Chapter 295 Doubt

You must know that this forum has no vests. The number of registered people is 200,000, and there are only 20,000 to 30,000 people who are online at ordinary times.

The most popular monthly hits have just broken 10,000, and the annual hits have reached 50,000, but there are no terrifying thousands of people replying.

And it's all done in just three minutes!

The moment Lin Yanran saw the news, Lin Yanran's heart skipped a beat twice. She took out her mobile phone and searched, but she didn't find any news on the Internet, and she couldn't find it in a foreign language search engine either.

"It can't be fake news," she muttered, a little suspicious.

Not only did he and a lot of people on the forum remain suspicious of it, but several posts were posted immediately, and there were pictures as evidence that dozens of warships surrounded this three-connected island, or The moderator took the initiative to add refinement, which has obviously been confirmed.

The forum exploded at once.

"It's too embarrassing. A group of small countries dares to bully us. Do they really think we have no one in China?"

"Where's Marshal Su? And where are Xuanyuan's group of guys, they are usually arrogant, and where are they going in times of crisis!"

Some criticized, some questioned, and some condemned.

At this time, even the long-time Shenyin forum administrator had to stand up and explain the situation.

"Our fleet was stopped by the United States in the name of acting with foreign countries as soon as it went to sea. General Su defended the US dual aircraft carrier formation in East Blue, and let them in, our situation will only get worse.

Xuanyuan really traced the invasion of a large number of foreign elite squads, and he couldn't get away at all... I'm sorry everyone... The United States is strong, but we will do our best, this is my last sentence, I should Going to perform my duties, I hope to see you alive next time."

Forum administrators spoke out the truth with a heavy tone, mostly helpless, but more grief, and deeply hidden anger.

It is conceivable that the steady fingers of the person who typed out this line of words were trembling.

The forum fell into a dead silence.

This feeling.

They felt it when a foreign country invaded.

I felt it in the 1950s when there was a clamor for a surgical attack on China.

I felt it when my northern neighbor Chen Bing was a million.

That is a kind of anger, want to burn through the chest, can't wait to burn out the anger of life!

"Damn it, isn't it just for this moment? Who will accompany me to die!!"

"Dead or die, add me."

"Count me in too."

A large group of people replied, and some people said that speedboats and boats were provided for free.

For a while, the emotions were agitated, and countless practitioners gathered towards South Blue.


Lynn took a deep breath and ran non-stop across the span of three provinces, with a distance of almost five or six hundred miles. Even with the strength of his physical body and the continuous flow of real energy, he couldn't bear it.

There is a wharf in front of him, and all kinds of boats, big and small, stop on the wharf.

"Let's go by boat."

Lynn thought about it for a while and made a decision. He currently consumes a lot of real energy, so he took a boat to go there, just while refining the last trace of medicinal power in his body to break through, while recovering the real energy that was consumed too much.

After waiting for a similar distance, I walked directly on the water.

When it comes to Lynn's cultivation level, it is still a little difficult to walk in the sky without external force, but walking on the water surface is no big problem, but the consumption of real energy is a bit large.

Lynn selected a cruise ship to go out to sea, and while it was slowly leaving the port, on a shore that no one noticed, he picked it into the water and swam towards the cruise ship at a high speed.


"I said Xinci, it's not like you don't know what Lan Shao looks like, he doesn't learn anything all day, idles around, and looks ugly. The second time I saw it, the eyes were wrong."

A beautiful girl with pink sunglasses on the deck, leaning on the railing, whispered to her companion beside her.

"I know." Dong Xinci lowered her eyelids and turned to look at her best friend Mu Shiling, "I know."

"Knowing that you are going to marry that young master Lan, this is jumping into the fire pit." Mu Shi's aura didn't come from anywhere, and his bright eyes looked directly at his friend.

"But the poison that my father was poisoned, only Master Lan can save." Dong Xinci's ethereal eyes showed no emotion, but calmly narrated this fact.

Mu Shiling became even more angry, her small fists were tightly clenched, and she said indignantly: "You really believe those nonsense, how old are you, and you still believe that Fatty Lan's uncle is a so-called alchemist, and the one he made is to remove poison. Can the powder cure your father's illness?"

Shaking his head gently, Dong Xinci said in a soft tone, "You won't understand, this is all true."

Hearing this, Mu Shi stomped her little feet in a spirited way, and said angrily, " there something wrong with your brain? Even believe such words."

Dong Xinci remained silent.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise from the sea.

The two women immediately looked for fame and saw a large wave of waves gushing out of the sea.

"Just now, I seem to have seen something coming from the sea." Mu Shiling poked her little head, biting her fingernails, uncertain.

"It seems that I saw it too." Dong Xinci frowned, "It should be that we saw it wrong, maybe someone dropped something."

Having said that, Mu Shiling was also not sure, nodded and said: "It seems to be the case, well, let's go back to the restaurant to have a lunch first."

Dong Xinci gently moved the lotus step, and the simple white dress and white stockings can also wear a slender and moving curve.

"Ask the beauty if she knows where the restaurant is?"

On their way back, the two were suddenly stopped by a handsome young man.

Mu Shiling paused, slightly raised her chin and glanced at the person in front of her. The secret leader was quite handsome, but his skill in picking up a conversation was too poor. When the crew came up, they had already led everyone to the restaurant. Does it make sense.

With her appearance, there are too many men who come up to chat with her on weekdays, and she doesn't have a sympathy for men who come up to chat up for no reason.

In addition, I talked with my best friend for so long, and my heart was filled with anger, so my face sank, and I replied coldly:

"Did you just get on the ship? The crew took all of us to the restaurant just now. Don't ask questions here."


Such a handsome young man is Lynn. The moment he got on the boat, he dried his clothes with his true essence. After a long journey, he was hungry and wanted to find a restaurant.

But he didn't know the way, so he had to ask the passengers here. Unexpectedly, the first beautiful woman he saw came up and gave him a blank eye, and his words felt like he owed a lot of money, which made him feel inexplicable.

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