“Is it the nine brothers who have just died, is this person killed? The little bastard is just acting in a pretense?”

The bearer male comprehension comes over and the expert who really hides in the dark is this person! Only this person’s quiet and hidden technique can make him unable to detect it.

He didn’t know that this was actually a latent Divine Ability of Howling Celestial Hound. Moreover, Qin Feng killed the target eight hundred miles away, and he was found to be a ghost.

“Howling Celestial Hound, suppress him!”

Qin Feng ordered.

Howling Celestial Hound chi chi, a slap in the face, a powerful Divine Ability Martial Artist, now like an ant, without any resistance, the enlarged Howling Celestial Hound was suppressed on the ground.

Qin Feng jumped at this moment and deliberately made a look of concern, facing Gongsun Qingxue: “Fortunately, you are fine, I am a little late.”

The tone is very apologetic, but the face is in the thief laugh, he is not coming late, but this time comes just right, but Qin Feng with a mask, Gongsun Qingxue can not see Qin Feng’s thief smile.

“Ding !Host makes Li Weixin jealous, Demon Value +5!”

“Ding !Host makes Li Weixin hate, Demon Value +5!”

“Ding !Host twists Li Weixin inside, Demon Value +7!”

“The original guy is Li Weixin?” Qin Feng’s corner is in a radian. Thanks to Li Weixin for giving him Demon Value, he hasn’t noticed the existence of this person before.

“The nine people were killed by Young Master?” Gongsun Qingxue blinked and stared at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded, but it is not hidden.

Gongsun Qingxue immediately fiercely glanced at Li Weixin, and she was so moved before she thought that this guy had exhibited a super Secret Technique, but also lost life essence. I didn’t expect it to be all nonsense.

At this moment, Gongsun Qingxue completely put Li Weixin on the blacklist.

At the same time, the love of Qin Feng became more intense.

What a great young hero, save her twice, in the midst of it, they seem to have been destined.

Qin Feng didn’t know the idea of ​​Gongsun Qingxue. Instead, he turned around and looked at the scared beard man. This bearded man was a great Xia Dynasty person who could cultivation to reach Divine Ability Realm.

Thinking of the origins of the Profound Poison Banner, Qin Feng immediately threw an attribute probe against the bearded man.

[Wu Zhiwu 】

Strength Attribute : 80

Intelligence Attribute : 75

Charm Attribute : 16

Breeding Attribute : 22

Lucky Attribute : 19

Cultivation situation: Divine Ability Martial Artist, Celestial Realm Middle Stage, Immemorial Art (Grade 4 martial arts), Pulling Blade Technique (Grade 5 martial arts )

Life experience :Great Xia Dynasty A Martial General in the border area, who is not a low-ranking confidant. He was a confidant of the generals. Later he was sent to his post because of his mistakes. He was asked by the generals of the generals to find the Profound Poison Banner. Not long ago, The Profound Poison Banner was launched, so the tracing arrived at Five Poison Sect! Profound Poison Banner is a high rank Earth Grade Item. There are two ways. After you get together, you can summon poisonous spirits and destroy 100,000 Innate Martial Artist!

Other: lascivious, insidious, cautious!

Qin Feng took a look at Wu Zhiwu’s life experience. After seeing the origins of Profound Poison Banner, he suddenly felt a big shock and extinguished the 100,000 Innate Martial Artist army! I don’t think this Profound Poison Banner is so powerful, but what disappoints Qin Feng is that you must find another Profound Poison Banner, two small red flags in order to have such power.

Moreover, Qin Feng still did not know the origin of the Profound Poison Banner.

“Forget it, look at the fate later.”

Qin Feng felt Wu Zhiwu useless, directly mentioning Sniping Spear behind him, a spear, a slamming sound, and Wu Zhiwu’s forehead hit a True Origin Bullet.

Wu Zhiwu Before he died, he finally understood that the dead brethren were under what kind of weapon they died.

Gongsun Qingxue is also Qin Feng, who is looking forward to holding a weird weapon. Qin Feng is really powerful and has reached the extreme. It is just that the nine people were killed by Qin Feng using this weird weapon.

Qin Feng waved purple light and converted ten bodies into Life Essence. Then it was still used by Howling Celestial Hound to burn the ten people’s clothes, wrap the space equipment of ten people in black fire and send them into their own pockets. .

Immediately turned around, ready to leave, and went back to mansion.

At present, there is still a special task of Little Sister-In-Law, and he is waiting to go back to help Little Sister-In-Law. Naturally, he can’t spend a lot of time here.

“Are you leaving? Before you met, you said, will you tell me the name?” Gongsun Qingxue saw Qin Feng going away, and his heart was lost, and he quickly asked.

She found that she seemed to be really emotional about this mask boy, or she was deeply affectionate. The person who had always been proud of her eyes, in front of the mask boy, had no arrogance at all.

“Can’t say, it’s not the time!” Qin Feng is depressed, this will tell you the real name, isn’t it a fun wedding after ten days? Mystery still has to be there.

“Can you look at your true face?”

Gongsun Qingxue immediately flashed, said in the tone of begging, with a spoiled.

This made Li Weixin see the side, his eyes are wide, and he can’t wait to use his own fingers to anger his dog’s eyes. He feels that his eyes are dazzling. Little Junior Sister, who has always been proud and indifferent, has put on the mood of ordinary girls. !

Li Weixin wants to cry, why is Little Junior Sister never like him, can’t she get Little Junior Sister from Senior Brother Gu?

“Ding, Host makes Li Weixin feel desperate, Demon Value +10!”

“Ding, Host makes Li Weixin crazy, Demon Value +7!”

“Ding, Host gets Li Weixin’s curse, Demon Value +10!”

Qin Feng met the crazy Demon Value, and suddenly smiled, and he was in a good mood, so he got from Gongsun Qingxue, reached up and slowly removed the mask.

Gongsun Qingxue eyes flashed, the whole person was nervous, and a pair of small hands were pinched tightly. I wondered how Qin Feng really looked like? Is the handsome Prince in the dream, is it a more realistic ugly face, or an ordinary face?

Gongsun Qingxue’s thoughts are very chaotic, and she knows that even if Qin Feng is a ugly, she won’t care, because in her hero, Qin Feng is the hero who saved her twice.

If Gongsun Qingxue knows that the first Qin Feng is self-directed, it is estimated that all the love of Qin Feng will disappear.

In the end, Qin Feng took off the mask and revealed a delicate and pretty cheek. The face was like a woman, the oval face was very delicate, but between the eyebrows, a domineering of Emperor was emitted, and the eyes were stunned and the nose was high. Filled with an imposing manner and beauty, this is a top handsome guy’s cheek.

Gongsun Qingxue looked at the softness. After seeing Qin Feng’s face, the root of the ear was red. It turned out that he looked so good and his face was as delicate as a girl.

Qin Feng took the mask again and said: “Now satisfied, well, I should leave, there will be a period, next time I have a chance to meet, you will know my true identity.”

After that, Qin Feng jumped on the top of Howling Celestial Hound and then galloped away.

Gongsun Qingxue looked obsessed and moved, but it was very lost and sad. How long is it next time?

Thinking of myself for more than ten days, I was married to Seventh Prince of Heavenly Sword Dynasty. I suddenly felt cold and my face was restored to arrogance and coldness. She would never let the wedding happen successfully.

Now she has to go back to the border area immediately to explore the wind and see if the exotic Seventh Prince Qin Feng has been detained. If Qin Feng successfully entered the Imperial Palace, it would be awful.

Even if she is not happy, she can’t violate the wishes of Imperial Father, even if she is already the discipline of Divine Water Manor House!

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