Demon Royal Family

Chapter 427 Get out!

Ivo was silent. From the initial confusion and shock to the calm state of mind now, countless thoughts flashed through his heart. The truth about the tribe was like a bloody picture, torn open by Ames. What happened to his mother made Ivo Complicated feelings.

If Lililin had not insisted on giving birth to an heir, this body would not have appeared, and there is no telling whether she would have traveled through time.

The familiar faces of the tribesmen became unfamiliar in their minds. Ivo looked at the silent tribesmen and whispered: "Do you all agree with Emers's approach?"

The faces of the clansmen were sad. It was not that no one objected to Ames's decision. Over the long years, some of the clansmen were filled with guilt and chose to end the reincarnation of living and sleep in death. They only wanted peace of mind. Ames He feels sad for every dead member of his kin, but on the other hand, he angrily accuses the deceased of being cowardly.

Life is painful and death is easy. Ames once said this and warned his people to either live for their mission or die abandoning their responsibilities.

Emers once led the Mimics out of their shackles. Although he used unscrupulous means, he valued his tribe more than anyone else, and everything he did was for the tribe. The tribesmen have very contradictory impressions of him. On the one hand, they respect the pioneers, but on the other hand, they reject the method of soul grafting. However, life and freedom are the two biggest temptations in the world, and few people have the courage to refuse the immortality that is easily available.

For Ames, the so-called mission has become his only pursuit in life. For this purpose, he will do whatever it takes. The hatred and anger in his heart eventually turned into paranoia.

Ivo looked at Ames. For the first time, he felt that someone was so contradictory. He knew that Ames's choice could not be easily summed up in two words: right or wrong. Everything in the world was right, wrong, good and evil. Depends on the footing position.

"Twenty years ago, after you were born, Ames wanted to put the soul of your ancestors into your brain, just like he did to the newborns in other containers. I couldn't be indifferent..." Mok looked angry. Then he said sadly: "But, I can't beat Emers..." After saying that, my father coughed violently, which caused old injuries.

"Did you cause my father's injury?" Ivo narrowed his eyes.

Ames said: "He indirectly killed my sister. I will not kill any compatriot, but I will not let him stop me." The brother and sister have been dependent on each other for hundreds of years, and Lilylin's death has a profound impact on Ames's. The blow was huge, and he vented his anger on Mork and Ivo. Mork's life in the tribe was difficult due to the rejection of Ames.

The cold north wind was like a steel knife scraping bones, and the wind and snow were flying. Unknowingly, a thin layer of snow like a shawl had accumulated on Ivo and the tribesmen present, just like the cold atmosphere.

Ivo took a deep breath and said, "Are you telling me the truth to prepare for the soul grafting?"

"Twenty years have come. Guding will take good care of your body." Emers took the Eye of Charon and walked towards Ivo. "You will not feel the pain. Once the Eye of Charon is extracted, Your soul, I will put you into a deep sleep, and I will make it up to you in the future.”

"You claim that you will not kill any of your tribe members," Ivo said with a sneer on his lips, "but what is the difference between your actions and killing your fellow tribesmen?"

"You won't die." Ames said calmly.

Seeing Imus getting closer and closer, Ivo adjusted his state to the peak, and his brain was guarded by the old man. No matter what Imus did, it was impossible to complete the soul grafting, but Ivo had no reason to let Imus manipulate it. , even if he knew that Ames was unfathomable, he would definitely resist.

Ivo was about to take the lead when Mock suddenly stopped in front of him, leaving his back.

"If you want to touch my son, step over my body!" Mok roared.

Ames stopped, only ten meters away from Mock, narrowed his eyes, and said without any doubt: "Get out of the way!"

Mok remained silent as iron-gray scales appeared on his body and began to partially mimic his shape.

"You can't beat me." Ames had no expression on his face. He raised his hand and made a fist. The five fingers he closed contained extremely strong power and squeezed out a large amount of air. He made a harsh air explosion sound and exploded a circle of air waves on the ground.

With just a fist movement, Ames showed incredible strength.

"What about me?" A familiar cold tone suddenly sounded, and Anthony stepped out from the crowd and stood next to Mock, facing Emery.

Ames' eyes narrowed, "Anthony, what do you mean?"

Anthony's face was indifferent, and he expressed his attitude with actions. He was full of aura and faced off against Ames.

This was like the beginning. One tribe after another came out and stood silently in front of Ivo, like a silent wall, silently protecting Ivo.

Fully half of the clan members sided with Ivo.

"Why?!" Ames looked ugly. This was the first time the tribesmen opposed his decision.

Anthony said solemnly: "We can tolerate the soul grafting of the transformed newborns, but Ivo is the true descendant of the Mimic and the only second-generation Mimic. You can't do this to him!"

Bogdo, who also stood up, said: "He is the descendant of Lilylin, a blood descendant, and our true kinsman. Ames, we cannot treat our kinsmen like this!"

Ames' face was filled with anger, "Do you want to violate the mission that you have always adhered to?"

Anthony showed no sign of weakness, "Maybe Ivo is the hope of the tribe."

"Only I am the hope!" Emers's aura was so strong that it was like a typhoon rising from the ground. The surrounding heavy snow was shattered by the sudden heavy air pressure, surpassing the legendary aura, and suddenly pressed against Anthony and nearly half of his kind.

The faces of the tribesmen who chose to protect Ivo changed slightly, and they all burst out with aura. Dozens of mixed auras were able to withstand the oppression of Emers, and were shaken by the impact.

The strength of Pioneer Ames has touched the edge of high status!

"No matter what today, I will carry out the transformation and bring Guding back!" Emers stepped slowly, and with every step he took, his aura would rise again. After three steps, his aura was like a tsunami a hundred meters high, even the ground was shaking. The clan members who were crushed and blocked in front of Ivo turned pale and trembled uncontrollably. That was the aura of fear that would appear when there was a huge disparity in strength.

Under the terrifying pressure, Anthony turned his head with difficulty, and saw Ivo standing silently, with a flash of anger in his eyes, and said urgently: "You hurry up, the farther you go, the better!"

In the eyes of all the tribesmen, Ivo is just a twenty-year-old young descendant. His power is too weak to compete with the pioneer Emers who has lived for hundreds of years. In this situation, Ivo's only The choice is to run away, Anthony and others buy him time.

But Ivo remained motionless, seemingly frightened by the scene in front of him.

The tribesmen were angry and anxious, and shouted one after another: "Let's go!"

"Don't be stupid!"

"Don't let Ames catch up with you!"

Amidst the eager roars of the tribesmen, Ivo, who was helpless in everyone's eyes, suddenly took a deep breath, and his palms ignited with ice-blue fire.

"Lao De, let's start."


Ivo put his burning palm on his forehead. The flames did not burn his skin. His fingers were like hooks, and he clearly felt that he had grasped something.

"Get out of here!" Ivo suddenly shouted loudly, suppressing the voices of the entire audience!

I saw the burning palm suddenly yanking, and a blue spirit was pulled out of Ivo's forehead!

The soul that exudes a ghostly light is none other than a compatriot familiar to all the tribesmen present, Gu Ding!

The sudden situation stunned everyone present, and the momentum of the confrontation in mid-air suddenly collapsed and turned into a breeze.

In an instant, the whole place was silent!

Ames was stunned, Mock was stunned, Anthony was stunned... everyone was stunned!

A pair of extremely shocked eyes were fixed on Ivo!

The ancestor's soul was actually kicked out of the brain? ! This means that Guding has not penetrated into Ivo's body at all, and the connection with Ivo's body is extremely weak!

The effect of Charon's Eye is to extract unstable souls, which requires Guding's cooperation to succeed, but Ivo can kick out Guding at will!

He is exempt from soul grafting!

No matter how much Imus insists, he can't shake Ivo in the slightest!

His soul is indestructible!

This is the first time in hundreds of years that Ames has failed!

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