Deity of the Emperor

Chapter 1803: Take off your dog's skin and make plaster

The palm of Yang Qingyun's palm is still clutching Xian Yin's arm at this moment.

However, the palm is separated from the body.

Blood is flowing like a pillar.

"Qing Yun, Qing Yun ..." At this moment, Madam Xian Yin broke through the imprisonment and shouted exhaustedly.

"Lao Yang!"

At this moment, Shi Gan, his eyes were red, looking at Yan Beifeng, and roared, "Hey calf, you are finished, your Yan family is finished!"

At this moment, Shi Dang roared.

"To shut up!"

Yan Beifeng was a knife across the board.

A beep sounded.

Shi Gan darted his chest, and a knife mark appeared, and blood was flowing.

"Yan's! It's not your turn to comment!"

Yan Beifeng hummed at the moment: "Come here, press this woman down, lock them up, and listen to the hair."

A famous guard stepped forward at this moment.

Yang Qingyun looked at Mrs. Xian Yin's screaming exhaustion, but she was completely disregarding the blood hole in her elbow, her eyes full of fierceness.

Even if the palm was broken, it still didn't make him feel any pain.

"Yiner ... I'm useless ..." murmured and spread.

... In Yanzhou, tens of thousands of miles apart, the Yuan Palace turned into a flash of lightning and appeared over the night city, leaving in an instant.

At this moment, in the Yuan Palace, the night city was horrified and even more aggressive.

He is practicing! In a flash, it appeared here! what happened?

"who are you?"

Yecheng Cheng cautiously said, "I am the owner of Yeliu City, the Yan family of Yanzhou, you ..." The other party was able to capture him without knowing it, and he was definitely stronger than him.

At this moment, Qin Chen sat safely on the seat of the hall, leaning on the back of the chair, glanced at the night city, and said lightly, "What about the Yan family?"

"I do not know!"

Alas ... A sound of breaking air sounded, Qin Chen was a little bit, and a light penetrated directly through the chest of the night city.

Night city cricket at this moment, a wailing, painful look.

"Ask what to answer, be honest, I will let you go after asking, otherwise, kill you."

Qin Chen once again said: "What about the Yan family?"

"Yan Rong and Yan Beifeng father and son, with Yang Qingyun of the Youth League and others, returned to the Yan family!"

Ye Chengxi said hastily.

"The Yan family?"

"Yan Rong is the son of the five elders of the Yan family. He is highly regarded. The five elders sit in Yanyun City and have a high weight!"

"Yan Yuncheng?

When did you leave! "

Qin Chen said lightly.

"Leaves in the middle of the afternoon. They should be here now."

Qin Chen nodded and said, "If you lie to me ..." "Dare not dare."

Qin Chen's words fell, and Night City rushed to answer.

"Silly dog, go to Yanyun City and let this guy show you the way!"

Qin Chen said directly.

At this moment, in front of the Yuan Palace, the biting sky cunning dog pulled his tongue and panted.

"I'm tired ..." "In an hour, I can't reach Yanyun City and interrupt your dog's legs. You really think I'm used to you these days, why don't I want you?"

Qin Chen directly said: "Every day I pretend to be stupid, I am petting you, too lazy to deal with you, I do n’t take care of it, I take off your dog skin to make plaster!"

Alas ... the next moment, the speed of the Yuan Palace suddenly suddenly more than doubled.

Devouring Heavenly Cunning ... was scared! At this moment, Qin Chen stood up, but was in a state of distress.

"It should be okay ..." Yun Shuanger comforted: "They caught Yang Qingyun, Shi dare to be, they should not kill them. The Yan family also wants to rely on them to control Qingzhou."

"I'm not worried that Qingyun Stone is in danger. Mainly ... then Yan Beifeng caught Xian Yin, there must be other purposes. Qingyun's child ... treats Yin Yin very seriously ..." Yang Qingyun stayed in Qingzhou at that time, For Xian Yin.

In this regard, where is Qin Chen's master?

Yan Beifeng cannot steal Xian Yin for no reason, I am afraid that some people have other ideas.

Once it was what he thought, it was dangerous! At this moment, Qin Chen's face paled and her expression changed, and she seemed quite anxious.

"what happened?"

Yun Shuanger hurried.

"It's all right ..." Qin Chen's face was ugly, standing outside the hall, under the starry sky, gutting the sky and running hard, above the sky, turning into a shooting star.

Qin Chen said again, "Hurry up!"

"I ..." "Don't talk nonsense, come on!"

Devouring Tian Cui's heart was wronged.

I'm a dog! Dogs are dogs, not dogs! It's just that, since seeing Qin Chen to the present, it is also the first time that Qin Chen feels angry and does not dare to delay, the speed soars again ... and at the same time.

Qizhou, Daqi Holy State Royal Palace.

Lord Qi Hao, hurried to the underground hall at this moment.

Three figures, located in the light group, are in retreat.


Qi Hao Lord, bow down and salute.

"What is it?"

"It's Mr. Qin."

Qi Hao Sheng said.

At this moment, Qi Feiyun, Qi Zhiyu and Qi Tianming all walked out.

"What is it?"

Qi Feiyun was nervous at the moment.

"In return, Mr. Qin left the Holy Beast Sect and went to Yanzhou alone!"


Qi Feiyun looked puzzled.

At this moment, Qi Haosheng's waist rose, and his face suddenly changed slightly.


Lord Qi Hao immediately said: "Father, in Qingzhou, the Youth League forces were created by Yang Qinyun, the apprentice of Mr. Qin, and Yan Jingyu, the five elders of the Yan family of Yanzhou. It's Yang Qingyun ... "As soon as this remark came out, Qi Feiyun's face changed.

"The Yan Family ..." Qi Feiyun said immediately: "Qi Hao, immediately called Qi Junwei and rushed to Yanyun City!"


Lord Qi Hao bitterly said: "Dad, Mr. Qi has an adult Red Feather by his side, why the Yan family ca n’t do it. Let ’s go ... The Yan family is afraid of taboos!"


Qi Feiyun shouted: "Mr. Qin is powerful and naturally does not need us to help, but whether it is necessary is one thing, whether to go is another thing!"

"Qi Hao, please remember to me that in this heavenly sanctuary, from now on, Mr. Qin will be our weather vane. What he lets and what he doesn't let you guess, he needs us. doing what."

"If you can do this, you can guarantee the prosperity of my family for the next 100,000 years!"

Qi Hao heard the words, and his expression was stunned, then he cautiously focused his head.

"I'll call Qi Junwei immediately."

"It's faster."

Qi Feiyun said again, "I'll take your two uncles first."

The words fell, and Qi Feiyun did not delay.

For a while, Qi Junwei was dispatched in Qidu, and the momentum was amazing ... Many people were guessing, what's happening again?

... Yanzhou! Yanyun City! As one of the six major cities in Yanzhou, Yanyun City is extremely prosperous. Even though it is night, moon and stars, the city is still brightly lit.

And at the moment, inside the Yan's house.

Yan Rong and Yan Yao stood in a room respectfully, waiting quietly.

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