Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 513: I am not his opponent

The Salvation Army is pervasive.

Ma Liang understood this early on.

Depravity has always existed in human nature, just as light has always been the flash and sublimation of human nature.

There is no absolute good, and there is no absolute evil!

This sentence turns out to be good, no matter how evil people are, there is softness in their hearts, and no matter how good people are, there are soils for evil thoughts to take root in their hearts.

But now it's different. Falling and praying for light have been singled out, condensed and pure, except for these two characteristics, repelling all other factors.

The extreme light and extreme darkness form a division, and the chaos of human nature is separated by these two qualities.

The condensed is always sharp, and the pure is always hard. Therefore, this depravity and prayer have great destructive power and gravitational force.

Destructive power is well understood, but gravity means that these two characteristics have the nature of natural absorption and assimilation to things that tend to them.

So the fallen are known for playing with people's hearts, manipulating human nature, tempting and driving people to corrupt.

The city wall cannot stop the fallen, and no matter how strong a defense is, it cannot build an unbreakable besieged city in people's hearts.

Jiangcheng's checkpoints and inspection circles could not prevent the Salvation Army's invasion. They have always existed and are by their side. Ma Liang understood this from the beginning.

What he can do is to regulate, suppress, pray for light, or degenerate, none of them can become the mainstream. Once such signs appear, he will not hesitate to take action, otherwise serious problems will arise.

The suppression of the Holy See of Light was a shot!

Do the same thing now.

Unconsciously, the power of degeneration and chaos has grown in Jiangcheng and throughout northern Hunan. Now he has the ability to move his own lair. The virus cells have spawned tumors that destroy the body. Now he will clear these tumors and find them. The lesion will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

In the new city, there have been more than a dozen surgically targeted removals, and the alarm was alarmed. Of course, the main body of the sequencer clapped his hands and cheered. The threat of the fallen one cannot be overemphasized no matter how much.

But there are still a group of sequencers who seem to have encountered the doomsday trial, and they fled out desperately.

Some of this kind of escape is hidden, some are disorderly, but no matter how they escape, how hidden they are, they can't get rid of the advent of judgment when they fled there.

In the end, the location was no longer confined to the area where people gathered, but spread to the air and underground. The flashing frequency of the road became more and more frequent, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a cargo station between the new city and the old city was opened, and a black figure rushed out in spite of it. Just as he arrived in the air, he suddenly stopped moving.

An invisible wind blade easily broke through his defense and slit his body.

A black and bright gap appeared on the forehead, spreading down, with a "buzz", the corpse that was divided into two halves was twisted into powder by the high-frequency oscillating air, and the escaped spirituality rendered a large black fireworks, poignant withering .

Ma Lu walked out of the huge gap, without any intention of staying, and disappeared into the scene of a short burst in the next second.


"Don't look, I'm not his opponent!"

"...How come, you have a light suit, God's grace has already digested your potion, quasi-sequence 6..."

"He has an extremely powerful and strange companion animal, and it may be the thing that he brought back last time."

"...There are rumors that...that is a dragon egg!?"

"The creator of the dragon, he always takes one step and two steps, I am not surprised!"

"How come, isn't it a mystery, but a miracle?"


"Xiamen, what do you think this flash is?"

"It may be a plane shuttle."

"Plane!!? Is there still this thing?"

"This world is developing, and the Creator controls the progress of development."

"I can't imagine..."

"Under the crown, what shall we do? The House of Commons is just a smoke bomb, and this person is always a hurdle that we cannot bypass!"

"Yes, Mian, he has become the main obstacle to our next development and growth."

"The hard ones are not good, the soft ones are not good, and the conspiracy is not good... It seems that I can leave Jiangcheng!"

"Leaving Jiangcheng, where to go?"

"The environment in Jiangcheng is no longer suitable for us. Nowhere else is better than here, at least without him, without the unicorn group!"

"But what about believers, hundreds of thousands of qualified believers!"

"Let's relocate. We mobilize all believers to move. We don't have to choose another city. We can build a new city that belongs to us."

"City of Light!?"

"Yeah, make up your mind!"

This determination is not easy to make.

Jing Tian was also hesitating and struggling.

It's hard to develop and grow to where it is now. Putting everything aside, start from scratch?

It is exciting to build a real city of light, but it is extremely difficult to realize.

First of all, it is impossible to take away all of these hundreds of thousands of believers.

People are all social attributes. The Holy See needs to be rooted in human society, not self-exile and self-improvement. Of course, casting a new city has countless benefits and possibilities for success, but the risks are too great, and time and resources cannot be consumed.

"No, this plan is too radical. We are still very weak. The Lord has just condensed the divine nature. It is just when we need us, and he cannot give too much support."

"But Jiangcheng is no longer a place to stay for a long time!"

"Yeah, what to do, this person can be called the enemy of light!"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not like this!"

"Everything that obstructs the light is an accomplice of chaos and depravity, and he is no exception."

"What's the point of saying We have nothing to do with him. If we say too much, we will get to the upper body!"

"Under the crown, let's get promoted as soon as possible. In the final analysis, it is a matter of strength. If you are promoted to [Bright Angel], we will have the capital to deal with him positively."

"But potions are not easy to find. The promotion of the praying people is too demanding. We have mobilized the power of the whole country for so long and have not found a clue to the main medicine."

"Yeah, the main material of [Bright Angel] is simply unheard of. Alas, there is nothing more irritating than this. It can be promoted obviously."

"Okay! Stop talking!" Jing Tian stared at Ma Liang's new direction and shouted, "It doesn't make any sense to complain, you all listen. Now we have to do these things. First: The bishops and dioceses in various places must be determined as soon as possible, so that the reorganization of the religious groups in various places should be completed and sent back as soon as possible. Second, the main material clues should be found as soon as possible. Third, the general election of the House of Commons cannot be relaxed, and it should be done. Fourth... …Choose a new city as the relocation location, and make preparations from now on. The relevant plans must be perfect!"

"...Yes, under the crown!"

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