Under the altar, “Sacred Emperor” stood straight and weird, and suddenly removed a leather watch, revealing an old face, and it looked terrifying.

Everyone exclaimed that the Sacred Emperor, which was originally on the wedding banquet, was fake.

The old man, who pretends to be Sacred Emperor, exudes a powerful imposing manner, so that countless people just dare to bury themselves, because they know that this imposing manner represents the pressure of a Divine Ability Martial Artist!

Divine Ability Martial Artist is a myth for the weak Myriad Sacred Dynasty.

And this fabulous character is very respectful to a black robe teenager.

At this time, Tuoba Lingren said: “It’s coming soon in the morning. If you are ready, let’s make a Paying Homage ceremony.”

“Yes!” Eldest Prince’s heart was not as good as Tuoba Lingren’s order, but he still had to obey. Tuoba Lingren’s men, Divine Ability Martial Artist, he dared to scream.

Everyone saw this scene, and all of them were picked up. Many patriots who were in Myriad Sacred Dynasty shook their heads and sighed. The scene in front of them was obvious. Eldest Prince is eager to sell the country! Rely on outsiders, want to board the throne!

However, many people are curious as to how Eldest Prince wants to board the Emperor Position!

Sacred Emperor is absolutely impossible to give the Imperial Jade Seal to a person who is looking for a glory!


Just as countless people thought of the Imperial Jade Seal, a golden rays of light bloomed from the wooden box on Eldest Prince’s hands.

A huge jade chapter emitting golden rays of light emerges!

The faint rays of light, like flowing water, spilled from the altar and lit the top of the entire Dao Mountain! Washed away the white moonlight!

“Imperial Jade Seal! How could he have it!”

“This is impossible! How the Imperial Jade Seal will be in his hands!”

“Is Sacred Emperor already murdered, this kid is afraid to swear!”

The group is shocked!

They looked at the Imperial Jade Seal, which was suspended in the sky, and felt that this giant jade seal was full of magnificent power, with a vastness and vicissitudes, which made them feel awe.

This is indeed the authentic Imperial Jade Seal!

“Paying Homage, open!”

Eldest Prince showed a smile of the winner at the moment.

He wants Emperor Position, which he wanted from an early age. For so many years, he has been in his twenties, dreaming every day, and he has become the Emperor of the past. No matter what method is used, he has to go to this position.

Once upon a time, the emperder Jiangshan, open up the territory, this is a bloody dream!

At this moment, I have finally realized it!

Eldest Prince waved the seal, biting his finger and concluding a seal. This print is the Emperor handprint of the Royal Family. With this print, the power of the Imperial Jade Seal can be stimulated and the seal on the altar can be opened. Barrier , communication Qi Vein Spirit !


A drop of blood dances with the imprint, floats on Void, turns into a rays of light, and breaks into the Imperial Jade Seal!


The Imperial Jade Seal emits a noise, like a burning flame, filled with a whistling sound of air!

Everyone is at this moment, can’t help but hold their ears.

Eldest Prince and the others alone, filled with madness in their eyes, looking at the rising red ray of light on the altar.

As the bright red rays of light appeared, the ancient altars appeared in the entire altar, and these prints quickly condensed and eventually became a huge road.

On this platform, the names of some characters are engraved, and a closer look is the name of the Emperor of Myriad Sacred Dynasty!

Every Emperor will imprint its name on this table.


It was another instigation.

Someone exclaimed at the place. They saw that the altar burned a raging fire. The flames seemed to be fierce, and between the faint, they turned into various animals and danced on the road.

In the end, all the beasts are facing a strange golden flame acknowledgment allegiance, this flame looks like a human, and similar, like a fireman.

“Qi Vein Spirit !”

Eldest Prince pupils shrank, this is his first to see Qi Vein Spirit.

Legend has it that Qi Vein is the destiny lifeline of heaven, and it can get the Great Destiny, great good fortune by being able to contaminate the destiny lifeline of heaven.

Eldest Prince can feel that this Qi Vein Spirit has a feeling of facing the ocean and the sea, and his heart is magnificent!

However, Myriad Sacred Dynasty this Qi Vein is not complete, it is just an independent body of Qi Vein.

According to the history books of Myriad Sacred Dynasty.

Throughout the Northern Territory, there are various completed Qi Veins. These Qi Veins are various, including Flame Qi Vein, Ice and Snow Qi Vein, Strong Wind Qi Vein, Myriad Beast Qi Vein and so on!

As soon as Qi Vein appeared, there will be a natural phenomenon of world-shaking, which is dazzling and awesome!

And these complete Qi Veins are in the hands of Imperial Family’s Royal Family!

Other dynasty, whether it is middle rank or low price, can only be separated from the Qi Vein of these Imperial Courts, and separate the independent Qi Vein as the foundation of dynasty.

Myriad Sacred Dynasty ,since ancient times, is the Scarlet Flame Qi Vein that inherits the Scarlet Flame Imperial Court!

Therefore, after the seal on the altar is opened, there will be a natural phenomenon of heavy flames!

“I am Gongsun Tianyun and will accept the baptism of Qi Vein Spirit today, carrying dynasty Qi Vein !”

After seeing the humanoid flame, Gongsun Tianyun immediately worshipped the humanoid flame, and his face showed an uncontrollable excitement.

The flame human figure seems to understand the words of Gongsun Tianyun, and in the eyes of everyone, they walked toward Gongsun Tianyun.

Gongsun Tianyun knows that this flame figure, as Qi Vein Spirit, will definitely test every generation of Paying Homage. This test is very simple, that is, the Imperial Jade Seal is driven into the body, if it can withstand the Imperial Jade Seal. Pain, then even if Paying Homage is completed successfully, on the contrary, it will die!

“And slow!”

“big brother, you look at one thing first, and then Paying Homage is not too late!”

At the most important moment, a silhouette crossed the countless banned guards and appeared under the altar.

Tuoba Lingren and two black robed man complexion changed.

This person is exactly Ninth Prince!

Eldest Prince also listened to the sound, turned around in anger, staring at Ninth Prince fiercely: “Why are you still dead, this damn Gongsun Bu, it is not good!”

“You said Fifth Brother, and soon you know why he is doing something bad!”

Ninth Prince carries a large wooden box with both hands and then dumps the big wooden box directly!

Bright red blood, set aside from the big wooden box.

Two people are rolling down!

Some people in the whole place are eyelids twitched!

These two heads, one is today’s Empress, the other is the dynasty marshal of Commander 500,000 army today!

These two people were killed!

“I am giving you the Paying Homage gift! Do you like it?”

Ninth Prince sneered, in the voice, with a touch of ridicule, heart, but also a secret, all thanks to Qin Feng, his Young Master!

When the wedding banquet began to be escorted to Dao Mountain by the banned army, he took the soldier and wanted to rush out of the Imperial Palace. The result was stopped by the banned army. Fortunately, Qin Feng rushed to kill the banned army and let him mobilize four. The 100,000 army entered the city’s siege and competed against the Marshal’s army!

And I came to Empress’s bedroom, and I was going to go to the Empress and Marshal of Dao Mountain and give it to me! Revenge and wipe out a grudge for parents

Of course, the Marshal is the first expert of Myriad Sacred Dynasty. He naturally can’t beat it, but with Howling Celestial Hound, the Marshal is completely embarrassed and he is easily taken off the first level.

“After the mother, Marshal!”

Eldest Prince looked at the heads of his parents, and his heart trembled, and immediately fell into disarray and became angry!

“Come, come and kill this traitor!”

Eldest Prince’s anger and anger, his heart is full of hatred.

Where did you know that Qi Vein Spirit had walked behind him, a powerful flame power, and passed behind him.

Imperial Jade Seal, just as he was in a state of turmoil, began to merge with his soul!


The pain of heartbreaking, let everyone face fear.

I saw Eldest Prince on the altar and started to wander!

Paying Homage ceremony, divine and serious, any slight distraction, may fail because it can not withstand the integration of Jade Seal!

At the moment, Eldest Prince is angry and frustrated. It is a matter of time!

“Useless things!”

Tuoba Lingren took a cold look at Eldest Prince on the altar. He wanted to use Eldest Prince to control Qi Vein Spirit. He took out the dynasty Qi Vein inside Dao Mountain. He knew that this guy was useless and was The other person has a word, it is divided into hearts!


Tuoba Lingren flew directly to the altar, killing Eldest Prince with a sword, and signed the seal before Eldest Prince in his hand, intending to inherit the Imperial Jade Seal himself!

Countless Wenwu Baiguan saw this scene, and all of them were sinking and secretly sighed.

Myriad Sacred Dynasty is dead!

This country Qi Vein falls into the hands of others, they will be slaves!

“Tuoba Lingren, let this Prince roll down first!”

At this moment, a hearty sound and sound, so that the Myriad Sacred Dynasty’s hundred officials, suddenly a heart raised a hope, have looked toward the distant stone ladder, I saw a red robe teenager took the lead.

“Prince Consort !”

“Qin Feng !”

“Seventh Prince !”

Countless people are shocked.

Around Qin Feng, I also followed Gongsun Qingxue and Gongsun Wanxin.

Nuwa, Howling Celestial Hound, Celestial Emperor Hun, Tushan Yaya, is behind.

This passer-by, imposing manner, has made countless banned guards, and they are afraid to approach, and feel the hair in their hearts!

Nuwa then breathed a sigh of relief, which turned into a force of Divine Ability, rolled up a hurricane, and directly scraped the Tuoba Lingren, which had been sealed, under the altar, and slammed it on the ground, making the entire mountain top A huge shock sound!

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