Demon Royal Family

Chapter 314 Storm Level!

Locking myself in a hotel room for a whole day, I was just one step away from a breakthrough.

Ivo's body was steaming with heat, sweat was pouring out, and his clothes were wet. He frowned, enduring the severe pain of the muscles in his body breaking and reuniting, and the bones breaking and reorganizing. Every severe pain was accompanied by new life. In the process of reorganization, , the body's limits are further raised, and the level of life is sublimated.

I don't know how long it took, but Ivo's body shook violently. The boundaries of his physical ability were shattered. The pain quickly disappeared like an ebbing tide. The new majestic strength filled every muscle and every bone. He was full of energy, as if he had endless supplies. With physical strength, you take a deep breath, like a bellows blowing, and everything in the room is blown away by the airflow pumped by your powerful lungs.

Ivo suddenly opened his eyes, and the world became more detailed in his eyes. He had the illusion that he could punch through the continent with one punch. This was the confidence that expanded after a great increase in strength. Ivo had experienced it many times and would not be affected. Slowly adjust your mentality and face your own strength.

The first was the strength, which was fully increased to two and a half times. Ivo clenched his fist suddenly, squeezed the air with his five fingers, and made an air explosion sound. Slight ripples from the punch spread in the air.

Terrifying power!

The second is endurance. Ivo feels that he can run at full speed all day and all night without getting tired, and his speed is not slower than that of a war horse.

His defense power has also improved sufficiently. Even without using [Eternal Iceberg], Ivo found that an ordinary dagger could only scratch his skin, leaving a slight blood mark. Not to mention his recovery power, the blood mark lasted only a few seconds. It disappeared within a minute.

The improvement in agility is also considerable. After all, he is a strength warrior. Although strength is speed, speed is only a part of agility. Other things such as reaction, dodge, quick movement in small distances, etc. are not what he is good at, and neither is Ivo. Doesn't matter, after all, his specialty is strength, and his agility has been greatly improved by practicing dual swordsmanship, which is enough.

Speaking of the most intuitive feeling, Ivo found that his attack power increased most obviously.

Storm level warrior is the stage where the warrior's attack power increases greatly, and they can burst out the strongest destructive power in the shortest time.

From now on, he has entered a new stage, a level 7 storm warrior, and his true strength is not weaker than level 9.

Feeling sticky all over, Ivo took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and walked out of the room.

Everyone was guarding the door of the room. Seeing Ivo coming out, Ander hurriedly asked: "Boss, have you succeeded?"

Ivo smiled and nodded, and Ender cheered happily.

Barlow raised his eyebrows, "I'm making rapid progress."

Ivo is a level 7 storm warrior, Barro is a level 6 swordsman, Hades is a level 6 war song assassin, Ender is a level 5 war song shield warrior, and Naphido is a five-ring wizard. Except for Ander, everyone’s true identity is The strength exceeds the level. This is an elite team. Of course, the strongest one is Ivo, who is already ahead of Barlow and others.

After being promoted to a storm-level warrior, you will have an extra blank battle pattern, which can absorb silver-level soul crystals, or get another bottle of [Parris's Choice] to absorb some strange treasures.

Ivo touched his chin, a little confused. To be honest, he couldn't afford the "Golden Apple", a copy of [Paris's Choice], the basic price is more than one billion...

"Let's see." Ivo gave up the idea of ​​absorbing the soul crystal immediately. He was strong enough and did not need to rush to increase the war pattern. He decided to wait for a while to see if there were any soul crystals or other soul crystals that were more suitable for him. Opportunity, after all, once the war pattern is formed, it cannot be changed. Ivo thinks it is better to be cautious.

Fortunately, Ivo is not a Libra, otherwise he would be struggling to death.

After staying in the room all day, Ivo said to Nafi with a shy face: "Honey, let's go shopping."

Nafei snorted softly and turned her head away from him.

"Are you still angry, wife?"


"Hey, being angry will make your skin worse."

"Go away."

Barlow shook his head, patted Hades, and the two of them walked away with Ender standing there holding a pestle.

"Brothers, why did you take me away again?"

"You'll know when you grow up."

After coaxing her for a long time, Nafei reluctantly agreed: "Then let's go shopping."

"Okay." Ivo laughed.

Each city in the Odin Empire has its own style. Odin people pay attention to enjoyment, and there are many entertainment venues in the city.

The woman's anger dissipated quickly. After shopping for a long time, she was no longer angry. Nafi held Ivo's arm intimately, and the two of them talked and laughed while shopping, covering half of the city.

Suddenly, Ivo's eyebrows tightened. He looked at the three sturdy men walking towards him. They had brown skin and looked very powerful. Their hair was braided wildly. His sharp eyes glanced around and found Ivo's gaze. Finally, they all converged on Ivo.

Ivo's expression remained unchanged, and he pulled Nafei past the three of them.

"What's wrong?" Nafi knew Ivo well and saw the weirdness just now.

Ivo shook his head, "Nothing, let's go find the church priest and leave after completing the task."

The moment they passed each other, Ivo's keen sense of smell had already distinguished that the three people were werewolves.

It didn't look like it was directed at him. Maybe there was something else going on in the city. Ivo didn't want to be involved, so he planned to quickly deal with the priest and leave.

Not to mention Ivo and Nafi, after the three young werewolves walked away, one of them licked his lips and said, "That woman just now smelled so fresh."

"The man she is holding her arm smells very dangerous."

"That's not our goal. Don't forget the tribe's trials."

"Hmph, damn it, when did we werewolves have such a good relationship with the bat clan that we even held an adult trial together?"

"This is a way to show your strength. Don't embarrass the werewolf."

"This time I must beat those disgusting bats until they call them daddy."

"Where is the trial venue? We won't be fighting in the city. I don't want to face the law enforcement team of the Odin Empire."

"The trial site is in the nearby Gray Dragon Mountains."

"That place..." One person looked surprised.

"Yes, I hope we don't encounter a mountain dragon."

The three of them looked helpless.

Arriving at the church, Ivo visited Father Noble.

"Redeemer, I have something to ask you." Father Noble rubbed his hands, "I hope you will temporarily serve as my follower and enter the Gray Dragon Mountains with me."

Ivo raised his eyebrows, "What is your purpose in going into the mountain?"

Norbert laughed sheepishly, "Although I am a priest, I actually have a young heart and yearn for exciting adventures. I heard that there are treasures in the Gray Dragon Mountains, and I am going to go into the mountains to find them."

Ivo glanced at Noble's bald head and nodded solemnly, "Is the treasure a hair growth potion?"

"...I hope you can protect me."

Ivo and Nafi looked at each other and nodded, "Okay, are you alone?"

Noble smiled and said: "No, one of my friends is the instructor of Odin Red Mountain Academy. He traveled with his students and happened to come here. I am going to go into the mountain with them."

"Odin Red Mountain Academy?"

"That is the best academy in the Red Mountain Province and the top academy in the Odin Empire."

Ivo shrugged, "Okay, when will you leave."

"Four days later."

"Okay, we'll come find you then."

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