Demon Royal Family

Chapter 415 Desert Island, Navy

There is a bounty of 350 million. The strength of the pirate leader Sir Wolf is unclear. Just five well-equipped pirate ships can cause trouble to Ivo's fleet.

The sunset faded and night fell. On the dark sea, the Changfeng and the Palatine were taking a circuitous route to avoid the pirate ship's ballistae. The darkness did them a small favor. The two ships did not light their lights, so the pirate ship's ballistae was very accurate. The difference was so small that water splashed on the sea around the two ships.

The sound of crossbow arrows roaring in the air made the sailors nervous. No one knew whether they would be hit. Their faces were covered with sweat and they held the cable tightly.

Ivo didn't care, and was even almost hit by a lucky crossbow arrow. He didn't dodge, and his expression didn't change. He held a brown pipe in his mouth and puffed away in the water splashing all over the sky. What he did was Pie made the sailors inexplicably feel at ease.

When he was at the port, Ivo bought a lot of tobacco and completely eliminated the tobacco grass and betel nut. The tobacco in this world is mellow and rich. After taking a deep breath, the whole mouth and lungs are filled with the mellow taste of tobacco, which is a bit strong.

The two ships circled in the darkness and gradually approached the pirate ship.

Ivo knelt his cigarette ashes on the side of the ship and asked casually: "Yarmo, who is Sir Wolfe?"

The first mate Yamo hurriedly replied: "He is a great pirate of the Emerald Sea. He is one of the few pirate captains who has not joined the pirate king. He is greedy and violent and never leaves anyone alive when he robs merchants. It is said that he was once a down-and-out nobleman of the Odin Empire. He chose to become a pirate and became known as the 'Jackal of the Sea'."

Ivo nodded. Seeing that the outermost pirate ship had entered the attack range, his tone dropped and he said in a deep voice: "Fire!"

The sailors' hearts trembled, and then the nervousness on their faces faded away, turning into fierce and arrogant yells: "You bastard pirates, take advantage of me and fire a ballista!"

"Kill them!"

The sailors on the ship are all veterans. After getting over the tension, they can quickly get into combat mode.

The crossbows on the left side of the Changfeng roared in unison, and half of the twelve crossbow bolts hit the outermost pirate ship, opening several huge holes in the hull and sending pieces of wood flying everywhere.

One of the ballistas accurately shot off the pirate ship's auxiliary mast, causing the pirate ship's speed to drop significantly.

Ivo's eyes lit up and he looked at the one-eyed dragon gunner with an indifferent expression. It was he who hit the pirate's mast and his artillery skills were superb.

"Hahaha!" The villain sailors laughed arrogantly when they saw the great results of the battle.

"Don't laugh, do you think we are not obvious enough?" Ivo coughed displeasedly, and the sailors' laughter stopped abruptly, and they were afraid to make any more noise.

The pirate ship's revenge came quickly, the ballistae roared, and the crossbow arrows intertwined into a net.

Ivo gave orders, and the Changfeng narrowly avoided one ballista after another.

On the other side, the Palatine sailed entangled a pirate ship. Under the command of Goldo, it gradually gained the upper hand. In addition to the powerful gunfire of the Palatine sailing ship, Goldo's rich captain's experience was also an important reason.

While the Changfeng was hiding, it kept trying to engage in boarding battles. The pirates were best at engaging in boarding battles, but they could not avoid the Changfeng and only dared to fire their guns from a distance.

The pirate captain was very afraid of Ivo, and his goal was only to destroy Ivo's ship and not give him a chance to get close.

After fighting for more than 20 minutes, three more pirate ships had their masts broken and lost the ability to move. This was all due to the one-eyed dragon gunners. Each shot took several minutes to aim, and only three crossbows were fired. There were no missed shots. The remaining main ship, which is one round larger than an ordinary pirate ship, can still move.

The Changfeng was not unscathed. It was hit by several ballista rounds and suffered moderate damage, and the cabin had begun to flood.

The enemy's pirate main ship hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield and fled.

"Captain, do you want to go after him?" Yamo asked.

Just as Ivo was about to give the order, seven more ships appeared on the distant sea with different flags. They were a group of privateers.

Another enemy suddenly entered the scene. Ivo frowned. Sir Wolf knew that the traces were leaked and did not care about escaping. He shouted: "Retreat immediately!"

Defeating five pirate ships was already quite difficult, and Ivo didn't want to fight seven privateers as the gain would outweigh the loss.

The Changfeng and the Palatine sailboat immediately turned around and fled away. As they turned around, Ivo ordered to focus on the four paralyzed pirate ships and sink them.

He had no time to seize the loot and leave it to the privateers.

Looking at the seven privateers pursuing them, Ivo sighed. The voyage would not be smooth, and the expected large-scale battle was indeed coming.

The appearance of the privateer was like a signal. In the next month, the enemy would appear at any time. The Changfeng and the Palatine experienced more than forty naval battles, large and small, and the damage was very serious. The twin boatmen were always there. Repairs can only ensure barely sailing. If you want to completely repair the ship, you must dock.

As expected by Ivo, the empire and the Holy See had a strong intention to kill him. In addition to pirates and privateers, the enemies he encountered in a month also included warships of the imperial navy and warships of some racial forces. In the end, The most dangerous time was when they encountered an elven leaf boat. The overwhelming rain of arrows shot the Changfeng's sail into a fishing net shape, and the deck seemed to have turned into a forest of arrows, so densely packed that there was no way to stay. Fortunately, Ivo had prepared enough spare canvas.

The inventory of ballistae was consumed very quickly in frequent naval battles. They were all used up in the first ten days. After that, they could only flee at the sight of the enemy.

After a month of exhaustion, although Ivo was used to it, the sailors' morale was low, their faces were exhausted, and their spirits reached the breaking point.

No matter how stupid the new sailors are, they still know that the captain who is being hunted by countless people is not an ordinary person. After knowing Ivo's true identity, the new sailors are heartbroken and feel that their future is bleak.

After the three sailors who tried to escape were wiped by Hades and thrown into the sea, the new sailors had no choice but to accept their fate.

"Captain, the Changfeng has reached its limit and must be repaired ashore. Moreover, our supplies are at the bottom. We only have one day's supply of dried meat, water, and rum..."

On the bow of the Changfeng, Yamo was reporting the ship's situation to Ivo. It was the first mate's job to coordinate the situation of the entire ship.

Ivo nodded slowly, glanced at the feeble sailors, and knew that he had to dock. Yesterday, he escaped the enemy's pursuit, and he would probably have a rare period of peace.

In fact, when he was initially being chased, he destroyed many enemy ships. He could have used fighting to plunder resources, but the endless enemies gave the two ships no chance to stop. They could only keep swimming like sharks, and then things got worse. .

After a month of non-stop sailing, they were close to the edge of the Emerald Sea. They would be able to enter the Divine Ocean in a few days. As long as they left the Emerald Sea where the empire's power radiated, their pursuers would be greatly reduced.

The Sunwang Ocean is the vastest sea area. If you don't ride on the "world's ocean current", it will take two years to cross it. After riding on the never-ending ocean current, whether the ship can land can only depend on God's will, so before entering Before the Shen Wang Ocean, the two seriously damaged ships must replenish sufficient resources in the Emerald Sea.

The lookout suddenly shouted, "There is an island ahead!"

The sailors were in high spirits and looked at Ivo pitifully. Although sailing was a common occurrence for them, no one could bear to be without landing for a long time.

The outline of an island appeared on the sea level in the distance. Ivo took a good look at it. The island in the distance was covered with trees and looked like a desert island.

Ivo waved his hand, "Prepare the longboat and land to look for supplies."

The two ships slowly approached the island with lush trees and looked for a strait to dock along the coastline. The beach covered with soft white sand was full of lazy turtles and birds. After seeing the two ships, they looked at them curiously.

After looking around, Ivo found no sign of anyone and felt relieved.

Soon, the two ships sailed a quarter of a circle and found a sheltered strait on the north side of the island. They put down three long boats. Ivo took Hades and fifty sailors and landed on this deserted island.

At the same time, ten Odin naval warships came from the other direction, also for supplies, and docked on the south side of the desert island, just opposite the two ships across the island.

Neither Ivo nor the navy found each other.

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