his eyelids, "It's either Lavia or Galiya. The others are not strong enough."

"Michelle's disciple also participated in the trial, maybe she will give us a surprise."

Ximaia snorted coldly, disapprovingly.

There are a large number of gold-level beasts living in the Gondila Snow Mountain. After Nafi was teleported in, she was lucky not to encounter any beasts. She was not in the mood to win. She found a cave at random and read the original books of witchcraft. In every corner of the snow-capped mountains, the trialists were already fighting or fighting wild beasts, and the situation was very fierce. Although the rule is that victory is not considered until the end, this trial will be recorded on the photo stone and shown to the bosses of the Nine Towers. All the trialists want to try their best to show their strength, and the arrogant Lavia does not want to exception. The image of Nafei standing still was incompatible with everyone else. The examiners wanted to watch Nafei's strength, but Nafei's performance made them complain.

"Why isn't she moving?"

"Perhaps he knows that he is not strong enough, so he doesn't dare to wander around for fear of being eliminated by wild beasts."

Ximaia snorted coldly: "She must have wanted to hide until the end to win. I didn't expect Michelle's disciple to be so timid."

The examiners take this seriously, and although the rules do not prohibit this, they inevitably show contempt.

The Gondila Snow Mountain Trial usually lasts for one or two hours. After a few hours, Nafi suddenly made a move and raised her hand to summon Ivo's mirror phantom.

The secondary space with the least impact of the main world barrier is the shadow world. The shadow world is everywhere, just like the mirror space embedded in the main world. The rules are weird. Even when a large number of summoning witchcraft fails, the creatures in the shadow world can still be captured. Summoned to the main world.

After Xiao Hei was summoned, he sat in a daze while Na Fei read a book and spoke to him softly, "How have you been recently? Did you eat well and sleep well?"

"The vitality shared by the contract is getting bigger and bigger, and you are getting stronger again."

"I have mastered some new magic recently, and the results are very good. The teacher said that at my age, her magic comprehension is not as good as mine. Hehe, I really want to help you sooner."

"You always said that I look good in mage robes. I'm not stupid. I bought a lot of beautiful skirts and dresses. When I see you, I'll wear them for you..."

"Ivo, I miss you so much..."

When Nafei was alone, her expression was no longer cold, and she became very gentle, talking about her thoughts. Xiaohei's appearance was the same as that of Ivo, just like Ivo's projection. Nafei is considerate and gentle, and does not want to disturb Ivo frequently and distract him, so she treats Xiao Hei as someone to express her concerns to. Xiao Hei cannot understand her anyway, so Nafei just needs someone to vent to.

"It's like a lunatic talking to himself." Suddenly a sneer sounded at the entrance of the cave. Galiya walked out and said arrogantly: "Even if you hide, you can't escape my tracking technique."

Nafei's face returned to coldness, she put away the magic book and took out the staff.

Gallia talked to herself and sneered: "Let me see your strength and whether you are worthy of the position of Michelle's disciple!"

Neferi ignored her and sang to herself.

Galiya's face suddenly twisted with anger, and she used the prepared instant magic. Suddenly, dozens of shadow hands appeared and wrapped around Nafei's limbs. Nafei glanced at it, but she did not dodge or dodge, letting the shadow hands entangle her. hands and feet.

The examiners watching the battle shook their heads.

"It's so easy to get caught."

"This is level five witchcraft. Nafi lost."

Simea had a "Sure enough" expression on his face.

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