Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 52 Sudden Encounter The Legendary Ghost Ship

In the dark deep sea, a dazzling light suddenly appeared.

This is a dark red-skinned lantern fish, more than a hundred meters long, with a mouth full of sharp and dense teeth. There is a rope-like tentacle on its forehead connected to a huge glowing light ball.

The [Scythe of Aeolus] followed closely behind the lantern fish, tying two cables as thick as an adult's arms to the lantern fish's body, forcing the other party to pull the ship forward.

It turned out that not long ago, the [Scythe of Aeolus] arrived at the deep sea at 7,000 meters and found that it was dark here and could not see the surrounding environment at all.

Just as they were about to take out the firefly lamp they had prepared in advance, they unexpectedly found a lantern fish swimming over.

So Xi Luoke used Conqueror's Haki to scare the opponent, successfully tied the cable to the lantern fish, and drove it to pull Aeolus' Scythe forward.

Soon after, when the [Scythe of Aeolus] descended to a depth of about 8,000 meters, it discovered giant jellyfish tens of meters high exuding a faint blue color.

===The light is particularly bright in the pitch-black deep sea.

Around them, there are several even larger Sea Kings, with body lengths ranging from 100 meters to 300 meters. Without exception, they all roll their eyes and expose their abdomens upwards.

"Stay away from those jellyfish! They're poisonous!"

Bazel's face darkened and he quickly issued a warning.


Cyclops did not dare to neglect, and quickly reached out to pull the cable on the left side, signaling the lantern fish to move to the left, away from the terrifying and huge blue jellyfish in front of it.

Victor carefully observed the dead Sea Kings and made a guess in his mind. He said in a deep voice: "It is a highly lethal neurotoxin. Do not touch their tentacles!"

It turned out that at this time, a giant jellyfish swam above the head of the [Scythe of Aeolus]. It was emitting a faint blue light and had several tentacles falling down, making it almost within reach of everyone on the ship.

At this moment, Olena and Jonah quickly took back their hands, their faces turned blue with fear.

The former knew that jellyfish were poisonous, but couldn't stand such a beautiful thing dangling in front of his face, so he couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

The latter thought that the jellyfish was poisonous inside but not outside, so he reached out to touch it.

"Hey~ look!"

Suddenly, Bazel's face changed slightly, and he pointed to the dark deep sea on the right.

Under the light of the lantern fish's luminous light ball, a huge shadow appeared in front of everyone - it turned out to be a three-masted sailing battleship nearly a hundred meters long, with a skull with fangs on the bow. , the hull has been rotted in many places, and there are many moss-like molds growing on it.

Moreover, the words "The Flying Dutchman" are still vaguely visible on the tattered white sails, and a pirate flag is hung on the main mast, which is marked by a skull with crossed swords, indicating that it is a pirate ship.

"The dead have neither mouth nor desire!"

"In my hometown where even crows can't fly!"

"The dead don't need gems on their hands!"

"You can't see any regrets in the dark!"

"Go find it! Go find it!"

"The sunken treasure is mine!"

"I am the world's richest man——Captain Vander Deken!!!"

At this time, the sound of singing actually came from the pirate ship that seemed to have experienced hundreds of years.

You know, this pirate ship was not coated, it was completely naked and appeared 8,000 meters under the sea.

Under such huge water pressure, it is impossible for humans other than fishmen to appear, unless it is...

The next second, a horrified scream sounded: "Ah——ghost ship!!!"

On the deck of the [Scythe of Aeolus], Jonah, Gutus and Olena were filled with fear. Not only did they scream loudly, they even hugged each other in fear.

"Are you kidding me...The Flying is this possible..."

At this time, Bazel was also shocked, looking at the pirate ship that had sunk hundreds of years ago in disbelief before his eyes.

"The sea is so interesting!"

Suddenly, Victor's expression became wild, his body trembled, and he excitedly said to himself: "I wonder what the physical characteristics of the ghost will look like?"


Xi Luoke turned her head in astonishment and stared at the suddenly excited Victor.

From this tone, do you plan to dissect a ghost?

As expected of a man nicknamed “Weird Doctor”, “his hobbies are very weird!

"Captain, can Armament Haki capture the ghost?"

Then, Victor also turned to look at Xi Luoke and asked curiously.


Xi Luoke was stunned for a second and said hesitantly: "Who knows about this kind of thing!"

"However, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because there is no ghost on board this [Flying Dutchman] at all!"

The legend about the "Flying Dutchman" is almost unknown to everyone on the sea...

Legend has it that on a stormy night hundreds of years ago, Captain Vander Deken was so insane that he not only pushed all the crew members around him into the sea, but also boldly spat at God. His arrogant behavior offended everyone. He was cursed as a god and had to endure endless torture while imitating the sea and becoming a pirate group that ruled the deep sea.

And the pirate ship in front of him is the legendary "Flying Dutchman". It's no wonder that Bazelle was shocked, let alone others.

Only Cyclops still looked stupid and bold. As long as Xi Luoke gave an order, he dared to rush directly to the "Flying Dutchman" and find out the guy who called himself "Vander Deken".

However, Xi Luoke is also not afraid.

Because he knows this [Flying Dutchman] and the guy who calls himself "Vander Deken".

This [Flying Dutchman] is indeed the pirate ship from hundreds of years ago, but this guy who calls himself "Vander Deken" is actually Vander Deken IX, First Generation Vander · Descendants of Daken.

First Generation Vander Deken went to the deep sea in order to find the legendary mermaid princess who can control the Sea Kings, which is one of the three legendary Ancient Weapons [Poseidon1.7. Poseidon].

However, he passed away not long after arriving at The Fish Men Island.

Since then, every generation of Vander Deken has been looking for the legendary mermaid princess, including the current Vander Deken IX.

So, this is not a ghost ship at all.

In other words, this was intentional by Vander Deken IX, just to make others mistake it for the "Flying Dutchman" ghost ship.

Moreover, the Vander Deken clan is a fish-men clan, so there is no need to coat the ship, and they can wander in the sea at will, ignoring the huge water pressure of the deep sea.

However, Xi Luoke vaguely remembered that Vander Daken IX was a user with Paramecia Target Fruit ability, so he lost the characteristic of a fishman that was good at swimming, so he had to apply a swimming coating on his body when moving in the water. take protective measures. .

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