
Hearing Elsebell's words, not only Hermes, but also the group of girls who were ready to hear the gossip couldn't help but cough.

It feels like... Before I even started listening to Sister Aiyi’s gossip, I had already heard the gossip about the god Hermes—it turns out that gods also go to Happy Street!

End of this chapter

I always feel that my impression of the gods in myths has been shattered. Kuroko Shirai covered his face speechlessly and said, Does the gods also go to places like that?

Humph, little sister, this is your fault! Hermes crossed his arms and said with a sacred and noble face: Exploring the way of yin and yang is a man's life... no, it is a man's eternal pursuit. ah!

The translation is that men are LSP until they die. Elsebell calmly broke the news.

Ah hahaha, that's right. Hermes touched his head and said with a smile: What a man is!

Can this idiom still be explained in this way?

Otherwise? Elsebell asked in return, Do you know what it means to have children?

Referring to giving birth to offspring??

No, it means that after giving birth to a son, he will be raised as a daughter and wear dresses for her.


The children present are not stupid. Their grades are always getting better, so they naturally know the true meaning of having children. It is because they know the meaning that they are even more speechless against Elsie Bell's nonsense.

Sister Aiyi, please don't mislead us! Misaka Mikoto covered her face and said with a look of laughter and tears.

Where did you mislead me? Where did you mislead me? Elsie Bell put her hands on her hips and said confidently: Are you, Sister Aiyi, this kind of person?

Apparently, yes.

Although no one said it out loud, everyone's eyes revealed the meaning - Sister Aiyi, really, stop talking, we all know who you are.

Ahem, okay, okay - At this time, Hermes clapped his hands with a smile and said: Ladies and gentlemen, do you still want to hear gossip about these two?

Of course desu! Shiri Uiharu clenched his fists on his chest and made a trembling sound: I want to listen! Say it quickly and let me be healthy!

Just listen to it, right? Don’t make jokes for the sake of making jokes!

Easy to say, easy to say - Seeing everyone's expectant expressions, Hermes couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile, Then, let me tell you slowly!

Having said this, Hermes put his right hand into his arms, then took out a folding fan and said with a proud face: This matter started when Elsebell first came to this world - —”


The girls looked at each other. As expected, Sister Ai came to this world from Academy City after inventing the portal of time travel, and then a series of stories happened!

At that time, Elsibel did not appear inside Orario, but appeared in the wild——

She happened to appear at the residence of the Artemis Familia.


Along with Hermes' narration, the girls present gradually figured out the past between Elsebell and Artemis.

‘Sure enough, is it the right way for a hero to save a beauty? Shirai Kuroko thoughtfully recorded his learning results in the notebook in his hand, and muttered at the same time: It seems that Kuroko needs to find an opportunity to be a hero and rescue his sister. Only in this way can he improve his relationship with his sister. The goodwill between them...

'Heizi, I'm right next to you, I hear you. ' Misaka Mikoto covered her face with a black line on her face, and shook her head in confusion - she herself was also wondering what kind of magic power she had that made her junior school girl so... addicted.

Soon, the story came to an end.

——Then, Isabel took Artemis back to Orario and founded the current Orario First Familia. Hermes fanned himself with a folding fan with a smile on his face. Feng said: Although Isabel has not stayed in this world for a long time now, her legend is still spread in the world!

Does Sister Aiyi leave any legends? Saten Ruiko asked curiously.

Well, the hero of the world... or something like that? Hermes touched his chin and said thoughtfully: It has been several years since Elsebell left, but even now, Ou No Familia in Lali has reached the level that Elsie Bell led other Familia to.


It's a dungeon. Elsibel explained, Right in the center of Orario, it is an underground world that extends downwards - you can just understand it as the abyss dungeon in the game, and it is a layer. The kind that has no upper limit.”

In other words, no one can break the record set by Sister Aiyi for several years? Flanda exclaimed, Isn't this too strong?

That's not all - Hermes chuckled and said, If you just broke through the layer record, you wouldn't be called a hero of the world - because Elsebell-chan also killed her as a disaster. The strongest monster in the world, the one-eyed black dragon.

Oh oh oh! Dragon slaying hero! After hearing Elsebell's deeds, the girls immediately cheered - anyway, the setting of the dragon slaying hero is too handsome, right?

Wait a minute - At this time, Mugino Shenli asked with a puzzled look on his face, The strongest monster that has caused harm to the world - but don't there exist gods like you in this world? Since there are gods, why do you let those Are monsters causing harm to the world?

What is the meaning of the existence of your gods? Do you enjoy people’s offerings? Then you also have to perform certain duties, right?

Oh, that's the problem... Hermes shrugged helplessly and said, Actually, it's not that our gods are unwilling to help humans, but it's because the rules of this world are like this, and our gods are not monsters. opponent.

Gods are not the opponents of monsters? Everyone was stunned.

Gods, humans, and monsters are like rock, paper, scissors. Hermes sighed and said: The gifts of the gods can only bless humans, while human heroes kill monsters, but monsters can devour gods. .”

No wonder... Elsebell nodded thoughtfully and said, No wonder Artemis is not Andaris's opponent.

It’s no wonder that in the original work, Andaris successfully swallowed Artemis and was able to flexibly use Artemis’ “divine power”—it seems that swallowing gods is the “instinct” of monsters.

If we gods go on our own to defeat monsters, not only will we not achieve any results, but we may also be devoured by monsters and increase their power. Hermes said with a wry smile, So we can The greatest help to human heroes is to give them gifts, let them grow, and eventually become heroes.

I see... I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Mugino Shenli sat down, then scratched his face and said, I thought gods would stand by and watch humans suffer, but they would enjoy the offerings of humans. exist……

No, no, no, that's too bad. Hermes smiled wryly, waved his hand, and said, Under normal circumstances, our gods treat adventurers as family members.

Okay, okay, Hermes...ah, although this god looks like an LSP and is actually an LSP, he still has basic morals, so don't worry, everyone. Elsebell Smiling and waving her hands, she said, This is Sister Aiyi's exclamation from the bottom of her heart~

Wow, Ai-chan is too much. If you say that, I will be sad. Hermes covered his chest and said with a painful look on his face: It's too much. It's beyond the limit! I'm a good person who always sticks to it. man!

You never planned to get married from the beginning and enter the end of your life? Elsebell asked, Do you want me to call Asufi over and ask her to show us that you are happy? How many bills does the street have every month?”

Wow - Hermes looked at Elsebell speechlessly and said, Isn't that right, sir? How could anyone use a big move from the beginning? Can't we...can't...do it step by step?

It's not impossible, we can take the Gakudowa Road! Elsebell made an Use it to argue with you.

Uh-ok. Hermes shrugged his shoulders and said, Anyway, I'm just here to show my familiarity and let Ai-chan not forget the friendship between us.

Yes, yes, I remember it very clearly. Elsebell waved her hand angrily and said.

Then I'll slip away. Hermes chuckled, and walked outside with cheerful steps. Before leaving, he waved to the girls cordially and said, Bye bye. Dear beauties~~


Looking at Hermes's leaving figure, everyone couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

I always feel that he completely broke our imagination of gods - Saten Ruiko said with a face full of laughter and tears: Before today, I always thought that the gods should be gods, but the god Hermes showed …Feels like a regular…male creature.”

Hahaha, this male creature is right. Elsebell laughed unscrupulously, Indeed, whether they are humans or gods, male animals are the same simple and easy-to-understand creatures.

Why does Aiyi-sensei act like someone who has been there before? Shirai Kuroko complained.

‘Because you, Sister Aiyi, used to be Brother Wang. 'Isabel blinked, and then said without any psychological burden: Isn't it because I brought steam to this world? Then the ones that sell better and introduce new ones more frequently will always be little butters!

Ah, sure enough...is this a man?

But, Sister Aiyi, it's not only boys who play with Little Butter, but also girls - Shirai Kuroko retorted in a low voice, And... girls are much scarier than boys when they are horny.

Sister Pao: Yeah, yeah, I understand it deeply!

Heizi became lustful and turned from Heizi into a rainbow!

End of this chapter

Girls are scarier than boys when they are horny. Elsebell feels that she doesn't need Heizi to remind her - because she has deep experience in this kind of thing! Rem and the others really have nothing to do with boys when it comes to sex.

Okay, okay, girls are very perverted, very perverted. Elsebell looked at Kuroko Shirai with a dumbfounded look, and said, Kuroko, you personally feel that you and Loki should have something in common.

Meow meow meow? Not only Shirai Kuroko, but also other people had a question mark on their heads.

Who is Shirai Kuroko? The leader of Academy City's gun sister control and an avid Misaka Mikoto fan - if her gender was not female but male, she would have been in there for who knows how long!

After all, there is a saying that goes like this - Written as Heizi, read as Chang Tai! This sentence can perfectly sum up what kind of person Shirai Kuroko is!

And for such a black man, Elsebell actually said that there was someone who could speak in common with her?

I'm not kidding. Elsebell raised her finger seriously and said, If you don't believe it, I can take you to the Loki Familia now to have a look! You just need to communicate with Loki... No, You don't even need to communicate with Loki, you just need to see Loki... Yes, you only need to see him for the first time, and you will understand that Loki and Kuroko are the same kind of person.

Really...really... Misaka Mikoto was frightened. She said a little uneasily: There is actually a person like Kuroko?

Indeed. Elsebell laughed and said enthusiastically: Come on, let's go, in order to prove what I said, I will take you to the Loki Familia now and let you meet Loki!



Elsebell's principle of action has always been You need to act immediately on things you are interested in, otherwise you will probably start fishing involuntarily, so she decided to take the girls in the family to meet Loki. After that, action started immediately.


Elsebell carelessly waved to Loki, who was standing under the balcony on the second floor, and said, Long time no see, Loki.

Wow!? Loki turned over and jumped down from the balcony with a look of disbelief, and then said with a look of surprise: Ai-chan, are you back?

To be precise, didn't I bring my girls to get the gift, and then go to the dungeon to practice my skills~ Elsie Bell smiled, pointed to the Yingying Yanyan behind her, and said, After all, If the dungeon is such a good place to join forces and is not put to good use, it would be a great disservice to its existence value.”

Oh oh oh——

However, Loki didn't seem to care about what Elsebell said at all - at this time, Loki was staring at the girls at the entrance with wide eyes, and a drop of crystal clear saliva was condensing at the corner of her mouth.


The next second, Loki came back to his senses, and then said with an unbelievable look on his face: Here you go, Ai-chan, where did you find so many beautiful girls? Did you stab the beautiful girls? ?”

What is a beautiful girl's nest... My dear, if there really is such a nest, I would also like to know where it is. Elsebell patted Loki angrily, then raised her chin towards everyone, He said with a smile: How's it going, everyone, do you feel a lot like Heizi?

Although they look very similar, Saten-san only does this to Misaka-senpai, and Loki-sama should do this as long as the other party is a beautiful girl, right? Saten Ruiko crossed her arms and said, From this point of view, , Saten-san is more focused.”

No, no, no, little girl, you have misunderstood me. At this time, Loki, who heard Saten Ruiko's comments about him, waved his right hand casually and explained: You can't say that! In fact, I am also very dedicated, right?

What are you focusing on? Elsebell couldn't help but ask.

I am devoted to beautiful girls! Loki put his hands on his hips, puffed up his chest with pride, and said, No one who is not a beautiful girl can hope to get my love!

Good guy, your single-mindedness is really very single-minded!

Actually, I feel... Kamigami Loki and Shirai-san are not that similar? Uiharu Shiori muttered, After all, Shirai-san is more inclined to action, while Kamigami Loki...

Uiharu hasn't finished speaking yet. She was dumbfounded when she saw Loki rushing past the gate like a gust of wind, and then let out a weird scream: Wuhu!! Dear Lefia, let me check to see if you have grown again. ?”

The whole living room was silent. After a few seconds, Saten Ruiko looked at Uiharu Shiri with an uneasy expression and asked, Uiharu, what did you just... say?

No... nothing... Uiharu Shili withdrew his gaze blankly, then looked at Shirai Kuroko beside him, and murmured: I mean... God Loki gave him the nickname Kuroko... …”

Good guy, I just call him good guy.

It's okay for Loki to be Kuroko, but is Shirai Kuroko given the nickname Little Loki again? ?

Wow wow wow, Ai-chan, long time no see!!!

At this time, Tiona, who was holding the back of her head with her hands and dragging herself into the living room, saw Elsebell sitting on the sofa, and her eyes suddenly lit up - she made a starting motion, and then took a few steps. Then with a vigorous jump, he spread his limbs in mid-air and hugged Elsebell's body.


Elsebell bore the impact of the steel plate hitting her face with a helpless expression - Damn it, if Tione had hit me, it would definitely not hurt so much!

Hey, hehe, Ai-chan, you haven't come back to see me for a long time. I'm so lonely! Tiona yelled and said.

Hey, hey, hey, don't talk nonsense! Elsie Bell said with a black face: You obviously feel lonely because you haven't played games with me for a long time! Don't act like I'm a scumbag What a feeling!”

Oh, Ai-chan, it's not a big problem~ Tiona said with a smile, hanging on Ai Sibell's body: Anyway, it's almost the same idea! Ai-chan will definitely not care, right?

I care a lot! Elsebell threw Tione on the sofa angrily, and then said mercilessly: It's fine if Tione is holding me and saying these words, at least I can enjoy it. I got a soft facial cleanser, but what about you? You’re just trying to hide your face!”

Wow hahahaha, are you very discerning, Ai-chan! Tione laughed, she filled up her facial cleanser with a happy face, and then said carelessly: But no! My Oppai is Something that belongs to the leader!”


The girls behind Elsebell immediately focused their attention on Shirai Kuroko - they felt that Tione's speech and Kuroko's speech were similar to some extent.

Am I the only one who is curious, who is the captain she talks about? Flanda asked in a low voice to Kinuhata Favorite, Takitsubo Rikou, and the bow and arrow sisters beside her.

To tell you the truth, I really want to know too. Jingqi said in a low voice.

Silk Flag +1. Bow and Arrow Hunting Tiger whispered.

Silk Flag +2. Bow and Arrow Rulu said the same thing.

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