To be honest, this is completely different from what I imagined. Frenda sat on the terrace of a Western restaurant on the street in France, sipping freshly squeezed juice and complaining: I thought there would be a fierce battle. Woolen cloth!

After all, the enemy is God’s right-hand man, and it’s okay for God’s right-hand man to say that he is the leader of the mysterious side, right? The results of it? Just this, this, this?

There is no way. The ability of Zuofang Land is too weak to face compound attacks. Elsebell supported her chin and used a paper towel to wipe Index's sauce from eating pasta. At the corner of his mouth, he said: To be honest, God's Right Seat seems mysterious, but when we really fight, I find that except for the Fire on the Right, the other three are all colored pens.

... Tanya was suddenly shot. She lowered her head silently and ate the milk pudding in front of her - what did you say? What do I think about Kami-sama’s comment that the person on the right seat of Kami is a bad person?

What can I do? I like the avant-garde style, what does it have to do with me, Tanya?

Tanya raised her head calmly, and after asking the waiter to bring another black forest cake, she touched her belly without a trace of fat, reluctantly ordered another strawberry parfait, and then ordered a pearl milk tea.

Wow, aren't Tanya afraid of gaining weight? Looking at the calorie bomb in front of Tanya, Flanda covered her mouth in fear and said, How dare you eat so many high-calorie foods?

I usually have a lot of activities, so it's okay. Tanya thought for a while and said calmly.

Wow, I'm so envious! Flanda clucked her tongue and said, Mugino is different. She is now worried about her belly and the flesh on her thighs...

Hey, Flanda. Mugino Shenli pinched Flanda's mouth with his hand with a kind face, and then said with a smile: Did you forget that you still have some clothes that were confiscated?

Yes, yes, yes, I still haven't taken out the garbage! Franda nodded vigorously, then quickly stood up from her seat and said, I haven't turned off the TV yet, I'll go back first!


Kinuhata's favorite looked at the incoherent Flanda with a look of disgust, and muttered: Flanda, you are so awesome!

Could this be the bond between Frenda and Mugino? Such a strange bond is worthy of Frenda.

End of this chapter

Sister Aiyi—— Kanzaki Kaori looked at Ai Sibei and said, What are you going to do next?

Well... Elsebell touched her chin and said, How about we go back to England first?


Mugino Shenli's brain started to work——

Going to England = going to see the Puritan Archbishop = meeting your parents?

Absolutely amazing!

‘I’m the only one who can see Sister Aiyi’s parents, right? A smile appeared on Mugino's lips. She adjusted her skirt unconsciously, and then struck an elegant pose - but she immediately realized that this was not England, and she hadn't met her parents yet, so her posture It became more casual again.

We still need to talk to Laura about our plan. Elsebell picked up the straw in front of her, took a sip of the ice-cold sour plum juice, and said with a smile: After all, that is a major event that will trigger changes in the entire mysterious side. ah.

Okay, then I'll listen to Ai-san. Kanzaki Kaori naturally had no objections. On the contrary, Index looked very excited - although Academy City's food is delicious, Britain is, after all, It's her home, right?

Okay, I'll arrange the flight right now. Elsebelle made a cool call to her good brother in Academy City, and said unceremoniously: Good brother, we are going back to England. You can arrange a car for us. Plane.


Aleister couldn't help but raise a question mark at first - for a moment, he had the idea of ​​Is this guy planning to leave directly?, but this thought came to his mind after he realized that most of the people in the Chaldea Research Institute They were all extinguished immediately after they were still in Academy City.

But that doesn't stop him from asking questions, right? Anyway, isn't it a bit too much for you to take my Academy City plane to the British side? Do you know how much a private jet flight costs? Isn’t my Aleister’s money money?

I don't think so. Aleister refused without hesitation: There is no such way.

You made a mistake, good brother. Elsebell scratched her head and said with a smile on her face: Don't forget, my authority in Academy City is only under you, so I have just mobilized a passenger plane to pick you up. I—I’m just informing you!”


You are not informing me, you are disgusting me, right? ?

Damn it!

Aleister glared at Elsebell—oh no, he realized that this was a phone, and the other party couldn't see it even if he made an expression! So, Aleister regained his dead face and said: Good brother, you...


The phone was hung up.


Aleister's head was already covered with question marks, while Aiwass beside him laughed until his wings fell off again.



England, cathedral.

Oh oh oh, my good daughter, mom misses you so much~~

The moment Elsebell stepped into the church, Laura had already rushed over, then opened her hands and hugged Elsebel, blinking her innocent little eyes and said: Do you miss mom? ?”

Elsebell expressionlessly looked at Laura, who was taking advantage of her. Her reaction made Laura instinctively swallow a mouthful of saliva - what's wrong with her? She won't attack me, right? She wouldn't put a fake spider toy on my face while I was sleeping, would she?

Hate it, I'm most afraid of spiders.

Looking at Laura's frightened eyes and face dripping with cold sweat, Elsebell couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile. She gently raised her hand and hugged Laura back, and then whispered: I Miss you too, Laura.

Yeah, yeah! Laura breathed a sigh of relief. She wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, then looked at the girls behind Elsebell, and said, Kanzaki and Index are back too. ~Oh, who are these?

Ah, this is Mugino Shenli, my sister, she is very cute, right?


This is Frenda, the holder of the Guinness World Record for committing suicide.


This is Kinuhata's favorite. She likes watching C-level movies. Her legs are great.

Tsk, tsk.

This is Takitsubo Rikou, a lazy beauty who actually cultivates immortality and plays games.

oh oh!

This is Retili, an immortal alchemist and a king with a strong mouth.


This is Tanya, the front wind who was originally the right seat of God is now mine.


Among the first few people, Laura Stewart could still nod with a smile on her face, but when Retili and Tanya appeared, her expression was a little weird and subtle.



God's Right Seat. Elsebell looked at Laura with a strange expression and said, It's the Roman Orthodox Church, don't you know? Wind, earth, water, fire.

Of course I know this! It's better to say that as the greatest bishop of the British Puritan Church, I didn't know that the Right Seat of God in the Roman Orthodox Church is a ghost! Laura's head was covered with black lines, and she grabbed Elsebell's hair. Face, said: What I want to ask is, why are the people on God's right seat poached by you?

It's very simple, she is my chosen saint now~ Elsebell raised her finger playfully and said, If I want to use a metaphor, she is the modern Joan of Arc.

In other words... Laura paused. She slowly put down her hand, looked at Elsebell calmly, and said, She is Joan of Arc, and you are...the Lord?

After all, it was the Lord who chose Joan of Arc, and Elsebelle chose Tanya, right?

Well, you are right to understand it this way. Elsebell thought about this, then looked at Mugino and others behind her, and said: I just have some time now, so...

Elsebell gently snapped her fingers, and an inexplicable wave spread from her fingertips. In everyone's sight, the entire space seemed to be slightly distorted for a moment, but quickly returned to its original state. …

No, there is no restoration! The whole world seems to be covered with a gray filter, as if the world has turned into black and white! Moreover, the singing of the choir that was still echoing in the ears also stopped - the whole world became a world of deathly silence, and even the leaves stayed in mid-air.

I stopped the time of this planet, no, this universe. Elsebell put down her right hand and said: Next, come with me to meet some... people floating in the outer layer of this world. , a legendary figure.



The forbidden world, outer layer.

Hey, don't you love Sibel? You haven't seen her for a few days, why are you like this? Monk looked at Sibel with a group of little girls with a smile, and said, I thought you would grab Sibel with your left hand. Lestat, holding the fire on the right with his right hand, then stepping on Laura Stewart.

Aleister and the Fire of the Right will not be talked about for now, Laura Stewart is here. Elsebell pointed at Laura who was feeling uncomfortable, and said: Do you want me to step on her?

Ahem, let's forget it. Seng Zheng coughed a few times awkwardly and muttered: The old man is afraid that you will put a spider toy on my chest while I am sleeping at night. I am most afraid of spiders.

‘Hey, why does this sentence sound so familiar? ’ Laura blinked her eyes, and then tilted her head a little subtly.

Ai...Sister Ai Yi's huh huh huh... Flanda trembled and pulled Ai Sibei's sleeves - the momentum and pressure exuded by these people in front of her made her teeth chatter crazily. Colliding, He... who are they...

Well, in terms of magic, it's probably...Demon God. Elsebell thought for a while and said, The meaning is that it is an existence that has reached the ultimate level of magic! Every Demon God can be directly called a god - —They play with the laws of physics at will, such as making mature fruits fly upward, making the sun revolve around the earth, and making 1+1=3.”


Flanda's eyes widened.

Wait a minute, didn't Sister Aiyi pause the time just now? Suddenly, the favorite of the silk flag suddenly jumped up and said: Doesn't that mean that Sister Aiyi is also a demon?

Well... Elsebell crossed her arms and said, Actually, if you understand it this way... it's not a big problem.

So... Takitsubo Rikou blinked and said, Could it be that now is the battle of the gods, and then the final winner will be determined and become the only god in our world?

Ah, there's no need for this. The empress waved her hand and said angrily: We are not interested in the little broken ball under our feet at all. The only god will take care of whoever he loves.

Actually, I was beaten by Ai-chan before, and the beating was very painful. Monk said secretly at the side: The one who was beaten was the one who called me mother.


I can't stand it any longer.

You are looking for death!! The empress became furious at that time, jumped up angrily, and then kicked Seng Zheng in the face - the next moment, the aftermath of a force that made Mugino and others unsteady spread out , Monk Zheng flew out like a cannonball.


Flanda was dumbfounded and said: I'm not going to brag about it, but let me tell you, the damage from this flying kick is more severe than the bomb I used with all my strength.

How optimistic do you have to be to compare your fighting ability with the devil? Laura was surprised. She glanced at Frenda and couldn't help but said: Congratulations, you did something that even I didn't dare to do. matter.

Hey, hehe, thank you for the compliment... hmm? Is this a compliment? Flanda suddenly fell into deep thought - you say this is a compliment, why do I feel so uncomfortable?

Just take it as a compliment. Laura withdrew her gaze and said calmly: More than this, I want to know the meaning of the information revealed in their conversation just now.

Could it be said that in the previous action, Elsebell had defeated these demon gods and firmly sat on the throne of the only god?

No! ? No! ? Victory comes... so easily?

End of this chapter

To be honest, Laura's mood is a bit confused and complicated now - the word win is so damn sweet! ?

Well...actually, when I came to the other world last time, I already had a relationship with the demon gods here. Elsebell picked her ears, then blew on her fingers and said, These demon gods, Basically, they don’t have much interest in ruling the earth or integrating beliefs.”

In other words, you are the only one interested? Laura looked at Elsebell with a look of disgust and said, Don't you feel embarrassed?

It's embarrassing? Elsebell glanced at Laura in surprise and said, Why is it embarrassing?

Ah this... Laura was stunned for a moment - people of your level are not rare, but you are ready to get it. Doesn't this mean that you are a lower level?

First of all, you have to figure out what these demon gods think of the earth. Elsebell glanced at the demon gods behind her and said, The existence of the other world—this plane—is dependent on the earth. Yes, so the devil must ensure the existence of the earth in order to maintain the stability of this world.

Yeah. Laura nodded to express understanding.

And apart from that, these demon gods have no feelings for the earth. Elsebell yawned and shrugged her shoulders.

This is a lie!

Before Elsebell appeared, the demon gods in this world still had a deep obsession with the earth! After all, demon gods are also grown from humans. They are creatures with human will and human emotions. However, they are rejected by the earth because they are too powerful. As long as they step onto the earth, even a sneeze may cause the destruction of the earth. , I can only hide in this other world full of darkness aggrievedly.

In this case, the demons naturally yearn for the colorful world of the earth. They dream of stepping into the earth and enjoying the world of tomorrow that is different from the lonely other world and full of white! But things are different now. There is a different world that is countless times more beautiful than the earth, which can be called infinite, and there is also a Gensokyo filled with strong people...

Earth? What rotten fish and shrimp are worthy of being pursued by this demon? To Grandpa!

If I hadn't decided to become an idol and save the broken earth, I'm afraid the demon gods would have turned around and abandoned the humans on the earth. Elsebell supported her chin and said: After all, humans are the earth. Cancer, my dear Laura.

Are all demon gods such wanton and willful creatures?

More wanton and willful than you imagine. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders and said, Otherwise, why is it a demon and not a god?

Well, it's great that Ai-chan is the one who decided to become the only god. Laura breathed a sigh of relief, and she asked softly: But, what are you planning to do by bringing us here to see the devil?

I just want you to come and meet your future comrades. Elsebell winked at Laura, and then with the confused expression on her face, she came to the front of the demon gods with a cheerful little jump. , said: Hmm, good evening, everyone! I am your Ai Doulu, Aisi Beier desu!


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