Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 54 Battle In The Deep Sea

"Asshole! What on earth are you two doing?!"

Finally, Vander Deken IX could no longer sit still and swam out from inside the Flying Dutchman. He stood on the skull on the bow of the ship and screamed again.

Many fish-men figures also appeared one after another, holding long knives, spears, iron forks and other weapons in their hands, swaying on the decaying and dilapidated ghost ship, like ghosts and monsters.

In the dark deep sea, ghost ships, bald sea monsters, ghosts and monsters... are really a bit scary.

"Look at that guy, he is indeed a fish-man!"

"Still a four-legged fish-man!"

"It's strange, why does he use waterproof coating on his body?"

"Bah, bah, bah! It turns out to be a pirate group composed of fish-men."

At this time, everyone in the Scythe Pirates also saw Vander Daken IX and saw his appearance clearly.

The opponent is a broad-striped tiger-shark man with four legs, wearing a small hat, upturned hair like lightning, and a beard. There are many necklaces hanging on his body, wearing a yellow cloak and a white long-sleeved shirt. and green suspenders.

However, as a fishman, Vander Deken IX has a transparent waterproof coating on his appearance, which puzzles everyone except Xi Luoke.

Xi Luoke also carefully discovered that Vander Daken IX did not have a red glove on his right hand that should have appeared in the original plot.

In this way, Vander Deken IX has not yet come into contact with Princess Shirahoshi of The Fish Men Island [Dragon Palace Kingdom], nor does he know that the mermaid princess that the Vander Deken family has been pursuing has been born.

"Captain Vander Deken..."

At the same time, Mianjin saw the angry Vander Daken IX and stood up timidly, like a wronged child.

He was afraid of being abandoned by Vander Deken IX, and the fear in his heart overwhelmed the fear of Xi Luoke, so he regained his courage and took a big step towards the [Scythe of Aeolus] again.

On the other hand, the lantern fish named "Anke々||Luo" did not have a high IQ and followed the nature of the beast, still hiding behind and not daring to continue attacking.

Soon, Mianjin rushed over in a few steps, raised his arms in front of him, and punched the lantern fish pulling the [Scythe of Aeolus] hard.

The dark red-skinned lantern fish was unable to dodge, and was directly punched on the head by Mian Jinjian. It fell heavily to the seabed below, causing a burst of flying dust to ripple.

Moreover, it also affected the [Scythe of Aeolus] that was pulled by it, causing the entire ship to plummet. Everyone on the deck was caught off guard and fell to the ground one after another.

The lantern fish shook its head and began to fight back, opening its large mouth full of fangs and biting Mianjinmi.

Mianjin didn't want to dodge, and hit the lantern fish on the head with another quick and powerful left hook.

This time, the lantern fish was a little dazed after being beaten, and then he saw Mian Jinjian stretch out his hands, grab its head, and push it down again.

For a moment, the battle between the two deep-sea monsters caused the surrounding seawater to surge and surge, causing the [Scythe of Aeolus] connected to the lantern fish to sway back and forth and almost flip over.

"You bastard! Kamaita!!!"

Xi Luoke was furious, and immediately raised his hand and waved it - where his finger passed, the air was highly compressed, turning into an invisible transparent blade and flying out.

"Ah——the bubble is about to burst!"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the boat turned pale and screamed in horror.

Who would have thought that the wind blade actually penetrated the bubbles surrounding the ship without causing any ruptures.


On the spot, Mian Jinjian's chest was struck by a sharp wind blade, and a wound about three meters long opened as if out of thin air, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

"Use this——temporary water pumping and coating device!"

Soon, Bazel came up with a solution and put a layer of bubbles on Cyclops, Jonah and Gutus.

The three of them launched an attack without hesitation.


Mianjin screamed, subconsciously released his hands holding the lantern fish, and touched his chest.

So with the hope of Xi Luoke and others, Cyclops, Jonah and Gutus rushed into the sea and took the initiative to kill Mianjin.

Jonah took out the revolver named "Big Eye" and pulled the trigger. The brass bullet came out instantly. It magnified 10 times at the moment of exit and hit Mianjin like a cannonball. See the chest.

"I'll deal with him!"

Cut the meat!!!”

Victor hurriedly stopped Gutus and said loudly: "This is a deep sea of ​​8,000 meters. It's not like you usually fish in the sea. As soon as you go out, you will be crushed by the terrifying water pressure.

Gutus turned to look at Victor and asked angrily.

Bazel wanted to go, but he couldn't. Because as soon as he activates his ability, the air vibrations generated by the sound waves will burst the air bubbles on his body.

Cyclops swung his mace, and the attack was as fast as thunder and cracked, hitting the palm of Mianjinmi's right hand hard.


"I understand, it's like the waterproof coating on Vander Deken IX!"

"what is that?"

"Kill them and see you in Mianjin!"

Xi Luoke wanted to try this thing, but was rejected by everyone on the grounds that "he is injured".

"Shoot the gun!!!"

"Sure! (Noma's)!!"

On the [Flying Dutchman], Vander Deken IX looked disdainful, waved his hand directly, and issued new instructions to Mianjinmi.

Suddenly, Mianjin retracted his hands as if he was electrocuted, and let out a painful scream. His huge body fell back heavily as if a mountain had collapsed.

Hearing this, Xi Luoke's face darkened, and he forced himself to take action again.

Because he was afraid that he would strike too hard and split the bubbles surrounding the ship, which would really be the end of it.

The seabed below shook violently, and countless years of dust rippled up. The gray dust almost covered Mianjin Mi's huge body. .

"It's a temporary diving suit. With it, you can fight freely in the sea.

At this time, Gutus gritted his teeth, held down the [Zuo Zang] on his waist with his left hand, and ran outside.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Do you want to die?"

"Oops~ A bug bit me!"


Moreover, there are various sound absorption mechanisms in seawater, which will cause the sound waves to gradually weaken during propagation, weakening Bazel's ability.

At this time, Mianzu saw that he had completely gotten rid of the influence of Conqueror's Haki. He responded loudly, then stretched out his hands and grabbed Cyclops and Gutus respectively.

A 3-meter-long wound is really insignificant compared to a body that is 80 meters tall.

Gutusi held the famous sword [Zuo Zang] tightly, pulled it out of its sheath with a "cang clang" sound, and struck Mianjin Jian's left hand in the palm of his hand as fast as lightning.

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