Deep Space Fleet

Vol 7 Chapter 776: Lenino Civilization

The Lenino civilization, if divided according to the conventional interstellar hierarchy, can be regarded as a first-class civilization, has the ability to navigate between planets, and can exploit extraterrestrial resources.

And this is a civilization with a long history and a long history of more than one million years.

However, since the invention of controlled nuclear fusion technology, this civilization has gradually lost its motivation to move forward. As for the time of the invention of controllable nuclear fusion, it may have been more than 900,000 years ago ... It is the same with conventional sinker civilization. After a period of rapid progress, it has been in a state of stagnation for a long time, and the whole people are addicted to the development of pseudoscience .

The so-called pseudo-science, that is, some basic principles that are difficult to explain, or simply wrong, but there are many subjects who are willing to believe.

The low-end pseudoscience includes perpetual motion, insects appearing out of the air, eggs and milk can not be mixed with empiricism; the high-end includes quantum mysticism, myocardial stem cells, N-rays, and other academic frauds made by well-known scholars behavior.

If academic fraud is not disclosed, every individual is addicted to pseudoscience and cannot extricate themselves, and civilization naturally ceases to progress. Even a small number of people who want to uphold justice are often overwhelmed by the vast ocean of the People ’s War because they have too little say among……

In fact, the first-class civilization technology is enough to meet the needs of the people, even if the development is slow, they have controllable nuclear fusion technology, the most basic artificial intelligence, primary medical materials, have a certain space development capacity, and population growth With stagnation and no worry about food and clothing, in this situation where productivity is far greater than demand, what else is worth developing?

The so-called "scientific progress" is nothing more than an excuse fabricated to paralyze the thinking of the people at the bottom ... As long as this excuse still exists, the class will still produce a small amount of flow, even if this flow relies on pseudo-science that is deceived. It is also better than not coming at all.

In the long-term stable and peaceful environment, the Lenino civilization has developed a half and a half of the extraterrestrial planet. Half of them are a gaseous planet around them, which is also a nuclear fuel depot, and the other is naturally a red companion star around ...

It is not unusual for such a situation to occur. In the case of a low population growth rate, there is really no need to develop every planet. Why occupy more unused sites?

Without much benefit, there is no need to do these things.

There are 26 hidden ruling families in civilization. Although the current governments of various countries seem to be democratically elected, there are always the manipulation of these 26 families behind them. They manipulated public opinion and capital. The so-called president and prime minister are nothing more than capital spokespersons.

Because things like power are difficult to inherit, each individual's personal abilities are very different. Individuals with poor abilities must inherit the power to have a bad luck.

Therefore, these ruling families generally do not face the people directly. This choice is smart.

But inheritance is much simpler. After a long period of capital development, the vast majority of the entire planet's property has been monopolized by these 26 families. Coupled with the gradual cessation of progress in science and technology, originally fighting for life and death, the hostile families have also become harmonious with each other ...

The world is already peaceful, and productivity is far greater than demand, as long as each company manages its own site. Long-lost peace takes place on this planet. As long as public opinion is controlled, 26 families can rule this civilization forever.

Such a calm day seems to be able to continue for 100,000 years, millions of years, has continued.

Even with the passage of time, the large families have become more open-minded under the struggle with each other. They have distributed much of the wealth they enjoy to the people. Low-rent houses, relief meals, and basic social welfare systems have everything. Life on this planet is very simple, as long as a person works hard, he can feed an entire family.

In the eyes of these rulers, these properties can't be used up by themselves, and they can be supported by the people. Why not do it?

Coupled with the rich electronic chemical hormones, it can bring the cheapest way of entertainment, so the individual of the Lenino civilization, the overall happiness is ridiculously high, and the overall crime rate is also very low ...

This is also the standard status quo of many sinker civilizations ... Whether or not the sinker civilizations have nothing to do with people ’s happiness.

"Ah, every time I come to this space port at Lagrange, I will feel the power of the entire civilization! We actually built such a huge space observation device, the power of collective cooperation is really great!"

"Yes, this space port at Lagrange was still in the planning stage thousands of years ago, but now, in the hands of our generation, it is finally completed."

This space port is made up of 26 families. It was recently constructed collectively and is considered to be the largest interplanetary transit station in this civilization.

Several noble children of the Lenino civilization are feeling the greatness of technology.

"Praise technology, praise cooperation."

"Yes, the most important thing is cooperation."

They boarded a spaceship, went to the red companion star next door, and began to chat casually: "I heard that in recent years, the number of users of C-type electronic hormones has increased, and the once-in-a-death cycle of death is coming again. Ah ... these populations will soon be eliminated, and then a new batch will be replaced. When I first heard about this, I thought they were very pitiful ... "

The appearance of these intelligent lives is a bit like an orangutan, with two hands and two legs and wearing a small amount of clothing, which shows that they have a concept of shame similar to humans ~ ~ The concept of shame can also be connected with morality Together, so this is a sympathetic species.

A Lenino made a shooting action, "Poor? Reincarnation of death, they asked for it ... I once contacted the homeless on the roadside and asked if they wanted to live in a better environment, or did they want to Want to get a little electronic hormone every day? If they want to live in a low-rent house, I can pay a little money to help them. "

"But the vast majority of homeless people choose electronic hormones! They say they are voluntary!"

"So ... choosing this kind of life has nothing to do with us, it's just that they asked for it."

"Your Honor, you are really kind, and you will pay attention to the tramps."

"Hey, don't say this anymore. I'm even more looking forward to playing bugs. Amani, what new weapon has your family developed?"

"Of course, there is a high-speed rotating and vibrating sharp knife that can easily cut the body of the bug, and there is also an electromagnetic projectile shell. We call it a high-magnetic cannon ... Hey, you know it anyway when you get to the place!"

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