Feeling Artemis's slender fingers rubbing against her scalp, Elsebell couldn't help but feel a crisp sensation spread from her scalp. It felt like using the legendary soul extractor.

Orion... Suddenly, Artemis called.

What's wrong?

How long do you plan to stay?

Hmm... Elsebell thought for a while and said, The current plan is to raise those children to Level 7 or above, and then join the expedition team to join Finn, Ota, Asfi and the others. Go on an expedition and try to break the record I left last time.”

Of course, Elsebell will not be participating in this expedition. Otherwise, it would not be called an expedition, but a novice dungeon opened by a max-level boss - not to mention the 88th floor. She can penetrate the 888th floor alone. OK?

Well, it might take two or three years? Artemis's eyes lit up, and her voice had a hint of excitement, Great, I can stay with Orion for a long time!

End of this chapter

To be honest, when she saw Artemis who was so happy that she could stay for a long time, Elsebell felt a little bit guilty in her heart - she felt a bit like a You scumbag, you left your wife at home and went out to hang out, but the gift you gave to your mistress was rejected by your mistress. After you brought it back to your wife, your wife even showed a touched expression.

This feeling of guilt lingered in Elsebell's heart, bothering her for about three seconds - no, she came back quite frequently! Although I haven’t been back recently, it’s only been a few months! Why does Artemis act like she has been left alone for more than ten years?

Artemis— Elsebel thought for a few seconds and then said, Who taught you to behave miserably in front of me?

The last time Artemis said in Elsibel's arms, Is it okay to act like a baby?, Elsibel didn't feel anything strange, but when this happened for the second time, She felt something was wrong.

With Artemis's emotional intelligence, could she say such touching words? It must be impossible! You must know that Artemis is an activist whose actions speak louder than words!

If Artemis's action was to come over to her without saying anything, Come here for a kiss, my stinky sister, and then start touching her after kissing her, and then go straight to bed after touching her, then that would be in line with Artemis's behavior. This is the normal line of Si’s image!


After Artemis was silent for a few seconds, she said softly: It's Freya.

It is indeed that guy. Elsebell held her forehead, and she said to Artemis behind her, dumbfounded, Don't listen to that guy, her moves will be different when used on you.

Indeed, as Elsabel said, Artemis is a person of action, while Freya is more of a verbal person, so even if the two of them act coquettishly towards someone at the same time, they will adopt different methods. ——

Artemis will adopt a method similar to that of a cat or a puppy. She will come to you silently, then stretch out her hands to hug your waist, and then rest her face on your thigh. ——Or simply rub your ears and temples together, and then kiss your earlobes and lips passionately.

Maybe Artemis will say one or two I miss you, but these two I miss you speeches are just like the decorations on the plate, they are dispensable embellishments.

As for Freya, she is better at sitting on your lap, and then using all kinds of words to tease and tease you, making you realize that she misses you very much, and what harm you have done to her by forgetting her, Make you feel guilty, and then make a series of compensations to make up for your mistakes...

Or during this process, Freya doesn't mind kissing you or caressing you, but her kisses and caressing are more to break down your defenses and make you open up to her.

So, Freya’s behavior style is fundamentally different from that of the action-oriented Artemis. It’s no wonder that Artemis was immediately exposed by Elsebell as soon as she started attacking according to the method taught by Freya. .


Artemis knelt down in front of Elsebel in a polite manner. She lowered her head with a guilty look on her face. She looked like a child who had made a mistake and was being scolded. She had a correct attitude.

Okay, get up. Elsebell reached out helplessly and grabbed Artemis's arm, trying to pull her up from the ground, I'm not angry!

What Artemis did was still based on acting like a baby. Her little tricks that couldn't even be called scheming might not even be understood by herself as to what they could do - she just relied on Fleur. As Ya said, throw out thoughts such as I miss you and Want to be with you at the appropriate time.

Really? Artemis blinked and said, Not angry?

Not angry.

Then kiss me.



Then I had a great time on the dividing line


When Elsebell woke up from Artemis' bed the next morning, she found that her children had followed members of the Loki Familia and Freya Familia into the dungeon once again— - This kind of combat time that allows you to practice actual combat, meet various monsters, and has a fantasy world style is particularly exciting for the girls.

Ah, it's another morning of nothing to do. Elsebell held a cup of coffee, stood in the early morning sunshine, looked at the sunshine in the yard, and couldn't help but sigh: It's so good, the sunshine.

The next moment, Elsebell heard Artemis running over at an unprecedented speed, and then straightened her shoulders with a blank expression on her face.

What...what are you doing? Looking at Artemis who looked serious in front of her, as if she was downloading a short movie but her hard drive ran out of capacity, Elsebell couldn't help but asked a little nervously.

Orion... you can't. Artemis said seriously: You can't fall in love with Apollo.

Meow meow?

At that time, more than one question mark popped up in Elsebel's head. She looked at Artemis in astonishment and asked, No, how does this have anything to do with Apollo?

She really didn't understand why what she did from last night to this morning could have anything to do with Apollo - this was ridiculous, and it was much more expensive than going to the toilet without a paper monster. Still outrageous.

Because, Orion just said... it's so good, the sun. Artemis puffed her mouth and said, You can't like it, Apollo.

I'm going, I'm just sighing! And I'm talking about sunshine, not Apollo's light! Elsebell pointed at the big sun in the sky angrily, and said: In short, he is half as good as that pervert Apollo. Money has nothing to do with it!”


More real than real gold! Elsebell raised her finger seriously and said, More real than Hestia's breasts!

That's good. Upon hearing this, Artemis breathed a sigh of relief - this shows how true-to-life the goddess Hestia's breasts are, right? Unlike the goddess Eris, the breasts are padded.

Please, Artemis, you have to have some confidence in me! Elsebell stretched out her hands to rub Artemis's face angrily, and said, After all, I am a person with normal aesthetics. And my partner is you, a famous beauty in the divine world. How can I be so unimaginable that I fall in love with Apollo?

To be fair, if people get tired of eating too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, they will indeed try farm food, but this doesn’t mean that people who get tired of eating too much delicacies from the mountains and the sea will go out to eat dada, right?

...That's right. Artemis tilted her head. After comparing herself and Apollo on both sides of the scale, she found that Apollo couldn't compare with her at all, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Apollo, no.

Yes, Apollo really can't do it. Elsebell nodded - but each carrot and green vegetable has its own preferences, and this one is really good! For example, the leader of the Apollo Familia, Hyacintos, nicknamed the 'Beloved of the Sun', loves Apollo from the bottom of his heart.

Unfortunately, Apollo was a scumbag, and Hyacinthus seemed to have fallen in love with the fish pond owner's fry. He could only watch sadly as Apollo poured fish into his fish pond crazily.

Tsk, but when you put it like that, I think Apollo is too unlucky. Elsebell glanced outside with a bit of disgust and said, To be honest, I personally quite like the warm sunshine.

Ah, it's only for winter, forget about the sunshine in summer, I can't wait to tear it apart.

Hmm... Artemis looked at the sky a little confused, then stretched out her hand to pull the hem of Elsibelle's clothes, and whispered: Orion, don't you like the moonlight?

Knowing that if she answered wrongly at this time, she would be giving away the question, so she said without hesitation: I like it, who says I don't like it? I like the moonlight very much, right? Especially the white moonlight shining on Artemis I like the scenery when I’m on my body the best!”

Ah... Artemis thought for a while and said, Actually, I also like the way the moonlight shines on Orion.

She is the Moon Goddess, so when the moonlight shines on Elsebell's body, it will give her the feeling of I am caressing Elsebel's body, which she particularly likes.

Ahem, then... the day's plan starts in the morning, right? Elsebell coughed dryly, and then whispered: How about we do some morning exercise?

Okay! Artemis's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to hold Elsibel's hand and strode towards her room - she was more proactive than Elsibel.

'Come to think of it, do you think I was eaten by Artemis, or Artemis was eaten by me...' Elsebel scratched her face a little subtly - forget it, I felt good anyway, Why do you care about this?

After Elsabel put aside her psychological burden, Meizizi and Artemis hugged each other and rolled onto the bed, and then...


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Time really flies by. When Elsebell came out of the room, rubbing her old waist, she found that the time had passed from morning to afternoon, and the little ones who had gone out to practice at home had all returned to the family members.

When Elsebell walked down from the second floor, she found that these little guys were gathering together to discuss the interesting things that happened when they were practicing in the dungeon. For example, after Mugino Shenli met the Minotaur, The story of a tauren with one sword.

End of this chapter

One sword kills a tauren, Mugino is very brave. Elsie Bell sat next to Mugino Shenli and said with a smile on her face: Speaking of tauren, I think of a certain rookie.

Hahahahaha, Ai-chan is talking about Bell-chan, right? Tiona was reminded by Ai Sibell, and she immediately recalled a certain little white rabbit who died under the Minotaur. Oh, that was such a nostalgic scene! Unlike now, Bell-chan is already a very strong adventurer.

Indeed, the number of Hestia Familia now exceeds three digits. It is a large-scale Familia after Loki Familia and Freya Familia. As the leader of the clan, Little White Rabbit is a mature adventurer. Or, the youthful feeling of being chased by the tauren could not be seen from the other party at all.

What, what, is Sister Aiyi talking about any interesting past events? Saten Ruiko asked enthusiastically, lying on the back of the sofa.

The dark history of a big boss. Elsebell smiled and said, It's like this. When Finn and the others came back from the expedition, they were in a very bad mood and vented their anger on the monsters at the bottom. After a while, the Minotaurs of a certain class fled to the shallows out of fear, and then happened to meet the little rabbit who entered the dungeon for the first time...

After listening to the story, Saten Ruizi nodded seriously and said: Yeah! Sure enough, the big guys all grow up step by step from cuteness! How about Sister Aiyi, my reading comprehension is okay, right? ?”

Indeed, it's not bad. Elsebell nodded, and she said with a smile: Since you are so good, then write me an 800 Can I come up with the composition of the words?


Saten Ruiko, who shot himself in the foot, had a big question mark on his head.

No, Sister Aiyi, this is not good! Saten Ruizi argued rationally: It's the holiday, writing essays or something is too cruel.

It's not a big problem. Elsebell waved her hand without any guilt and said, Don't there be homeworks even during the May Day Golden Week? Aren't there also drawing diaries during the summer vacation?

I'm not a primary school student!

The gap between junior high school students and elementary school students is not that big, right? Elsebell blinked her eyes and said with a smile, If you don't want to write, it's not impossible...

Oh oh oh, long live Sister Aiyi! Seeing Ai Sibei's heart softening, Saotian Leizi immediately raised his hands happily and cheered: Sister Aiyi is forever a god!

But in exchange... Elsebell touched her chin and said, How about playing Dig for Ascension live in front of all of us later?

Digging the ground to seek advancement? Saten Ruizi was stunned, and then quickly recalled the game that once gave her nightmares - a computer, a mouse, a jar man, and one afternoon, she often went home to check it out. .

Axi! Saten Ruizi put his head in his hands and said, Sister Aiyi, at this moment, I can't tell which punishment is more vicious!!

Although it is said that there is no requirement for results when playing Dig and Seek, it is really hard to say which one is more terrifying: an 800-word essay or the mental pollution caused by playing Dig and Seek for one night.

Look at what you said. Are you, Sister Aiyi, a person with a bad taste?

'Obviously you are. ’

But Saten Ruiko couldn't say this sentence, because she was worried that what she said might cause something to Elsebell. Please write an 800-word essay based on the changes in your mentality when you play Digging for Advancement. Such a punishment - Guigui, this is simply a double torture, a dream linkage!

That's definitely not the case! Saten Ruiko said with tears streaming down her face - I'm sorry, Dad, Mom, I can no longer be an honest person!

That's right! Since you, Sister Aiyi, are not a person with a bad taste, then Sister Aiyi definitely didn't ask you to write the essay for the sake of having a bad taste! Ai Xibeier said righteously: Then tell me, Sister Aiyi Why do we ask you to write essays and play games?

'grass! ’

‘It’s 100% to satisfy Sister Aiyi’s bad taste, right? ’

‘It’s just that I can’t say that, damn it! ’

At this time, Saten Ruizi had a deep understanding of what the words Bubucuo and Bubucuo meant. In the pitiful expressions of her companions, she said aggrievedly: It's Sister Aiyi's love for me.

Hey! The answer is correct! Elsie Bell nodded with satisfaction and said, Look, this is all Sister Aiyi's love for you, do you understand?

Yeah, yeah. Saten Ruiko nodded with tears streaming down her face.

Hahahahaha, don't show such an expression, as if I want to bully you. Elsebell couldn't help laughing when she looked at Saten Ruizi's expression of aggrieved but silent child.

‘Aren’t you just bullying me? ’ Zuotian Leizi pursed his lips and looked at Ai Sibei sadly.

Okay, okay, your sister Aiyi won't bully you anymore. Ai Sibei waved her hand and said, Go, go, go and accompany your family in Chuchun.

He's just... he's not from Saten-san's family! Uiharu Shili suddenly blushed and waved her little paws, saying: What are you talking about, Sister Aiyi!

Okay, okay, no, no, no. Elsebell waved her hands in a perfunctory manner and said, You two and Boca are almost a family of three. You are an old woman and an old wife, so what are you talking about?

Meow meow meow?

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko's eyes widened. They looked at each other, then looked at Pokka who looked shy and covered their faces in unison.

Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Elsebell waved her hand and said: With your current level, you should have reached the second or thirtieth floor, right?

Although I just said that Mugino could kill a minotaur with one strike, the Minotaur was actually a monster that hung around on more than ten floors, and it was not very good in front of monsters on more than twenty floors.

Well, it has advanced to more than thirty floors now. Mugino Shenli nodded and said: According to our estimates, at least around the fifty floor, we should not be too strenuous.

After all, he is a Level 5 superpower. Even if he has not received the gift, he is probably a bit stronger than a Level 6 or even Level 7 adventurer - after all, any superpower can destroy a city or even a country. level combat effectiveness.

Now your goal is to increase your ability value and level first. Elsebell smiled, took a sip of tea, and said, When you reach an average level of around Lv. 6, I will hold a new expedition. ——Our goal this time is to break through the 100th floor of the dungeon.

The 100th floor... Finn clenched his fist and said with a hint of excitement, This is really an exciting challenge.

But I won't act together with you! After all, with my current strength, I'm afraid I can break through the dungeon alone. Elsebell leaned on Mugino and said leisurely: Artemis Familia It will be these children who will take action, and they will go on the expedition with you.

Hey, isn't Sister Aiyi coming with us? Flanda's eyes widened and she said a little disappointed, I thought I could act together with Sister Aiyi again.

The previous two operations against the magic side with Elsebell made Flanda extremely happy - she could play with Sister Aiyi and have fun at the same time. It can be said to be double happiness. .

Hahaha, if I go, I will just beat the children, and that's not okay!~ Elsie Bell shook her head and said: After all, the main purpose of bringing you to this world this time is to give you practical experience, and Practical combat experience is not something you can get by bullying, it can only be obtained by fighting enemies of the same level as you want.

To be honest, if Fuyukai Aite and Mugino Shenli show their cards to Elsebell and tell Elsebel that they have already spilled countless blood, Elsebell really doesn't mind letting these two people have a fight with Freya. The Familia and the Loki Familia have the same Death Experience Combat training, but there is no showdown between them, so Elsebell can only treat them equally - after all, girls from Academy City grew up in peaceful times. , you cannot ask them to be as iron-blooded mentally as Finn and others who grew up in a fantasy world.

This is why Elsebell wants them to fight monsters in the dungeon instead of adopting the death experience battle training mode - the psychological burden of fighting monsters is far less than fighting in the Death Institute.

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