The translation is - the goddess asked me to do this, I will do it, why?

I'm always licking pigs.

Okay. Elsebell moved her shoulders and said, Then thank God Freya for me - does she have any other requests?

No. Otta shook his head - it was impossible for him to tell Elsebell that Freya asked him to follow her.

Okay. Seeing that Otta didn't say anything, Elsebell didn't bother to ask. She waved her hand casually and said, Then I'll go down first?

Okay. Ota nodded.

Elsebell reopened the map, then looked down at the map, as if she was playing MC, and walked forward carelessly.

'What is she thinking? ’ Otta frowned - the average adventurer would look at the map occasionally and concentrate on defense most of the time, but Elsebell...

Too arrogant?

This is equivalent to an unarmored Alliance player doing PPAP in the Horde's base camp. Hey, this is no longer a provocation, but a slap in the face.

Heart network, unfold!

The Heart Net, which combines the Haki of the Observation Color and the Thunder Fruit, has a stronger effect than the Haki of the Observation Color, a wider range, lower consumption, and...

You can even hear people's thoughts.

Mr. Ota, are you still behind? Elsebell stopped moving forward, and then turned her head - you are too big, and the mental network captured you in an instant.

... Ota was silent for a few seconds... No, maybe he's trying to trick me, I'm pretending to be dead!

I'm not lying to you. You are at the corner to my right, right? And you are holding a monster in your hand to make it silent. Elsebell said helplessly.

... Ota looked at the monster in his hand with a look of humiliation, then casually squeezed it to death, walked out of the corner where he was hiding, and asked strangely: How did you find me? ?”

Unique skills cannot be passed on to others. Elsebell chuckled and said, Tell me, why are you following me? Is it Freya's order?

Elsebell felt that this Otta didn't seem to pay attention to a little loli like her - this piggy was only thinking about Freya.

The goddess's order is to observe you. Ota replied dully - he felt that he had failed the mission, and he might be blamed by Freya... Well, being blamed by Freya was a small matter, but he When he thought that Freya would be disappointed and sad because of this, he felt that he deserved death.

Huh? Observe me, what can I observe? Elsebell muttered a few words, then picked out her ears and said: Okay, I am also a moral woman after all, since you provided me with a map , then when we go to the mine this time... ahem, I will let you stay with me for this strategy.

I won't help you. Otta thought that Elsibelle wanted to use his power to show off his power...don't even think about it.

It's best if you don't take action. I don't want anyone to snatch the dropped items from me. Elsebell curled her lips and said, Let's go, follow us.

Okay. Otta nodded. Anyway, as long as you don't let me take action, I want to see how you, a Level 1 newcomer, are going to break through.

Then Ota saw Elsebell take out the map again, and while comparing the routes, he said: In fact, I don't even need to move my hands in such a low-level area - what's the name of Brother Penzi's one? Coming? Oh yes, a wave of murderous intent? Then mine should be a surge of thunder and lightning.

Then? Then Otta watched blankly as all the monsters that entered the attack range of Elsebell were chopped into pieces by the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky before they could move, leaving only one magic stone lying alone on the ground.

How should I put it? It feels like a first-level newbie is following a master with full-level graduation equipment to refresh the map, and then the master uses a passive skill with range damage to kill monsters all the way.

What made Ota the most angry was that after seeing the magic stones scattered on the ground, Elsebell actually said: Big man, it's troublesome for me to pick it up by myself. You can pick it up for me and I'll share it with you. .”

I am Orario’s number one adventurer, Ota the Fierce, Level 7, and I am not your supporter! Climb for Mr. Pig!

Although Otta wanted to accuse Elsebell like this, he thought that following Elsebel was Freya's order, and Elsebell looked at him and said: If you don't help me, I will turn around and go back. , when the time comes you won’t be able to fulfill Freya’s mission and will disappoint her, or even dislike you, that’s not my fault.”



Hello, my name is Otta and I am your supporter.

End of this chapter

Just a passer-by, there is one thing to say, indeed, it is like this, no bragging, no slander... Well, now Ota's heart is very dull.

Because at this time, he and Elsie Bell had advanced from the first floor to the seventeenth floor, and whether they were monsters on the first floor or monsters on the seventeenth floor, they were the same in front of Elsie Bell - as long as they entered the first floor, they would be the same. Within a hundred meters, it will be chopped into pieces by thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and the last magic stone will fall stubbornly to the ground.

It gives Ota the feeling that he is a first-level trumpet, and then the full-level large player is driving and passively painting pictures by himself.

Brother Pig, eh, Brother Pig, don't be in a daze. Elsebell stretched out her hand and patted Ota's waist, causing an adventurer who had been thinking blankly for a few seconds to come back to his senses.


I'm Otta! Otta said with a straight face and an expressionless face, I'm not called Brother Pig!

Okay, Brother Pig. Elsebell provoked Ota without any bottom line, and then pointed at the huge circular space in front of him that seemed to be deliberately separated by walls as Ota's eyes twitched, and said : The map says this place is the floor master's room, right?

The floor master, according to what we can understand, is probably a boss-like character. The floor master will only appear in a specific level. The rebirth cycle can be as short as a few weeks or as long as a few months - the official name is the Lone King of the Labyrinth. , and the level of the floor leader is at least 2 levels higher than the level of the monsters in the floor.

For example, on the 17th floor where Elsebell is currently located, the strength of the monsters spawned here is Lv.2. In other words, the 17th floor is theoretically where Level 2 adventurers come! The floor master on the 17th floor whose monster level is Lv.2 is actually at least Lv.4.

Yes. Ota glanced at the empty area and nodded.

When did the floor master of this place die last time? Elsebell asked curiously.

Do you want to challenge? Although Otta is a pig, he is not a real pig. Elsebell even asked about the time of death, so you must want to challenge, If nothing else, in these two days, It will be refreshed, but I don’t mind if you, a new adventurer, challenge the floor master rashly.”

Don't worry! Elsebell waved her hands indifferently and said, I just use it to practice and warm up.

... Otta didn't say anything, but looked at Elsibelle with contempt - Blow, just blow, hit a Level 2 monster and see what you can do!

Then let me go in and take a look first. Maybe it will be refreshed? Elsebell felt that her luck was pretty good, and this high luck was probably brought about by her Golden Rule skill - of course , it does not rule out that Elsebell did not choose a gun in her choice of weapons.

Although it's only in the past two days, it may not be refreshed now. Otta followed him expressionlessly and said, If it is refreshed tomorrow, do you have to wait until tomorrow?

If it refreshes tomorrow, I won't fight. Elsebell said nonchalantly, I just want to try it out. It won't be a big problem if I have it or not... Oh, it seems I'm lucky.

Looking at the giant Goliath monster struggling to come out of the wall in front of her, a smile appeared on Elsabel's lips.


Goliath raised his head and let out a roar, then cast an angry look at Ota.

Huh? Ota was not happy at that time. He exuded the aura of a Level 7 adventurer without hesitation, and then glared at Goliath fiercely - this is called a pig glare!

Ouch! Goliath made a puppy sound with his tail between his legs, and then quickly turned his attention to Elsebell.

Oh, this little one should be able to beat him, that's a good feeling.

Hey, do you think I'm easy to bully? Elsie Bell chuckled and said, It's interesting, your little sister Ai is going to influence you with love today!



At this time, the entrance to the 17th floor.

Burt, you obviously want to observe the battle between us and the floor master, why did you get up late instead? Finn helplessly looked at the werewolf brother in the team and said, If you miss this, someone else will If you kill him, you can’t blame us.”

Don't worry, Captain. Bert said in a arrogant and arrogant voice like a great man, The one who killed Goliath last time was also a member of our family, so only we know the refresh time. , How can others have such good luck that the refresh time just happens to pass?

Is that possible? Riveria on the side said with a smile, Maybe there will be a lucky adventurer.

Tsk. The werewolf Burt, who was now only an eleven-year-old boy, clicked his tongue in displeasure and said, If a group of adventurers were to challenge the floor master, they might be beaten to tears.

The malice is too great. Finn said helplessly - Bert is still very talented. He is only eleven years old and has only become an adventurer for more than a year and has already reached Level 2, but his personality is really... Too bad.

Okay, stop talking, let's go take a look first. Riveria said helplessly, If you stay here any longer, you might really be overtaken by someone.



When everyone from the Loki Familia approached the floor master's room, they heard a roar coming from inside. It was obvious that someone was already fighting.

Damn it, I got beat first. Bert frowned in displeasure. He quickly ran towards the floor master's room and muttered: Which family is it?

Burt, don't get excited! Finn quickly chased after him and said, Don't barge in when others are challenging the floor master. It will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

I know...sss! As soon as Bert ran into the floor master's space, he suddenly saw Otta leaning on the wall next to him, with his hands folded across his chest and a red A posture.

What's the matter, Burt? Finn ran in right behind him, and saw Otto as a matter of course, and suddenly gasped.

Then Riveria and Grace (racial dwarves) also ran in, and then they also saw Ota.

Enough of you, global warming is all caused by you gasping guys!

Why is Ota here? A trace of cold sweat appeared on Finn's forehead, but he quickly reacted and focused his attention on Elsebell, who was flying around Goliath, thinking Said: 'Is that person a rookie from Freya's family? Newcomer? However, a newcomer lets Ota guard the much does Freya value her...'

Finn felt that his reasoning ability had improved a bit. If he continued like this, with his little human appearance, he might be able to come up with a paragraph: The only one who can see through the truth is a famous detective who looks like a child, but is smarter than ordinary people. Finn! slogan.

Otta, is that girl a newcomer to the Freya Familia? Finn looked at Otta and asked - at the same time, other members of the Loki Familia also looked over.


Before Otta could speak, the girl who was fighting Goliath spoke first.



Huh? A newcomer to Freya's family? Because her heart network was always open, Elsebell keenly heard the conversation at the entrance.

This is not possible!

Elsebell raised her eyebrows, and her whole body turned into a ball of lightning, instantly crossing a distance of tens of meters and flashing to the entrance of the main area of ​​the floor.

We are not new members of the Freya Familia, but members of the Artemis Familia~ Elsebell fell to the ground with lightning flashing on her body, and then greeted the people at the door with a smile on her face. , said: Hey, we meet again, the super beautiful elf lady! And the little human brother~

Ah, it's you! Riveria immediately realized after hearing what Elsebell called her, wasn't this the little guy she met on the street in the morning? Mainly because she was so cute, so she left a deep impression on Riveria.

We meet again, lovely lady. Finn smiled politely, and then said doubtfully: Artemis Familia? I remember that Artemis Familia is not...

Always active outside Orario, Riveria continued.

That was what happened in the past~ Now we, the Artemis Familia, have officially settled in Orario~ Elsibelle made a V sign with a smile and said: I will ask for your advice and support in the future. La!

At this time, the werewolf Burt on the side pointed at Goliath, who was also running over because Elsebell ran over, and said with a pale face: Before talking about this, would you like to get rid of that thing first? Ah! He’s coming!!”

Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about this guy... Elsebell looked at Goliath running over, smiled at Finn and Riveria, and said, Please wait a moment. , I’ll get rid of it first—big guy, come here...go back!”

Elsebell jumped into the air, and the dazzling electric light enveloped her right leg.

Speed ​​is power!

Have you ever been mentioned by the speed of light?


Like a meteor hitting the earth, Elsebel's right leg stuck straight into Goliath's abdomen, kicking the big Goliath directly and flying backwards.



Looking at this astonishing scene, Finn couldn't help but say: This move is somewhat similar to Bert's move.

Yes. Riveria nodded.

Bert follows the melee style, and his equipment is a pair of metal leg armors. On the calf part of the leg armor, there are magic crystals that can absorb magic - so his fighting method is to absorb the magic crystals fired by his companions. magic, and then kick with the magic.

Speaking of which... Dwarf Grace touched the beard on his chin and said, I remember that when I met that little girl in the morning, Bert once glared at someone else, right?

Finn: It seems like that.

Riveria: If the other party is more petty-minded, this can be considered a rift.


Bert looked pale as he looked at Elsebell, who was shouting Ola Ola Ola and beating Goliath with both fists until he couldn't take care of himself.

Am I...dying?

End of this chapter

After unscrupulously scaring Burt, Finn fell into thinking and analysis.

If she is a member of the Artemis Familia, then it makes sense that we don't know her origin. Finn put his chin on his head and said, But, what is her level? She can do it all by herself. You can fight the floor master.

Generally speaking, if the level of adventurers in Orario rises, the main god will report it to the union, and then the union will post a notice on the notice board——

A certain member of a certain family was upgraded to a Lv.

Unless there is a special purpose for the Familia and its members to hide their levels, most of the Familia will not hesitate to share information about the upgrades of their own Familia members.

What for? It is the exposure of one's own family members.

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