Tsk, am I the kind of person who would put you in danger? Ai Sibei tutted, and then said angrily: I have sealed all her abilities a long time ago, and she is quite powerful now. So an ordinary girl - with your enhanced physique, you can beat her a hundred times.

Wuhu, it's okay! Flanda immediately jumped up from the sofa, and then said aggressively: GOGOGO! Silk flag, let's set off now!

Why should I go with you? Junqi's favorite looked at Flanda with a dissatisfied look on her face, and Flanda leaned into her ear and whispered: You fool, you can't work for the eldest sister. A good opportunity to gain favor!

That's right. Junqi's favorite understood. She immediately hooked her fingers, and the colorless gas dragged the body of the wind in front of her, and then took it towards the bathroom.



Hey, good brother. After Elsebell dialed Aleister's number, she leaned on the sofa absentmindedly and said, I have taken care of the wind ahead, what do you want to say?

As expected of a good brother, he actually defeated a god's right-hand man without any effort. Aleister said with a hint of smile, But, good brother, you can't rest yet.

Are you possessed by a little donkey? Elsebell couldn't help but complain, and then asked: What exactly do you want to say?

That's it, good brother. Aleister said calmly: The water in the rear is out.

Sure enough, it's an old bridge. Did you beat the young one and get the old one? Elsebell sighed and asked: So, I have to deal with the water in the rear next, is this what you mean?

It's okay if you don't deal with it. Aleister said calmly: The opponent's purpose is to rescue the front wind, so if the good brothers don't want to conflict with the other party, they only need to put the front wind back.

Hmph, that's easy to say. Elsebell snorted twice and said, I'm an old and greedy person. It's not that simple if you want me to hand over the prisoner without doing anything.

In other words, are you ready to take action? Aleister asked softly, To deal with the water in the rear.

That's not what you said! Elsebell scratched her head and said: The Wind in front also took action against Academy City, so I defeated the Wind in front, which can be said to have protected Academy City, right? ?Then the water in the rear is going to cause trouble for me, so Academy City must protect me, right?

I see, I understand. Aleister was particularly talkative at this time, I will arrange for Academy City's top combat power to protect you.

Huh? Elsebell instinctively felt something was wrong.

I will immediately contact the eight strongest superpowers in Academy City and ask them to risk their lives to protect you. Aleister's voice was calm, but what he said...

Very unpleasant.

Okay, you can go ahead and contact me. Elsie Bell sneered and said, But when the time comes, don't blame me for killing my dear brother out of righteousness!

Oh, okay, I apologize for this. Aleister apologized without any pressure - in fact, he had no intention of threatening Elsebell, this was just a test on his part.

From the reaction of her good brother, it seems that she still cares about those chess pieces! As long as it is used properly, this is actually a good thing for Aleister.

After all, these ability users are all students in Academy City, so for Aleister, as long as he can ensure that these students stay in Academy City and ensure their safety to a certain extent, his good brother will take the initiative to protect these students.

what does that mean? This means that he, Aleister Rolex, can get a right-hand-level thug of God for free. He is very, very beautiful!

If apologizing is useful, then why do we need the police? Elsebell said angrily: Isn't it common sense to expose your breasts and belly when apologizing?

In which country is this common knowledge?

However, Aleister is not an ordinary person after all.

Honestly, good brother - Aleister hesitated for a few seconds, and then asked tentatively: You made my breasts bigger just for this moment?


Elsebell spurted out a mouthful of old blood, I'll take you to fight! Kono loves Sibel and needs to covet your body? ? Or just for this moment? ? hetui!

What kind of girl can I find? Do you think you have silver hair and can restrain me from attacking the Chinese? too naive! I have the beautiful silver-haired half-fairy Emilia here!

(Speaking of Emilia, she is currently performing a mission in the world of Yuki Yuna is a Brave with Parker, Nico Robin and the Butterfly sisters)

Don't slander me! Ai Sibei said with a dark face: You are at best a man with a lot of money now. Rounding it off, you are a specialty of Thailand!


It hurt, Aleister's heart was broken.

Stop talking nonsense and apologize!

Showing your breasts? It's not impossible.

Hetui, I can see anyone else's stuff, I don't care about yours! Elsebell looked at Aleister with disgust and said.

Then what do you want?


Hearing Aleister's words, Elsebell couldn't help but fall into deep thought - what else is there that Aleister is greedy for? Almost all the ability users who appeared in the original work have been poached, what else is there for Aleister to covet?

Then there is only a certain science angel Aiwass, right? But that thing is Aleister's lifeblood...no, something more important than his lifeblood.

Damn it, I really can’t think of anything worth getting for myself right now, what can I do? Don't say you owe me a favor or anything like that. Do you believe that this shameless guy Aleister can definitely default on his debts shamelessly?

What's wrong, my good brother. Aleister said with a smile on his lips, If you can't think of anything you need, good brother, why don't you think I owe you a favor.

This thing about favors, shameless people are so lucky! What a coincidence, I, Aleister, am shameless! Are you talking about coincidence?

I don't think it's okay. Elsebell narrowed her eyes and said, I'm about to take the right seat of God, and you actually said you owe me a favor? That's not okay, that's definitely not okay!

Then just tell me what you want.


I want Feng Zhan Binghua's login code. Elsie Bell said.

I can't give you the first authority code. Aleister said calmly: I can only give you the second authority code.

The second authority code is not impossible. Elsebell thought for a while. Said: Anyway, it's fine if you can play.

'Do you think my Angel of Science is a toy? How arrogant. ’ Aleister lowered his eyelids calmly. In his opinion, Elsebell’s arrogance will definitely lead to her failure - Aiwass’s fighting power is far beyond your imagination, golden princess.

Send me the second authority code later. I'll go meet the water in the rear first. After Elsebell hung up the phone, she dialed Kanzaki Kaori's number and said, Kami Hey, do you want to compete with other saints?



Academy City, the place where the wind in front has raged.

Have you been taken away? Rear Water looked helplessly at the ruins in front of him and said, It's just that I didn't expect that Academy City's combat power was enough to defeat the Front Wind?

Although the fighting power of Front Wind is relatively shameful among the God's Right Seat, she is still a member of the God's Right Seat anyway. It is really a headache to be defeated by Academy City so easily.

No, no, no, Mr. Fangzhizhi, you have misunderstood Academy City by saying this. At this time, a voice sounded behind Fangzhizhi. He slowly turned around and looked at the two people walking out of the shadows. People, said: The golden princess, and the British Puritan female saint Kanzaki Kaori - I see, it seems that the one who defeated the wind in front is not the power of Academy City, but you?

End of this chapter

That's more or less what it means. Elsebell looked at the tall Uncle Shui with a smile and said, The water behind the God's right seat - tsk, I just dealt with the wind in front, and it came out. If there is water in the rear, after you are defeated, will the land on the left or the fire on the right appear?

I can't guarantee this. Hou Zhishui shook his head honestly, and said calmly: Besides, I don't think you can defeat me.

Are you so confident?

The power of a saint is very powerful, right? Houzhi Shui did not answer Elsibel's words, but looked at Kanzaki Kaori next to Elsibel with a calm face and said, I am the same as you. Saint! But I am a saint who possesses the dual characteristics of 'Holy Son' and 'Mother' at the same time.

Having said this, Hou Zhishui bent down and pulled out a metal spear over five meters long from the shadow - it looked like the kind of knight's gun used in equestrian duels, but it was much heavier and the overall shape looked like Like the skeleton of an umbrella locked up.

If the female saint is your support, then I'm sorry - Hou Shui raised his weapon, pointed the tip of the gun at Kanzaki Kaori, and said calmly: She is no match for me.

Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being God's right-hand man. You are so confident. Elsie Bell smacked her lips. She glanced at Kanzaki Kaori beside her and whispered: How about it, Kanzaki, I can't handle it. ?”

As he said, if I only have the power of a saint, I am indeed no match for him. After Kanzaki Kaori moved his wrist, he held the tachi in his right hand and said, But, my trump card It’s not just the power of a saint, so… no problem.”

Come on then. Elsebell raised her eyebrows and said, Don't embarrass me.

Yes. Kanzaki Kaori took a step forward. She took out the sword she held in her right hand, then stared at the water in front of her and said, Water in the rear, if you want to use words to make us surrender. , you look down on us too much.

Sure enough, we still want to fight? Hou Zhishui sighed. Since words can't stop this battle, then we can only take action.

He stopped talking nonsense, clenched the handle of the weapon with his right hand, and the power in his body began to surge. He disappeared in front of Kanzaki Kaori at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound, and then launched an attack from behind her - the metal spear was swung by him like a stick, and he swung it horizontally towards Kanzaki Kaori's abdomen.

She couldn't react - Rear Water lowered his eyelids, I won. ’

However, the imagined victory did not come. In theory, Kanzaki Kaori, who should have been unable to react, turned around in an instant, raised the weapon in her hand, and blocked the blow firmly.

That's it? Kanzaki Kaori asked in a calm tone, Can you please show me your true skills?

It's interesting. Uncle Shui became interested. After taking two steps back, he said, It seems that you are not a waste who can only rely on the power of a saint.

Very good, very cool, very arrogant.

After the words fell, the water from behind launched another attack. He was obviously holding a huge iron weapon, but his body was incredibly light. His whole body was like a flying butterfly, dancing around Kanzaki Kaori's body—— It sounds pretty, but considering that Fang Zhishui is a muscular man over thirty years old, it's not that beautiful.

Yeah, yeah. Elsebell had already put the sofa she summoned when teasing the wind in front of her on the ground again (I didn't expect this harmony myself), but this time she just curled up on the sofa. Leaning on the armrest, he casually cracked melon seeds and watched the battle drama in front of him.

It's amazing, it's amazing - Elsebell raised her right hand and shouted towards the front: Come on, come on -

Are you here to see the show?

Rear Water glanced at Elsibel, he suddenly raised his head, pointed the tip of the spear in his hand at Elsibel's abdomen, and then stabbed her hard.


A translucent shield loomed in front of Elsebell, and the rear water found that the tip of his spear was piercing the shield, causing only the slightest ripple.

Hey, your opponent is Kanzaki, isn't he? Elsebell looked at the tip of the spear in front of her and said with a smile, Isn't it bad for you to get past her and attack me like this?

What's wrong? Hou Zhishui asked calmly: For me, there is not much difference between dealing with one person or two people.

Oh yo, oh yo yo - so scary~ Ai Sibei made the same facial expression as Kizaru, and said in a strange way: It's just that the very powerful Lord Fangzhi Shui, I hope you can show up in a few minutes. Finally, he can still be so arrogant.

Huh? Hou Zhishui frowned. He could already feel the momentum rising behind him - he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the saint named Kanzaki Kaori could actually exude such a level of momentum.

You still have the heart to attack Sister Aiyi during the battle with me. Kanzaki Kaori held the sword in his hand and said calmly: It seems that I have been underestimated by you.

So what? Hou Zhishui looked at Kanzaki Kaori confidently, and he said calmly: You are no match for me.

Indeed, if it were Kanzaki Kaori in the original work who faced off against Kanzaki no Mizu, his head would probably have been blown off - the dual-character saint Kanzaki Nomuzu would have beaten Kanzaki just as easily as a grandfather hitting his granddaughter.


Lend a helping hand to those who cannot be saved - Following Kanzaki Kaori's declaration, the power in her body increased exponentially, making the originally relaxed-looking Houmizu's eyelids twitch, Maria !”


A wave of air erupted from the soles of Kanzaki Kaori's feet, and the huge impact even caused the water behind him to retreat by more than a meter. After putting down the arm that was covering his face, Hou Zhishui's eyes showed an expression of astonishment.

‘Weapons, changed? 'The water in the back focused on the weapon in Kanzaki Kaori's hand - Kanzaki Kaori's previous weapon was an ordinary-looking tachi, but at this time, this tachi was completely covered in white light. , looks like a weapon made of white light...

No, that's not right.

Not white light.

It's...the Holy Light.

This is... a spiritual weapon? Houzhishui looked at the weapon in Kanzaki Kaori's hand and murmured, But what kind of weapon is it that contains such a high concentration of holy light?

Water at the rear, are you ready? Kanzaki Kaori held Zanpakutō Maria, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes: I am very strong now -

After the words fell, Kanzaki Kaori came to the front of Hou Shui in an instant, and swung the weapon in his hand from bottom to top. The speed was so fast that Hou Shui had only time to lift the weapon to block before he was directly knocked away.


The next moment, Kanzaki Kaori had appeared behind Hou Shui. She raised her weapon high, and then slashed hard at Hou Shui.

——The water behind was like a blocked basketball, spinning and hitting the ground.

What are you... Hou Zhishui stood up staggeringly, then touched his junior with a surprised look on his face and said, No injuries?

One of Maria's abilities can switch between sharp and blunt according to my will - Kanzaki Kaori calmly raised the weapon - Maria also has another function, that is, she can turn on no damage Mode, that is, Kanzaki's attack will cause pain corresponding to the injury, but will not leave a wound. It can be said that Maria in this mode is the ultimate mercy blade.

Your being merciless to me will be a foreshadowing of your failure. Hou Zhishui took a breath, and he slowly opened up the formation and said: You caught me off guard just now, which was your last and best move. Chance--

Now, he's getting serious!


The next moment, the water from behind rushed towards Kanzaki Kaori, but Kanzaki Kaori rushed forward without fear and collided with the opponent.


Elsebell was eating melon seeds with a satisfied look on her face, watching the battle between Kanzaki Kaori and Rear Water with great interest, and said with satisfaction: The live-action blockbuster, this looks interesting.

After the rear water exploded with all its strength, its strength was roughly equal to that of Kanzaki Kaori who had opened the first release, and the saint himself had a monster-level physical fitness, so the two of them were under Elsie Bell's side. While watching, I beat for one minute...three minutes...five minutes...ten minutes...


Elsebell couldn't help but yawned, then rubbed her eyes in boredom and muttered: Sure enough, even a wonderful fight will feel boring if it lasts too long.

Hey - Elsebell spoke, and she shouted towards the two people who were fighting fiercely: You two, do you want to continue? It's been ten minutes!

If you give the front wind to me, I can leave immediately. The rear water took half a step back, temporarily opening the distance from Kanzaki Kaori, and whispered.

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