Chapter 299 Successful people

There were a few potbellied people who looked like successful people, and were led out of the crowd by a few gangsters.

When passing Lynn's side, a gunman's eyes lit up, and he saw Dong Xinci and Mu Shiling who were hiding on the side.

"You two, come here for me." The plainclothes team pointed at the two of them. His Chinese was very non-standard, and he spoke a foreign language.

"It's over, what should we do?" Mu Shiling turned pale.

Dong Xinci's face was also pale, but she still kept her basic calm: "Don't be afraid, listen to them first, maybe we have a chance to escape."

The two women had to go forward obediently under the muzzle of the plainclothes team.

This employee gave two women a lot of eyes, especially in some sensitive parts, staying for the longest time. He was still chatting with his companion on the side, and a malicious smile appeared on his face, which was obviously not good for the two women. .

This made the two girls look even more desperate.

Lynn stared blankly at the group's actions, secretly planning in his heart, and suddenly shouted to the plainclothes team in front of him:

"Do you know who I and Shao Lan are? Our two families have billions of dollars. If you dare to touch us, we will die!"

Lynn pointed to himself, and then to Landford, who was clutching his neck, with an arrogant face.

By the name of Lynn, Landford's face turned green.

The people around also looked at Lynn with idiotic expressions.

Several rich people who were pulled out were also in a daze, thinking secretly in their hearts.

Is this guy mentally ill?

Mu Shiling and Dong Xinci were even more stunned, looking at Lynn, not knowing what he wanted to do.

The plainclothes man in front of him was taken aback for a moment, and it was obvious from his expression that he did not understand Chinese.

The companion on the side had to chat with him a few words, and then he understood.

Pointing guns at Landford and Lynn, he said, "You two, stand up!"

Faced with a submachine gun, the two bodyguards naturally did not dare to stop him. He was here to make money, not to die.

Landford had to stand up obediently, looking at Lynn with a look that was about to kill.

Lynn looked indifferent, Shi Shiran walked out.


At this moment, several tables suddenly flew up and smashed into several plainclothes teams, and then a few stones broke the chandelier on the wall, and it suddenly darkened, and the scene suddenly became chaotic again.


The three cultivators looked at each other and ran towards the exit.

Da da da!

"Get down and don't move!"

The submachine gun was raised to the sky and fired a few shots into the sky. The deterrence of the plainclothes team suddenly silenced the once apparently chaotic crowd.

Several strong flashlights lit up, and the leader of the plainclothes team shouted in a hurried voice: "They are cultivators, bring some of our items and chase them immediately!"

The two women, Dong Xinci and Mu Shiling, who had thought they had escaped the disaster, were flashed by a nearby plainclothes team with their guns pointed at the back and had to go to work overtime.

"Come on!" A plainclothes team greeted the dragging Landford with the butt of a gun.

Where does Landford still have his previous arrogance now, his legs are shaking when he walks, his jaw is dislocated, he was hit hard on the top of his head, his head is full of blood, and it is extremely miserable, and he can't see the style of a rich boy.

Lynn was the calmest one among them, staring at the firearms in the plainclothes team's hands, sighing with admiration, and swayed leisurely to the plywood with his hands behind his back.

This made the a few rich people who were kidnapped behind him speechless. Big brother, when is this time, you are still hanging around so leisurely, this is not playing a house, but a real firearm. Just a single shot will kill someone.

on the deck.

At this time, the three cultivators were surrounded by dozens of plainclothes armed with firearms on the wide plywood. Under this wide field of vision, there was no way for them to escape.

"It's over, I told you to jump into the water and escape!" Guo Taoran complained.

"But the camera on my body, drones are not waterproof!" Shi Wanda cried.

"Is your brain made of stone? How long have you been thinking about those things in your backpack, and now your life is at risk!" Qi Le really felt speechless, how could he have put on such a living treasure.

"No, these things are top-notch and worth millions? I'd rather die than jump into the sea!"

Shi Wanda held the backpack in his arms and was reluctant to let go: "What's the use of diving, it's still so far from land, we can't swim back, anyway, we're going to die."

Guo Taoran was speechless, and found that he really couldn't think on the same channel as Shito, but turned to look at Qi Le, who was calmer beside him:

"Is there really no way? Maybe there are other cultivations on this search ship."

"Those with a higher level of cultivation all took the speedboats provided by the previous countries and left. Among the ordinary people, most of us were warriors with the most internal strength."

Qi Le shook his head and sighed: "Even if there are masters with great internal strength on this ship, do you think that against dozens of plainclothes teams armed with firearms, a martial artist with great internal power can be sure to win?"

Guo Taoran also felt hopeless after hearing what Qi Le said, unless there is a master master, but she also knew that this was impossible, and lamented:

"Hey, this era is the era of firearms after all. I think back then, a martial artist with great internal strength could block hundreds on the battlefield and be brave and invincible. Now, even an ordinary person with a gun can kill a person with great internal strength. Martial artist, this is the sadness of martial arts!"

The leader of the plainclothes team looked at the three surrounded cultivators with great interest. He did not order his subordinates to shoot immediately, because what he liked most when dealing with prey was the cat-and-mouse routine.

Watching the prey gradually dying of despair always made him feel inexplicable joy.

"Tell them to raise their hands to surrender, stand on the edge of the deck, and jump into the sea one by one, or they will be shot to death on the spot." The leader said to the Grandmaster's Chinese subordinates beside him.

The plainclothes team stood up and said the leader's words again, with his own emotional coloration, giving people the tone of those traitor translators in the old age.

After speaking, without listening to the reaction of the three, he ordered a plainclothes team to disarm the three.

But as soon as they approached the three of them, the plainclothes team was out of luck. Guo Taoran, a quiet-looking girl, slapped off the paw that the plainclothes team had stretched out, and then clasped him back.

The speed was so fast that the plainclothes team and others did not react at all.

"I... your ancestor! Your uncle wants us to surrender, you are dead..."

Shi Wanda hid behind Guo Taoran and cursed. I have to say that this guy is a talent for scolding people. He scolded him for a minute, but there was no repetition.

"You all stand back for me, or we will kill your companions." Qi Le was much calmer than Shi Wanda, and threatened the people around him.

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