Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 324: Don't underestimate humans!

Kunlun Mountain, Central Control Room.

Zhang Yuan is anxiously trying to repair this supercomputing with a group of experts. The screen is full of garbled characters. The amount of data generated in a second is hundreds of GB, which is not something that humans can quickly process.

"I don't make sense ... I really don't make sense!" Li Zhendong's mood was still uncertain, and the cold sweat on his face continued to go out bit by bit.

These **** digital torrents can spread wildly along network cables and wireless networks. The so-called various protocols and firewalls are virtually useless, as if they do not belong to the same dimension at all. There is no blocking time of one second!

Even Zhang Yuan was anxious to end in person, but it was useless without him. Under the crushing of the science and technology of the sixth-level civilization, there was no room for human beings to resist.

"This is just the case of strong artificial intelligence ..." Zhang Yuan also wiped the sweat on his face.

"You're wrong. It's a lot worse than strong artificial intelligence." Li Zhendong smiled bitterly: "This thing is just pure destruction and it takes up the amount of calculation. If it is strong artificial intelligence, it should be in control of the whole world, just like heaven Like the net, all the power armors and robots are controlled at once, we don't need to resist at all. "

"How far is it between the enemy and us?"

"I don't know, it's hard to estimate now."

The staff of the Astronomical Observation Room have not yet sent information. Zhang Yuan has no idea what happened to the other ship and whether he has launched an attack on Kunlun Mountain.

There are only two ways that people can use-manual power off, and ... telegram!

A manual power failure can indeed kill these digital lives, but it is completely useless. The software inside is completely destroyed, and there is no way to recover in a short while. As long as this computer is connected to the outside world, it will be re-infected. Kunlun Mountain is too big, the size of a city.

Without a complete Internet, the entire ship is still paralyzed.

"Unless the whole digital life can be killed at once, the entire riot can be stopped."

On the other hand, this kind of digital life can only infect chips with a calculation frequency of more than 100 million times per second, so some machines with very low calculations, including some telegraph generators, are not affected.

"Captain, the new observations have come down!"

A soldier hurried over and said with a stern look: "We have observed the electromagnetic pulse bomb launched by the Eagle No. 1 and the war of the vanguard has started. There are also some drones coming in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, but The attack was not great. "

"The opponent's spacecraft caused a large amount of gravity on the cosmic string. The speed of Kunlun Mountain is slowly decreasing, while the opponent's spacecraft is accelerating!"

Zhang Yuan nodded slightly, his face calm.

"... It is expected that with such acceleration, we can be caught up after half a day!"

"Half a day ... okay."

Zhang Yuan looked cold and lost in thought.

The source of gravitational force is behind the **** of Kunlun Mountain. What the other party wants to do is clear at a glance ...

The other party wants to grab the Kunlun Mountain completely!

However, in this kind of heart palpitations, you can't show any panic emotions at all, and you must think of a reliable method!

This is the duty of a captain!

"What about the evacuation of the people?"

"It is underway in an orderly manner ... We are evacuating the sober people to the standby transport spacecraft, and have not caused a large-scale panic for the time being."

Fortunately, only 800,000 people are currently awake, and the area opened by Kunlun Mountain is only one-tenth of the entire spacecraft. If there are eight million awake people, the entire evacuation will be more difficult. It is also because most people are hibernating, and a large number of devices are in a standby state without being infected by a virus.

Zhang Yuan knew deeply that these backup devices could not be turned on now, or they would soon be infected by a virus.

"The war is coming soon. You first prepare a batch of uninfected power armors, dismantle the external electromagnetic wave communication devices, and communicate through the light signal of the flashlight during the battle ..."

"Before the defense system inside the spacecraft is repaired, be sure to guard all the key points! Including the five main control rooms inside Kunlun Mountain."


Looking at the soldier who was running away, Zhang Yuan clenched his fists.

"Come on, keep it up."

This is already regarded as the most dangerous vicious accident in human history!

According to Zhang Yuan's speculation, the opponent is so aggressive and has not used heavy weapons. There is a high probability that he will engage in the so-called "board battle".

Yes, judging from these external performances, the other party has a big appetite, and wants to obtain the entire Kunlun Mountain spaceship in its entirety!

Infected with a digital virus, war weapons outside Kunlun Mountain could hardly be launched, and even if fired, the hit rate was horrific; without the command center and electromagnetic communications, drones could not be used, and defense measures inside the spacecraft Also paralyzed.

After landing, as long as the opponent sends a large number of robots, they can consume the lives of human soldiers!

One side's facilities are completely paralyzed, and they can only rely on soldiers to fight, but they can control the robot for remote control. Think about it with your toes and know how great the human disadvantage is.

In this case, a street battle inside the spacecraft really happened, which was exactly a one-sided massacre!

Humans can't beat intelligent military robots. This type of artificial intelligence can fight one million wars a day through self-training. Its teamwork ability and reaction speed are all far stronger than humans.

Through past simulation experiments, even if human soldiers make up for their shortcomings through power armor, the battle loss ratio has reached 1: 5 or even 1:10!

"Although I don't know what this civilized intelligent robot is ... the worst probability is higher than ours. People can't be resurrected when they die, but robots can be made batch by batch."

Thinking of this disastrous consequence ...

"Li Zhendong, let's go!" Zhang Yuan didn't want to continue thinking anymore. Instead of remorse and blame here, it is better to take advantage of this period to rescue a few more military intelligent robots and get more cannon fodder ...

And most importantly, find a way to solve those **** digital viruses!

"Lao Zhang," Li Zhendong said panting as he ran into the car. "Can you escape a part of the population through a spare spacecraft and hibernation device?"

"Can't ... Do you think that the other party snatched Kunlun Mountain and would obediently let us go?"

"Yeah, it really isn't."

Rail trains start quickly. Even if there is no navigation and you move along the track, you do not need to worry about accidents such as car accidents.

Zhang Yuan pondered for a while: "I thought about it just now, it should be the two messages we sent in the past. There may be some rigorous places to let the other party know that we are a novice civilization."

"These bugs should also not be amoeba points, but a digital virus similar to amoeba points ... the rest of the interstellar civilization can already find out something is wrong, but we don't know, and we are excited about it. That's why we are in the middle. Still too young ... "

"Yes." Li Zhendong nodded. "It has been ascertained that the working radar was initially infected. These digital lives are totally unreasonable ..."

"If the communication work and production capacity of the spacecraft are completely restored, I think there is still a battlefield to fight street fighting. Our spaceship is so large ~ ~ The structure is complex, how many resources do you have, and how much do you have? When you open a universal factory, the heap can also kill each other. "

"There are so many frigates around us ... although these frigates have been paralyzed, hey, I hope they can survive."

Li Zhendong suddenly said: "Yes, don't be so desperate. The size of these frigate hulls is small. It should be able to completely kill digital life through power failure. It is not as troublesome as Kunlun Mountain ... If you can restore a little combat power, the probability of survival Still big. "

"Zhang Yuan, I was thinking, if the other party is really an amoeba civilization, can I go and climb friendships ... what ..."

"It's definitely not the Amoeba civilization, a robber who wants to pick up cheap ... there is no evidence, it's just an intuition!"

Zhang Yuan said aggressively: "Don't think that the other party really eats us!"

"I really thought we were just ordinary interstellar civilizations, and we couldn't do any research on digital life!"

"But we have thousands of real ... virtual worlds!"

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