“Don’t panic! It will be fine after a while!” Qin Feng is faintly smiled at the moment, but his heart is dark, and he has not witnessed the completion of the mission.

Nuwa looked at Qin Feng silently. When did this happen, and I laughed. What did this guy do with the anger of the gods, did it provoke Qi Vein Spirit?

Nuwa recalls the previous episode, Qin Feng seems to be attacked by Qi Vein Spirit, then Qi Vein Spirit disappears?

Just at the time of Nuwa’s doubts!


A magical scene happens!

The entire turbulent Dao Mountain suddenly calmed down!

The flustered Imperial Capital is also suddenly quiet!

Myriad Sacred Dynasty, which is about to trigger a devastating earthquake, is quietly calm!

It seems that everything has never happened.

Everyone was confused and could not understand the reason.

However, they were on the altar, and they even uttered a ray of light, this rays of light, coincidentally fell on Ninth Prince.

The rays of light are gentle, full of mysterious and magical, unraveling Ninth Prince’s negative emotions, and let Ninth Prince stand up and regain his spirit.

“Young Master!” Ninth Prince bowed to Qin Feng and felt that he had just lost self-control.

Others were also affected by the rays of light on the altar, and many people who had been eroded by the strength of Demon had recovered.

They saw a golden light left on Ninth Prince, thinking that it was Ninth Prince who calmed the turmoil, so they bowed to Ninth Prince!

“I am waiting for the new emperor to successfully pass the Paying Homage ceremony!”

“Wu Long live long lived absolutelyly!”

Nobleman officials throughout Myriad Sacred Dynasty have bowed.

At this moment, Ninth Prince is a slap in the face. How suddenly do they recognize him as Emperor? He didn’t even feel the Imperial Jade Seal.

Qin Feng was a bit forced, but he was very satisfied with the ending. By coincidence, not only solved the earthquake problem, but also restored Ninth Prince’s rationality and got rid of the spiritual erosion of strength of Demon.

“In the future, you are the Emperor trusted by Myriad Sacred Dynasty, and do it!”

Qin Feng pats Ninth Prince’s shoulder, deliberately speaking loudly, then arrogantly walked down the altar.

At the scene, only he and Nuwa, Celestial Emperor Hun, Tushan Yaya, Gongsun sisters did not bow down, the amount, and Howling Celestial Hound Monster King, everyone else took a serious look.

The people of this group of Myriad Sacred Dynasty know that Qin Feng said this at the moment. It is obvious that it supports Ninth Prince, Ninth Prince becomes Emperor, and there is a detached existence behind Qin Feng. The future is bright. .

So no one dares to oppose anything, because whether it is Howling Celestial Hound, or a girl, or Tushan Yaya, Celestial Emperor Hun, they all have super strength, too terrifying, too scary, anyone can sweep Myriad Sacred Dynasty, who dares to resist?

In the face of the collective allegiance, Ninth Prince is also a shock, since Qin Feng is willing to support him, then he will not let Qin Feng disappointed!

“You are in love with your life!”

Ninth Prince imposing manner has changed, no longer embarrassed, and put on an Emperor style, said aloud.

At this moment, his heart is full of gratitude to Qin Feng!

It’s Qin Feng, let him take a revenge and wipe out a grudge!

It is Qin Feng, so that he can stand on the top of Myriad Sacred Dynasty!

It is also Qin Feng, let him get rid of the identity of the fallen Prince, and become the dynasty fate of Emperor and Ruler!

This life, recognized Qin Feng as the main, definitely accounted for a big bargain, the most great good fortune in life, is the encounter with Qin Feng!

And this moment! Qin Feng’s achievement mission is also a familiar tone!

“Ding !congratulations to the host for successfully completing the achievement mission, getting the Demon Value 1000 point, Life Essence 1000 point, Contract Demon Pet summon qualification once!”

Qin Feng Seeing this, the expression on the face is as bright as a sunflower! He can finally do summon again, this time, must summon a Civil Minister!


Just this night of the big battle in Dao Mountain!

In the distant country of Northern Territory, it is worrying for countless people!

On the Dao Mountain of Scarlet Flame Imperial Court, the moonlight is clear, making the stars dim!

A man dressed in a dragon robe looked up at the altar.

He stretched his hand and a flame came to his palm, and the Red Jail Shape’s Imperial Jade Seal emerged and landed on the altar of the Land of Sealing.

Soon, the altar of the altar rose, the dragon robe man walked onto the altar, ignoring the raging fire, his eyes looked a little cold.


A fire, eventually skyrocketing!

Qi Vein Spirit, suddenly appeared!

It is in the same shape as the dragon robe man and seems to be deliberately imitating.

“I didn’t say that you can change anything when you show up, don’t change my look!”

The dragon robe man looked unhappy, but Qi Vein Spirit did not care.

Qi Vein Spirit imitates the voice of the dragon robe man, smirking and saying: “Showing you in your appearance is giving you face.”

Dragon robe The man’s eyelids felt that the Qi Vein Spirit was very flat, but he coughed. He also had no way to hold Qi Vein Spirit. Then he looked serious and began to say something right: “What do you want to do with me? Let me talk about it. !”

Just now, the dragon robe man was still sleeping comfortably in the Imperial Palace. He knew that the uneasiness of Qi Vein Spirit suddenly came from his heart, which made him with the body’s Imperial Jade Seal!

Scared the dragon robe man quickly changed clothes to the palace, went to his Land of Paying Homage, opened the seal, summon out Qi Vein Spirit, want to ask to understand, I am afraid that the Scarlet Flame Imperial Court’s mountains become unstable!

“In a low rank dynasty that I control, I can’t sense a doppelganger phantom that I left there thousands of years ago.”

Qi Vein Spirit said in a positive color.

As an IQ Court’s Qi Vein Spirit, it has a complete sense of ingenuity and the ability to change shapes at will. It is a magical mysterious creature that controls the destiny of the entire Imperial Court!

In the Northern Territory, there is a large amount of dynasty, which survived its doppelganger.

“Khan, I thought it was a major event. Was it not a low rank dynasty destroyed? I immediately informed the Imperial Court of the Minister of Justice, let the Chief Division Commander explore and see why the dynasty was destroyed. ”

The dragon robe man went to blush with shame. He thought that the Imperial Court’s Scarlet Flame Qi Vein had a problem. I didn’t expect that only a low rank dynasty was destroyed, so I didn’t take it seriously.

Generally such things happen frequently.

Among the Northern Territory, there are thousands of low rank dynasty. Among these dynasty, they will fight each other and compete for land. Many of the dynasty carry Scarlet Flame Qi Vein of Scarlet Flame Imperial Court to survive. !

In the Northern Territory, there are other powerful Imperial Courts. In order to maintain the Northern Territory’s influence order, the major Imperial Court has set the rules. The high-ranking people cannot surmount the land of low-level people!

This rule means that only the same level of dynasty can be played, and the middle rank dynasty can’t fight with low rank dynasty. If it is done, even if it is illegal, as the Imperial Court, it has the right to destroy the dynasty. .

This is like the United Nations covenant on Earth. The covenant powers are not allowed to invade small countries, but they allow small neighboring countries to make their own decisions.

The emergence of this rule is to restrict the battle between the major Imperial Court.

Because all the Qi Veins of the Northern Territory are divided by the major Imperial Courts, if the Imperial Court fights, it will almost make the entire Northern Territory become bruised.

However, just because of the existence of this regulation, another kind of battle is triggered. That is, the major Imperial Courts will differentiate their Qi Vein, cultivate dynasty, let the dynasty of Qi Vein inherit, fight, fight for land!

Every dynasty is destroyed and there will be a corresponding Imperial Court for detection!

Myriad Sacred Dynasty Inherited thousands of years ago, Scarlet Flame Qi Vein, so once Scarlet Flame Qi Vein disappears, Scarlet Flame Imperial Court will pay attention to the existence of this dynasty.

“This time the event was very special. The low rank of the dynasty not at all died. Instead, it survived in a strange way, and my Qi Vein disappeared and was quite strange.”

Qi Vein Spirit said something depressed.

Dragon robe man is getting this, this frowned, his eyes finally a little thicker.

“Your Majesty the Emperor! Late night called the Minister of Justice on this Dao Mountain, but Qi Vein had a problem? Which dynasty under my Imperial Court was destroyed and I won Qi Vein?”

At the moment, a light voice sounds.

A peerless woman emerged from the moonlight and landed next to the dragon robe man.

The woman’s face is shocking, but the dragon robe man is not surprised, but there is a bit of favor in his eyes.

“Minister of Justice Chief Division Commander! Let me check what happened to Myriad Sacred Dynasty. The Scarlet Flame Qi Vein left by Scarlet Flame Imperial Court disappeared, and Myriad Sacred Dynasty, not at all.”

The dragon robe man stands on the altar, the expression is solemn, and the order is given.

The woman screamed coldly: “As you bid!”

The beautiful silhouette is disappearing into the moonlight.

“It’s been several years, and you and your daughter are still not.” At this time, Qi Vein Spirit teased on the altar.

“How can you understand the feelings of our Human Race from the consciousness that was born from Qi Vein?” Dragon robe said in a complicated way, then he was helplessly sighing and looking at the moonlight, deep in the pupil, there is a kind of Hard to suppress!

PS (There is another one tonight, I am working on the code word, in order to thank the brother who won the rudder yesterday! It is estimated that the 9:30 update is coming out…)

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