Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 58 The Fish Men Island (Part 2)

"The country on the fish men island is called the Dragon Palace Kingdom. The current king is King Neptune, known as the 'Great Knight of the Sea'. He is a huge coelacanth mermaid."

"Those soldiers guarding the main entrance of The Fish Men Island are soldiers belonging to the Neptune Army."

"Because of human discrimination against fish men and various bad behaviors, the relationship between fish men and humans is very bad on The Fish Men Island. Everyone should pay attention to it."

"Especially after the death of Fisher Tiger, the murloc hero who caused the [Mariejois attack], the murlocs' hostility towards humans has become even more serious, and they even issued a ban on the distribution of blood to humans." law."

As the [Scythe of Aeolus] got closer to The Fish Men Island, Xi Luoke also took the time to briefly introduce the current situation of The Fish Men Island to his shipmates.

Although he is not afraid of those fish people, he is not willing to let the two sides fight over a trivial matter.

After all, The Fish Men Island is the home ground of the fish men, and it is really not suitable for an all-out war with millions of fish men.

What's more, on the fish men island, 03 there is a man that Xi Luoke is more afraid of - one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, [Sea Hero] Jinbei!

In Xi Luoke's view, he is naturally not afraid of land battles.

But if it were at sea, there wouldn't be enough people in the Sickle Pirates' ship to fight Jinbei.

Because the murlocs are not fools. Once they find that land warfare is no match, they will definitely create terrain that is beneficial to them.

But when it comes to this, one has to lament the talent of the fishmen.

Fishmen are actually humans. They breathe with lungs on land and gills in water. They are born with a stronger physique than ordinary humans, and their wrist strength is more than 10 times that of humans.

Therefore, fishmen are amphibians on land and sea. He is stronger than ordinary people on land, and his strength in the sea is far beyond that.

Seriously speaking, it is not the home of humans on land, but in the sea, it is definitely the home of murlocs.

With a sad look on her pretty face, Olena looked back at the fish-men soldiers and said in a low voice: "What Captain 103 said is absolutely right. These fish-men are very hostile to us!"

Soon at the main entrance of The Fish Men Island, more than twenty fishmen soldiers looked at the slowly approaching pirate ship [Scythe of Aeolus], all of them had sullen faces and showed strong hostility, like It's like the Sickle Pirates owe them tens of millions of beli.

"Hey~ Hody, don't do this!"

At this time, a fishman soldier next to him frowned and reminded: "Don't forget Princess Otohime's suggestion, be more restrained."

But when he saw that the fish-man named 'Hody' might have some abilities, but he wasn't enough to put him in his eyes - as long as they didn't fight in the sea, he thought he could easily crush the opponent to death.

Suddenly, a huge manatee slowly approached the [Scythe of Aeolus]. Riding on it was a strong murloc. He glanced at everyone on the ship with cold eyes and said coldly: "You'd better be honest in The Fish Men Island and don't do anything outrageous, otherwise I won't mind throwing you all into the deep sea to feed the sharks!"

Xi Luoke narrowed his eyes and replied slowly: "That guy's heart is full of malice towards us, and it even feels like it's about to overflow. It's aggregation of malice. I've never I’ve never seen a guy with such strong intentions, he looks like a monster.”

For Bazel, only the strong deserve respect.

Otherwise, it is humans who are being discriminated against.


The other party was a great white shark man with long curly black hair. He showed sharp teeth when he spoke. He was wearing the uniform and helmet of the Dragon Palace Kingdom army. He was holding a trident in his hand and looked quite fierce.

Then, Jonah raised his hand, touched his chin like Xi Luoke, and said curiously: "Captain, you seem to have a special regard for the fish-man named "Hody." "

Afterwards, the [Scythe of Aeolus] slowly entered the main entrance of The Fish Men Island, and entered the interior of The Fish Men Island through the long cylindrical passage.

Bazel sneered and teased with some disdain: "Listening to what you said, that guy named 'Hody' might be a figure in the future."

Xi Luoke curled her lips indifferently and continued to appreciate the beautiful scenery around her.

"Don't underestimate these fishmen."

Everyone in the Scythe Pirates looked at this fish-man, either with anger, disdain, or expressionlessness... just to name a few.

Hody Jones snorted softly and said unequivocally: "Then, remember your words, don't let me find a chance."

Xi Luoke glanced at Bazel and said calmly: "At least in the sea, the strength of these fishmen cannot be underestimated.".

After saying that, he pulled the reins in his hands, causing the huge manatee under his crotch to turn around and ignore everyone on the Scythe of Aeolus.

However, the fishmen soldiers guarding the gate did not deliberately block or embarrass them, and allowed the [Scythe of Aeolus] to enter The Fishmen Island from the main entrance.

Xi Luoke looked calm, looked at Hody Jones, and said softly: "Hody, right? I adhere to the principle of 'I will not offend others unless they offend me'. Don't mess with you fish people." That’s fine with me.”

At least from a racist point of view, it is better for humans to discriminate against murlocs than for murlocs to discriminate against humans.

It's a pity that humans far exceed the fishmen in number, so much so that from the huge population base, the strong ones born far exceed the fishmen, and are even stronger. Therefore, the fishmen are suppressed on The fish men island. superior.

"When they leave, do a good search.

"Pirates again!"

It is precisely because of this behavior that Princess Otohime's plan to establish friendly relations between The Fish Men Island and humans was ruined. Many fish men and mermaids on the island completely despaired of humans.

However, at this point in time, Vander Deken IX’s right hand is not marked with Princess Shirahoshi, and Hody Jones is still in the Neptune Army, indicating that Princess Otohime, who advocated "coexistence with mankind", has not yet been assassinated. .

When Xi Luoke heard the name "Hody", he also remembered who this guy was - his full name was "Hody Jones", and he was an extreme fish-man supremacist.

"There is discrimination between human beings, not to mention between races."

"Hmph~ What an arrogant human being."

"Damn humans!"

He still remembered that Princess Otohime of Ryugu Kingdom seemed to have been assassinated by this guy, and the blame was placed on humans.

The fish-man named "Hody" suddenly turned his head, his eyes as cold as knives, which frightened the fish-man soldier so much that he subconsciously closed his mouth.

Xi Luoke held the edge of the boat with both hands and looked at the fishman seriously.

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