After kicking Wu Mei's dog in the head, Elsebell stepped on the air and jumped back using the moon step without waiting for herself to land.

Shave and Moon Step are the second of the six naval styles brought out by Acebelle from the world of One Piece. The principle of Shave is to step on the ground dozens of times at high speed in an instant (within 0.36 seconds), and then use the force generated by it to Reaction force is used to move at high speed; while Moon Step is to step on the air with force, using the reaction force caused by friction with the air to achieve the purpose of walking in the air.

Anyway, it sounds unscientific, but who made this skill work in the world of One Piece, so after being brought out by Elsebell paying points, it became scientific.

Not to mention, this Wuhan's head, when it kicks, it's... Elsie Bell danced her right hand in front of her a few times and said, Hey, that feeling... oh, the feeling on the feet... is pretty good. ! Quite crispy!”

Well, it's good to be crisp, it's good to be crisp. The head of the house glanced at Wu Pai, whose head had grown back, and couldn't help but said to Elsebell, Your Excellency, he is fine.

Oh~ Elsebell turned her head and saw that her head had grown back, but her eyes were full of fear and wariness. She couldn't help but said with a disappointed look on her face: Isn't it right, Boss Dan? Just one kick to destroy your courage?

Can you please stop being so cowardly!

Back then, your boss was cut into a fool by Ji Guoyuan. He was so frightened that he hid for decades. He hid until Ji Guoyuan died of old age and then came out again.

The result now?

I just kicked you, and you got scared after just one kick?

'Her attack speed is beyond our ability to react... Damn it, is she another genius? ’ Boss Chu looked at Elsebell with a gloomy face, ‘But it’s not a big problem. No matter how talented a ghost hunter is, he is just a human being. I only need to lurk for another hundred years... She’s a bitch! ’

Thinking of this, Muzan assumed a fighting posture, and then secretly ordered Naruto to open the door quickly and let him run out. However, his instructions were like a toothpick stirring a water tank, and no reaction was produced at all.

After all, Narume can't take care of herself right now, so where can she find the free time to help Mumei-sama? Lord Wuhan, just... protect yourself, right?

Wuxian: A bunch of useless subordinates, when I needed help, you all stopped working! Hot chicken! In the end, you can only rely on yourself!

Wumei silently took out his mobile phone, opened Weixin, and then sent a message to Moments.

After all, one person carried it all.

End of this chapter

It's a pity that there are no mobile phones in this era. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't really dress up as a woman and post a selfie on WeChat, and then add a line of caption After all, one person carries it all, and then there will be countless licking dogs to comfort me. No misery.

Well, Wuxian will laugh at these licking dogs from the side of the screen.

Let me tell you something, if you were dressed as a woman now, I might be a little more merciful. Elsebell put her hands on her hips and said seriously, Although you are very mean when you are begging for mercy when you are dressed as a man, you are really very good when you are dressed as a woman. Handsome boy.


The master blinked his eyes, tilted his head, and looked at his wife.

Wait a minute, what are you talking about, Your Excellency Ai Sibei? Wuxian is dressing up as a woman? The boss almost laughed out loud, Stop it, okay? Tianyin, do you believe Wuxian can dress up as a woman?

I don't believe it. Tianyin cooperated with her husband.

That's it! The leader made a cheerful Hahaha sound - some people may not know that the CV of the leader is Morikawa Tomoyuki, who is also the eternal elder sister Hokage, Enel, Dante, Sephiroth and... Kira Yoshikage.

After laughing, the head of the house looked at Muzan with a mocking look on his face and said, Can Muzan dress up as a woman? If Muzan could dress up as a woman, I, Ukuya Shiki Yaoya, would not only eat this tatami, but I would also follow him. Women’s clothing!”

... Muzan twitched his lips - why is the head of Renyuyashiki acting so weird?

Elsebell: I'm sorry, I was the one who misled you. I'm guilty.

To be honest, I want to slap you boss once I see how masculine you are. Elsebell began to move her wrist again and said: Next time, let's use Euler's method... Well... Euler, you A hundred times.”

Wait a minute. Muzan suddenly spoke. He took two steps back, then opened the tatami under him and took out a black kimono.

? A question mark popped up on Ubuyashiki's head. He looked at his wife and had a not-so-good premonition.

The next moment, Wuhan tore the suit on his body to shreds, and while tearing the suit, his body also began to squirm - especially below - from the spiral horn diamond to the best seafood, and it was also the White Tiger. elephant.

This development makes the boss want to dig out his own eyes - others may not be able to understand it, but readers can imagine that on that day, xz or cxk masturbates in front of you and warmly invites you to touch his big penis. Same as trophies.

Just tell me whether you are blind or not? Then can you understand the master's current mood? Same, same.

Tianyin, I want to gouge out my eyeballs. The master's tone was very weak, as if he had been subjected to a very terrible mental pollution. In fact, it is understandable. After all, this is really terrible - the important thing is, The boss seemed to have foreseen what was going to happen, so he wanted to make excuses.

Anata, stop struggling. Tianyin held the master's hand and said seriously: Prepare women's clothes.

Very good, Tianyin's last hit is king level.

... The leader struggled to sit up, and then looked at Muzan, who had already put on a black kimono - don't tell me, he's so cute!

Wait, what are you thinking! This is so miserable! This is the one without misfortune!

Are you really dressing up as a woman!? Elsie Bell also showed a shocking expression, Oh My God! Boss Chu, you are worthy of being Boss Chu. You really will do anything to survive!

You said that if I dress up as a woman, you will be merciful. Boss Chu looked at Elsebell solemnly and said, A strong man like you shouldn't break your promise, right?

Of course, I promise I will be merciful. Elsebell nodded and said: I don't need the Armed Haki, nor the power of the Thunder Fruit, nor the Sixth Form of the Marines, this is enough Are you merciful? I will use physical fitness and breathing techniques to deal with you, and at most I will add some knowledge.

Saying this, Elsebell moved her wrists and ankles, then pulled out Yama and said: Come on, show it~

My heart is beating and my love is burning!

Breath of Thunder——

Elsebell bent down and held the scabbard in her right hand, while strands of blue lightning twined around her.

Boss Chen, if you can't bear it even if I only use the breathing method, then I'll have to... try my best~ Elsebell showed a smile, then her expression changed, and she shouted: One type , a flash of thunder!”

The next moment, Boss Zuan's right hand flew into the air.

'The reaction...isn't coming. 'Boss Chip once again recognized this fact - when Elsie Bell put on a posture and deliberately called out the name of the move to remind him I'm going to attack, Boss Chip was already on full alert and wanted to hide. Unlock Elsebel's attack.

But it can't be done.

It's too fast.

Just like when a snail is run over by a turtle, the snail cannot react at all and can only scream too fast.


The master patted his thigh, then raised the small cup in his hand and said to Tianyin: Although I can't see clearly the sword strike by Your Excellency Ai Sibei, I should take a swig!

... Ubuyashiki Amane glanced at the small cup used for drinking tea in front of the master, and couldn't help but pour him a glass of wine in silence.

Don't expose his pretense, he is really a good wife and mother.

No, Wuhan, that's it? That's it? That's it? Aren't you the ancestor of ghosts? Haven't you lived for hundreds or thousands of years! Why is this all? Elsebell began to mock without concealment, I just hit you with a knife and you can't stop it? Isn't that right?

It has to be said that when it comes to yin and yang, Ai Sibei is really good at it.

Damn it... Muzan angrily tore up his kimono, switched his body to a male posture again, and shouted angrily: You pissed me off, you should die!

No, if you don't dress up as a woman, I'm going to take it seriously, right? Elsebell looked at Wuhan.

Oh, wasn't what you just said your full strength? Wuhan looked at Elsie Bell very confidently and said, I'm not stupid, this wasn't even my full strength. Do you think I would believe it?

You've turned super blue and you're telling me you're not at full strength? Why, can you, Cricket Kakarot, still realize the ultimate goal of freedom?

Okay then. Elsebell sighed, then held the hilt of the knife again, and said: Armed Haki! Thunder Fruit, Thunder Armor! Breath of Thunder·Magic Ver! Then... One Type... …”

If the breath of thunder wrapped around Elsibel's body before was the kind of lightning that looked special, then what appears on Elsibel now is the violent and raging lightning, which makes people suspicious. If you get too close, it will be electrocuted into coke.

Please wait a moment - Muzan suddenly raised his right hand, squatted down again, opened another tatami, then took out another black kimono, and said with a serious face: I'm wearing women's clothing.

Pfft hahaha, quack quack, burp-- The head of the house laughed so much that he hiccupped when he saw this scene.

Wuhan, Wuhan, you also have today? Puff, puff, puff!


The head of the family's mood at this time can be called refreshing, walking with flying legs, body feeling great and delicious, neck twitching and butt twitching.

Ha. At this time, Ubuya Shiki Amane, seeing her husband so arrogant and arrogant, couldn't help but chuckle. Then he leaned close to Ubuyashiki Yoshiya's ear and said softly: My dear, I'll wait for you tonight. Women’s clothing.”


Ubuyashiki Yōya felt that he might not be able to laugh anymore.

It's a bit hard to bear.

Since you are so sensible, I won't kill you here. Elsebell clapped her hands, but before Wu Kai showed a surprised expression, she continued: So we still follow the normal procedure. Come on, let’s go to the Demon Slayer Base Camp tonight, enjoy the flowers together, drink tea, eat flower cakes, then get an aromatherapy massage, and finally watch the sunrise.”

Do you want me to die?

Wuxian couldn't say this, because he felt that even if he asked, Elsebell would probably be nodding happily.

No, we have to find a way to escape.

As soon as Muzan was about to ask Naruto to take action, he discovered that the Infinite City had collapsed. There was only one possibility for the collapse of the Infinite City, and that was that Narunu had stopped eating.

Marder, a useless teammate.

Wu Kuai cursed secretly, Can't you hold on for a few more seconds? Can't you throw me out?

With the collapse of Infinite City, the remaining Shangxian 1, Shangxian 2 and Wuhan fell to the ground - oh, the others were all dead and destroyed, and there were only a few embarrassing pillars on the pillar side. , everyone else was basically uninjured.

There is no other way, at least three or four pillars are used to hit one string. If there is still a problem, it will be too bad.

Oops, Lord Wumei, we are in a bit of trouble now~ Tong Mo didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet. He came to Wumei's side with a smile and said, By the way, why are you wearing another set of clothes? ?Didn’t you just admire yourself in your room before?

Shocked, I didn’t expect Wu Ke to have such interest? Is this the legendary... There is a little princess living in everyone's heart?

Shock column!

Tong Mo, the current situation is not as easy as you think. Wuhan moved his wrist and said with a gloomy look: That little blond girl is very scary.

How terrifying is it? Hei Shimo, who was on the first string, held his big sword and said: No matter how awesome the human being is, he can't compare to me. I will kill you 999 with one strike.

She is stronger than Jiguo Yuanyi. Muzan replied.

... Hei Shimo thought for a moment, then looked at Elsibelle in front of him, raised his hands and clasped his fists, and said, Excuse me, farewell!

‘Hey, can you use some B! ’ Boss Chu was going crazy.

Can you at least hold them back for me and let me escape? ?

That won't work. Elsebell, who sensed Boss Pei's thoughts through what she saw and heard, raised her right hand and said calmly: Imitation Bird Cage·Thunder God's Prison!

Want to escape? no way!

End of this chapter

If you have watched One Piece, you will probably know that in One Piece there is an organization called Oshichibukai, and in this organization there is a bratty brother named Doflamingo, and he has a move called Birdcage.

Doflamingo eats the Thread Fruit and can extend threads from his fingers. With the blessing of his ability, these threads are even countless times harder than steel. A large number of threads densely fall from the sky, forming a bird The cage-like shape seals everyone in it - this is also the reason for the name of the move Birdcage.

To put it bluntly, the birdcage is a blocking move. Everyone within the birdcage - regardless of whether they are friendly or enemy forces - will be sealed in the birdcage and unable to escape.

As for Elsebell's move, which imitates the birdcage, Thor Prison is a move developed based on the birdcage - as early as in the little Lolita's life world from scratch, Elsebel can turn thunder and lightning into In real life, the thunder and lightning fishing net covered the white whale during the trip, and after experiencing the experience of the One Piece world, it was easier for Elsebell to do such a thing.


Because it was now dark, the dazzling lightning really attracted everyone's attention - the entire sky was blocked by the inverted bowl-shaped thunder and lightning cage, and everyone was blocked in this football stadium. in a large and small space.

After all, the number of people is small, so Elsebell doesn’t feel the need to seal off an area as large as an island, right?

It's done. After patting her hands, Elsebell smiled and sat on the chair that Elsa brought over. Then she looked at the beautiful woman wearing women's clothing in front of her and said, I heard... you want to escape? Come on, please start your show!

Start my show? Am I still performing a basketball game?

Wu Kuan raised his head and looked at the thunder and lightning cages around him. After being silent for a few seconds, he casually grabbed the not-so-dead lower string next to him and threw it towards the power grid in the face of the other party's desperate eyes.

Crackling, dong, dong, clang!


Under the gaze of everyone, the lower string exploded into minced flesh, and the minced flesh was still collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I almost forgot. This thunder is an evil-destroying thunder. Its effect is equivalent to that of the sun. Be careful. Elsebell raised a finger and said with a smile, Don't accidentally get shocked~

That's very dangerous~

This joke is not funny. Tong Mo became a little uneasy. He reached out and poked Wuxian and said, Sir Wuxian, what's wrong with this?

What to do? What if I knew what to do? Why the hell would I dress up as a woman and beg for mercy?

He punched Tong Mo's head with a fist, and after Tong Mo's head recovered, he said with a sullen face: Try every means to escape. If we can't escape this time, we will be in danger. .”

Tong Mo looked at Wu Pei's look and wanted to ask Wu Pei how he was going to escape. Don't just name a plan, but come up with a feasible plan, right?

However, looking at Wuxian's gloomy face, which looked like he could kill at any moment, Tong Mo couldn't help but silently shut his mouth.

Forget it, forget it, the worst possible outcome is death. When had I, Tong Mo, ever been afraid of death?

Why don't you go up and say a few harsh words? Elsebell glanced at the boss next to her and whispered, Now is the best time to pretend to be 13 and ridicule Wu Pei!

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