Demon Royal Family

Chapter 461 The privateers just need to sit back and wait.

Listening to the uproar of the pirates, Constantine had a weird smile on his face, seeming to enjoy bathing in the exclamations and awe.

"He just said that Captain Black Mask really exists?"

"Was the Kuishang Navy really destroyed?"

The pirates talked quietly, looked surprised, and attacked the navy. No matter which sea area they were in, it was not something a young pirate would dare to do.

Constantine did not continue talking. He came to the bounty board, tore off the bounty list of "Evil King" Tyrol, and sneered: "The pirate with the highest bounty in the Shark Sea is qualified to be a pirate with such a level." My opponent!"

The pirates looked surprised, hearing that Constantine wanted to challenge Tyrol, and some arrogant newcomers always wanted to step on their predecessors to get the upper hand. However, such newcomers were all whimsical in the eyes of the pirates, and some people suddenly ridiculed him in a weird way.

"A newcomer who has just debuted for a month wants to challenge Tyrol. He is simply seeking death."

"Huh, another newbie who doesn't know the heights of the world."

Constantine's face darkened, his wolf-like eyes swept across the crowd, and he suddenly moved, like a phantom, faster than the reaction of this group of ordinary pirates. He grabbed the two people who had just spoken and threw them at his feet. The pirates with horrified faces begged for mercy and crushed their chests with both feet.

The pirates were stunned for a moment, and they were all shocked and angry.

"How dare you kill someone in Troga!"

"Aren't you afraid of offending the owner of Port Troga?!"

Constantine laughed wildly, "Troga's master?! Hahaha, who is he? As long as he is not ranked first, he is just a piece of trash in my eyes!"

When the pirates caught a glimpse of the reward list in Constantine's hand, they immediately fell silent and labeled Constantine a "madman". If he dared to challenge the strongest pirate in the Shark Sea, he was certainly not afraid of offending Troga's owner.

Constantine took the reward list and turned away. His men followed suit. After walking a few steps, Constantine suddenly stopped, turned around and ordered the pirates angrily: "Pay attention to Captain Black Mask. If he appears, tell me immediately, that guy is my prey!"

The pirates looked angry, stared at Constantine's retreating back, and cursed fiercely.

"Who does he think he is?! What qualifications does he have to order us?"

"There must be something wrong with this bastard's brain!"

"He is even more arrogant than a high elf!"

"Hmph, like a goblin who thinks he's tall!"

Despite the scolding, the pirates were extremely afraid of Constantine. The speed with which he killed so brazenly just now made everyone unable to react.

Immediately, the pirates became very curious. Constantine was undoubtedly a fanatic. Even the owner of Troga Port was not looked down upon by Constantine. However, he cared about the black masked captain. Could it be that he Does this person really exist? And he has a power that cannot be underestimated?

Why haven't I heard rumors about this person before?

Could it be that the privateers ransacked the navy and then realized something was wrong and fled the sea of ​​sharks?

Constantine's words planted a seed of curiosity in the hearts of the pirates.

The coastal area is relatively deserted, and you may not see other ships after sailing for a long time. Once you enter the outer shark sea, the situation changes immediately, and the number of ships you encounter gradually increases. Sometimes you can see a large caravan of more than a dozen armed merchant ships passing by.

The privateers were disguised as two merchant ships and looked ordinary in such an environment. This is what Ivo wanted.

The ports in the Outer Shark Sea became more dense. Through the purchase information from various ports, Ivo visited several legal ports and made a small profit.

The area of ​​the Shark Sea is not small. He entered the Outer Shark Sea from the north and saw only the tip of the iceberg.

There are hundreds of islands marked on the sea chart. Ivo avoids the pirate ports marked in red and occasionally goes to uninhabited islands to observe the terrain. Some uninhabited islands produce special materials and are stationed with workers from legal ports and bustling foreign sharks. There are basically no truly uninhabited uninhabited islands in the sea, and Ivo is secretly grateful for his decision to establish a base on Black Bat Island.

The intelligence in various ports circulated very quickly. After asking around, Ivo found that the destruction of the Kuishang Navy did not seem to have much impact. Of course, it may also be because the time was not long enough and the Kuishang Kingdom and the St. Malo Empire responded. It hasn’t spread to the sea of ​​sharks yet.

The mood of the sea changes constantly. It remains cloudless during the day, but suddenly there is lightning and thunder at night, and strong winds and rain hit the sea surface. The ships anchored at the port pier rise and fall with the sea surface.

The green light of the lighthouse penetrated the rain curtain that blurred his vision, and reflected in Ivo's eyes.

The stormy weather was not suitable for sailing, so Ivo chose this time to leave the port. The seaman on the dock even thought he was crazy.

Of course, Ivo's mental state was normal. A few hours after entering the port, he discovered that pirates were targeting them. He couldn't help but feel very excited. Since he left Black Bat Island and visited several ports, this was the first time he encountered prey. .

Ivo never chooses weak caravans as prey. Although he needs supplies, he is unwilling to bully caravans and travelers. Pirates and passing fleets of powerful forces are his targets.

Ordinary plunderers are keen on looting defenseless fleets, but Ivo goes in the opposite direction. Bullying the weak and fearing the tough is not his style. The stronger the target, the more excited he becomes. Compared with sharpening himself and his subordinates, looting supplies is more important. in second place.

Riding the storm and sailing hard on the rough sea, through the rain curtain, blurry pirate ships appeared in the distance, including three enemy ships.

"Boys, get ready for our second opening." Ivo ordered his men to lower the sails and speed, staring closely at the approaching pirate ship, with a joking expression on his face covered by a black mask.

A group of little pirates, just perfect for testing cannons!

"Damn, those caravans are really a bunch of lunatics, they have to sail in this weather!"

Three pirate ships with red skull pirate flags were approaching their prey with difficulty. The pirate captain on the deck kept cursing, and rainwater poured into his mouth, causing the pirate captain to choke and become even more resentful.

The pirates on the ship were driving the ship in the rain, and there was a layer of puddles in the cabin. Every pirate was soaked and very uncomfortable.

"Captain, we'd better stop chasing." The bald first mate of the pirate ship frowned: "In this weather, if we encounter big waves, we will probably capsize!"

"Hmph, we must chase!" The pirate captain looked fiercely, "Those two merchant ships must have found out that they were being targeted by us, and deliberately chose this kind of weather to go to sea, just to scare us and use the weather to get rid of us! We have ten days There is no harvest, and it’s hard to find a suitable target. How can you be scared away by a group of cunning businessmen!”

"So that's it!" The bald mate suddenly realized and looked at the captain with admiration. He was not very smart and admired the captain for being able to see through the opponent's tricks at a glance. No wonder the captain was able to lead them to obtain a reward of 36 million in the outer shark sea, occupying a place.

The bald first mate laughed ferociously, "When I catch up with them, I will definitely twist off their captain's head with my own hands!"

The pirates next to him echoed the grin. The bald first mate came from Atami, the southern continent, and had barbarian blood. It was their custom to collect the heads of their enemies.

One chase and the other escape, both sides left the sight of the lighthouse.

Suddenly, the panicked merchant ship suddenly turned around and faced the invading pirate ship with its broadside.

"Why didn't you escape?" The pirate captain was a little confused, and then he found an explanation. "Well, it must be because the weather was too bad, and the helmsman who was frightened by us accidentally slipped!"

The two sides approached quickly, and through the rain curtain, the deck of the merchant ship was already vaguely visible.

The pirates clenched their weapons and looked ferocious, ready to rush onto the merchant ship and kill them.

At this time, a muffled thunderous sound of cannons was faintly heard, and it sounded at the same time as lightning in the sky.

All the pirates saw orange fire erupting from the sides of the two merchant ships, large amounts of steam rising, and two red meteors rapidly magnifying in their sights.

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