Demon Royal Family

Chapter 319 Battle of Giant Beasts

The khaki arms are hundreds of meters long and extremely thick.

The mountain peak at his feet gradually disintegrated during the earthquake, and the stones continued to peel off. The white bear held the five people in his arms and rolled the gravel to the foot of the mountain.

With a roar, the mountain peak exploded!

It's like the seal has been broken!

A huge earth-yellow figure slowly stood up. The proportions of its limbs and head were almost the same as those of humans, but hundreds of times larger than humans. It stood tall and tall, as if it had traveled through the long river of history, carrying the atmosphere of ancient times and walking through the mottled history books. out.

This is the real giant!

The ruler of primitive times!

Standing several hundred meters tall, he looks like an indestructible khaki mountain. His skin is like a rock, and his muscles are like raised stone slabs. Complex red lines are all over his body, like a warrior's paint. From Ivo's perspective, it's impossible to see the giant's face clearly. From the facial features, one can only perceive the impact and shock from a higher level of life.


The giant roared, sound waves rang out, and the clouds dispersed.

The giant strode forward, and the ground sunk deep and shattered under his feet. His huge arms swung in a perfect arc, and the strong wind rolled up like a storm, making a rumbling sonic boom sound, and his huge fists slammed. A violent wave of air burst out from the mountain dragon's head, and the fluctuations visible to the naked eye suddenly spread, and countless trees were uprooted.

The mountain dragon shook its head, not to be outdone, flapped its wings on the giant, and once again sprayed out scorching dragon breath covering hundreds of meters, like a meteor falling.

The giant carried the dragon's breath, and the sand and gravel on his skin were blazing red. He roared loudly and rolled over to fight with the mountain dragon.

The aftermath spread over thousands of meters, and the fierce battle between the two behemoths hundreds of meters in size was like a disaster. The mountain peaks were easily crushed like tofu, the woods were like uprooted weeds, and the Gray Dragon Mountains were beyond recognition. , the dragon's breath ignited the earth, it was a scene of doomsday disaster!

Ivo carried everyone and tried his best to stay away from the two giant beasts, with a shocked look on his face, "Where did that giant come from?"

Hades said expressionlessly: "Those chains and metal pillars are the magic circle that seals the giant. You destroyed the seal and released the giant."

Ivo almost wanted to shoot Norbert to death, and the treasure map was so deceptive.

The origin of the person who created the treasure map is very suspicious. Could it be that he was trying to attract speculators like Noble to open the giant's seal?

What are the benefits of this?

Nafei said with a frightened face: "Those are the real giants that survived from the primitive calendar, the mountain giant species. Legend has it that at the end of the primitive calendar, the giants failed in the war with the dragons and elves, and lost most of their people. All the giants disappeared, losing their dominance to the dragons and elves, and the world entered the ancient era."

"Why did the Dragon Clan seal the giant?" Ender looked confused.

Nafei shook her head and said: "From a stage perspective, the development history of the dragon clan can be divided into three generations. The first generation is the ancestral dragon, and the second generation is the ancient dragon clan. The mountain dragon is one of them, with a huge body or strange... The third generation is the inheritance of most of the dragon clans that are divided into different types, ranging from ten meters to one hundred meters in size, such as the red dragon of fire, the blue dragon of frost, the green dragon of thunder, the arrogant black dragon, etc. "

"The evolution of the Dragon Clan is attenuating. The first generation of Dragon Clan is the strongest. It is said that the Ancestral Dragon can cast stars. The second generation is second, possessing catastrophic power. The power of the third generation of Dragon Clan is getting closer and closer to other races. However, It still possesses overwhelming strength. It is said that this is because the bloodline of the Dragon Clan is getting thinner and thinner in the inheritance, and as the number of professionals in the main world gradually increases, the growth of the Dragon Clan is restricted."

"The legendary archmage Merlin believes that the total amount of energy in the world is constant. In ancient times, there were few professionals, so those powerful races could share more energy and evolve into monsters that we think of today. .With the development of the times and the popularization of the power system, the world's energy is evenly shared by more people, resulting in fewer and fewer top experts, and professional practice becoming more and more difficult. Finally, a balance point will be reached, and the world's average power level will drop by one level. This is the famous recession theory.”

"There is almost no trace of the ancient dragon clan now. As for the dragon clan's intention to seal the giant, it is most likely out of fear." Nafei guessed.

While talking, the mountain giant and the mountain dragon collided dozens of times. The Gray Dragon Mountain Range almost turned into the Gray Dragon Rift Valley. The shock waves generated by the collision continued one after another, and the landscape was completely destroyed.

Ivo staggered out of the aftermath, finally stopped to take a breath, and watched the battle between the giant beasts in shock.

Both behemoths had strong defenses, and neither could do anything to the other. The mountain giant shouldered a dragon's breath with his chest, and thrust his hands into the ground, causing the soil to churn up visible to the naked eye.

After more than ten seconds, the giant pulled out a gray rock pillar made of condensed earth elements from the ground. Compared with his size, it looked like a stick. The giant swung the stone pillar and slapped it on the head of the mountain dragon, making a bang. Then there was a loud noise.

Shanlong was knocked dizzy, and the dragon's breath from his mouth spurted out as if it was free. Fireballs pierced the sky one after another, and one of them happened to be heading straight for Ivo.

Everyone was shocked, and Ivo secretly cursed his bad luck. Ice-blue light condensed on a pair of bear paws, forming two huge ice claws that blocked him in front of him, facing the surging dragon's breath.

When the burning sensation was about to come, there was a roar in the air, and the giant threw a huge stone, slamming it in front of Ivo, just blocking the dragon's breath.

Ivo looked at him with surprise, watching the mountain giant turn back to continue fighting with the mountain dragon, and asked doubtfully: "Is he saving me?"

Giants, like dragons, have wisdom. Ivo thought for a moment and guessed that the giants would save him because he had lifted the seal.

There were dense footsteps nearby, and a large number of vampires and werewolves fled in panic. Matthew and Raymond saw Ivo, and their expressions changed slightly.

As soon as Ivo's eyes met theirs, he immediately knew that neither party had any intention of causing trouble.

Matthew was surprised by the behavior of Ivo and others watching the battle regardless of the danger. He took one more look and turned around to leave with his tribe.

At this moment, Norbert woke up and was frightened by the disaster-like scene in front of him. He grabbed Ivo's sleeve and said in a trembling voice: "Let's run away!"

Ivo raised his eyebrows, "I want to watch it for a while longer."

Norbert begged for a long time, but Ivo was unmoved. He was so anxious that tears and runny nose came out.

Ivo rolled his eyes, took out the Seal of Redemption, and said: "You leave a mark of divine magic, and I will ask my partners to escort you back to the city."

Noble didn't dare to have any objection at all and hurriedly left the magic mark. Ivo nodded and said: "Barlow, you and the others take Noble back first. I want to stay and take a look."

No one had any objection. Except for Ivo, the others escorted Norbert away, leaving Ivo alone.

After sending everyone away, Ivo fixed his gaze and made a surprising decision.

Ignoring the horrific aftermath, he quietly approached the battle group of the two giant beasts.

Ivo is ready to look for opportunities to help the giant.

The mountain dragon wanted to kill him, and the giant wanted to save him. Ivo keenly smelled the opportunity. His own strength was almost negligible to the two behemoths, but Ivo believed that with his various trump cards, he could win at the critical moment. Help the giant.

Since the giant remembers the kindness of breaking the seal, as long as he can get on the line with the giant, Ivo estimates that he will get benefits and gain wealth in danger, so he bites the bullet and does it!

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