Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 37 [Black Arm] Zephyr

During this period, "Black Arm" Zephyr had both hands intact and was serving as an Instructor at Marine School. Although he suffered severe psychological damage due to the murder of his family, his strength fell from his peak.

But even so, as a former Marine Admiral, the power Zephyr possesses in his body is still terrifying and unmatched by ordinary people. It is only stronger than "Imper" Administrator Magellan.

Even among the felons imprisoned in the "Eternal Hell" on the 6th underground floor of "Imper", there are very few who can compete with Zephyr, not to mention the group of people like Xi Luoke, none of whom are imprisoned on the 6th underground floor. Repeat offender.

Of course, if Xi Luoke is captured again, he will definitely be under strict supervision and imprisoned in the "Eternal Hell" on the 6th underground floor. Even if he wants to return to the 5.5th underground floor, it will not be that easy.

Because, the "Eternal Hell" on the 6th underground floor does not have an entrance to the 5.5th underground floor at all, or it is not clear which secret sewer can lead to the 5.5th underground floor.


Thinking of this, Xi Luoke couldn't help but take a deep breath, and looked at Zephyr with an even sharper gaze.

He doesn't want to be locked up in "hell" anymore!


Zephyr noticed the unusually sharp gaze and immediately turned around to look——

At this moment, Zephyr and Xi Luoke looked at each other, as if they were in a strange subspace. There was no one else around, and there was no sound of turbulent and noisy wind and waves, only silence.

"I don't want to be put in jail again!"

Suddenly, a prisoner with a ferocious face screamed at the top of his lungs, breaking the wonderful stare between Xi Luoke and Zephyr.

"That's right, don't underestimate me!"

"I would rather die than go to jail again!"

"He's just a has-been old man, there's nothing to be arrogant about!"

Immediately afterwards, all the prisoners present roared loudly at Zephyr.

The intense atmosphere became increasingly intense, and everyone seemed to be in hysterical madness. Their faces turned red and they waved their weapons, completely breaking the eerie silence on the deck.

"go to hell!"

A prisoner couldn't control his inner mania. Under the influence of shock, anger, fear and other emotions, he waved the machete in his hand like a madman and "struggled to chop at the prisoner."

Zephyr didn't even look at it, he directly raised his left arm to block, allowing the opponent to slash his wrist with a knife.

The sound of gold and iron suddenly sounded.

Half of the blade was spinning and flying into the air.

The prisoner stared blankly at the broken knife in his hand, and then looked at Zephyr's dark, metallic half of his left arm, completely speechless.

"Come here!"

Zephyr snorted coldly, opened his big hands, grabbed the other person's neck, and threw the guy into the crowd like a rag doll.


This "human cannonball" screamed and crashed into the crowd, knocking down more than 20 prisoners in a row like a bowling ball.

Suddenly, wailing broke out on the deck, and many people were lying on the ground with broken bones and tendons.

Zephyr clapped his hands in disgust, looked in the direction of Xi Luoke again, and said in a deep voice: "You are Baptiste Xi Luoke, right! It seems that anyone who treats you as a brat would be really stupid. That’s awesome! At least Magellan paid a heavy price for this!”

"That's quite a compliment, Mr. Zephyr!"

Xi Luoke smiled brightly, spread his hands, and said modestly: "Facing the former Admiral of Naval Headquarters, I was as scared as an ostrich, and I wanted to bury my head in the sand!"

Zephyr sneered and said unceremoniously: "Stop lying, you nasty little brat!"

"I'd better arrest you, the mastermind of the jailbreak, first!"

Before he finished speaking, the deck under his feet shattered with a "click", and his whole body flew towards Xi Luoke like an arrow from a string.


Xi Luoke's eyes narrowed and he disappeared instantly.

In an instant, Zephyr punched the air, turned around quickly, and crossed his dark, metallic arms in front of him.


A transparent sharp wind blade struck Zephyr's arm, and a crisp sound of gold and iron erupted.

The strong wind was surging, whistling and spreading in all directions.

"The speed and wind blade are so fast that it is hard to see..."

Zephyr turned around, looked around, and said to the air around him: "This is where your name [Kamaitachi] comes from, right?"

"Why does everyone like to say this? I suddenly feel a little tired of the word [Kamaitachi]. Why don't I change my title to a new one. Why don't I just call it [Flying Scythe]? "What do you think?"

0…Please give me flowers………………

Xi Luoke's voice could be heard in the air, but there was no trace of him.

"I don't think so!"

Zephyr snorted softly and said coldly: "You are destined to spend your life in prison. No matter how loud the title is, it is useless."

"I don't think so!"

Xi Luoke appeared out of thin air behind Zephyr like a ghost, and quickly flew up with a kick, sweeping towards Zephyr's waist like a sharp blade.

The whip legs of this style are fast and urgent, and even make a neighing sound like cutting through the air.

In an instant, Zephyr jumped three meters high and easily avoided Xi Luoke's whip kick attack.

"Finger Pistol·Finger Pistol!!!"

The punch was as powerful as thunder, and the smell of anxiety could even be smelled in the air.

At this moment, Xi Luoke's expression changed, and the pupils in his eyes instantly dilated. He felt that the air around him seemed to be squeezing him, giving him a feeling of being "locked".


Under the dull loud noise, the air was shaken.

Xi Luoke threw his head back and flew backwards, spitting blood from his mouth and nose. His body roared out like a cannonball and smashed into the upper deck building of the warship with a "bang".

The loud noise was deafening, violent air waves mixed with choking smoke and dust swept outward, and countless broken wood and bricks were thrown out, causing the entire warship to shake.

"Boss Xi Luoke!"

"Mr. Xi Luoke!"

"What a joke!"


All the prisoners screamed in surprise, and some even held their heads with both hands, showing a look of horror.

Bazel's eyes were splitting, and he yelled at Zephyr: "You bastard, go to hell..."

"Shut up!"

Zephyr's eyes sharpened and he shouted.

He raised his foot and kicked, and a long sword in front of him flew out quickly, cut through the air with a "shoo", and instantly pierced Bazel's right shoulder.

Bazel groaned, and before the sound waves he just roared had time to explode, he was already covering his shoulders and half-kneeling down.

"'Dragon Roar' Bazel, I know you are also one of the masterminds of the prison break.

Zephyr had a sullen face and walked towards Bazel step by step.

"It is indeed an Admiral-level fist, so exciting!"


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, causing Zephyr to stop and look in the direction of the sound for a long time. .

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