As mentioned before, Elsebell is a fan of animation, so she has only watched the first, second, and theatrical version of DiWuWu, as well as derivative animations like Super Den, with the heroine Sword Princess as the first The sacred story of the Sword Princess from a perspective.

If you want to talk about tragedies, it's true that there are none - the first tragedy is Lily, the supporter of the Soma Familia; and the second tragedy is probably... the beast girl named Sanjo No Tsubaki?

Then is there any tragedy...ah!

Elsebell hammered her palm, why did she forget the movie version? The theatrical version of Luna is also a tragedy, right?

That will make sense.


Elsebell suddenly realized something - is there any world with greater growth than Earth's fault? After receiving the blessings of the gods, you can grow by just hunting monsters. Isn't this the best place to exercise?

Elsebell looked at Tang Shui and said excitedly: Tang Shui-chan, can I go back to other worlds first?

Yes, as long as you are not on a mission, you can go to any world. Tang Shui nodded and said, You just have to pay points.

No problem! Elsebell nodded and said eagerly: Then, first go back to the Zero World to meet Emilia and Anna, and then go back to the Demon Slayer World to ask those people if they want to change jobs!

The action begins!

End of this chapter

Is it wrong to seek encounters in dungeons, in the wild forests?

An oval space door more than two meters high and one meter wide appeared in mid-air, and a short leg stretched out from it, and then stepped on the ground.

New World- Elsebell raised her hands, then took a deep breath and said excitedly: Oh ho ho, I feel it, it's the smell of magic!!

Having magic power means that Elsebell's new Thunder Breathing Technique can finally be practiced, and it can also allow those who follow her to enjoy a higher level of exercise.

Is this...a different world? Hu Dieren, who followed closely, looked around curiously and said, It feels no different from our world.

If you only look at the scenery here, it's probably like this... Elsebell smiled, then looked at Hudie Kanae and several other pillars who came out from behind - following Elsebell this time In addition to Elsa, Rem and Ram, the people who came over also included the Hu Die sisters from the Demon Slayer world, and the Wilhelm couple from the Zero world.

To be honest, when Elsebell returned to the Demon Slayer World and went to poach the demon slayers, she originally thought that she could poach at least half of them - after all, she was wondering if the demon slayers should also be there if the demons were gone. Disbanded?

But she never expected——

Usagi and Masaru returned to Kintaki Sakonji, saying that they wanted to support him in his old age like a father;

Tomioka Giyu also returned to his hometown, saying that he wanted to take care of his sister and his family;

Purgatory Anjuro and Koji became famous brother policemen in the city;

Yusui Tianyuan returned to his hometown with his three wives, saying that he would revitalize the ninja family with new methods and change the ninjas so that they would no longer become emotionless killing machines;

Love Pillar Kanroji Mitsuri and Snake Pillar Iguro Kobanai's eyes met, and now Snake Pillar has almost turned into a stupid pillar, and Elsie Bell can't stand it anymore;

Tokitou Ichiro and Muichiro also returned home, preparing to take care of their parents;

Mingyu Xingmei decided to open an orphanage with the support of the Utsuya Shiki family to take care of the homeless orphans until they reach adulthood;

Fusukawa Saneya returned home to take care of his young brothers, sisters and mother.

It can be said that except for the Butterfly sisters, almost every pillar has its own life, and these lives... are quite happy.

As for Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm, after returning home from their honeymoon, they heard a series of stories told by their grandson...

Damn it! My close friend is actually from another world?

Damn it! You actually took care of the Witch Cult?

Damn it! You actually took care of all the witches?

Damn it! My close friend has actually escaped?

Four f*cks in a row fully prove that the Sword Master's family is a family that only trains force, but compared with force, the IQ is a bit clumsy - but the sword master has no culture, and he can take over the world with just one f*ck. .

Ahem, stop talking, stop talking, Theresa will kill the narrator with a knife.

When Elsebell returned to the Zero World this time, Thearesia quickly ran over after learning the information, and then shouted: We are not close friends anymore! If we are close friends, then take me to play Tantan Blue with you. Moon!

According to Theresia, if there is nothing interesting in this world from scratch, it will be boring! So...infinity is so big, I want to see it.

Elsebell touched her chin and thought for a while, then nodded her head, thinking that this seemed okay?

This is because Elsie Bell learned a deep skill in taking people through time through her exchange with Tang Shui - Normally, as long as the characters brought out by Elsie Bell follow Elsie Bell's actions, then they will act like Elsie Bell. When Bell left, they would also leave with him.

Just like this action of destroying the world of demons, after Elsebell submitted the mission, Elsa, Ram, Rem and Beatrice also left with Elsebell.

The deeper skill is that when Elsebell leaves, she can screen the people who leave with her and let some people stay.

Of course, this doesn’t come without a price!

Normal departure, personnel following is divided into two types, this world and another world, taking Demon Slayer World as an example——

In this world, it is equivalent to Hu Die Nin. Else Bell needs to pay a part of the points as a registration fee. This fee is equivalent to allowing Hu Die Nin to join the Else Bell team;

In other worlds, just like Elsa, they have already paid the registration fee when they were taken out of their own world, so when they leave with Elsebell, there is no need for additional registration fees.

Of course, whether it is this world or another world, when you take it away, if its skills do not overlap with the skills that Elsebell intends to take away, you need to pay an additional fee - for example, Hu Die Ninja's breathing method, Elsebell is ready to be taken away, so there is no need to pay extra; but Ram's wind magic, Rem's ice magic, and Beatrice's Yin magic require additional payment.

Okay, the above is the normal situation, but what about the special situation of deep skills (some people stay)?

Let's take the Demon Slayer World as an example. For example, if Elsebell lets Elsa stay, and then spends several worlds, and plans to take Elsa away, Elsebell first needs to pay a fee and return to Demon Slayer. World, and secondly, you need to spend one-tenth of the team registration fee points to let Elsa return to the team.

It seems to be additional expenditure, but in fact the number of points is really not much, because the fees for joining the team and the points for returning to a certain world are all small numbers. The real big expenditure is the various skills learned. Skills, techniques, etc. - It was precisely because of this extra little skill that Elsebell brought the Butterfly sisters and Theresia here.

Anyway, you just practice. When your combat effectiveness is up, we will come back and take you out. Wouldn't it be a pleasure?



Oh oh oh, another world! Theresia, who had red hair and wore a white shawl from the Sword Master period, looked around excitedly and said, What a novel experience! Long live my close friend!

Yes, yes, yes - Elsebell said to Theresia absentmindedly - you are already a mature wife, you should go play with your husband and don't bother me.

I'm not interested in you!

Your Excellency Isabel, what are we going to do now? Compared to Theresia and the Butterfly sisters who were immersed in the novel experience of the different world, Wilhelm, who was much calmer, asked: Looking for People? Or looking for a city? Or first determine where you are?

It should be to determine where you are... Oh, it seems that there is no need for it. As soon as Elsebell was about to say determine where she was and start to see and hear, she found that many people were running towards this direction. Come.

It seemed that the movement caused by the spread of magic power caused by Elsebell's excitement just now attracted these people.

Besides, I probably know where we are. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders, looked at the girls and a certain man behind her, and said, Have you ever seen... Lord God? ?”

Everyone: ...Huh?



Who are you?

The leader was an elf with long red hair. She looked at Elsebel and her group with a serious face. She also held a short dagger in her hand and a long bow on her back.

We... should be considered travelers. Elsebell scratched her head, and then said with a smile, Well, travelers who came out of their own village chief! That's about it.

Third Miss, what you say is so easy to make people confused! ! !

Sure enough, after hearing what Elsebell said, the group of girls opposite all cast subtle glances.

Forget it, I don't care what your origins are, but I advise you to leave here. The red-haired woman looked at Elsebell and said: This forest... this area to be precise, it's not very... recently. Safe.”


Elsebell narrowed her eyes.

Having seen the theatrical version of Land Wrong, she knew exactly who the group of people across from them were - without a doubt, they were the remaining members of the Artemis Familia! There is only one unstable possibility mentioned by the other party, and that is the final BOSS in the theatrical version, Andaris.

In the theatrical version, the Artemis Familia underestimated Andaris, who had been planning for a long time. Not only was the goddess Artemis swallowed into the crystal by Andaris, but the entire family was destroyed - and finally the goddess Artemis Si's remnant soul attached to the Gun of Artemis, chose the protagonist of the original work as his helper, and killed Andaris.

However, what is sad is that the goddess Artemis herself died - she had to return to the upper world.

It's just... Judging from the current appearance of being surrounded, it seems that the Artemis Familia haven't launched the attack on Andaris yet?

It seems that this timeline is just right, and it is indeed a professional customer service - the timeline of the previous novice tutorial was found by Ai Xibei after searching the information, but after going through the novice tutorial, there is a customer service Help filter timeline options.

Of course, according to customer service...

The timeline of the theatrical version is a bit messy and it won't appear in the main story at all, so we have to let it go.

It's right when you think about it, the theatrical version can be regarded as a parallel world (show your hands).

Okay, it's not stable... Elsebell touched the tip of her nose and said, This proves that we are in the right place.


Seeing the other party's doubts, Elsebell said: Unrest means something is going to happen, right? As an adventurer, you just want to cause trouble!

Can an adventurer still be called an adventurer if he doesn't cause trouble?

... The red-haired woman reached out to cover her face - so I hate this kind of self-righteous adventurer the most! Not only does he like to join in the fun, but he also knows nothing about his own weakness!

End of this chapter

When she saw the broken expression of the red-haired girl in front of her, Elsebell said she was very calm - because she said she completely understood why this girl was so broken.

Put yourself in his shoes. Suppose that the things Elsebell bought in the novice gift pack were not high-level, just the most basic fighting skills. Then when she traveled to the Zero World, hooked up with Cruxiu, and then decided to do Moby Dick. Crusade war...

At this time, a group of adventurous groups of unknown origins suddenly appeared. This group of woolen balls rubbed their little hands excitedly and shouted: What, you want to conquer the white whale? That's a good feeling, and we are too We want to be together!”

At this time, your expression will not be much better than this red-haired girl - you will also collapse! You will also beg these people not to interfere!

After all, this is Schrödinger's adventurer - Schrödinger's adventurer means that before you start fighting the boss, you have no idea whether these adventurers are good or noobs.

So, what’s the way to break the situation? Very simple too! Because the reason why the girl in front of me looked so broken was because she didn't know the fighting power of Elsabel and others, so she just needed to show her fighting power in a timely manner.

Oh, little sister, don't show such an expression! Although it's a bit bragging, we... Elsebell pretended to say, and at the same time unfolded her inner network (the combination of the domineering power of seeing and hearing + the Thunder Fruit) , capturing the hidden position of Artemis in an instant.

Good guy, this goddess is not hiding in the bushes in front of Elsibell. Instead, while her family members are communicating with Elsibel and others, she has quietly walked around to Elsibel's team. behind.

But... this is just right!

Who! Come out! Elsebell's expression suddenly changed. She quickly turned around in front of the red-haired girl and shouted. While shouting, she also raised her right hand high, with a trace of movement. Colorful blue thunder and lightning gathered in her palm, One hundred thousand volts thunder gun!


Elsebell waved her right hand forward forcefully, and the thunder spear flew out from her palm and flew straight forward.


The bushes, trees and ground in front were all turned into powder by the violent lightning, which also caused a passage visible to the naked eye to appear in the sight of the Artemis Familia.

On the side of the passage, the god served by this family was standing on the branches of a certain tree with a cute expression on his face, and the side of this tree was the vacuum area blasted out by Elsebell's thunder gun.

The moment Artemis was exposed, Elsa, Ram and Rem, who knew well that Elsabel was a dramatic actress, reacted quickly.

Frozen capsules!

Blade of the Wind!

The moment Rem and Ram took action, the blue-haired goddess quickly jumped to the tree next to her, avoiding Rem and Ram's attacks.


The ice block the size of a human head launched by Rem, which failed, suddenly exploded like an ice bomb after hitting the tree. With the tree as the vertex, it destroyed the fan-shaped forest within a few dozen meters behind. All frozen into frost.

Ram's wind blade, which followed closely, crushed all these trees into powder.

You actually dodged it. It seems that you are very agile... Elsebell showed an excited smile, But... I like things that are challenging!

As she spoke, Elsebell raised her right hand, and a trace of electric light flashed on her palm.

Don't even think about running away. I'll scatter you within three minutes and my ashes will be raised for you! Elsebell declared with a domineering look, and then her waist was tightly hugged by the red-haired girl.

Boss, boss, calm down! That's not an enemy, no! The red-haired girl hugged Elsebell with tears in her eyes - I'm sorry, I was wrong! I thought you were just brass, but I didn't expect you to be a diamond.

Well, yes, the fighting power shown by Elsebell, Rem and Ram deliberately suppressing their strength is nothing more than diamonds in the eyes of others.

Huh? Not an enemy? Elsebell dispersed the lightning in her right hand, then raised her eyebrows and said, If not an enemy, then who is it?

That's the god our family members serve! the red-haired girl said quickly, Moon God, Lord Artemis!

Oh hoo—— Elsebell showed a surprised expression. She looked at Artemis who landed on the ground and then slowly walked over, and said: Moon God... Sir?

Just call me Artemis. Although she has blue hair, she is completely different from Aqua, and the voice actor is Maaya Sakamoto. Luna walked over and looked at Elsie with admiration. Bei Er and others said, Which family are you children from? What an amazing fighting ability.

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